Ding Yu's body is a little impatient, the family can not see, because they have no such experience!

But Ding Yu's side security, but see this matter a real, they are very clear about their husband is how a matter! Because they have a personal experience! Also has the quite experience!

They are very clear, this is what kind of feeling, what kind of pain! It's not as easy and pleasant as you can imagine! On the contrary, it is a kind of spiritual tear!

And the wound above the spirit than the body, to tear heart and lung!

If you think about it, you don't think that you are too much. At this time, you can continue to maintain such forbearance, which is absolutely not what ordinary people can do! And that kind of pain is not what people can bear!

Of course, link, bill and hall are in the same situation as Ding Yu! They have nothing to worry about! Not too many people want to find the meaning of the door, at most is someone to call them two, that's all!

If they want to go out for a drive now, I believe that no one will stop them!

But the more so, the more painful the hearts of the three! There's too much pressure on the spirit! The big one makes them almost gasp!

No one is looking for them, or even counting the loss on them! Why? Do you really care? Impossible thing! Because we all hate the three of them, because the loss and influence caused by them are so bad that the people in the White House don't know how to bear it!

You want to deal with Ding Yu. The people in the White House have the same idea, even worse than them! But what do you want to do with the roar of gongs and drums, the sound of firecrackers, or the fur bear's territory? How will Mao bear look at this time!

Yes! We are the world's largest, this is true, but does not mean that we can be unique! Stand on the opposite side of everyone! You didn't do that!

Some things can be done in this way, but some things are even marginal! It's a catastrophe! What they did was to pierce the sky so simply, and even took the initiative to tell others that this day is what I pierced. What can you do? Who are you? Get out of my way!

It's so outrageous! Even the white house feels very tricky about it!

Directly take down link and them, without any problem, but is this even an account to Ding Yu? Are you kidding? What do you want? Even if you want to perfunctory Ding Yu, you should also find a better excuse! Not so!

What's more, according to the information gathered now, Ding Yu has returned to his hometown farm, and now he can only sit in a wheelchair!

There is no possibility of paralysis in the future, but it needs to be recuperated for a long time!

But this time, the damage to Ding Yu is too great! Big let the White House that side of the people do not know how to deal with it! Even if they moved Ding Yu, they didn't reach such a level, and we still maintained considerable restraint!

If you kill Ding Yu! OK, we'll carry the thunder for you! But the question is, how about you not giving Ding Yu?

Even pick up Ding Yu's anger, this is the most irritating!

Ding Yu now chose to endure, which is absolutely not a good thing! But it's not good for the people in the White House to pay attention to too much, because the first thing they have to face is the problem of the hairy bear! Quite the case, let the White House side of the body and mind are tired!

Too many hands are drowned! The way and means to deal with things are too rough, but it is precisely because of such rough, the effect is unexpected good! The great emperor of the hairy bear did quite a combing at the first time!

I don't need any reason, I don't need anything else!

But the White House is a bit unbearable here!

Other people's hair bears toss themselves, can't they manage the sky and the earth here, or can they take care of people's shit and fart?

I want to manage this matter, but I really can't! Why do you get involved in other people's housework? Being in charge of others? Are you kidding? Does the bear take the initiative to find a father back? What a joke!

But the White House side is really can not be indifferent, they must do a considerable understanding of this matter, and then make a considerable decision, can not sit back and watch some things happen, because the consequences are too serious, let them themselves are unable to bear!

This is the reason why the white house hasn't moved Linke. It doesn't mean they don't have anything to do now. When necessary, they need to top it up, whether it's placed under the chopper, in Ding Yu's hand, or in the hair bear's hand!

Chips, such things, should be such an application! Otherwise, how can it be called a chip?

"What's the matter?" Looking at her daughter dawdling to her side, Ding Yu is a little curious!When did the daughter of the family so pinched? It's not her style. She's always been very hot! On the contrary, Ding Yu is not sure about this kind of performance!

"Dad, are we on a good relationship?" Ding Yun stares at her father and says it really!

Ding Yu looked at his daughter suspiciously. After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu said aloud, "if it involves your mother, I really can't do anything about it! She now has your grandfather and grandmother's support, even I can't provoke the existence, so you know

In order to show his own difficulties, Ding Yu deliberately points his head with his hand! I'm really powerless!

"It's over!" After Ding Yun's plan was seen through by his father, the real man immediately fell on the sofa, a pair of loveless appearance, "father, mother is not magic?"

"I'll give you a chance to reorganize your words!"

"All right?" Ding Yun sat cross legged on the sofa, her face puffed, "mom is a little too, how to say? I think mom's idea is a little too stiff! It's not that I can understand her mind, but it's not too much! It's hard for me to understand! "

"Is it hard for you to understand?" Ding Yu sighed slightly! "As you age, there will be more and more of these things, and even make you feel impatient! They all hope that after their children become king, they don't care whether they are willing or not, because for quite a number of people, this is their goal, or this is the meaning of life! Your mother is one of the representatives, so I'm going too far

Ding Yun opened her hands and said, "Daddy, you won't be like this, will you? But not really! "

"It's up to you! Sometimes when you make a decision, you can't regret it. There is no regret medicine in life! You can't say that your mother is wrong, nor can you say that I am right. Of course, you can't say that your understanding is not enough, and limitations exist at any time! "

"Understand!" Ding Chang patted the sofa, "Dad, how about the wheelchair? Isn't it interesting? "

"How do you feel it?" Ding Yu's eyebrows slightly beat for a while, it is obvious that Ding Yun suddenly asked about this matter, feeling a little abrupt and strange!

Ding Yun pointed to his head. "It's just a feeling. It's hard to say clearly. What's the reason? Anyway, there is an indescribable momentum on my father's body, which is not so hard for people to get close to, but it is a little uncomfortable. Dad, do you have nothing to do? "

"All right! Let them all come in? And the trinkets on you can also be taken out

Ding Yun spat out his tongue and quickly called in his brothers and sisters! Have been his father to see through! Then stop pretending!

Wang an takes the lead, others follow! "All sit down. I like to talk to you in the way of guidance, but I absolutely don't like the way of reprimand. It's not very useful! In fact, when everyone gets older, they like to use this way, and so do you? "

"Daddy, is it because you want to maintain the so-called sense of superiority?"

"There are quite a few reasons for this!" Ding Yu didn't deny it at all, and agreed happily, "but keep the so-called sense of superiority? There are quite a few problems in this. Just like you met Wei Lai, do you really think he is a bully? Think about it carefully and answer it again? "

Wang an took the lead in raising his hand. "Master, I think Wei Lai is a very good target. They have considerable experience and the ability to judge right and wrong, but their platform is still a little small! If we provide them with a platform, their future may be different! This is the fundamental reason! "

"It's very correct, a little general, but the meaning is accurate!"

Ding Yu even gave a lot of applause, "so-called sense of superiority? It's not that we talk with our heads up. It's stupid. We hope to find more like-minded people! To create a better life for the sake of our country, ourselves and so on

"Dad, is that what you're aiming for?"

"No!" Ding Yu denied it at the first time, "my goals are a little bit more, some of which you know, and some of them? It's not that I won't tell you, but I don't think it's good for you to know this now. I always despise it! As for your goals, with your age! The growth of experience and experience will change in succession! This is inevitable! "

Several children are very sure of this, especially Wang An. There are quite a lot of things in the family, even they only know it by themselves, and Ding Yun and Ding Chang don't know it. Because they are not in their own position, they can't tell them. Now tell them, not to help them, but to harm them!What's more, no matter what it looks like, the master doesn't have any intention to hide. What you want to learn will be placed there. You can learn anything, and there will be no obstruction!

"Master, you can see that your mind is fluctuating so much this time!"

Hearing the big apprentice say so, Ding Yu gave a hum, and looked out of the window and said, "these people!? After following me for so many years, I may not be able to help the farm or even the consortium, but for me, they don't owe any debt! "

Several children are a little unable to understand the feelings among them. What's more, Ding Yu's performance is somewhat implicit!

Ding Yu looked at his children and apprentices, and sighed slightly, "the relationship between you and Wei Lai is very good, but one day, Wei Lai paid a considerable price for you, even lost his own life, you will know how you feel! Or when you leave here one day, you will know what it's like! Now it's a little early for you to understand such feelings! "

Ding Yu waved!

"All right! I understand your feelings. This is not something you can comfort with one word or two words. It's good to have a heart! " Ding Yu did not do any condemnation to these children, they can feel, is already very good! Can't ask too much! After all, they are just children!

It's not long to wait for the child to leave! Hearing the knock on the door, Ding Yu did not turn back. Taixi placed the prepared plate on the table in front of Ding Yu. He was very cautious and careful, for fear that Ding Yu would be disturbed!

"How many of them did you instigate?"

"They brought it up first!" After trying the temperature, Taixi took out the small bowl and motioned to Ding Yu, "they said they would try it. I can't refuse them too much. Don't you know your child yet?"

"It's a good thing to be a little bit too smart, but sometimes I feel a little bit fidgety. Compared with them, I feel a bit old, don't you think?"

In the face of Ding Yu's question, Tai Xi was a little confused. After a long time, he woke up a little bit!

"Why do you ask me so suddenly Obviously, Ding Yu's words make Taixi have some other feelings!

"When you say this, I don't know how to deal with it!"

Under the sign of Ding Yu, Tai Xi sat down on the side of Ding Yu!

"They children! The speed of growth is a little beyond my imagination! " Ding Yu sighed slightly. Maybe the medicine was a little bitter. Ding Yu pressed a mouthful of warm water! "They can have such a keen sense, I am both gratified, but also feel a little... How to describe this feeling? It's a little unclear! "

"Are you jealous of children?" Tae hee finally got it!

"Jealous? Maybe! " Ding Yu also felt that his speech was a little funny, "at least I was at such a age, without such experience and thinking, but I was very happy at that time, which was true."

"You don't want your child to be exposed to something too early?" When he said this, Taixi had some questions, but he didn't have any doubts, because he completely understood what his husband meant and thought now! That's why I have my own words now! "From now on, it seems a little late for you to say this. These children in the family are not so weak as you think!"

Ding Yu is very helpless white one eye, but is not aimed at Tai Xi, but as a taunt himself!

"Their age is still so small, and their social experience and experience are definitely not as rich as they imagined. This is certain. Under such circumstances, I don't want them to encounter any other situation!"

"I'm afraid you will care! That's what you're thinking now Taixi hit the nail on the head. He didn't mean to avoid Ding Yu at all. What's more, it's their business that doesn't need to be taboo!

"How are you? It's just that the feeling may be a little bit too much, that's all! " Ding Yu's whole back was leaning on the wheelchair, showing a bit of laziness. "I don't deny that this time the Mao bear incident has a considerable impact, and the impact is quite big!"

"Physical injuries can be cured, and we don't mean to blame you!"

Ding Yu shook his head. "It's hard. I'm very clear about the physical things. As for the spiritual aspect, it's not that big. It's not like that in the past. So it needs quite a bit of time to mediate. It may be better. The worst thing is to keep the status quo. It's no big deal!"

"Why don't we go out tomorrow?"

Maybe it's that Ding Yu's mentality is a little bit wrong, or it's not suitable for him to stay in such an environment now! If the children didn't mention some things today, they would have no other discoveries. This is not good, it's not good! I need to mediate!"Yes! It's a nice day to go out for a walk

Didn't express any objection and stayed at home? Seems to have caused some negative emotions! Under such circumstances, if you go out for a walk, you won't find a bad idea!

And this to do, to a certain extent, can also divert the attention of the outside world, a good choice!

The next day, Ding Yu and Tai Xi went out of the farm together. Not to mention, it was a matter of attracting people's attention and eyeballs. However, they did not mean to go shopping or play. They just walked around casually! That's it!

But it is obvious that the outside world is not so simple about things!

When they wanted to come, if it was not for Ding Yu's idea, he would never go out so abruptly. This is Ding Yu's consistent style!

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