Ding Yu is pushed into the hall by Sasha! No one can say that this is a deliberate act of tragedy.

Because from the actual situation to understand, Ding Yu's injury is really very serious! If you were someone else, you might still be lying in the intensive care unit now, and you would not be able to come out at all! That is to say, Ding Yu's health is not bad!

Looking at the great emperor, Ding Yu is helpless to smile! Obviously, my situation is a little embarrassing!

The emperor was quick to walk two steps, and then conveniently took over the armrest! Walking in front with Ding Yu!

"I didn't expect that things would come to such a high level. I'm a bit ashamed to say that it has caused considerable loss and influence to you."

Ding Yu's attitude is very gentle, no aggressive idea at all! If it is not for their own reasons, then there will never be such a large-scale situation on the side of the bear, and they have already got quite cheap. At this time, if you sell well again, it will be a bit too untimely!

Both of them are in the back of the other two!

At this time, it's not flattery, but death! Anyone can see that two people have the meaning of being alone!

"The internal problems are serious!" The emperor's tone is very serious!

Words do not need to be too thorough, because each other's heart is very clear how a thing!

Ding Yu is like this, so is the emperor!

The emperor is proud. Isn't Ding Yu proud? It's all the same!

But although it is the same, but this way of speaking is quite different! So Ding Yu took the lead to open the topic!

"What Sasha talked about will go further. I don't know much about quite a few things, but I believe we should deepen our cooperation! Since there is no big news about what happened in the villa, there is no need to be too noisy! This may be troubling you! "

"Don't young people have to be more energetic?"

The emperor was surprised that Ding Yu had to deal with it like this. Ding Yu was able to bear it. It seems a little inconceivable! At least not his old style! Is it because it happened here that Ding Yu didn't make such a choice?

There is a possibility, but the possibility is not too great!

When the emperor wants to come, Ding Yu should have other thoughts and plans!

The fist that comes back must be more powerful than the fist that comes out! Ding Yu now just shrunk his fist back! Just don't know how they will think about this problem against Ding Yu's forces? In this regard, the great emperor is very interested!

"If it's now, there's a good chance?"

Ding Yu shook his head directly! "There's no need for me! It's just that the campfire is not well managed, it has nothing to do with other things! " Ding Yu has no hesitation! Will not leave any excuse for the emperor!

And this point is to let the emperor pushing the wheelchair behind him. He is very impressed. Since he has made a decision, then don't hesitate and look forward and backward! As for how Mao Xiong will handle things, Ding Yu may have a certain right to suggest, but it does not mean that he has the so-called decision-making power. This is two times!

But Ding Yu didn't ask for the so-called "right to suggest" at all. Even the whole thing didn't mean to make waves. This was beyond the expectation of the great emperor and was expected by the emperor!

Ding Yu may not have the right to propose, but the bear must have a certain expression! This is a matter of no doubt!

After all, Ding Yu is the problem and situation that appears here in Mao bear. Is this a fact? Ding Yu doesn't care, because Ding Yu has other considerations, but it doesn't mean that the bear is really shameless. This is two times!

"It will take some time!" The emperor said in a low voice!

"I'm just going home to have a rest for a while. As the Chinese saying goes, I'll hurt my muscles and bones for a hundred days! Need a good cultivation is! Absolutely can't have any carelessness, otherwise it's a lifetime thing

The emperor laughed and even patted Ding Yu on the shoulder!

Two people on this point, have a very good tacit understanding!

The tour is less than half an hour and a half, the emperor is standing in the opposite position of Ding Yu!

"No more strolling around!"

"It's time to have a rest!" Ding Yu's face was very calm. "After such a thing, I always need to calm down. It's the best choice to go home and recuperate! But it may cause trouble to everyone! "

"I've prepared some small gifts, my personal gifts!"

Two people nodded and laughed at each other, and then left each other! After Ding Yu left here, he went straight to the airport without any stop! But on the plane, Ding Yu patted Sasha's hand!

"We can stay with quite a few people. We can talk about things on Mao Xiong's side, and even talk about them in depth. However, at present, there is no need for us to get involved in other things! What do you say? ""I'm not so worried about other things, but your injury?"

Sasa's eyes show a little bit of ruthlessness, other things can not care about themselves, but only Ding Yu's injury, let Sasha not in general angry! If something happened to my man, I would never look at it like this!

Ding Yu shakes his head, he understands the meaning of Sasha, but things can't be done like this!

"It's not a big deal, it's just that there are a lot of activities! The doctor has already examined it! " Looking at the hesitation in Sasha's eyes, Ding Yu touched her cheek with her hand. "It's OK. There are no too many problems. After I go back, I should pay more attention to it. Fortunately, I've prevented one hand earlier!"


Ding Yu didn't care, "your plane goes first! I then took off and talked to the emperor! Other problems are not problems! If you stay, the emperor will be quite constrained, not to mention shayerov is also there? From a purely commercial point of view, we don't have too many problems. As for other aspects, we can just say whatever the outside says! "

"I see! Be careful when you go back! "

Now Sasha, for business matters, is not so concerned, she just cares about Ding Yu's situation!

"It can't be too wanton! Just relax a little bit! " Ding Yu's words mean something. She knocks on the back of Shasha's hand and conveys quite a message. When she leaves, Shasha hugs Ding Ding Yu!

"Sir, Mrs. Sasha's plane has taken off!"

Seeing Ding Yu nodding, the plane on this side also began to prepare to take off. Compared with the time when he came back, it was a little ceremonious when he went back. Obviously, Ding Yu's encounter with the hairy bear made the great emperor uneasy!

I have all of them! Not bad for the last shiver! Absolutely can't let Ding Yu do anything again!

The plane is very smooth, there is no situation!

Ding Yu looks at Qu he and Yang Chen sitting in front of him. Qu he is still a little better. His face is pale. One arm is hanging in front of his chest, but at least he can walk around. There are not too many problems for the whole person!

And Yang Chen? Now he can only sit in a wheelchair. His wheelchair is quite different from Ding Yu's wheelchair. However, there are not too many problems, which will not affect his life and work in the future. This is also a great fortune among the misfortunes!

As for security, there are not many of them. This time? Ding Yu here can be said to be a heavy loss!

"Qu he, it seems that you have quite a feeling!"

"There is a great terror between life and death. I've seen it this time!" Qu he's words are as few as ever, but the sharp light in his eyes can't be hidden. It's obvious that he was touched this time, especially big!

"Fortunately, there are a lot of books at home. It's good for you to read them when you have time." Ding Yu's words did not finish, "is not to let you be a scholar, you also can not be a scholar, there are concessions? It's not weakness! "

Qu he is stunned and looks up at Ding Yu. Seeing the calm in Ding Yu's eyes, he lowers his head again!

After half a day, he said, "Sir, my heart is hard to calm."

"It's normal. You can calm down your mind when you encounter such a thing. I'll do it myself!" The words are light and floating, but the meaning conveyed in the words, along with Yang Chen beside him, can't help shivering!

"Sir, I can't control my thoughts!"

"Well!" Ding Yu is very understanding of Qu he's idea, because he has had such experience, and he also knows that Qu he has no problem passing this level, it is just the length of time!

"It takes time, it needs a good environment! There's no big problem! "

He turned his head and looked at Yang Chen on the wheelchair next to him, "what about you? What's the feeling? Let's hear it together

"I don't know!" Yang Chen's answer is very simple! "At the beginning, there were countless words I wanted to say. If I didn't say it, I always felt very depressed in my heart. I didn't even dare to close my eyes. When I closed my eyes, I was afraid that I would be out of my mind even now if I was left alone!"

"It's just a normal psychological reaction!" Ding Yu comforted me!

But how can this sentence sound like a mockery! Yang Chen looked up at Ding Yu! But Ding Yu's eyes are very calm, can not see any anger, also can not see any anger!

"For yourself, I should be more angry capital, my people do not say that the loss is exhausted, but good example, basically not much, should I do something?" When Ding Yu talks, he can't hear anything strange in his voice!

"According to your understanding, do I rush to the front at this time, so as to prove my benevolence and righteousness? So that I can prove my bravery? " Ding Yu snorted slightly, "I'll tell you! But where there is such an idea, it's bullshit, nothing, now rush out? Just for the so-called unilateral face? And then everything comes back? "Yang Chen has a little grievance, his heart is not that there is no idea of this aspect, ideas, this aspect of the idea has always occupied his head, temporarily can not relax down!

"Not to mention, how many can you fight alone? Even if you can play a hundred, if there is no problem, I will send it to you and let you play, whatever you like, but what's the point of this? "

Yang Chen doesn't mean that he didn't hear anything, but his mind is a little bit out of it. But Yang Chen doesn't wake up now, which doesn't mean that the security guard sitting in the back doesn't hear it either!

There are quite a number of people who have been sent back first! Although they are short of arms and legs, they are still with Mr. Zhang all the time! May not be able to continue to follow in the future Mr. side! But if you want to mingle with a wealth, there is absolutely no problem! We all know this well!

What's more, if you don't want to mention it now, or if you can't, it's not!

Because it's not yet time, especially for the handling of such things, we need to be careful to deal with them, just to fight for a breath? That's it! Does the opponent give this face, we have nothing to worry about?

What is involved in this is absolutely not the dispute of morale? If you can't even see this, ha ha!

However, the security guards didn't want to remind Yang Chen of his intention. To a certain extent, Yang Chen was still too immature. He suddenly suffered such a blow. It took quite a long time to recover. This is also a common thing!

However, there is one thing. It doesn't matter if you can't react to it in the past. Everyone gives you time and space, and even raises you a little bit. But you can't react in the future. This problem is a bit big!

It's really hard to say such a personal creation! Who knows?

All hope to have such a nature, but for this kind of creation, what kind of pay, not too many people can bear to live, this is also a fact!

After letting Yang Chen and Qu he leave, Ding Yu calls for two security guards to come to him!

"What's going on at home?"

Ding Yu is not unable to install these security, it is really not like this! I need to listen to their opinions and ideas!

"Sir, we all live and die as one life. We have no other ideas! Life can be so wonderful, it is no waste for us to go this way in the world

Ding Yu said, "you can say so, but I can't do it like this. There is no doubt that there is my position in the cemetery, and naturally there is your position too. There is no doubt about it!" Looking at a little excited security, Ding Yu waved his hand, "there are those who have left. I have no way to go one by one in the past, everyone understand!"

"We all understand, sir!"

Ding Yu took a deep breath, "what can I do if I understand? People can't live any longer! " Some things, remember in the heart can, but said, really not taste!

In this regard, Ding Yu some bared teeth, "the matter is temporary so far, go back after a good licking their wounds!"

"Yes! Sir It's enough to have Mr. Zhang's words!

When he got off the plane, Ding Yu came down with his crutches, which was quite different from Qu he. He was carried down at all! Want to have their own action, simply impossible things, hurt a bit too serious!

"After I go back, I don't know how to explain it to my family."

Sitting on the high-speed rail back, Ding Yu knocked his head with his hand! "What do you think of the reason for the accident?"

The corner of Qu he's mouth twitches, sir. Is that really good? What's more, if you say so, someone must believe it! That's a lame excuse! Poor people can't believe it!

"Forget it!" Ding Yu looked at Qu he's awkward appearance, so he didn't mean to embarrass him. "The truth can't be said directly. It's better to mention it implicitly."

Ding Yu came back late. It's dark now! Also did not see their parents and children, the children do not know that they are back! As for their parents, they should also rest now?

But the next morning, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying saw Ding Yu, and the whole person felt that there was something bad about it?

This has only been out for a few days. What's the situation?

His eldest son was in a wheelchair. Qu he was standing, but his arm was still hanging on his neck. What about Yang Chen? Better than their own son, what and what! How could that be?

"Boss, what are you doing?"

Ding Lin checked it, but it was almost wrapped up! Unless it's all opened, but obviously, this is not suitable! Zhao Shuying's eyes also stood up, looking at her son!"Boss, you told me that you just went out for a trip?! Get out of here! Is that the case? "

"Don't mention it!" Ding Yu reluctantly spread out his hands, "this time I went to Mao Xiong's side to meet with their great emperor and discussed some things! okay? There's something wrong with them. I'm dragged down! "

In front of his parents, Ding Yu said very relaxed, "basically there are not too many problems, it's just associated, it's not a big deal, but I brought a lot of gifts back, last night when I came back! But it's too late! I didn't bother you! "

"Give me less of that!" Zhao Shuying doesn't eat Ding Yu's eldest son's set. The expression on her face is very serious! It's almost hysterical!

You just went out for a visit, but what happened after you went out? There is not one of them! Is this still true? You're not a kid anymore, OK?

You are so old, you need to worry about your parents!

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