The emperor's reaction is very fast! There are some problems in our own house, and there are also some big problems!

If there were no problems in my family, it would not be the situation in front of me. Moreover, I didn't hear any news and rumors before this. It's incredible!

This must be solved. For this point? I don't think there are too many problems! I may be able to hide myself for a while, but I can't hide it for a lifetime!

But now the first problem is to make sure that Ding Yu and Shasha have no problems! This is the key!

If there is something wrong with Sasha, it's hard to imagine how angry Ding Yu will be! Sasha is Ding Yu's European leader! Absolute heavyweight!

If Ding Yu has a problem, he is afraid to consider revenge on other aspects. This is another matter, but Mao bear is definitely the first to bear the brunt, there is no room for any! That's for sure!

In the worst case, Ding Yu and Shasha had problems at the same time. As a result, the emperor felt that Alexander!

"Send people to the villa on the other side of the farm. I want to make sure Ding Yu doesn't have any problems!" The emperor was very serious and said that the expression on his face was black, and many people standing in front of him knew the situation very well!

I didn't expect such a thing to happen in my back garden!

This is not only a blow to Ding Yu, but also a challenge to the whole bear!

They can't bear it. They don't even need to say anything. They feel shameless!

"So people are responsible to me, I only ask for the results! Understand? "

The people standing opposite the emperor stood at attention, and then walked out quickly! We have been very clear about the matter, and now the main purpose is only one, save Ding Yu at all costs!

But also, quite a lot of investigations have been carried out one after another. Ding Yu's communication has been cut off! And according to the information collected from quite a few aspects, there are fireworks and firecrackers in Ding Yu's villa. Where did these things come from?

We should know that the management of fireworks and firecrackers is also very strict in Maoxiong's home, but the problem is that these fireworks and firecrackers are obviously problematic, and they are one of the big problems!

Ding Yu is standing under a tree. It seems that the whole person is connected with the tree. Even if you observe carefully, it is hard to find that there is a person like Ding Yu under the tree! Qu he and Yang Chen are lying on the ground!

Qu he can be a little better. After all, he is a practitioner, but Yang Chen is not so good. It is true that he got considerable training from Ding Yu, but there are limits to this kind of exercise! So now even if you want to calm your breathing, there are some difficulties! Fortunately, there are Qu he nearby. Otherwise, it's hard to say what the situation is now!

Feeling the rain on his face, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly!

"Sir! I can't hear anything? "

The so-called "can't hear any movement", refers to the surrounding can not hear too many other aspects of the movement, as for the distant firecrackers, or very conspicuous! You don't even need to listen, just look with your own eyes!

Ding Yu did not give Qu he any response! Even if you look at it, you don't know what Ding Yu is looking at!

After seeing it for quite a long time, Ding Yu said in a low voice! "Qu he, you and Yang Chen take care of each other! When something happens, calm down a little bit! "

Qu he nods heavily and doesn't ask about other things. Mr. Qu can't always be with himself and Yang Chen!

The two of them followed Mr. Zhang's side, which was more of a drag and more of a burden! It's very obvious that you can't be your assistant! Now what they need to do is to hide themselves!

But it's too difficult to do it!

The outside situation is very fierce, fierce at the same time, there is a little bit of violence!

Where there is a firecracker sound, then there are groups of fireworks, there is no signal, but there is no signal, does not mean that we can not take other means and methods to locate, as long as the positioning of personnel, then there is no difference in fireworks! As for the effect? Just look at it!

At the beginning of the feast, link and bill received countless phone calls, some of them yelling, some of them suggestive, and some of them were fragrant! And so on, not enough to do any harm to link and bill! It's not enough to have any effect on both of them!

For them, this is a normal thing, nothing strange!

What they are not sure about now is what is going on in Ding Yu's side?

Anyway, up to now, we haven't got the exact news! As for why we didn't get the exact information, there are many reasons!First of all, there is the problem of signal transmission. All signals on Ding Yu's side have been cut off! It's hard to recover for a moment and a half. This has had a considerable impact on Ding Yu. At the same time, it will also have a considerable impact on itself!

That's why after hearing the sound of firecrackers, there was a feast of fireworks. There was no way to do it, so as not to give Ding Yu any chance here! If it is a one-to-one situation, each other will become a seesaw situation!

The problem is that the bear has received quite a lot of news. They are very violent. The whole encirclement has been pulled up. How long has it taken for the bear to feel the pressure on the outside!

Even a lot of fireworks shelves have been destroyed! The totally unreasonable one!

The quick reaction of Mao bear, even the great change in the way, was unexpected by link and bill. If it was not for their internal information, people would have doubts about whether Ding Yu had reached an agreement with the emperor earlier!

What's more, it's raining! I'm afraid it won't stop for a moment and a half!

For this problem, neither link nor bill knows how to mention it? Because from what they know, it won't rain today, but it will rain! Who is going to argue with this?

Is it possible that heaven is on Ding Yu's side? Besides, what other explanation is there?

"How long will hall be able to last?"

"I don't know. Because of the chaos in the surrounding area, we can take some measures, but if it is, we will rush into the people on the other side of the villa? There will be no support from the outside! Without the support of fireworks, it's hard to say what effect the firecrackers in the hands can have! "

Link has some air blockage, and things have a very big reversal with his own expectations. First of all, Ding Yu's reaction, and then the hairy bear's response! It really makes people feel bright in front of their eyes! When have they become so flexible?

"We've contacted hall. Can we make progress a little faster?"

"The fireworks outside basically don't play a very important role. Fortunately, we still have some cards! There should not be too many problems in delaying the time of two hours, but this is only an estimation! Now all the signals over there are blocked! In such a case, even if the bear entered! It is definitely not an easy thing to get in touch with Ding Yu. Besides, no one is sure whether Ding Yu is still alive now? "

"Try to drag the periphery, no matter what kind of way and method, I don't care!"

Bill looks at link and you say you don't care, but the problem is that you don't care. It's based on the fact that Ding Yu's soul is broken. Under such circumstances, there should be quite a number of people to cooperate with you. But if you can't do this, how can we cooperate with you!

Now bill is also a little confused. Why is the formulation of the plan very smooth and the operation is very smooth, but at the critical moment, there are some problems?

Let's say it's raining! For example, the reaction of the hairy bear and so on! None of this should have happened!

"I try my best to get two hours of time, but from the current development trend, the periphery has not been able to persist in two hours of time!" Bill said the truth, without any concealment, "in this case, we need to do something else! Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case

"The person we want to target is Ding Yu. He was very cunning. I have another feeling now. Our plan is going so smoothly. There may be some small changes during this period. But how should it go smoothly?"

Link frowned. "What do you want to say?"

"One is coincidence, and the other is coincidence, but is it coincidence that so many are added together?"

Link's eye socket is getting deeper this time! It can be said that it was the result of Linke's painstaking efforts for Ding Yu's affairs. But now that Bill suddenly mentioned this matter, he had a very bad premonition!

"If it's Ding Yu's conspiracy, why did he do this and put himself in such a dangerous situation? And if he really knows what we do, he should know that if he does, he will die! Is it possible that he is willing to fight with his own family and life? He is not a child. He should know the priority of it

Link hit his head, for this point, he is also a little confused, do not understand!

If Ding Yu has already known his plan, then Ding Yu should give up!

Don't Ding Yu understand such a truth? It is impossible to do anything that is impossible. You should know that he is not alone now. What is pressing on him is the whole consortium. Ding Yu needs to bear all the relevant things. He can never forget himself because of his impulse!

In other words, Ding Yu's every move affects too many people. To be more frank, too many people eat with Ding Yu!Under such circumstances, even if Ding Yu is not for his own consideration, he must also consider one or two for the people behind him!

So Ding Yu took the initiative to step into this trap, this thing sounds too unreal! I can't think of it!

"So now I am quite confused, because things are a little unclear. If Ding Yu does not take the initiative to step into the trap, it means that Ding Yu must have sensed something, but his perception has not broken through a certain circle. I can only understand it in this way?"

At once, he knocked his head with his hand to cover up the pain caused by excessive use of the brain, and then Bill continued to speak! "In this process, the only problem we have appeared is that we have revealed flaws in the event of Sasha's action. I can't think of anything else."

"I am also inclined to this. There is something wrong with Shasha's affairs. How can Ding Yu, such a sensitive and suspicious person, have no ideas and opinions on this aspect? It's impossible at all! "

Link is to follow the context of this matter to continue to say, "originally Ding Yu came here, is to meet with Sasha, that's all, there is no other connection! However, we delayed Sasha for two days. Ding Yu's nerve may have been beating at that time. But the next thing about Mao bear made Sasha have no time! I believe Ding Yu should have a good judgment on this! "

If we think about it in such a context, we can explain quite a lot of things! In addition to his outstanding security ability, Ding Yu must have had the feeling of this aspect! Besides, there is no other reason!

"I should say, is Ding Yu a little too arrogant?"

Bill shook his head. The look on his face was a little constipated!

"I can't tell you. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu must be on guard. This is certain! However, I didn't expect him to be able to defend to such a degree. However, looking at the weapons and equipment he brought, I think, this guy! It seems that I'm a little afraid of death, don't you think? "

"I'm not sure, but I think there must be some problems in it!"

The discussion between two people is just a little adjustment in the process of tension! After all, under such pressure for a long time, if you don't know how to adjust yourself, then waiting for your own end will never be too good! Nervous breakdown, I'm afraid it's all light! And it's the lightest one!

Hall does not have any relaxed now, even breathes a breath, all feels very heavy!

The situation is deteriorating too fast! So fast that hall did not have time to do too much response and response!

I'm afraid even hall can't expect that there are such scoundrels and shameless on the side of Maoxiong. This should not be your style, OK? How can you do this?

Shouldn't we talk about it first? Or is it something else? How suddenly began to push! What's more, it's a kind of flat pushing without any reason! Come up is fireworks, just ignore who you are!

This kind of big action really makes hall difficult to deal with. Is it possible that the bear is not worried and afraid, and that they will cause considerable harm to Ding Yu's people? You know, Ding Yu's people are all in this circle!

But it's no use! No one's going to listen to any excuses! The people on the side of the bear know that this time needs the first time to open the surrounding circle! As for what to do next, this is another thing!

Link and bill received the message from hall, and the whole person was a little sluggish! I can't believe it. This is the operation of the hairy bear. When did they become so direct? This is totally out of line with their expectations!

"Is it Ding Yu's problem and situation?"

"No To this, Hall's answer is very affirmative! "We have a considerable line of vision beside the great emperor. These are all made by the great emperor himself. They know very well that the personnel on the periphery are cannon fodder, and now this whole time has opened up the whole outlying area, which is most beneficial to Ding Yu. It is the most unfavorable for them, because in this way, we can no longer control the whole encirclement! Ding Yu will take the opportunity to escape! "

Link and Bill's faces were even more embarrassed. Why did they plan well? But how long has it been now that there have been such changes, and the changes are so great that people can't even make any response!

This is in serious contradiction with their plan! It's also the result that link and bill can't tolerate!

"What's your opinion, hall?"

"I thought I could last a long time, but now I can only let people make decisions on their own! If you mingle with Ding Yu's people, you have me and I have you. Under such circumstances, even if it's the Maoxiong side, they may not have any way, can they? "Hall then said, "this is the best way I can think of. As for the rest, I really can't think of it! Besides, I don't think any other way can solve the problem! "

Obviously, hall is going to go all out! If you want to let these people outside break through the encirclement of Mao bear, this is not a realistic thing. Since it is not realistic, then don't do it like this! Think of a better way and method!

For the sudden change of the situation, link and Bill did not have much preparation, at least they did not expect that it would be so fast!

They looked at each other, and then handed over the command to hall!

Now hall is at the forefront of the position, only he is the most understanding of the situation, he is now making this decision, not the best, but certainly the most appropriate! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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