Ding Yu, sitting in a wheelchair, looks up at the sky outside with his neck up. The sky is very blue and there are some white clouds, but it drifts away quickly, just like a naughty child! Come and go in a hurry!

"The sea sent a lot of things yesterday! Mom and dad also said, "don't let me send so many things here!"

Tai Xi, squatting beside Ding Yu, grabs a handful of pebbles and comes out with Ding Yu. He is accompanied by relaxation and pretends to be depressed. Isn't this embarrassing for Ding Yu?

"I'll let it go! At least now the body is not suitable to eat those things, but the children like it very much. It seems that they haven't cooked for some time! Right? Don't say it's OK. Now, I'm really greedy! what about you? I don't think about it at all? "

Taixi didn't know how to evaluate the father of the child! Two people come out to relax, mention the child, this is no problem, but you mentioned the direction, let yourself say what? So it can only be a look at him complaining!

If you chat like this, it's easy to kill the sky!

"I've come here for your good. You've worked so hard to make them have nothing to say?" Ding Yu seems to be in a better mood. "My situation is a little special. Even if I want to express myself, it is not so convenient, but they are different! Have this time, also have this energy! Save them too much energy

I don't know when the children hear this news, will they be happy? Or will you complain? But at least not too excited!

Picked a wild flower and put it in Ding Yu's coat pocket!

The corners of Ding Yu's mouth twitch. Isn't this intentional? But there is no intention to move! Tai hee likes it, himself? It doesn't matter! "I'm going to forget it! When was the last time we went out alone? " Ding Yu's eyes are full of memories!

"So sad?" Taixi is a little heartless, so he won't be controlled by his father! Who are you?

"For a moment, there were some feelings. I don't know why. I didn't feel so sad before!"

"It's not like your personal style. It's a little too abrupt!"

Ding Yu patted the armrest of his wheelchair with his hand. "It's worthy of most people, but it's a little too ignored for the people around him! Be strict with yourself and treat others with leniency! But is that really good? "

"I don't know how to say it, but from my personal point of view, I don't think we will have any complaints!" Taixi was very careful to say, "I know you are sentimental for them! But this time it's not your responsibility alone. You always carry these things on your own body, which is quite inappropriate! "

"Things can't be forgotten if they are forgotten!"

A few days ago, Ding Yu never mentioned anything about this matter. At least quite a few people are not suitable to know about this matter, including his parents. Now Taixi is here! Ding Yu can tell something!

"But I'm afraid it's hard to keep it in my heart." Can see, when speaking, Taixi's eyes are all worried eyes!

"When they came to me, my requirements were very strict. I even left them under my command, and I didn't give them too much treatment. Instead, I trained them, but most of the time, it was for the sake of convenience."

Ding Yu's exclamation is from the heart, perhaps their final destination is like this, but I always feel that it should not be this time, some of them are still relatively young!

I've had such an experience, so I feel very sad! Do not enjoy a good time, in the best age on the wither! This is the most intolerable of Ding Yu, but Ding Yu is also clear that he can not not be strict with them!

"They should be very grateful to you!"

"Gratitude is a thing, but I can't do it. It's not like that I would rather be negative to the people in the world than the people in the world."

What Ding Yu said is not that Taixi doesn't understand. His subordinates also have quite a group. Although the things in it can't compare with the consortium, how can Taixi know nothing? If nothing is known, even if there is Ding Yu's support behind him, I'm afraid it has already been swallowed up, even if there are no bones left!

"Fairy man?"

"Forget it! It's not proper to eat people's fireworks, people! Are their own feelings, have their own likes and dislikes, this is the person, otherwise it can not be called a person! Everyone has his own two sides, at least I am like this! " Ding Yu analyzed his own situation and did not conceal it at all!

"At least I think more people thank you! We wish we could confess you! "

"Is it? Maybe! " Ding Yu laughed at himself, "the definition of a good person or a bad person does not care about you and me. I have never admitted that I am a good person. Even from my personal point of view, I am a bad person at all. It seems that there is no difference between the top of my head and the bottom of my feet"Really want to be full of family life Buddha not to become?"

"I am a Taoist, and I feel a little ashamed. Although I say I am a son of Taoism, I am beef. This is the biggest betrayal. In this case? I don't seem to be able to say it! "

"I haven't heard it much! Is it not allowed to eat beef by Taoist school? " Taixi is curious, I don't seem to hear it!

"No beef, no dog meat, no black fish, no geese! There are quite a lot of attention! "

"No research, but very interested!" Taixi showed a lively look!

"Beef? It is the riding of Taoist ancestors who left the customs. Of course, this is not the most important. The main reason is that cattle were laborious in ancient times, and also the main labor. So-called starvation did not eat farm cattle, poor people did not sell dogs to watch the family! Dogs are the representatives of loyalty! "

Taixi suddenly realized that, "there are many dogs in the family. The children like it very much. Do I think it is the reason? It's not right! " "I remember the bear didn't seem to like you very much," Taixi exclaimed

After finishing, also deliberately looked at Ding Yu! It's a little provocative!

"It likes or dislikes, it's just personal, just as if I don't like it for everyone!" Ding Yu had no way to do with the little four eyes in his family. "But it is the guardian God in the family for the children. There is no way to replace it!"

"I like it very much, and I like it very much in my family, but it is indifferent to others, even ignore them, including Wang an brothers and girls!"

In this regard, Taixi's heart is naturally very happy, but happiness is one thing, how to say it is another thing!

"That's a bit biased! You are not in this mind! " Ding Yu did not directly point out, "Wang'an and Tong Tong are very clever. Since I am their master, they can not have any bias!"

"I see! I never owe them! " Taixi little argument!

"Ah! It is one thing to treat without being wronged, and another one to treat sincerely! " This topic is so good, and it is not necessary to continue to mention, "Taoism does not eat black fish, because the black fish feed back, not eat wild geese, because the geese is loyal, so I can hardly say I am a Taoist!"

"Well! I am not so deep in this study, and I don't know so much about it. I have no idea, I have little children! "

Face to face recognition of mistakes, the possibility is not, but euphemism some, no problem!

Dingyu is not so deep-rooted, "it is insulting to say that these people are home dogs, which is an insult to the Chinese, but if they say this to them, most people will feel that it is a kind of loyal praise!"

"I seem to hear it! They have a lot of value for it! "

"The dog is loyal. I remember grandma once said when she was a child that grandson is a dog. When she was full, he left! She said that dogs are loyal officials, cats are spies, all are some joking words! But for many people in security, they sometimes prefer to believe in dogs than to believe in people! "

"How do I think it means something in it?" Taixi has so many curious!

"It's just a feeling! I haven't met them since I came back. I don't know what to say after meeting. I can't think about problems at all. I still need to think about it. Such things can't be delayed too long. The longer the delay is, the worse! "

"It's all now! Think about this, your body is important! "

Dingyu looked at the sky again. "It is still necessary to meet later. It still needs to be earlier. There are not many brothers left! They can't be cold! It's late to say something cold! " For this matter, Dingyu's attitude is unquestionable!

Taixi did not hesitate about it. "Do you need any other arrangements?"

"Call the children all up! They should see each other! "

"Is that ok?" Taixi has considerable concern about this, "what did you say earlier? Don't let them know too much. Now, it's a little too fast to change into this way! "

"What they should know is that they should know, not to be known. They know that there are some disadvantages. Some things are different from their cognition, and the reasons are very complex!" Obviously, Dingyu has already prepared for this aspect!

"All you hear is!" Since comfort is not moving, then follow the work!

All the children were picked up when they were after school in the afternoon! Ding Yu took them to the hospital with him!

"Sir!" Ding Yu walked in the front position, Wang an pushed wheelchair behind, the other children were followed, and Taixi was standing beside the position! The level is very clear and orderly!Ding Yu wanted to lift his hand, but half way up, he put it down again! "Everybody is here! In my imagination, everyone should be standing here, and they should be safe. After I came back, I didn't want to see you all. To be exact, I don't know how to face you! "

"Sir, we don't have any complaints!"

"You don't have anything to say. It's your own business, but I can't look at it like this. It's two kinds of problems. I can't say that everything should be deserved. It's never like this."

When talking about this, Ding Yu snorted slightly, "the so-called pension is of no effect. I believe you all do not lack this. Everything has its source, sooner or later."

"Yes, sir!"

Ding Yu looked at the reaction of the crowd, and then pointed to the children in the back, "if you can play, you can stay. I won't say much! If you are willing to do other things, I will not interfere with others. If you have ideas, you can choose by yourself. "

After saying that, not only did the security guards not think of it, but also the children and Tai hee behind them did not think of it!

Security eyes have been lit up, and children's eyes also began to shine, for this matter, Tai hee really did not think of it!

I am very interested in these security, because I am very clear that these security are the children's father to personally adjust out, not to say that they want to be able to, how possible things!

But today, Ding Yu suddenly made this decision. The security guards were excited, and Taixi was surprised. What about the children? I feel quite different! All along, except Qu he, there are no other people around!

Now the situation has changed dramatically. My father has released the people they trained. My God! How can the children not know how powerful these security, so they are like little tigers now, watching these security, great interest!

They know more about the security at home. Fundamentally speaking, when they exercise in the morning, these security guards are guided by their father, and they don't spare any effort!

My father taught them for so many years, and now he suddenly released it. This gift is a little too big!

Also did not wait for the children at home to have other reactions, Ding Yu is a nod to Tai Xi, Tai Xi immediately understood Ding Yu's intention, and then took the children out!

After the door was closed, Ding Yu said with a smile, "OK! Don't hold back

"Can I smoke, sir?" All these security guards have relaxed their serious faces!

"Don't even think about it. It's not enough to be smoked!" In other words, Ding Yu took out his pocket and said, "I don't have many things. It's tight to watch at home. Leave two for me. Do you hear me?"

OK! Since the things have been taken out, I want to leave two things, how possible things, to leave a cigarette end is impossible! Don't let the gentleman enjoy such a good thing! His body hasn't recovered, so we should work hard!

However, we did not smoke in the ward, which is the biggest disrespect to doctors!

What's more, my husband is also a doctor. In fact, they don't have no cigarettes, and they don't have to smoke Dingyu's cigars. It's the emotional connection between them. This is what they value! At least proved that Mr. Zhang didn't forget them and didn't mean to abandon them!

Ding Yu leaned back to make himself more comfortable!

"I thought you could come down completely, but I didn't expect our opponents to give us such a hand. I didn't have much preparation for this. This is also my problem!"

"Sir, we don't have any grudges. If we have a chance in the future, we can take us with us."

There is no ambition, nor any heroic words, for the security people, there is no such need!

"Since you all said that! Well, I'll let it go for a while. I can't do anything. All of them come back from the Maoxiong side. It should also be clear that the place where the incident happened is on the side of the Mao bear. We need to give the emperor a face, because this is related to the future layout and development of the consortium! I believe the great emperor will give you a good return

Ding Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "but this is not what I value. It's no big deal if the consortium lacks this profit. But we need to have such a base. Moreover, this time I don't need any scapegoat. The scapegoat has no effect on us!"

"Sir, they won't bring out too much valuable things!"

Ding Yu grinned grimly, "this is not the problem that they don't give. It has moved my people, but also caused such a great loss. It's not that they can say it in one sentence or two sentences, nor can they take out two scapegoats to solve the problem! In that case, can everyone ride on our necks in the future? ""Shall we make our own choice, sir?" Next to the security is very suddenly asked!

"Yes, you make your own choice. To be exact, I know that some of you are ready to leave. I will never force them to stay. I hope those who stay can be useful. You have rich experience and extraordinary experience, which are incomparable to others! And that's where your real value lies. "

"Are we still useful, sir?"

"It's useful, it's very useful. You can see these children at home! I'm not going to raise poisonous insects. Their future development depends on their own, but I hope you can help them! "

With Ding Yu's words, we are already very satisfied! The spirit that has been lost is also slowly recovered!

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