The housekeeper said, "I know about it!"

"Housekeeper, I heard that elder brother's condition is very serious. He has been in a wheelchair!"

Can hear from the voice of speaking, Wang Yang is very anxious! My eldest brother in his own impression, is a god like existence, is absolutely will not fall, but now suddenly heard that his elder brother even need to sit in a wheelchair!

The blow was too big to say, and it came a little too fast! Quickly let oneself do not have any preparation!

So for a while, there was some confusion, some words were not chosen!

"Sir, if you have some injuries, it is the best choice to take a wheelchair. If you are injured for 100 days, you can stand up, but it has a considerable impact on the injury. Therefore, it is better to take a wheelchair for recuperation. This is the general situation!" After hesitating for a moment, the housekeeper continued to say, "Sir, due to the influence of other aspects, I don't want to have any other contact with the outside world. There is no other situation, but we are worried about it."

"Housekeeper, can I ask, how did you get hurt?" Wang Yang means something!

"Sir, I didn't mention it too much!"

The meaning of this word is very simple, sir is how to hurt, this matter you do not need to know! At least now you don't need to know! And knowing it won't do you any good!

"I have something else to do! Excuse me

The housekeeper is very happy to hang up the phone, did not go to do any explanation, even if you are the younger brother of the husband, so what? I'm only responsible for my husband. As for others? forget it! What's more, it's still so sensitive now!

I am not a man of many words!

Mr. A has made such a big thing, and I am very anxious about it. Now is the best way to repay him? It is to guard the courtyard well, that's all! Wang Yang's telephone is an account of himself to the outside world!

Whether you can inquire or not, you don't have much to do with yourself!

Wang Yang is Mr. Wang's younger brother, so he has such treatment. Who are you? Want to know everything? Don't have so much curiosity, it's easy to get yourself into trouble!

If you don't feel angry, come and kick the door! welcome! A warm welcome!

Wang Yang looked at his mother, "Ma, the housekeeper obviously knows the situation, but his words are hesitant, and there is no meaning to reveal the truth. Obviously, he did this on purpose! I don't know if it's the big brother's inspiration or what he really knows? It's hard to say! "

Su Yuan said, "we all know about your elder brother. What kind of environment is it that can let your elder brother sit in a wheelchair? That's what's going on? "

"It can't be from China. I heard that elder brother went to the Maoxiong's place? But what's going on with the bear! " Speaking of this, Wang Yang suddenly took a look at his mother, "do you want to ask my uncle, he must know!"

Su Yuan's eyes had narrowed together, "OK! Everyone in the family already knows! Just keep it from me

What is involved? Su Yuan didn't know, but obviously, quite a lot of people already knew the situation, but they only knew nothing. For Su Yuan, it was a little intolerable. What happened? Think of yourself as an outsider?

"You call your uncle, and I'd like to hear what he says?"

"Mom, will my uncle answer the phone?" Seeing that his mother had no words, Wang Yang then called in the past. The result was not unexpected. His uncle didn't answer the phone, but the secretary did! Wang Yang directly to deal with the past, Wang Yang this is also helpless!

My uncle's work is very busy, there is no time, when there is time will call!

Wang Yang opened his hands to his mother, there is no way! I had expected it before! So there will be no accident when such a result appears!

Su Yuan was so angry that he didn't eat lunch. What can Wang Yang do? Now if you dare to pick up chopsticks, you can guarantee that the end will never be as good as you imagined. This is for sure! My mother will definitely package herself and swallow it raw! There will be no hesitation!

Wang Changlin has been waiting for his return in the evening! Wang Yang heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't do anything in the afternoon. He could only accompany his mother. Otherwise, the consequences would be more serious. This is certain!

"Oh, this is not Wang's..."

Listening to his mother's sarcasm, Wang Yang's mouth wriggled. After waiting for his second sister to enter the door, Wang Yang finally gave a sigh of relief. After seeing the two nephews who followed her, Wang Yang's face was a little depressed. These two little guys, at this time, have their good fruit to eat!

Two little guys look at their grandmothers and grandfathers, a little unclear, so! Not like in the past, holding them, the original time, are the heart of the flesh, but today is what? Wang Li obviously saw it. At the same time, she looked at her brother, but she found her brother. At this time, she was counting ants!Su Yuan stares at his two grandsons and twitches twice. Then he focuses his eyes on his daughter. His tone is a little bland! "What's the matter with the two of them? Didn't you say you were discharged today? How did you get here so late? "

"I was discharged in the afternoon! I took them out to play for a while, otherwise I don't know what it looks like now

For the two monkeys, Wang Li felt helpless. She didn't expect that the two children were so lively now. If one was better, but the two were added together, she felt a little powerless!

Su Yuan Er, then looked at Wang Changlin, "you two go to see if there is anything to eat!"

Wang Changlin didn't look at his son and daughter at all. What he said was very direct, which surprised Wang Li and Wang Yang!

The nanny picked up the two children at the first time. Wang Li didn't know why, but Wang Yang pulled the sleeve of her clothes. Now she still doesn't leave. She's really angry after a while! Who knows what good fruit to eat? Hard to say!

"What happened? Mom is like a different person today! How terrible When she came to the kitchen, Wang Li looked at her brother with her hands around her chest!

"There's something wrong with big brother!" Wang Yan frowned and said, seeing the evil spirit on her second sister's face, Wang Yang shook her head. "I don't understand the specific situation. I've been left at home all day by my mother, and there's no free time at all, and this matter can't be explored at all?"

"Can't you find out? Wang Yang, you are deceiving ghosts, aren't you? " When not paying attention, Wang Li did not know where to find the rolling pin, so she carried it in her hand! "Don't you think you're too big for me to do it! Why don't you try it? "

"Give me a break! I really don't know about it! " Wang Yang raised his hands. The rolling pin in his sister's hands was not vegetarian! "I still listen to my mother, big brother is hurt! It's said that the injuries are serious. Now we need to take a wheelchair! "

"Don't do it!" After being hit by a stick, Wang Yang grinned, "I said whether you can speak some truth. It has nothing to do with me. I contacted the housekeeper, but the housekeeper didn't say that he came out. We have found many channels, but it doesn't have any effect. For those who know the news, my father may know some, and my uncle may know some!"

Without waiting for Wang Yang to continue talking, Wang Li rushed out!

Wang Changlin looked at his daughter and glared at her! Wang Li didn't show weakness at all. Wang Changlin snorted, but he didn't pay much attention to it! Wang Yang is Qi Qi ran with his second sister behind the position, now this time or do not sit down! Just stand by the side!

"Is the eldest one seriously injured?" Su Yuan glanced at his son and daughter! Then there was no too much attention, staring at her husband, now know the specific situation, it is only him!

"I don't know the specific situation so clearly. Su Quan may know something about it. When the situation happened, he rushed over, but the eldest brother didn't make any other mention. Their uncle and nephew met. Suquan went to confirm the safety situation of the eldest brother, and there was no news left."

"What does he want? Or the eldest brother's brother-in-law, so he does it? " Su Quan's anger cannot be uncovered!

"It's not what Suquan wants! It has nothing to do with him. It's mainly about the boss. The boss has some other ideas about this matter. And as far as I know, it seems that there is a certain relationship between him and Mao Xiong. I heard that the emperor was involved in it, so it was very troublesome! "

After that, Su Yuan was silent for quite a while!

"Who is the one who moved the hand? Don't tell me that you don't even know that! "

"The specific situation is not clear, the boss has no meaning to mention! I've contacted the boss. What the boss means is that this matter should be put down temporarily! "

"Dad Wang Li couldn't help calling out, "elder brother, for so many years, it seems that there has never been such a situation? You need a wheelchair now! Such a big thing, we even do not know who the opponent is? How can this be done? "

Wang Changlin took a look, "what are you worried about? Can you solve all the problems? "

"Dad! Who is standing opposite my brother? I seldom see big brother like this. He is in a wheelchair! He has disappeared Wang Li is very puzzled about this. She was a little impulsive before, but now she has completely calmed down! "I'm really curious about it!"

"Curious or not, I don't know this very clearly, and it's not a domestic matter. Moreover, the Maoxiong side has a strict blockade of information!" Wang Changlin frowned, "quite a situation, I have collected a lot in the past two days, but there are almost none that can work!"

"You did it yourself?" Su Yuan looks at her husband strangely, even can't believe it!"Basically, there is not much news about this aspect in China. I don't know whether it is the meaning of the boss or that of Suquan. Anyway, I can't hear any news. There is no circulation in this aspect. Moreover, there are more strange things, which I have just heard about!" Wang Changlin took a look at his little son!

Wang Yang couldn't help but be clever, "Dad, don't look at me! I'm very busy with my work during this period, and I don't have any time to contact my elder brother. What's more, I don't have any contact with him in general! "

Hum! Wang Changlin is not satisfied with the appearance, "your luck is very good!"

"Let's hear what's going on!" Hearing her husband say so, Su Yuan is obviously interested!

"The boss lost a lot this time. The security under him was seriously damaged. These people can't continue to stay with him! Because they can no longer shoulder the responsibility of security! So the boss released all these people and gave them to the children in the family. Xiaogang was no exception! "

Wang Yang blinked his eyes, "I'll go, big brother is willing to let those security guards out!" They are very coveted for those people, but never succeed! But now big brother actually let these people out. Are you kidding?

"Dad! They can't take care of big brother's security? Is it so serious? "

Wang Yang suddenly woke up with a start. What kind of injury did it take for these security guards?

Su Yuan and Wang Li's expressions are also a little frightened! Yeah! What is the situation that makes these security guards unable to continue their work!

"Great damage! Qu he's arm is broken. Yang Chen, like your elder brother, seems to be more serious than your elder brother. Fortunately, there are not too many problems. He can still stand up in the future! However, it seems that their own problems are more serious, and they are locked up by the boss. This is the general situation! "

Wang Yang couldn't help but feel the sweat on his forehead! It was really scared out! No kidding!

"Qu he and Yang Chen have always been with the boss, right?" Su Yuan murmured to himself!

After all, their identities are quite different, and the family also pays more attention to them! But did not think, they two people also have not been good, along with is also the same leg breaks, the arm breaks!

"I'm a little confused. Let me think about it!" Instead of letting Wang Li and Wang Yang talk, Su Yuan rubbed her temple with her hand, but Wang Li was still alert. She quickly went to her mother's back and rubbed her head for her mother! Let her be as soothing as possible!

After feeling better, Su Yuan opened his eyes again! "Is it serious? So the boss doesn't want to let the outside world know about the situation? Or is there something else behind it? It's quite related to the fur bear? "

"The news from Mao bear is very strict, beyond imagination!" After hesitating for a moment, Wang Changlin deliberated and said, "the specific situation is not so clear, but I want to have a considerable relationship with the boss. However, as far as I know, the personal relationship between the boss and the emperor is very good! As for what is involved behind it, it is not clear! "

"Does Su Quan know?"

"I may know, but no one can get any information from him!"

When he said this, Wang Changlin took a deep look at his wife. Su Yuan's eyes were a little sharp. It was obvious that he understood the news that Wang Changlin had passed on. He could not inquire about this matter. It was not only taboo that simple! Even other aspects of the impact will be caused!

"That's it! It's not the boss's style, he's planning a lot Su Yuan sighed, "but he gave all the security to the children. This thing is a little unexpected. Isn't the action a little too fast?"

"No, he doesn't answer anyone's phone now! That's quite the case! "

After that, Wang Changlin took a look at his son and daughter, and the meaning was obvious. It's not impossible for you to know this thing, but if there is a certain amount of news spread out, what kind of consequences will it have? Then I don't know!

Wang Li swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Dad, things have reached such a level! Some too strange! Big brother, is everyone scattered over there? Or is the security scattered? "

"Part of the security is broken up! Left to the children in the family, no matter Wang An and Tong Tong, or Ding Yun and Ding Chang, including Xiao Gang, they are all in this range! I heard that Wang An's sister has it too! "

"The little girl is very popular." Su Yuan said yes! This is not a big deal!

"Everyone has his or her own choice. At this point, the boss doesn't make any bias. It's their own right to choose who the security guard chooses below!" For this issue, Wang Changlin has some of his own considerations, but these ideas, Wang Changlin did not make any mention!Although his wife and children face-to-face, but some things they know is OK! Really, if you tell me everything! That doesn't mean much!

Choosing Wang an or Tong Tong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, including Xiao Gang and Xiao Ya, represent totally different intentions! Even the future development between each other is quite different! And once this matter has been decided, there is no room for regret! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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