Who is Su Quan? He can get quite a lot of news!

Yes, I got the news, but Su Quan didn't have any meaning to ask! Not even going to make any mention!

I went to the bear and had a face-to-face with my nephew. Then? My nephew doesn't have any words. Do you want to say that there is no problem? Burning newspapers on graves is like fooling ghosts! I have seen quite a situation with my own eyes!

But what is involved? This question? Su Quan is taboo Mo Shen!

Some things can be known, but really if you say it, it is not as simple as offending people!

It's quite a mess, but it doesn't end. What's the matter? I feel like I'm amazing! Right?

Don't you see your nephews back? Relatively speaking, he is absolutely bold Lord, but he does not have too many words, how do you want to let yourself? But think about the scene of firecrackers, Suquan has a shudder feeling!

What's more, the situation changes so fast that I don't care about other things!

Can my nephew not understand it? He has always been a pit for others. When have you seen others pit him?

No! This word also can't say so, too much absolute!

There are quite a few people who "pit" their nephews, but who are the ones who can "pit" their nephews?

As for Yang Chen? I believe there is no problem with his nephew's integrity. As for Yang Chen, can he survive this problem? Look at Yang Chen's own! Su Quan has a very clear understanding of this!

Because of this, Su Quan didn't mean to interfere. What's more, he didn't touch the ground with his busy feet. How could he have the time and energy to care about other things? The truth doesn't make sense?

But Su Quan does not care, does not mean that other people are also not concerned! They can be said to be particularly interested in this, but what can be done about it? They couldn't see either Yang Chen or Ding Yu!

It is said that director Ding Yuding has suffered quite a shock, and now he needs to be a wheelchair! This is no small thing!

It is Ding Yu's side, looking at the people outside the office, the expression can not help but have so some sluggish! "When did you come? Why don't you say hello? What a surprise

Tai Xi is very dissatisfied with looking at Ding Yu, and then he also looks at Ding Yu's legs, and then slowly squats down! Don't worry about how you dress and dress up! If you let outsiders see this! I'm afraid the chin will fall to the ground!

Lift up the towel quilt, and then pull up the wide trousers! It's not so terrible!

"How is it going? I asked the doctor when I came, and he didn't tell me why! " Touch Ding Yu's leg carefully, for fear that his strength will make Ding Yu feel pain!

After a long time, he looked at Ding Yu with his sad eyes! "I don't know how you discipline yourself. How can you say you don't know? I think their children are so brave! It's even hairy

Ding Yu's heart is very clear, if you don't let Tai Xi check carefully, she will not rest assured!

In fact, the edema on his legs has been eliminated a lot, at least now is not a pinch a pit! But it's all gone! It's still early! Fortunately, Ding Yu's medical skills are good, and conditioning is relatively appropriate! So there are not too many problems!

After Taixi's inspection, the trouser legs are put down again, and the towel is covered again. Don't see the wind, but you can't cover it too much, otherwise it's easy to be bad!

"You are so dusty that you haven't had a rest since you came here?"

"You're like that! How can I rest assured? " Taixi took off his coat and pulled up the sleeve of his shirt. "Those little heartless people at home told me that you have nothing to do. This is nothing. You can't stand up now!"

"I can stand up, but it's not so convenient!" Looking at Taixi's eyes, Ding Yu said sincerely, "you don't need to worry about anything else. Even if you can stand up now, it's better not to stand up. In this way, things can be done outside easily! I can also relax a little bit! "

"Who did it all? What happened to Sasha? What does she want? "

When Taixi said it, the murderous air in his eyes was like a small knife! It's terrible!

Other things are easy to say, but moved Ding Yu, can not only move their own heart so simple!

Ding Yu waved her hand. "This thing really has nothing to do with her. She almost didn't come out. You know, sometimes, it's not that we want to avoid, all things will escape, and it's impossible!"

There are no other people in the office, and the security guards and others are not blind. Do you come in at this time? Why do you want to make yourself uncomfortable? Don't you see both Mr. and Mrs. inside?"I heard there had been a lot of activity about it before?"

Facing the doubt of Tai Xi, Ding Yu explained carefully! What she said was not so clear, but the content was still explained to Taixi. She thought wildly at this time!

Although there is Ding Yu's explanation, but Tai Xi is still not so satisfied! But at least it's settled down!

But when he returned to the villa, Tai Xi was dragged away by Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! You don't have to think about how it happened?! This is not noon when several children are back, and still car to pick up!

Originally, they did not have such treatment, but today Taixi is back! The situation is different!

Ding Yun and Ding Chang looked at each other for a period of time. They both knew that the situation was a little bad, but they didn't expect that the mother was back! And come back so fast, it is really unexpected! Too fast!

Wang An's brother and sister and Tong Tong certainly don't have too many things, but this does not mean that Ding Yun and Ding Chang have nothing to do with them?!

But this thing is not that they don't want to say, but dad has given a password, and you are bullying children, isn't it? This is too unreasonable!

But who is going to argue? Now is really abnormal distress and helpless!

If you insist on your own scalp, you will be reprimanded at most. Otherwise, what will you do? If you don't have anything to do with them, you'll believe it! No doubt about it!

Fortunately, after dinner, look at the time, it seems that there are so some not suitable!

But even so, a few children were still carried to the small living room by Tai Xi. There was no reprimand, but severe criticism was absolutely indispensable. Every child in the family was counted as one, and none was left behind!

After they come out, the expression on their faces can be seen one or two! But when Ding Yu watched them come out, he patted them one by one. The expression on his face was not serious at all, and he even held back his smile!

You can tell at a glance that it's just pretending! Their father and master's action is to make the children want to cry and laugh! But looking at Tai Xi who came out of it, he ran away! Sheep! Stay now, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat! That's for sure!

"You! Get used to them

Teach the child by himself, but he is good! Act good outside!

"It's no big deal for our own children to be pampered. How normal are they?" Ding Yu echoed and said, "they are all children, there is no need to give them too much psychological burden, they are already in junior high school! I thought I didn't know anything or anything when I went to junior high school with us? They know so much now

"How much more? Not all children yet Although admitted quite a thing, but the mouth is absolutely not admit defeat, even Ding Yu is the same at present!

"Don't be angry! They know so much about the world and impose so many things on them, which is quite inappropriate! Isn't it? "

Hum! Tai Xi is also twisted his own small temperament, some things? It's OK to pretend, but it's overdone! It's not good! And it is an extremely inappropriate thing!

In the afternoon, Taixi didn't let Ding Yu go to the farm office. It was already like this! Although there is a considerable improvement, but you can not work! Right?

What's more, according to Taixi's understanding, Ding Yu's problem is not his legs, but other aspects, involving some knowledge of martial arts. He didn't make it too clear, but he was clear about the actual effect!

Look at your face and skin to know why you are so old! You can't see any spots or wrinkles on your face. Anyway, as far as you know, few women in the world can enjoy such treatment!

This is absolutely unique! Even unique! Don't think about it! It's impossible!

Or even if you are rich, you can't do it, but you don't have such treatment!

Because I know very well that my husband has absolute control over the body, so I know that things are not so good. I rushed over in person. As for Sasha, when she came here, she already called her, including Fu zhen'ou'ni and sun Yingnan, and she didn't pull down the orange apricot!

But there may be orange apricot know not so much, here refers to Mr. martial arts recuperation, she may be one of the few did not try, think about it, it is very interesting thing!

Mr. A has a very good recuperation. Under such circumstances, there are so many people who can't stand up. We can see how big the problem is!

The arrival of Taixi has attracted many people's attention, but what can it do? Who will come near at this time? Or have a good chat with Ding Yu?With Bruno and Ouyang Jing, when they know quite a lot of news, they just call Ding Yu. If the phone doesn't get through, they don't have any other actions and intentions!

The phone can get through, but no one answers! Is it true that Ding Yu can't answer the phone? Or something?

It should not be. Ding Yu can't get a call, and even if Ding Yu has something to do, can't he even return a call? Not in this respect, then I am afraid there is only one reason! That is Ding Yu doesn't want to answer the phone!

What is the reason why Ding Yu doesn't want to answer the phone? Both have guesses!

Now this time to answer the phone, some problems simply can't say too clearly! What's more, I answered the phone calls of the two of them, but I couldn't answer other people's calls, so I thought nothing had happened!

In this way, there is no embarrassment for each other! Wouldn't it be better?

Bruno and Ouyang Jing both understood Ding Yu's meaning for the first time. It's not that we didn't call Ding Yu, nor did they care about Ding Yu's situation. Instead, he didn't answer the phone. Ding Yu didn't even mean to answer our phone call. So it's self-evident what other people's calls will be like!

What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, this thing has been done!

You want to move Ding Yu, not that you can't, but the problem is that firecrackers, gongs and drums are blazing and fireworks are everywhere. What do you want? What's more, it's still in the bear's back garden. Even if you're unscrupulous, you need to be afraid! Right?

You can't do everything according to your temperament! If you do everything in the same way, what about others? Does it need to be dealt with in your way? Ding Yu doesn't have any action now, but it's hard to say whether he will poke a hole in the sky because of his vindictive character?

As far as we know, there is a possibility in this respect!

But these things are no longer for them to worry about! Now Ding Yu's gate does not go out two doors, is not scared! There may be some physical conditions, but from the information we have learned, the problem should not be very big!

But I can't get through the phone. I should give you some presents!

There are no other reasons and reasons, is a long time did not meet! Let's get in touch with each other! That's it!

Therefore, Bruno and Dongfang Jing soon sent quite a number of personnel to deliver the gifts to Ding Yu for health care. As for other information, they didn't ask for any information. They didn't even want to see Ding Yu! Yes, of course! If Ding Yu can give a considerable return, or need to accept! Friendship!

"It's a disgrace to be an old man!"

Thai hee looked at Bruno's gift and was furious!

Ding Yu naturally saw what Bruno had sent to her. She took it in her hand and looked at it for a while. A little smile appeared on her face, "he! This is intentional! An old man

"I know that this old man is on purpose, but he will not be afraid of disgrace if he delivers such things?"

"It's true love! If it was someone else, no one would do it like this, but I've already asked people to bring back some gifts, and I don't need to mention anything else. They all know each other well, and there is nothing else to do! "

Ding Yu set the tone of the matter the first time!

Taixi doesn't need to be involved in this. If she gets involved, she will have a lot of trouble! For her, at least, it is! Since she is worried about herself, she has no problem staying for a few days!

But the other aspects are ignored!

Tai Xi nodded at Ding Yu, "I'll take this thing to burn, if the children see it! It will poison them! Hum, this old man, I'll see how to deal with him next time

Ding Yu nodded, and obviously agreed. Bruno, who knows what he thought in his head at that time, or the thing sent by elder martial brother Dongfang was very good. It was right for his appetite!

In the evening, the children come back, they are honest and honest, there is no previous frolic, why is it so? It's not because their mother is back! This time, if you offend your mother, think about it will feel scalp numb!

Father is not particularly particular about this, to tell them the truth of life, but absolutely not to shackle them!

But the mother in this point, a little paranoid, even a little stubborn, do not know how to mention!

Although several children have been educated by Ding Yu, it does not mean that they really adapt to the way of Taixi! It's just a conflict between the outside and the inside! From the previous performance, not bad! No big problem!

Just show up in your heart! Do not need to show too much publicity, in that case, it is a straw bag, and the children in Ding Yu's family? There is one count, no one will be a straw bag!As for what kind of development they will have in the future, Ding Yu doesn't want to pay attention to too much. It's good to set up a certain concept for them. As for the planning of life? Just look at their own! I don't want to interfere with others!

But on this issue, Ding Yu and Tai Xi, and even the rest of the family, have always been unable to reach an agreement!

If you can't reach an agreement, then you need to think of other ways to solve the problem. Don't make a fuss over a problem. There is no such need!

So Ding Yu took a different way, from now on, the effect is still very good!

Since it is good, Ding Yu has no intention to change it! If you change it, it will be easy to have more problems and conditions, and even deviate from a certain track. You are already like this! It doesn't matter, but the children at home are different!

I don't know if it's because of injury, so I think a little bit more! A lot more trouble out of thin air!

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