Ding Yu's situation is definitely better than imagined, but Ding Yu did not stop his own pace!

There is quite a safe room on his side, but Ding Yu doesn't mean to get close to it! At this time, there is not much need, and it is really safe to enter the safe room? The unseen!

However, judging from the known situation, many people have settled in the safe house. Ding Yu is very happy about this point. At the same time, he is also quite sighing!

Their subordinates know that they would never enter the safe house if the situation was not critical!

There is a reason why Ding Yu knew that these people would enter the safe house! Although the electronic devices and so on all failed! But there is no problem knowing the two small goals!

As for Qu he and Yang Chen, they are a little sad now!

Qu he can be a little better, but for Yang Chen, it's not as easy as he imagined. When he walks, he limps and wears his clothes, just like rolling in the water and fire! It's a bit miserable!

"Troglo, are you sure there's no one else around us?"

"I don't know, but from the present situation, it's true. But we'd better hurry up. I don't think we can escape the pursuit of others!" In this regard, Qu he is also quite helpless, and the guys behind don't know what happened? Even dogs don't have that sense of smell, do they? It's really hard for me!

Yang Chen is feeling a little weak now, not because he doesn't work hard, but because the people who follow him are like animals. If it's not because of Qu he, someone should give himself incense at this time next year!

When the two of them will catch up again, the situation will be a little bit critical, because the two people are compressed in a very small range, Qu he can be better, but one arm has been unable to use force, just hanging there, and Yang Chen is even worse. If Qu he did not drag him with another arm, he might have been dead Nothing left!

Fortunately, there is no problem in the upper body, but even so, the effect is not so obvious!

"Qu Ge, it seems that we are very lucky. To be exact, I should be very lucky to be with you!"

"Come on Qu he's voice is too thin to be heard. The problem with his arm is not so big. At most, it's just broken. There is no big problem. What I need to deal with now is that some people around him!

Even if it's ten arms, they can live without any problem! However, these people around him did not give him any chance to put the bill. What's more, they have always been fireworks and firecrackers, which makes me feel helpless and emotional!

Ding Yu, who was cruising around the periphery, of course saw the miserable situation of Qu he and Yang Chen. But now he reached out, it was really a little different. He had solved a lot of people, and now he didn't mean to expose himself!

The external situation, their own understanding is not so much, but can feel, now there is not too much fireworks! But firecracker this thing, even iron man also can't bear, one two for Ding Yu, but can avoid the past, but how much? If it's a hundred and eighty, there's no way for the gods!

So Ding Yu can only take a certain way, otherwise! Now Qu he and Yang Chen are three feet tall? However, there is still a problem to be explained, that is, the rain gives Ding Yu too much cover up!

Qu he and Yang Chen are very nervous. They can't tell whether it's sweat or rain. When several people's bodies appear in front of them, Qu he narrows his eyes and asks Yang Chen to help him fix his injured hand and hang it on his neck! Be ready to take the lead!

"It's not clear that we can't die now, but we have no way back. I'll go first."

Yang Chen grinned grimly, "don't worry, you won't be alone!"

Now this time does not need to put any harsh words, there is no need to that, he is just telling some things! Qu he left first! I will definitely follow and go, will not have any hesitation, I will not leave any leeway to the opposite person, want to let grandfather beg for mercy, do your spring and autumn dream?!

Ding Yu has been watching with cold eyes. The people who surround Qu he and Yang Chen obviously want to capture them alive. Otherwise, they can still live to this day? It's impossible!

As for why capture alive? It's obvious that he also moved some aspect of his mind. In this case, it's better to seize a little time, otherwise Qu he and Yang Chen will be dead! What's more, pay attention to a little bit, because the situation is a little too chaotic now!

It's going to be a mess out there! And their side of the situation seems to be almost the same!Ten minutes later, Ding Yu stepped out slowly. Looking at Qu he and Yang Chen who were lying on the ground, he kicked them twice with their feet. Both of them had lost their strength! Even if you want to sit down, there are some difficulties!

To check, the problem is not so big, "hold on! I'll put it in the safe room for you! The rest is up to you! "

Qu he and Yang Chen looked at Ding Yu and nodded! If it's not Ding Yu, they are two! It's really hard to say what will happen now!

When two people were put into the safety room, they found that the so-called safe room was underground! The room is not very big, if you come in two more people, it must be inappropriate! But look at this situation, absolutely easy to defend, difficult to attack, even with fireworks, also need considerable time!

However, the lighting facilities inside are a little simple! It's the kerosene lamp. Let's just say that!

Yang Chen and Qu he looked at each other and added some things. Then they sat down on the bed! At this time, even if you want to make them move, they can't move!

"How do you feel that the two of us are a little too miserable!"

The light is a little dim, because all the electronic equipment can no longer be used, so in this case, we can only use these old objects! However, the irradiation on the face is really a bit sad!

"If there is no director, I don't know what will happen?" Looking at the silent Qu he over there, Yang Chen looked at the past, "brother Qu, what are you thinking?"

Qu he raised his head slightly and shook his head at Yang Chen!

"I've experienced a little bit more. Now I'm calm down and I feel a little bit shocked! So it's hard to let go of it! "

In front of Yang Chen, Qu he has nothing to hide! Things are like this, such an experience for their own impact is a little bit big! Also let oneself comprehend quite thing!

Yang Chen over there looked at Qu he and nodded his head. Obviously, the impact on him this time was also very big!

The reason why I said so much now is that I can't bear the pressure, so I need to find Qu he to relieve the pressure. However, the two people have different ways to relieve the pressure, which leads to the current situation!

Yang Chen is a little afraid to close his eyes now, because once he closes his eyes and imagines the scene he has just faced, he feels nameless fear rushing towards him like a tide!

I really have so many irresistible! Give Yang Chen the feeling, if you don't say something to Qu he now, maybe he will be crazy at the next moment!

Qu he looked at Yang Chen and said, "keep your mind calm! Let yourself as calm as possible, this is what you need to face! It's also something you need to understand, sir, who is still in danger, and the two of us? It's a drag. It's a burden. If it wasn't for the two of us, maybe the situation would be different! "

Ding Yu's harvest effect is very obvious, which is also a kind of effect that Ding Yu deliberately did. If it was placed in the previous time, I'm afraid it would have been baptized by fireworks! No doubt about it!

But now? It's too late for this to happen, because quite a number of fireworks shelves have been destroyed!

And now the range of villas is in a mess! Under such circumstances, even if it is to send out a considerable signal, it is one thing to be able to get a response, and to attract the attention of the bear is another thing!

Obviously, the emperor's order or played a crucial role, at this time, to save Ding Yu and Shasha two people, is the primary purpose! Sasha's side of the problem is relatively easy to solve, even now have seen the dawn of victory, but Ding Yu side, but has not been too much news!

Because into the scope of the villa, the situation has become very complex! Due to EMP, there is basically no way to implement electronic communication. Fortunately, there are more personnel on the side of Mao Xiong, and there are quite a lot of weapons and equipment. Therefore, the speed of the assault is relatively fast, but it takes time to clean up completely!

But so far, there is no news about Ding Yu, which is good news for the emperor!

At least from the current situation, the probability of Ding Yu's problems is not so great. The emperor sent personnel on the one hand, and got in touch with Sasha on the other side. Sasha has been rescued, but there are not many problems in itself!

Shasha has no intention to investigate something quite. At most, she sent out a request to the emperor. No matter what the cost, she needs to ensure Ding Yu's safety! Only one!

She looked at her black face!

What happened was too abrupt! I can't stop doubting!After thinking about it for a while, she nodded her head to the security guard behind her. Looking at the security and other people who left, Sasha also indicated her own security, and they left the room soon! There are only two people left in the room: the emperor and Sasha!

"Ms. Sasha, as far as the situation is concerned, it's a little special!"

There is something in the words. For this, Sasha can still understand it! Instead of silence, Sasha nodded to the emperor. "I have no other arrangements to meet with my husband this time."

When she said this, Sasha looked at the emperor. "Originally, I should have come with Ding Yu. Even if it was delayed, it would not take too long, but for other reasons! I lost two days. If it was an accident, then after I came here, there was another accident! "

What was the other accident? Although Sasa said clearly, but the emperor is very clear, it is obvious that there are quite problems on her side! But the problem is clear, but I will never mention this problem, although it is two people in the room!

This is not a matter of shame or disgrace. There are many implications in it! You need to be careful!

"Can you contact Mr. Ding Yuding?"

"I don't know. He had a certain estimate of the situation before, but he just felt that there was something strange in it, but he didn't expect that things would deteriorate to such a degree!"

Now it's not about who made the mistake! unwanted!

No matter Sasa or the great emperor, we all know that now we only need to ensure the safety of Ding Yu! As for other things, there will be a lot of means to implement, and the emperor through the conversation with Sasha, also generally understand the views of Sasha!

Sasha did not have any intention to investigate, so Ding Yu would not be too much to investigate. As for the matter above the surface, how to explain it depends on how the emperor did it!

"The hotel has already sent out quite a notice. There won't be too many problems. Mr. Ding Yuding, I've sent people in as fast as possible! Now we have contacted quite a number of personnel, but we have not found Mr. Ding, but the security situation is not so good! "

Thank you

A thank you is enough to explain all the problems! We all know what this word means!

Soon, the emperor and Sasha came out together. Each of them had a certain arrangement. The matter above the surface should be explained. Quite a lot of eyes have been attracted, but the problem is not so big!

Sasha, they're all out! How was the process? There will not be too many people to investigate, just need to know the results!

Now quite a person's eyes are placed on Ding Yu's body! However, the people who know this news are not as many as imagined, but they will not be so few!

It is true that many forces have received considerable news, but at this time of the day, there is basically no possibility of fishing in troubled waters. Ding Yu has an accident with the hairy bear! What's more, it's still such a thing. Now, no one can be sure what's going on with Ding Yu? It's not easy for anyone to try anything rashly!

Really when Ding Yu is free, or when the bear is a white!

If there is something wrong with Ding Yu, then everyone will attack it. If there is no problem, who can grab how much meat to eat, it depends on everyone's ability. But if there is no problem or situation in Ding Yu, what should we do? Who can withstand Ding Yu and the pressure of the consortium behind Ding Yu? Don't be kidding!

What's more, it's the Maoxiong side. It's so big that it's not a simple force. Even we can guess what kind of power it is!

But now it's not time to calculate the general ledger with them, and the bear will never let it go!

Ding Yu wiped the rain in front of his eyes, and the time was a little longer, but fortunately, communication has been restored now! But Ding Yu still has no intention to contact! But gradually began to eliminate! I'm not going to let these guys go!

And link and bill are sitting in the office for a long time. They look down and down!

The bear's reaction was totally unexpected, and their arrangement didn't play a very important role!

It is true that they have mobilized countless resources, but what? After the bear got serious, all the ants in front of him were destroyed. Now only a few people can survive in the rat hole!

What's more, up to now, they still haven't got any information about Ding Yu!

"Link, after all, think about it. Why is it back to this?"

Link looked up. "Are you ready to tell me what's going on?"

"To such an extent? You need to be prepared! We all need to transfer these experiences. This time, we didn't succeed. There is a reason for that, but I always think that Ding Yu has a bigger source! "Bill still said his doubts, because things were too smooth in front of us, but after the implementation, it was too difficult!

Link responded with a nod, "we revealed the news on Sasha's body, and then the hair bear's business, there are so many self satisfied! So the result is now, and the reaction of the bear is beyond our expectation. We didn't expect that the emperor would be so irritable! No one thought of this

"Do you think Ding Yu will do this?"

Now when it comes to Ding Yu's life and death, there is not much need. Although it is not so sure, it can be determined basically! Ding Yu doesn't have too many problems, at least he is still alive!

Just live! As for other problems, it does not need to be so concerned!

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