"No one knows what Ding Yu will do. No one dares to make this guarantee. His ideas and ideas are different from those of ordinary people! But the problems in this need to be discussed! "

Bill scratched his head. The hair on it was like a bird's nest!

But there is no mind to take care of, and now there is no mind to pay attention to these!

"There are not too many problems in the initial implementation of the plan, and the process is good! But in the most critical step, we were too hasty! Eager for success, Ding Yu found a flaw! This is a very fatal thing

"Yes There was quite a chagrin on link's face! If it is not too eager for success, then you will not lose your hand on Sasha, which will wake up Ding Yu. In this case, you don't know how to converge, but you will be broken through your mind! This is not one sentence two words can say clearly!

It can be said that the failure, or from the beginning, they fell into the underdog!

all the plans are good, but they are too fussy. If we can wait for a period of time and let everything extend as far as possible, the result may be different!

Even if Ding Yu is ready, what can he do? Just like this time, isn't Ding Yu ready?

Ding Yu, who has already been alert, is quite prepared. But he never thought that things would be so big. Anyway, as far as the news has been received, the security around Ding Yu has suffered heavy losses, even more than the sum of the past!

But what about that? So far, Ding Yu still has not many problems. As long as Ding Yu doesn't have problems, even if there is a considerable loss of security, what can be done?

The purpose of the two people's review of their mistakes now is that in the future, if they have a chance, they'd better follow such a line of thought, regardless of everything, and fight against each other. When they fight for the first wave, they will take Ding Yu down and not give him any chance to fight back! Only in this way will there be some possibility!

Also need to pay attention to, if possible, try to be careful and cautious, because Ding Yu is too alert! This time, a little horse's feet appeared on Sasha's body. Even though there was no big problem, Ding Yu felt it! He's terrible!

"I have written down quite a few things!" Bill hums and laughs. "There is no other opinion or idea. It doesn't matter. I hope there will be a considerable change. But I know that it is possible. Don't say no? Basically, there won't be any other accidents! "

Link tightened his clothes and gave bill a smile, a little reluctant!

"Who knows? We all hope to have any accident, but from the current situation, this kind of accident is basically impossible to happen! And even if it happens, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us! "

Ding Yu's current situation is very good, his face may be due to the rain wash, a little white, but in addition, basically can not see too many changes in the situation! If someone stands in front of Ding Yu now, he will be surprised at Ding Yu's dress and dressing up, but even more surprised is Ding Yu's eyes!

All the way, Ding Yu cleaned up quite a few people! The silent one!

End is merciless, I just ignore who is standing in front of me? Of course, their own people know that the bear's body may be a unified logo, except for this, it can only be the enemy!

Moving his fingers, Ding Yu took a deep breath, and then he looked at the two security guards following him!

"Can you keep up with it?" The sound is very subtle, almost imperceptible!

It's just a personal habit! No one else can be seen around!

"Sir, it's hard for us to hold on to it!"

Although they also want to follow Ding Yu's side, they spend too much on their spirit and physical strength after two hours' action. In addition, they are already exhausted!

If you let them go on, it's not just a loss!

"Sir, although there are no buried trinkets along the way, they can't be prevented!"

"I see! After you two leave, you can contact the bear. I think Sasha should be safe now! As for my personal situation, I was injured! As for other situations, there is no need to disclose too much for the time being! "

"Yes, sir!"

Sir, why do you want to do this? Neither of them wants to ask! However, it is obvious that Mr. Zhang's actions have already explained quite a problem. There are so many brothers who have suffered heavy casualties. Under such circumstances, Mr. Zhang can't act and react at all. If he doesn't respond at all, it's not Mr!When Ding Yu was waiting for dawn, Ding Yu got in touch with the man of Mao bear. When the bear saw Ding Yu, he was also shocked by Ding Yu's injury. It was a bit miserable! Even dare not go forward!

The bulletproof vest on my body has been fragmented! Especially those warheads that are still stuck on the body armor! Dense!

It's not through, but the impact of these warheads will never be too good!

And the pants on the legs, which can't be called pants any more! I'm afraid beggars wear better than Ding Yu! Including the scars and blood on it! I can't see it! From this, we can infer what Ding Yu has experienced!

Soon, the bear, the first time to transfer Ding Yu to the vehicle, and then the first time to inform the emperor!

All the communication facilities have been set up! As for what Ding Yu will say to the emperor, the bearers have no intention of overstepping them. Just look at the scene and know that the problem is big this time!

"Mr. Ding, see you again!" When he said this, the emperor's voice was a little choked. I don't know if it was intentional, but anyway? There is such an attitude, "I'm glad to see you again!"

Ding Yu nodded and wiped his face. "I wanted to celebrate last night, but I didn't expect that it caused a series of problems. The fire was a little bit big! For this point, I will spare no effort to compensate! "

Since there is no problem, then there is no need to publicize things! Ding Yu doesn't like this either!

What's more, what kind of progress will be made now? Ding Yu has a certain consideration. However, he also needs to cooperate with the emperor. Only with mutual cooperation can the play be sung well!

"I have sent quite a number of personnel to clean up and treat the personnel on site at the same time!"

Thank you

After talking to the emperor, Ding Yu made a video with Sasha and nodded at Sasha, "the bonfire party was a bit over the top last night! It's our own problem, it can't be attributed to other people! "

This is to set a tone for the matter. The matter has come to an end. At least, it has been announced to the public that due to improper management of the villa, there are some problems, which have nothing to do with other aspects!

Sasha nodded clearly! As long as you see Ding Yu, there is no other problem!

And Ding Yu's security at this time is also gathered back!

Looking at some bags on the ground, Ding Yu's expression on his face was a little black. Because his legs and feet were not so convenient, Ding Yu came over with two crutches! Look at the people around! Ding Yu shakes his head!

There are not so many people who can stand now!

"Are we all here?"

"Yes, sir, everyone is here!" The expression of security is very sad!

Ding Yu stretched out his hand. The security was a little unclear, so Qu he came forward, and one hand was still hanging on his chest. It had been dealt with quite well, and the problem was not so big! But now it's hanging!

Take out the cigarette and bite it with your own teeth!

Ding Yu took out three cigarettes from the inside and lit them in turn! It's a simple sacrifice!

However, the fur bears on the periphery saw it very seriously. They didn't understand it, but they didn't mean to disturb them!

"Qu he, let the bear's people do a good job of sorting them out and taking them home!"

Ding Yu's voice is very dull, even a little too stiff, Qu he is trying to straighten his waist, "yes! Director, I will take everyone home with me

Turning around and looking at the people standing or lying there, Ding Yu nods to them! Also did not say redundant words, at most two smoke, or light a fire! This time the loss for Ding Yu, a little bit so big! Now Ding Yu didn't mention anything, but it also proved that Mr. Zhang's mind was not so calm as he showed it!

The staff of Maoxiong have surrounded Ding Yu and them in the middle. However, if they go further, they will clean up the surrounding area for several kilometers. They can't leave any dead corners and loopholes. They can't let Ding Yu have any problems or mistakes!

Last night's incident, already let hair bear's face is very bilge painful!

If we let Ding Yu have any problems and conditions now, it's really not as simple as losing face!

But now there are no kittens! They want to fight Ding Yu, but it's impossible for them to break through the blockade line of the hairy bear. It's for nothing to be a bear, isn't it?

And one night, the Emperor gave a death order. All the people who had problems had been gathered up and wanted to run? How could it be? If let go, Mao bear will not be a man in the future?

They were transferred to the farm. Ding Yu and his party were treated again. The previous treatment was just emergency treatment! Now that we are in a safe place, everything needs to be pushed back!Even Ding Yu was not immune, but the problems on Ding Yu's body were not big. After the treatment and bandaging of two legs, it would be good to sit on the wheelchair now! As for crutches? Do not use, put to the side of the position can be!

"Uncle, why are you here?"

Ding Yu looked at his third uncle, eyebrows slightly beat for a while, but the speed is fast enough! To know his identity is extraordinary, this time came here, it is obvious that the domestic attention to this matter, a bit unusual!

"I heard something happened to you?" Su Quan swept with the rest of the corner of his eye!

I came here in the early hours of the morning. After I got the news, I flew straight! But after coming, I found that the situation is more important than what I imagined! Even before I saw Ding Yu's security situation!

Their ferocity is to have some understanding, even deep experience! But even so, this time there was such a big damage! This is beyond his imagination. Even Ding Yu lost contact for quite a long time, he had some doubts about whether his nephew would have other problems and conditions?

Seeing his nephew, Su Quan breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes couldn't help standing up, because Ding Yu's injury was a little serious, and now he needs to sit in a wheelchair!

"Last night, we were very happy. All the campfires were set up. We didn't expect quite an accident!"

Ding Yu's explanation is very indifferent, did not mention anything else at all!

"I didn't expect you to care so much, uncle. There's no big deal!"

Directly put his third uncle's mouth to block up! Something? It's better not to talk about it. If we really talk about it, it's extremely inappropriate in such an occasion. We care about ourselves, and we know it well!

Su Quan took a breath and took a deep look at his nephew, but Ding Yu didn't pay attention to his third uncle's meaning at all!

"There's no need to mention anything at home! I'm not a kid anymore! And they're all older, so there's no need to worry about it! In two days, I'll go back! It's inconvenient to go out. It's more comfortable at home! It's more appropriate! "

For his nephew said, Su Quan is a hundred do not believe, but do not believe at the same time, Suquan once again looked at his nephew! But his nephew did not have any reaction, so what can Suquan do about it?

Has your nephew been coerced? It's impossible! If it is not for this reason, then there may be more things involved behind this matter!

"If you have anything, please contact me! Take good care of yourself

"Well! I got it! Thank you for the relationship between my uncle and my uncle, for all the trouble

Su Quan came and left quickly, but didn't stay too much! His nephew did not pursue the meaning, oneself pursue words, calculate is how a matter? Right?

When Sasha came, she looked at Ding Yu's condition and carefully checked it! That's how I put my heart down!

"Quite a number of people have been properly arranged! However, our losses are relatively large. These personnel are all trained by you. More than half of them will not be able to work in the future! "

"I see!" Ding Yu closed his eyes and whispered a word! "What are your opinions and thoughts?"

"No opinions, no ideas!"

"I see! Let's go back one after another! We can't stay here for a long time. There's no need to see the emperor before this! Although such a thing is not everyone's expectation, but the previous time we have a very good cooperation! I hope we can continue our cooperation in the future! "

Ding Yu doesn't need Mao Xiong to give himself a so-called explanation!

As for whether the emperor will give himself a so-called account, it is not so important as imagined! Because he still has some things to deal with, such as his own problems, which is not a small matter!

If it was not for their own problems, then Ding Yu would never suffer from these injuries!

Ding Yu didn't mean to question. Would the emperor pretend to know?

Now we can deal with Ding Yu. In the future, who can guarantee that the emperor will be targeted?

Even for their own sake, the emperor can not have any laissez faire!

Who can think of their own back garden, are already full of holes! Fortunately, Ding Yu doesn't have any intention to investigate. If Ding Yu really turns over his face, what can he do? Also with Ding Yu, in that case, you can only isolate yourself!

No matter how you say this time, you need to thank Ding Yu!

Ding Yu didn't blame the bear for this, and even took the initiative to excuse the bear. It was not an easy thing!So Mao Xiong's side is also a great convenience for Ding Yu!

"We failed completely!" Link and bill both groaned from their hearts when they knew about Ding Yu's news. Why is Ding Yu's life so hard? It's all like this! There are not too many problems!

Although the protection is very tight, but the news that Ding Yu's legs and feet are not so convenient, so sitting in a wheelchair, but his body did not appear too many problems!

Even if there is more than half of the security damage, but as long as Ding Yu did not go wrong, all of them are still in vain!

Great achievement, but not any purpose! All the others are nonsense! It doesn't make any sense!

To know how much they have paid for this action, only they know the most clearly, but now all the things are gone! And what's the outcome and outcome waiting for them? as one can imagine!

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