You should know that these security can be adjusted by Ding Yu!

Their experience, experience and ability are impeccable. If they have problems, how can Ding Yu stay with them for such a long time? We should know that although Ding Yu is not a person whose eyes are higher than the top, his eyes are definitely not generally critical. For this, we can all see!

However, they choose different children, which also means that the future direction is quite different!

First of all, little girl, she is not Ding Yu's disciple, but Wang An's sister! But because of her following Ding Yu's side, she is also a child in the family. If the security guard chooses her, it means that she will not be involved in the chaos in the future. It is good to grow steadily, which is also a very good road!

As for the choice of Xiaogang, his future road has been determined. What about the security? In the future, they will never be exposed to the public. What's more, they will not be exposed now! Relatively speaking, Xiaogang's road is a little narrow, but it is certain that this road is absolutely bright!

As for Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, their emphasis is not the same! Each has its own differences, it is difficult to distinguish between the high and the low!

What about Ding Yun and Ding Chang? And Wang An and Tong Tong have quite different!

These problems security people before choosing, they should have considerable consideration!

As for how they think about it, Ding Yu is not so concerned about it. You can choose anyone, even if you don't choose, just want to leave, and there are not too many problems! Ding Yu will never have any obstruction!

But there are not many people who leave. It's quite different to stay by the children's side and by the husband's side!

To stay with Mr. Zhang, you need to undertake a considerable security task. You must not have any physical condition. Otherwise, it will become a burden and have a considerable impact on your safety!

Staying by the children's side, although they also need to undertake considerable security tasks, this is not the main task for them to stay with the children. They stay with the children mainly to accompany the children's growth together and transmit them considerable experience! Broaden their horizons!

More importantly, they can still get close to Ding Yu! This is the most important thing for these security!

Wang Yang's heart is naturally very happy, if possible, he really want to choose one or two for his son!

But Wang Yang is also very clear, this thing is not realistic things, his son, although young, but by his big brother training is too good! Well, sometimes I don't know how to deal with it!

What's more, Xiaogang is still the hope of the future. If he has any action, other people will start it. Let's not say it! Anyway, my father and mother will definitely let me know what kind of result the dragon and Phoenix combination looks like!

Although Wang Yang is a bit of a pity, but the heart is absolutely happy to roll! Elder brother does not have any bias, and his son also has such treatment! After hesitating for a moment, Wang Yang took a look at his sister, and then held his breath!

Can see that his sister is a little unhappy! The expression is beyond words!

Why is this? Does this need to be said? What's the situation of his two nephews? Don't others know that they can't know? There are some other opinions and ideas in my heart!

I believe my parents can see it! But it doesn't mean that the problem can be solved easily! In this matter, no one can control his elder brother's opinions and ideas, let alone his parents! Even if it is the grandfather and grandmother, also did not see to be able to play any role!

Wang Yang has already watched. Wang Changlin and Su Yuan can't have not noticed. They have different opinions and ideas about this matter in their hearts. The boss has not made any guarantee for this matter, but Wang Li seems to have other meanings for the children at home!

I don't know whether they have reached any so-called agreement between their brothers and sisters. On this point, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan are really hard to get involved. To be exact, it's the boss's side? Too lonely! With the relationship between the home, if far away, it is difficult to get close to!

Can not say good, but also can not say bad!

What's the deal? Ding Yu supports all the things in the family. Otherwise, it will not develop to the present situation? Quite a thing, Ding Yu didn't mean to communicate with his family! How to deal with things at home, you can make your own decisions. As for how to deal with my personal affairs, it's my personal business! Everyone is irrelevant!

Like this time, placed in the vast majority of families, absolutely want to fry the pot, even if it is not frying and boiling, it also needs to be discussed, right?

But what about Ding Yu? I don't have any communication with my family at all. How I deal with it is my personal matter. You don't need to worry about it! As for my personal situation, there is no big problem, and there is no need to worry about it!Perhaps for Ding Yu, this is not a great thing, but for the Wang family, it is a little unacceptable!

"Tomorrow is Friday, isn't it?" Su Yuan said something thoughtfully!

"Do you want to go to Xiaogang?" Wang Changlin immediately said a sentence, Su Yuan did not say agree, also did not say disagree! Wang Yang is looking at his sister! Everyone's expression is different, obviously each heart has the idea!

"I don't have anything to do tomorrow. It's just that Qiuyan's side is not so suitable. Otherwise, let the second sister follow the past together, and just take the two children's past to relax!"

Heard Wang Yang so said, Wang Li gave a satisfied look, OK, at least know the light and light relief, he did not white pain him! Otherwise, the rolling pin put down previously still needs to be held in his own hand. That big guy is definitely not a vegetarian! Not to mention, it's very imposing to carry it in your hand!

"It's good to see Xiao Gang! It's been a while! I don't know how he's been! "

How can we live? The family is very concerned about Xiao Gang's situation. If there is a slight disturbance, they are all very clear about it, let alone at this time. So what I said just now is just an excuse to cover it up!

When his son and daughter went to the kitchen, Su Yuan seemed to suddenly think of something!

"No! How did you get in touch with the boss when he didn't contact his family? "

Wang Changlin was stunned for a moment, "I called Ding Yun!" After a change of breath, he said, "but this way can only be used once. You can call both of them now. There is no use for them. They promise not to answer the phone. Even now they have left the phone at home, or shut down the phone directly. They can do it!"

Such an answer makes Su Yuan's brow locked! In this regard, I really did not think of it!

But the next day, Su Yuan took Wang Yang and Wang Li, along with two children, to Wang Xiaogang! When Wang Xiaogang came to pick it up in person, because the afternoon holiday, it will not have any impact!

"Grandma! Aunt! Dad Wang Xiaogang is very polite, even two little brothers, did not skip, but the two little guys are obviously too small! What they are more interested in all the time is the delicious food in Wang Xiaogang's hands!

"Why are you alone?" Su Yuan frowned, obviously a little dissatisfied!

"The driver and the others are waiting outside. I'm here to shoot first!" Hand over the bag in my grandmother's hand, the bag is not very big, relatively speaking, this is what you can take, as for other things, for yourself, a little beyond the limit!

Su Yuan is very satisfied with Xiao Gang's performance. His grandson is still very sensible. How about being young? The future development of QianLiJu in the home is absolutely expected!

Judging from the current situation, it is a good choice not to let him stay in the capital. There won't be too many people disturbing him. Moreover, the boss is very careful about his cultivation! On this issue, no one will be picky!

"Did your uncle call you?" After getting on the car, Su Yuan seemed to ask at will!

Wang Yang is a little nervous. As for Wang Li, she is taking care of her two children. Previously, she was quite honest, but now? The spirit of the head again up! I can't hold it!

"I had a phone call. I had a video chat with me for a while, and so was my aunt!"

Yeah? "Tai hee is here?" Su Yuan really doesn't know about this! If you know the news, you may call Taixi directly! Others will refuse to accept, but Taixi will never!

"Well! My aunt came here earlier! Uncle's health is not very good, so aunt came to take care of it! " Wang Xiaogang said is very careful, "I heard that things are more serious, so the news blocked a little bit fierce! My side is also due to other things, so I know a little bit more! "

Although the age is small, but Wang Xiaogang's speech, one-sided! Like an adult, there is no shyness!

Just from this point of view, it is really too difficult! Wang Xiaogang and other children are also different, although the other children do not live with Ding Yu, but at least in Ding Yu's present! But what about Wang Xiaogang? Alone outside, under such circumstances, there is still such a performance, what else needs to be said?

"I heard your uncle was hurt! I'm worried at home, too

Wang Xiaogang handed some snacks to his two little brothers, all brought from home! Coax the child! Although judging from his age, he is also a child, but it does not mean that Wang Xiaogang does not know how to deal with it!

Looking at the appearance of two little brothers, Wang Xiaogang smiles slightly!

"I don't know much about uncle. I didn't mention it, and I didn't dare to ask! Brother and sister, they did not say! I've videotaped with uncle, but I can barely keep up with my uncle's spirit! "Say what you have, and you don't need to hide it! There is no such need!

Su Yuan comes to his head and looks at his grandson sitting next to him! His answer seems to be watertight, but it gives people the feeling of a little too deliberate! But this kind of deliberate let oneself have nothing to say, now this time say what? Blame your grandson? What's wrong with him?

Su Yuan stretched out his hand, grabbed his face, pulled back and forth two times, don't say, a little fleshy feeling! It's fun!

Wang Xiaogang didn't take it seriously. "Grandma, I'm a little greedy. You're here this time! Two more days

"You know what happened to your grandmother? Isn't your aunt pro? Isn't it? "

"How can it be?" Wang Xiaogang giggled, "I have prepared a lot of gifts and toys for my brothers to ensure that they have a good time here! If my aunt likes it, I have prepared tickets for the park! There are a lot of eBay programs there, which are very suitable for you! "

Wang Yang looked at his son. He didn't mention himself in his words. It's not that his son forgot himself. It's totally irrelevant, OK! Son has such a growth, his father, what is not satisfied with!

"You're a smart kid!" Su Yuan touched his grandson's head. He was happy, but he also had a lot of emotion!

Why is the eldest son of the family and the eldest child not like Xiaogang? If they can do this, they will not be so hard-working! It's not easy! Now I mention it, I feel tired!

Come to Wang Xiaogang's residence, Wang Yang is very familiar with this. Wang Li and Su Yuan are not the first time, but they are a little lively and don't recognize each other at all! Even if Wang Li is here, the two little guys are just like little fur monkeys! Start messing around!

A little careless, two little guys in the room began to play hide and seek! Wang Li feels a little itchy on the root of her tooth!

Xiao Gang was not so lively when he was his age. He was taught by his elder brother at that time. As for the result, we can see how Xiaogang behaves now! In this regard, Wang Li is really unwilling!

I have hinted at my eldest brother. He didn't say anything, but there are some things we don't know!

Now Wang Li how much so some regret, their relationship with the elder brother is very good, even because of this reason, can play with their own small temperament, the quadrangle to pit enough!

If you can choose again, what kind of choice will you make? For this, Wang Li is really afraid to make any guarantee. Indeed, from her own point of view, her choice seems to have no mistakes, but now I still feel that there are some regrets!

And the more you look at Wang Xiaogang, the more she feels that her mood is so complicated!

"Let them both play!" Su Yuan didn't blame his two grandsons for their mischief. They were just curious about the new environment! Children's family, too much to blame such bad, very bad, did not see Wang Xiaogang do not have any intention?

He is such a small child, can see clearly, so the adults, also don't follow "disgrace"!

"I heard your uncle arranged quite a number of people!"

Su Yuan took over the mineral water handed over by Wang Yang and put it on one side. He didn't mean to open it!

Wang Xiaogang did not have any embarrassment, also did not have any embarrassed, at the same time did not have any curiosity!

"Well! A total of three people, I have video with them, but also understand the situation! But they will not come here yet. They need to wait for quite some time. They are still recovering. Their health is not so good. They choose each other! "

What should be said and should not be said, these are all facts, there is no need to do any hiding!

Grandma has come by herself! What do you mean if you hide yourself? Are you dissatisfied with your family? For this one of the problems, Wang Xiaogang has a very clear understanding, with the size of age has no relationship!

I was born in such a family, and I have a good understanding of some problems, which should have been!

Do brothers and sisters know nothing about this? Of course, they are also very clear, but the road they take is completely different from their own, uncle has said very clearly to himself! I also have a considerable understanding!

It is because of this, so grandma mentioned this matter to himself, he did not hide too much!

What should be said, what should not be said do not know! It's so simple!

For his grandson's soberness, Su Yuan was shocked and even lost his mind!

How old is Xiaogang? He was able to talk with such a conversation, not that there was something wrong with his speech, but that his attitude of speaking was too rational, and even made himself feel so shocked in his heart!

I expect my grandson to be like this in the future, but I never thought that he would be so mature at this age. For me, I can't bear it!In his own mind, Xiaogang his age, can be a little bit of growth, but absolutely should not be how mature!

He should be healthy! Positive! Enjoying his childhood is not to say that he has a very clear understanding of life and society, which is a bit too unfair for him!

But Su Yuan couldn't say something about it. To whom? To the boss? Or to Xiao Gang?

What do you say to the boss? He shouldn't treat Professor Xiao Gang so well?

What do you say to Xiao Gang? Say he shouldn't be like this?

But in the end, what is the source? Su Yuan didn't dare to think about it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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