Anyway, one morning time, Ding Yu did not move the place, was Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying two people in turn the lesson!

The saliva sprayed on Ding Yu's face can make Ding Yu wash his face!

No way, Qu he and Yang Chen two people behind, also dare not have any action! Now we need to stay in the original position, Yang Chen can be better, but Qu he is really a bit unbearable!

One standing, one sitting, can this be the same?

"Dad, mom, there's nothing wrong with it!" After the two of them have calmed down, Ding Yu explained patiently! "In fact, there's no big deal, and I don't think it's necessary to be too nervous. You can rest assured! Such a thing, I still have a sense of propriety! Never... "

It's OK for Ding Yu not to speak. As soon as she talks, Zhao Shuying doesn't mean to let go!

Is it all like this? You also say so-called sarcasm! Another storm! Never stop!

Until noon, Ding Yu was finally let go! Of course, this may still be seen in the Qu he, it is a little bit of the reason for the above! If it's not this? I'm afraid Ding Yu is still in fear!

In the afternoon, Ding Yu and all the security guards at home appeared in the cemetery!

Ding Yu is not sitting in a wheelchair, but carrying his own double crutches!

Standing in the front of the position, incense, pour wine, some of the process, orderly! The atmosphere is very dull!

The people around are very solemn, the expression on the face is very gloomy, no one wants to appear this kind of situation, but after this kind of situation appears, everyone can only press down their own mood!

"Give the brothers a ride!"

When Ding Yu said this, all the people in the back raised the wine bowl in their hands!

Don't need any heroic words. Ding Yu doesn't like these things very much. Things are done, not said!

After the end of the worship, Ding Yu did not leave, but let the people below disperse! Ding Yu is standing on crutches, turning in the cemetery for quite some time! I didn't want to leave for a long time!

After waiting for the children to come, the people behind are relieved!

Mr. a bit stubborn, this problem is really not very easy to solve! They don't dare to go up and persuade!

However, if it is not easy to solve, it is not to say that it can not be solved. Look at these children to know! When Ding Yu hears the news, he just takes a glance at it. There is no other action!

Several children did not understand the situation, but when they came back, they had already changed their clothes. They were very strict in dressing up! Look at my father. He's already on crutches! There are Uncle Qu and uncle Yang, one arm hanging in front of the chest, the other directly in a wheelchair!

And they have read quite a lot of information, the security at home can be said to be heavy casualties, no wonder their father will be here!

Several children incense, toast, one by one tombstone, no one was pulled down!

Seeing what several children have done, the expression on Ding Yu's face is a little bit loose!

After several children stood by their side, they said aloud, "remember them. If there were no them, I might be buried here this time! They saved my life! "

"Yes! Master

"Yes! Father

Several children stood by Ding Yu's side, and could smell some smell from his father's body. It is obvious that what happened to the father this time was a little bit too big, otherwise it would not be so!

In the eyes of several children, their father and master are absolutely the same as God! But it's not the same today!

"Master, it's windy here. Why don't you go back and have a rest first?"

Ding Yu blinked his eyes and looked back. Qu he and Yang Chen were all hanging their heads, while the security guards were observing everywhere for fear of other situations. For them, the personnel were still a little less, and they didn't pay attention to form the most strict protection!

No one will look at Ding Yu at this time! Although they all know what happened!

The children in the back naturally saw it. Ding Yun and the little girl quickly pushed the wheelchair over. Ding Yu sighed and then sat down. When they saw this scene, the security guards were finally relieved!

Take a small blanket to Ding Yu to cover his legs. The main reason is that the wind is strong here. Don't get cold!

"Dad! Shall we go back first? "

Her daughter pushes the wheelchair, which is actually the wheelchair controlled by Ding Yu. It doesn't need Ding Yun to bother too much! "Dad, I don't seem to have heard anything else! It's not on the TV! "

"It's not a big deal. Something happened to Sasha's hotel. I had some problems with the campfire management on the farm over there." Ding Yu said bluntly, "anyway, there are some problems on the surface. I forgot to say that the emperor has brought some gifts to you and let me take them back!"The children still know who the emperor is. He personally gave the gift, which obviously revealed an extraordinary meaning!

If you look at the condition of my father, it is obvious that something is wrong this time! And it's the big problem!

Back home, a few children saw the grandfather and grandmother, rushed to comfort, Zhao Shuying and hate to scold a few Dingyu!

Then went to continue to stew the bone! Several children comforted their grandfather and grandmother, and then ran to their father's side. At this time, there was no need to inquire. Obviously, this time is absolutely inappropriate!

The reason why they gather around is to see their father change his clothes! Family doctor is very careful to cut the gauze, the situation is not so serious, at most is a little edema, as for the above scar, not prominent at all!

Dinglin is an old doctor! For the injury has a considerable judgment, see this time, the heart was finally relieved, and then whispered to Zhao Shuying to do a considerable explanation, there is no big problem, don't make a fuss!

After finishing the medicine, Ding Yu explained that!

"Originally, there was no big problem, but the place where I lived was out of water! At that time, the situation was quite chaotic, so there were some problems! " Ding Yu looked at his parents and explained it carefully!

"If it's OK in the future, let's go out less and suffer a lot!"

Although saw her son's injury, but Zhao Shuying is not so at ease, there is no leg broken arm broken, is very good! I was so worried at that time!

"Mom, eat first! It's not a big problem. I'm a little hungry! "

It's better to change the topic. At noon, I didn't eat much at all. In the afternoon, I went to the cemetery again. Now it's hard to relieve myself. What's more, my parents are at ease. This is better than anything!

Ding Yu had a little too much for dinner! When several children saw this scene, they were relieved!

Along with Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, it's the same. Eating means that there is no big problem with the body!

However, the views of several children are obviously different from those of Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying?! They are all from martial arts training background. They have a very clear understanding of their master and father!

After Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying leave, Ding Yun is curious and daring to touch his father's leg!

"Dad, you have no problem with your appetite! From the point of view of principle, there should be no problem with the legs! " Look at her taunting eyes! Ding Yu snorted slightly! "Don't think about it! Leg still has a little problem, need to rest 180 days time, other problems you don't care too much! It doesn't have much to do with you either

"Master, something big happened this time?"

Yeah! "The problem is a little bit big, but it has been persisted in the end. The loss at home is a little big, and more than half of the staff are involved!"

Ding Yu sighed slightly, "this problem is mainly in me, it has nothing to do with other people, and you should be more careful in these two days, don't mention their sad things, and Qu he and Yang Chen are stimulated a little bit, and need time to adjust slowly!"

Wave, Ding Yu let the children disperse! It's enough to tell them about the problems, but it's not necessary to tell all the facts. It's really not necessary to tell them. It's not very useful to tell them! And let them worry!

In the evening, quite a few people called, but Ding Yu didn't borrow it. Qu he and Yang Chen have already rested now! And they are not in the villa now! As for Ding Yu's study, the telephone has been cut off!

So it is impossible to contact Ding Yu!

Even after Ding Yu came back, he had already cut off his phone. In addition to saying a few words to Taixi on the plane, other people basically couldn't contact Ding Yu!

There's nothing to do with the farm. I'm just in charge of the overall situation. I don't want to say anything about the Maoxiong. I'll wait until the emperor has dealt with the matter properly!

As for 49 cities? My third uncle has passed! Quite things should have been understood. It doesn't make any sense to mention it now, isn't it? I'm not a child to cry!

The next morning, Ding Yu went out for two turns, and didn't mean to get up and move. His body was not so suitable. Yang Chen and Qu he came as scheduled. Judging from the situation, they were not so good!

After chatting with them, Ding Yu turned them out! It's too much of an eyesore to stay here!

When seeing the security guard coming with the phone, Ding Yu stares at it! Security is also very helpless about this, other people's phone, they can stop, but this call, they really do not have any way!

After taking the phone in his hand, Ding Yu didn't even ask questions, so he said it directly!"Uncle, are you up so early?"

"Ah! I said you boy? I called yesterday and never answered? What's the matter? " The tone of middle-aged people is full of blame, but behind the blame, it is abnormal concern!

"Uncle, you look like a bear! What a shame

"You! Let me tell you something about what's good about you? It's not so convenient at home! If you can't, come back, whether it's medical treatment or other conditions, it's quite good! "

"Uncle, it's not as serious as you said!" Ding Yu didn't care about his injury at all. "In fact, there's no big deal. There's something wrong with Sasha. As for me? As if there was a problem with the bonfire, the emperor's opinion was the same. I hurt my muscles and bones, and it may take 180 days of maintenance! It's not good to move around! "

What Ding Yu said is very popular, middle-aged people also understand what Ding Yu said this word means!

"I don't want to ask about the specific situation, but this time it's a little special. You should take it easy! I don't know how old they are. I don't know how old they are. This problem needs serious criticism. Do you know? "

"Understand!" Ding Yu promised very happily, "when I have time, I will tell you the specific situation in detail with my third uncle. But now I still stay at home and raise a baby. This may be more appropriate!"

"Well, I see! I'll talk to you again when I have time in the evening. However, I don't know how long I can hide from you at home. Everyone really cares about you. When you have time, explain it! "

"Ah! Third uncle, how do you explain this? It's a day to be able to hide it from you! " Ding Yu was also quite helpless about this. "I came back the night before yesterday. From yesterday morning to noon, my parents almost did nothing. They grabbed me for a good meal. I dare not have any refutation."

"You! I really deserve it! " Middle aged people also can't help but smile!

Ridicule after two words, this just put down the hands of the phone, but also shake the head! The lady beside you is also very curious!

"Did you call brother Yu? Is it a little early? "

"I called yesterday, but I couldn't get through. After coming back, he was reprimanded by his adoptive father and mother!" Middle aged people are not confidential at all! "It's still a little big for Mao Xiong."

"I have heard of it! But there are not many people who know about it. Wang and his family don't know the news yet? "

The meaning of saying this is to ask the husband whether this matter needs to be informed. If the husband is inconvenient, he should say it one-sided. If he says that he doesn't need it, then he will forget it!

"You'd better not talk about it! It happens that there is a meeting today. I'll tell Changlin at that time! It's not very good to hide such a thing. Changlin will have some opinions! "

Wang Changlin knew the news at noon, and the meeting was over! I was left behind, and when I heard the news, the whole person was so stupid! My eldest son almost didn't come back! And now you need a wheelchair!

After returning to his office, Wang Changlin called his son in the past, no one answered! There is no one on the cell phone and no one at home! After thinking about it, Wang Changlin respectively called Qu he and Yang Chen and shut down the phone!

After looking at the time on the watch, Wang Changlin called his granddaughter in the past. Other people's phone couldn't get through, but his granddaughter's phone should have no problem!

Ding Yun saw her grandfather's call and was having dinner with everyone!

"Elder sister, who is it! This is the time to call? "

"Hum!" Ding Yun snorted. After Ding Chang took a glance, he thought of something, "I'll buy two bottles of water. What do you want to drink?"

"Ding Chang, don't you run? What drinks are not available here? You come back to me? " Then he grabbed Ding Chang in his hand and wanted to run? Is that so easy?

"You answer the phone!" Put the phone into Ding Chang's hand, and then put Ding Chang to kick out! As long as it's not your own trouble, then it doesn't matter! The rest has nothing to do with yourself!

Ding Chang bit his teeth, he just had a reaction, had no action, was caught by Ding Chang!

Or slow reaction! Next time, we must pay attention to it. Never give her such a chance!

Take the phone to go out, looking for a free place!

"Hello, grandfather! Did you eat it? "

Hearing his grandson's voice, Wang Changlin hummed, "do you have nothing else to tell me about your father?"

"Ah?" Ding Chang hehe laughed, "grandfather, we also know not so much, father came back earlier! I've been scolded by my grandparents for a whole morning. The specific situation is not so clear, and we dare not ask! "For his grandson's perfunctory, Wang Changlin will not take it seriously! He's oily. I don't know who he looks like! It seems that his father is not like this, nor is his mother. On this point, he and Ding Yun are really two extremes!

"I heard your father was hurt? Is it true? "

"I don't see any difference. There are some conditions on the legs, but it's just edema. We all saw it when we changed the dressing! Grandfather, would you like to call

"On purpose, isn't it?" Wang Changlin's voice is a little high!

"Dad may be a little busy, or it may not be so convenient!"

Say this, Ding Chang even oneself have so some do not believe, but how to do? Want to know oneself to tell the truth, can pass oneself father that one level? It's impossible. What will happen then? Ding Chang doesn't want to try it!

"What about Qu he? What about Yang Chen? "

Ding Chang felt a little toothache, "Uncle Qu's arm seems to be broken! There is his state is not so good, as for uncle Yang? He's in a wheelchair like Dad! It is said that the situation is more serious. Anyway, my father has locked them in the farm! Generally speaking, this is the case. I don't know anything else! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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