Hear the sound ring, Tai Xi hate to stare at Dingyu! I will do what I should do, but I have nothing to say to you!

You don't come to disturb me! Talk to me, I don't want to talk to you now!

Taixi showed his attitude, this is not to say two soft words can solve the problem! Impossible things, originally belong to the son and daughter, and it is still such an important thing, now the four children together are divided! This for oneself, can not bear!

Dingyu came down from his wheelchair and got on the bed with the help of Taixi!

But because of the reason that hinders the body, the laying on the bed is a bit hard, because Dingyu is not suitable for sleeping in soft bed now!

Although there is no meaning to speak, Taixi is very attentive to serve, and not fake people, do not need other people to mix in, is completely their own hands! "What? And angry? "

Half lying on the bed, Dingyu said in a taunt tone! Taixi hum, if placed in her country, this is impossible, women dare to talk to men so, full of peach blossom open this is light!

If you are more serious, I'm afraid it's really hard for you to imagine! And it's going to be reprimanded!

"You are the big master, how dare I be reckless?" Tai Xi said a dull word! After careful inspection, this just let go of the heart, for security matters, they are very angry, but angry return to anger, does not mean that they really reckless! Or say oneself now can wantonly, impossible thing!

"So what do you think is the most appropriate thing to do today?"

Face to face, the son back to teach wife, there is! Although Taixi plays a little bit of sex today, it is very normal for Dingyu. She is a mother, a mother with such a temperament, it is normal!

"I don't care, I don't have so much reason!"

"It is no mistake to think about Ding Yun and Ding Chang. This is your right to be a mother, but I can't, I need to think more about it! It is not that what you do is wrong. Standing in the perspective of a mother, you do nothing wrong. Instead, you do so, defending the right to be a mother. But from the perspective of the teacher, the teacher, both master and mother, needs to be strict as a master, but also needs to be like a mother, and love is no more! "Indispensable!"

Ah? Taixi's mouth is a little big! She never heard of such an explanation!

"What? Do you think I'm talking a little bit too much? "

"I don't want it!" Taixi is a little bit of a gamble!

"You don't want to, you know, British man, rich really and Sasha how much they look forward to this identity!" Dingyu also did not know whether to cry or should laugh! "The British men may be a little worse, but Fuzhen and Sasha, they have some ideas about this identity, just because they are in your own way, so they are not easy to do it!"

Well? Taixi is a little confused. His identity has been determined, but see this meaning, there are other doorways in it? This matter needs to listen to! Can't be too vague!

"Quite a thing does not need to say, you slowly to understand that you know! It's a process! "

Tai Xi feels a little ticklish in his root! This is not intentional, to his mind to hook up, and then he is like a person who is OK! I made a mistake before, but you can't do it either!

"I knew you must have been prepared!" Taixi is angry again, but also helpless to say!

"Security matters are very important. Now they need to be left. If their spirit is scattered, there will be no much effect. I feel sorry and they are also suffering. So we need to think of other ways to solve the problem!"

"The children are the best?" Taixi is very clear about this!

"Nature is the best! A lot of them have to step out after this event, not I will drive them out, but because their situation can no longer stay, arrange them a job, even a high paid job, for the farm, or the financial group, there is no problem, but it doesn't conform to their ideas! "

Ding Yu explained it very carefully!

"But they have been with me for many years, whether it is experience or experience, are extraordinary excellent, can not stay here, but does not mean that they can not stay in the children's side! This is two times! "

"But as far as I know personally, Qu he is already Wang An's man!" To say this, obviously means something!

"This is the individual choice of Qu he, not to say that he can not see Ding Yun or Ding Chang, but because he is very clear that staying in Dingyun and Dingchang will limit his development, and it is not conducive to the prospects of Ding Yun and Dingchang, but Wang An is different! There is no bad idea for the crane to do this! "

"There is no bad idea about this?"Although Taixi knows how this is a matter, but the mouth is a little bit of unforgiving!

"The mind of the crane is not bad, but some consideration. It must be clearly distinguished! These people in the villa have considerable ideas and considerations, which have no problems, but they can never be bad enough, even if it is unconscious bad, they can never be! " Dingyu spoke with a very harsh voice, obviously, this word was deliberately said to Taixi!

Taixi silence a little time, "I know wrong! I'll be tomorrow... "

"No!" Dingyu shook his head. "Things are done, not said, I can say, but you can't say it, because this is two times! Can't be put together! "

"Can't you put them together? What is the reason? "

"There is no relationship with reason!" Ding Yu sighed, "I really have some worries about the change of the day and the night. You will scare the children! They're smart, but at the same time? Some are too weak! Comparatively speaking, you are now! It's a huge thing! "

"I'm not a tiger!" Tai Xi is very dissatisfied!

What you say is that I can give them food? But when I think about it, Taixi also laughed, and the iceberg on her face finally melted! "Well! I know it was a little bit bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a baby! You master, please forgive me. Don't know it! "

"There is not so much to say, and I don't know what kind of movement these monkey cubs can make! But it's a story in the house! " Dingyu's eyes were squinting. "They choose it by themselves! Since we have given them things, we should not step in! "

, you are a master, you has the final say. I don't mix with the head office! " When it comes to this, Taixi suddenly exclaimed, "where is Xiao Gang?" But looking at the father of the child, he seems to have arranged for it long ago!

Next morning, several children get up and exercise together. Dingyu has a quite different place than before. He is sitting in a wheelchair. At most, he corrects the children's actions, and there is no other action!

There is security around, but for two or three days, they have not seen Quhe and Yang Chen. They are still in the stage of self awakening! Dingyu did it on purpose!

Yang Chen is a little better. If Qu he stays here, he will not stand by Wang'an directly, but it will definitely play a very important role. This is not appropriate and will have other effects on several children! It's a certain!

Now, I am sure that I am not good at the moment!

As for the outside world? What kind of situation is it now, Dingyu doesn't care at all. You are free. Anyway, I won't have any other actions. But after this time, it is difficult to say what it will be like! Even if it is my Ding Yu, I dare not to do the guarantee!

So while there is time, eat what you should eat and drink! Don't leave any regrets!

But now, we don't have too much idea about Dingyu's action, or we don't even have to guess Ding Yu's mind!

But Dingyu to the security of these children, or caused a certain range of small alert! I didn't expect Ding Yu to do it like this!

From the perspective of others, the security under Dingyu's hand, except for some limited people, can not continue to stay beside Dingyu! Because their physical conditions have not allowed them to do so! In such a case, it can only be transferred to other positions, or to seek another way!

But who once thought that Ding Yu didn't do this, but gave these security to the children, this movement said big, but said that small is not small! Did not give up these security, even to a certain extent, also gave them a considerable future!

Compared with Dingyu, these children are the real future. They are trained by Dingyu. What will happen in the future? It is hard to say, but at least from the present equipment, Ding Yu has poured a lot of effort on them!

Wang Changlin knew the news, but also silence for a long time, this is a good thing, is not a good thing!

From the perspective of their own, the boss of my family is a little too eager! How old are the children now, and are they equipped with such personnel? It's a little premature. If there is any dispute between them, how can we solve them then?

But on the other hand, it is a good thing. If you plan ahead, they will realize the problems and situations as soon as possible, which will have a positive significance for their future! The problem is to see how to guide in the future! For this point, Wang Changlin is still very relieved!

Until Su Yuan called, Wang Changlin felt a real headache!

Who is the leak of the news, even if it is to explore also has not much significance! And Wang Changlin is very clear, this matter can not be concealed for too long! Su Yuan calls himself, obviously questioning himself!"I know! In the evening, I'll talk about it when I go back! "

So, Su Yuan was angry at that time, "what nonsense are you talking about? Are you still the father of the child? You don't want to be the father. I have nothing to say, but I'm the mother

Wang Changlin for his wife's rude, is also very helpless, this matter oneself don't know?

"I've known about him since he's happened! This matter is not trivial, it is related to all aspects. Now it can not cause any noise or any movement. Otherwise, just because of his temperament, why do you think he will stay in his hometown now! There's a reason for that! "

"I don't care about that!" Su Yuan was desperate, "I don't care what method you use, let him come back and come back to the courtyard!"

"Nonsense!" Wang Changlin said in a deep voice, it's time! What do you want to do with that? Don't you know that if you come back, the conditions will be better, but the boss's situation is special, some things even I don't know much about! This is not so simple to say!

"I'm just mischievous! I don't care about that. If you don't

"Things can't be done like this. I talked to the boss on the phone!" When she heard her husband say this, Su Yuan was stunned because she couldn't get the boss's phone number. She changed countless calls, but she couldn't get through! It is also because of this reason, so I am very anxious!

"Why can't I get through?"

Wang Changlin took a look at the things on his watch. "I have no time to explain this to you. I have a meeting here. The phone call of the boss is not available. This is normal. He is not so convenient now, but he has no big problems. He doesn't have to listen to the wind or rain!"

When Su Yuan wants to talk again, the phone has been hung up! Su Yuan was furious. Even Wang Yang, who came over, leaned back on his body carefully. What was the situation? My mother has a little explosion!

However, he does not provoke his mother, does not mean that the situation can be reversed, Su Yuan put down his mobile phone, glaring at his little son! Wang Yang is a little confused, so why is this? I don't seem to have provoked anyone!

"You know about your big brother?"

Ah? Wang Yang was a little stunned, "I don't know!" Looking at his mother's appearance, Wang Yang hesitated for a moment, "Mom, is there something wrong? Shall I ask? "

"Didn't you hear that?" Su Yuan asked in reply!

"What did you hear?" Wang Yang is really do not know, not pretend to know! Before he finished speaking, Su Yuan waved his hand, "where's your sister? Why didn't she come? "

"Mom, did you really forget, or did you forget?" Wang Yang looks at his mother, is not some too chaotic! Such things are forgotten! "Yesterday, you just went to the hospital. Two children in the second sister's house were hospitalized! The previous cold is not good, but the problem is not so big, two children together, a little noisy! If the second sister is not here, they will be able to turn the sky and the sea! "

My two nephews are not fuel-efficient lamps. Now they are at an age that dogs hate to see! Besides their mother, there are not many people who can discipline them! As for his brother-in-law is able to control, but the problem is that the distance is too far!

Su Yuan rubbed his head. "How are they?" Because of the eldest son's affairs, Su Yuan's mind is a little confused. Now I think that his two grandsons are still in the hospital! In fact, it's no big deal!

"It's not a big problem, it's just a little noisy! Even in the hospital, it doesn't stop. It seems that there is no big problem. If it's like the previous two days, even if it's for them to toss, they can't get up! Isn't it all right now? Start to toss again! You can't pull it

"Mom, is something wrong with big brother?" Seeing that his mother had calmed down, Wang Yangcai asked tentatively!

"What happened to your brother? I heard that you need to be in a wheelchair now? I don't know what's going on? "

Ah? Ah! Wang Yang immediately stood up! "Who the hell did it?" Looking at his mother's appearance, he sat down again in a hurry, but his body couldn't help leaning forward. The expression on his face was very serious! "Mom, why is the elder brother in a wheelchair? Is it serious? "

Can see the little son is very anxious, Su Yuan heart is finally a little comfort!

"Your father said, the situation is not so serious, I don't know the specific situation, but the wheelchair, the situation is certainly not too simple! So, you go to the courtyard? Ask the housekeeper

Wang Yang said, "Mom, I can't get in. It's strange that he can let me in! Especially at this time, let me make a phone call! Maybe more useful! "

In front of his mother's face, Wang Yang dialed his mobile phone and looked at the record above. No wonder his mother took his mobile phone before. It turned out to be a call to his elder brother, but obviously, he didn't get through at all!The housekeeper didn't refuse to answer the phone! But after the phone call, there was no movement!

"Housekeeper, Hello, I'm Wang Yang!"

"Hello!" Deng Rong's attitude is not slow, not anxious, Wang Yang called, he is expected, even prepared!

"Housekeeper, can I know something about big brother?" Without waiting for the housekeeper to continue to speak, Wang Yang continued to say, "what I just learned, big brother, there is quite a situation. If I can, what can I know? The family are more worried about this, there is no other meaning! I hope the housekeeper can be more considerate when he looks at the more concerned face at home

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