From his grandson there to understand quite a fact, Wang Changlin's mind is settled down a lot!

I'm afraid that I don't know anything and I don't know anything. Now I know quite a lot, but I'm not so worried! Not so afraid! After all, that is his own son! If you say you don't worry, is it possible?

And this is my eldest son! The eldest son with great suffering!

His grandson is a little "smart". Obviously, he was repaired by his father. However, it can be seen that the problem is not so big. If something happens to the boss, Ding Chang will not be so lively now!

But no phone, I always feel a bit not so at ease! From this point of view, his old father did a little bit of failure! Can't catch up with Ding Lin!

"Ask your father to call me, I've told you! You know that! "

The normal road must be impassable! The eldest son will not take the initiative to contact himself!

So we can only think of some other ways, and do not educate Ding Chang, on his lazy nature, is absolutely not a thing! For this, I am very clear! Is also quite helpless place!

"Grandfather, can you stop me from performing such a difficult action! I'm so scared! "

For the threat of his grandfather, Ding Chang is very dissatisfied, bullying children! You are still not a grandfather!

"Is it? Now I'm still talking to you. Do you think it's better to let your grandmother talk to you? "

I'm afraid you don't know the best if you don't have a taste of it! His hand inside is not to say that there is no card, but also very powerful Wang fried!

"Grandfather, I'll call dad right now, absolutely no problem!"

Ding Chang's speed is beyond imagination. If my grandfather fights with his father, I don't want to mix with him! Who knows what kind of problems and conditions will appear at that time, his small body is absolutely unable to carry! No matter which one stands out, I can't stand it! If you want to blame Ding Yun, you should blame Ding Yun for letting yourself out!

Hang up his grandfather's phone, Ding Yu immediately called his father in the past!

Fortunately, his father did not refuse to answer his phone! "Dad, help

"I see!" Ding Yu said without salt or salt! "What else? How was your lunch? "

"Dad, I have no way! Originally, my grandfather called Ding Yun, but you also know the situation. I was caught in the past, so I had to reluctantly answer the phone. Now, the situation is good, but what will happen next? It's really hard to say! " Ding Chang's words are a bit wordy!

Obviously, Ding Chang also knows the problems and the situation, but he has no idea! Who made him a nobody!

Hum! Ding Yu tiny smile, "you will find an excuse! Will you be back in the evening? Come back and have dinner together

"Got it, copy it!" Ding Chang assured his father, "Dad, in the evening, Wei Lai, they may come to eat together, OK?"

"Yes! Let's all come here together, and it's more lively! "

These children often come to the house, and they are already familiar with each other! Ding Yu didn't regard them as outsiders!

After putting down the phone and looking at the time, Ding Yu called his father!

"Hello, Dad, did you look for me just now?"

Yeah! Wang Changlin snorted, "what's the matter? Who's not answering the phone, and I need to ask for a foreign aid? " It's obvious that Wang Changlin is so angry. It's a bit of blame to talk about it!

You can answer the phone directly, make such a single moth, make Ding Chang's heart still don't know how to evaluate this grandfather!

"It's not a big deal, and I don't want you and my mother to know, so you don't have to worry about it. It's not so serious. It's just a little edema! Other problems are not so big! "

"No problem. Are you still in a wheelchair?" Wang Changlin's mood is a little explosive, even a little uncontrollable!

"It's just that the legs and feet are a little inconvenient, so I need to take a rest for a while, other aspects are OK!" Ding Yu explained a little, "in the morning, I said to the third uncle. I didn't expect that the third uncle would be so enthusiastic. In the evening, I might have to talk to him about some other things. If I have time tomorrow, I'll call you again!"

Who is Wang Changlin? How can I not understand my son's words!

Just because I understand! So the breath in my heart is also gone!

"You! It's big and big. The kids are so old! What's the good thing for me to say

"I didn't expect such a thing to come out!" Quite a thing, Ding Yu did not want to do any mention of the meaning, after consulting with his third uncle! Maybe one step closer, but maybe two steps back!No one knows what will happen? After all, the plan is not changing fast!

What's more, how to mention it to your father? Are you passive? forget it?

"All right! I know what you said! Don't tell your mother about this for now! Save her worry After hesitating for a moment, Wang Changlin tentatively said, "I heard that when you went back, your parents reprimanded you!"

"Well! They are also more worried! In fact, there is no big deal Obviously, Ding Yu didn't want to talk about this, so he quickly changed the topic, "I don't have any problems here. If there is anything, I'll call you back then!"

Put down the phone, Ding Yu rubbed his head, some things are not so simple to think about!

It's not that you don't want to tell yourself!

Up to now, there has not been a definite conclusion about Mao Xiong's affairs. However, some news has been delivered to me. The emperor's attack makes me feel a little shocked. There is no face to tell!

Think about it, this is also a normal thing, if the emperor can tolerate such things, the bear may be really finished! I just don't know what kind of operation is behind the situation? I am quite interested in this!

Quite a bit of news has already been investigated! But some things are still in the shadow, there is no exposure at all!

Do you care about this problem? It's not true, but it's not true to say it's true!

What if you know it? Can we solve the problem now?

If you are in a hurry, then you will not come back directly when you are there! Now that I'm back! Then quite things need to be put down. It's no harm to calm down!

Those guys dare to do this. What will they do in the future? It's nothing too strange, is it?

And this is what makes link and they are most worried about now!

There is a considerable loss in the fur bear side, they can accept, it's no big deal!

But for Ding Yu's question? It's too tricky! Ding Yu retreated! This is not his style of work. He has always been vindictive and ruthless. Whoever is in front of him is a mantis!

Other things can not be solved, this matter must be quite solved, but well said, how to solve? Ding Yu's security casualties are heavy, almost half of the people are lying in the cemetery, the remaining half, a considerable part of them are lying on the hospital bed, not a few!

Together with Ding Yu, you need to take a wheelchair now. In this case, how many scapegoats can you throw out to solve the problem?

Or are you going to take link out? Can solve the problem? How could it be?

If Ding Yu does the same thing, then I'll take out some scapegoats. Is that ok?

But if you want to solve the problem, how can you contact Ding Yu? He is sitting on his own farm now! The gate does not go out of two doors, may be because of the considerable impact, so there are concerns in this respect!

But in the eyes of quite a few people, Ding Yu's forbearance is not to say that he wants to swallow this tone, but to accumulate his own strength. I won't have any revenge now. You can rest assured! However, when I have this idea, what kind of consequences will there be? We will wait and see!

After school in the afternoon, Ding Yun and Ding Chang went to pick up the girl first, and then they went back to the villa together!

He said hello to Ding Yu. He was very concerned, but he was soon sent away by Ding Yu! He is just a little edema, not really paralyzed! Do you need to be so serious? People who don't know think they are in addition to what situation!

Get out of here quickly. I still brought a lot of things from the bear. I'm aiming at you like this. There's no gift left! Don't say, Ding Yu's temper, also let a lot of children directly scattered!

You can see Ding Yu's mood and action. It's not a fake. Everyone is very happy about it. But after a dinner here, he took the lead to leave! I didn't stay to play games, play ball games or have fun as usual!

At least this time is absolutely inappropriate, everyone's heart you are very clear!

Play is also need to see the scene and time! They're old enough! Have such experience!

Ding Yu received a call from his uncle in his study. After all, some things can't be disclosed to the outside world!

"Uncle, did you eat?" Ding Yu seems very concerned!

"Yes! It's worrying you! What's the matter? Should I ask you, have you eaten yet? "

"Hi! Don't mention it! Today, a lot of children came to our house. They played with them. They were very sensible. They came to have a meal, and then they all ran away! " Ding Yu jokingly explained!"You! What happened to the injury? No big problem, right? I know that your medical skills are extraordinary. Please give me a good talk and let me have at least a few words in my heart. " Middle aged people, very severe said!

"There are some leg injuries. If you want to stand up, there is no problem, but you need to recuperate for quite a period of time."

"In this case, your situation is very serious."

For Ding Yu, he still has a good understanding. He is a martial arts training background, and his original experience is extraordinary. But this time he even sat in a wheelchair, which may be a little exaggerated, but the situation behind him can not be underestimated!

"I heard that night was more intense?"

"How are you! Firecrackers blare! Fireworks were everywhere. I had a premonition that I just wanted to meet Shasha at the Maoxiong side. There was nothing else. But I didn't think that after I arrived, there was something wrong with Sasha. At that time, I felt very confused. Even after Shasha arrived at the bear, something happened again! "

"What else?"

"Although there is a certain premonition, but there is no way to directly say such things, I did not think that they were so crazy, the result is that people were bombarded, fortunately, in the previous time there was a considerable protection!" Ding Yu explained some of the situations!

"But there is another reason. There are quite a few problems in the bear itself. It can't be said that it is full of holes, but it's almost the same! The emperor is also taking advantage of this thing, want to clean up, I can only retreat back

"I know it! You! There is gas in my heart! There is fire in the heart

"Uncle, don't be presumptuous to say that anyone who encounters such a thing has Qi in his heart and fire in his heart. I am like this, the emperor is like this! However, things always need to be prioritized. I can wait a little, but the things on the emperor's side can't wait. In that case, come back and heal! I was hurt already! "

"Yes, I can bear it. The emperor talked to me on the phone. How can I comfort you? I didn't think you could think of this layer. It's not easy! "

"The things behind can be calculated slowly. Anyway, I'm not in such a hurry now. Can't they come to my side?" Ding Yu laughed with disapproval, "there is no way in the Maoxiong side, after all, it is not our own place, but back home, still can let them bully?"

"It's enough to talk with you!" The middle-aged man's mood is obviously very good, "I heard that the situation of your two secretaries, Qu he and Yang Chen, is not so good. Now you have shut them down?"

Ding Yu is very clear, the third uncle asked is not Qu he, should be Yang Chen's situation!

They are just small people, but their third uncle came out? Obviously, the intelligence department is impatient!

"Qu he's arm is broken, but his mind needs to be restrained, so it's not a big problem for him to read more books!" Speaking of this, Ding Yu pauses for a moment, "as for Yang Chen? If you can pass this pass, you will have a bright future in the future. If you can't pass this pass, you can only let him live and die! I don't have much to do with it. Everything depends on him! "

"So serious?"

"Uncle, it's hard to eliminate the fear in my heart, let alone encounter such a thing!" After hesitating for a moment, Ding Yu is also ready to give some eye drops to some people. "Originally, I have laid a good foundation for him, but I didn't think about it. I was mixed up by people out of thin air! I have no choice! I can't cover everything

"You give me a bad look, don't you?"

When he said this, the middle-aged people themselves laughed out! "I know that! But after all, you need to disclose to me. Can Yang Chen survive? "

"It's hard to say, it needs considerable adjustment. I've tried my best! I don't have much to do with the rest of the things. After all, it depends on Yang Chen himself. I can help him adjust his diet, but it doesn't mean that I can eat for him. This is two things. Uncle, don't blame me for saying too vulgar. I have such great ability. I am a person, not a God. If I were a God, I would not It's so miserable to be cleaned up

The middle-aged man couldn't stop laughing. After talking to Ding Yu for a period of time, he put down the phone. Yang Chen's situation was understood by himself, even the previous events! But knowing is knowing, but it doesn't mean too much!

Does this matter blame Ding Yu? Don't have any relationship with Ding Yu, OK? Can Ding Yu hurt Yang Chen? However, some people always think that they are very smart, so they drum up some so-called small movements behind Ding Yu. Now, such a situation has emerged. What is good to say?

Does this matter blame Ding Yu? Don't have any relationship with Ding Yu, OK?

And in the past, there has never been such a thing. How did Ding Yu train the people below? We didn't have any intervention, but this time someone broke the routine! Is this a deliberate provocation? Or really don't take Ding Yu as a thing? To be discussed!Previously, Ding Yu didn't pay attention to it. The main reason is that Ding Yu didn't have this time! Now Ding Yu is back? How will you handle this? Who has no such confidence in his heart!

The middle-aged man tried it out just now! Ding Yu did not show any slack in training Yang Chen! There won't be any problem at all, but how to deal with the matter behind it! From Ding Yu's words and attitude, we can already see one or two!

As far as I know, boss! Never make someone too easy! That's for sure!

But it's not a big deal. What's important is this time!

The boss didn't mention too much, but he has already made a wheelchair now! Yang Chen and Qu he don't have to say much. They lost more than half of the security personnel in Lao Da's hands. Can't these explain the problem?

Now I think of it, I feel a little scared! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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