Su Yuan felt a little chilly in his heart! It's like I've been under ice for three or nine days!

Wang Xiaogang is too mature, the speed of growth is also some beyond their imagination!

Come by yourself this time? Is to see Wang Xiaogang, by the way to inquire about the eldest son's situation!

Is it not clear what the so-called prying means? It is from the inside of Xiao Gang's mouth to understand the situation of the eldest son, but did not want to get such a result!

Xiaogang did not have any cover up, also did not have any hesitation, is very straightforward mentioned his uncle's situation, gives everybody's feeling, Wang Xiaogang is a little too mature! Along with Wang Li, she couldn't help looking at her mother and brother!

When I came to see Wang Xiaogang's performance, I was very envious, but in this moment, the goose bumps on Wang Li's body got up! It's really a little bit scared! Even felt a little fear!

Is the most real one! Not fake! How can this be done?

I admire Xiaogang very much, envy elder brother to his training!

But when she saw the most real scene, Wang Li was completely stupid! The heart no longer has the interesting this aspect opinion and the idea! My two living treasures are so naughty and even active, but they are good children. I hope they can grow up healthily and lively in the future, instead of becoming a little monster!

Now Wang Xiaogang has begun to have the potential of this aspect, that performance, let oneself have some dare not to look at!

How did he suddenly become like this? How many days have you missed? If he is an adult, he may be reluctant to accept it, but the question is: is he an adult? He is just a child!

Wang Yang is dull looking at his son, but immediately closed his eyes, that is his son, about his situation, can he not know? But what if you know? Nothing can be done! Since some things have been done, you can't have any regrets! Some roads are on! You can't go back!

Su Yuan was silent for quite a long time, and he regretted it a little bit! Get the answer you want, but the cost and result of this, for yourself, are you really willing to face it?

"Xiaogang, I'm a little tired!" Su Yuan's face is a little pale!

"Grandma, I've had my room cleaned up!" Wang Xiaogang took his grandmother to the room at the first time. He didn't use the nanny at home. He couldn't make it! For myself, it's what I can do!

But Wang Li looked at her brother, sighed, and then patted heavily on his shoulder!

"Did you already know that?" Wang Li's tone is a little heavy!

"Sister, what can I do if I know? What if I don't know? Do you still have the right to choose? "

Wang Li frowned and sighed deeply. She took a look at the direction of her mother and nephew's departure. "So I have this meaning. Even I envy you. Why is Xiaogang valued by my elder brother? Why don't my two sons have such a chance?"

"I know!"

"Bullshit!" Wang Li couldn't help scolding, "you know a ball, you know! I have inquired about the meaning of this aspect with my elder brother. I have really inquired about it. I was a little confused at that time. But seeing Xiaogang today, I feel that my whole heart is about to become ice! I'm afraid it won't work for a moment and a half! "

"Is it big brother's problem that Xiao Gang embarked on this road?" Wang Yang asked in reply!

In a word, Wang Li stopped talking directly! Even for a while, I don't know what to say! what did you say? What should I say? In this, did his aunt also act as an accomplice?

"I don't know. I'm a little confused now!"

While talking, the two little guys came out of the kitchen in snow-white, all the way, the dregs fell all the way. Wang Li's anger, which had been suppressed, suddenly got up! My mind is very chaotic now, you two pour is good, return to my chaos!

Two little guys will not pay attention to so many, for them, the food is not delicious, even a little choking!

But the nanny trotted after him, "it has nothing to do with the children, they think this is milk powder!"

Wang Li feels a little smoke from her nose! Wang Yang feels very interesting, all over the flour! They can't even see their faces! I don't know where they turned up the flour! I little interesting!

Looking at his sister, Wang Yang laughed!

"Sister, let them play! It's not a big deal. It's great. Just let them know what the consequences of wasting food will be! " Wang Yang is a little gloating at this time!Wang Li's eyes are straight at once. What do you mean? Do you think this is Xiaogang's territory and you're gone? Do you want to let you see my power, I promise you will never forget!

But this slap is lifted up, but there is no intention to shoot it down!

"I suddenly find that you are not so good at luck, and certainly not so bad!"

"Elder sister, you are a bit of a wheel, there is no nutrition!"

"I claim to be the best in my family!" Wang Li sat beside her, as for her two sons? Whatever they like! Since you are willing to play, go and play! We'll let them know the power of it later! I don't have so much spare time to take care of them now!

"I think you are the luckiest one in the family, too."

This is not a lie, but Wang Yang's most real feeling. Originally, she was the heart and soul of her grandfather and grandmother, including the dead grandfather. At that time, the family had little influence. What about the second sister? In the 49 cities, it can be said that they walk horizontally!

Compared to see, they are more like picked up! There is no way, honest with quail! Even if it is admiration, there is no effect. What can you do even if you are envious? Is it really useful to shout?

Even after the elder brother came back, the second elder sister is still Shenglong tireless, the elder brother can be said to be very indulgent to the second elder sister! So many things in the courtyard have been taken away by drums! Big brother doesn't have any words! See oneself all have so some not to pass the eye!

You know that is our big brother, even if you are heartless, you should not be so!

And then married, to the present twin son and so on!

In my opinion, all the good things have been done by my second sister! But also in an endless stream, under the heaven and earth there is such a truth, is really too irritating!

"I used to feel the same way, but now I find that I envy you a little bit!"

Did not let Wang Yang continue to speak, Wang Li continued to say! "Look at you. From university to now, you are basically carefree and will not be entangled with you in all aspects. What about you? The details of these years have been accumulated enough! " Then Wang Li's painting style changed, "but your luck is bad enough, Xiao Gang! What a wonderful child

Wang Yang is really tongue tied! For a moment, the two people have no words!

"Xiaogang is a bit bitter, but this is the way it is!"

After half a day's silence, Wang Yang sighed with emotion! "I don't want him to be like this. I also expect him to be a little happier. I hope to talk about it without so much constraint and pressure. But what can I do?"

Some things can't be said! How do I say this?

To the outside world, how about I don't want Xiaogang? I don't want Xiaogang to go on this road!

What's going to happen at home? What will the outside world think of this matter!

Even if I was floating, I can't say that. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring there! They are very eager to look forward to their children can have the same opportunities as Xiaogang!

But what did it take? What have you got and how many people really know and understand?

"So you have bad luck When Wang Li looked at her brother, she showed some pity! "Did big brother tell you about this? I think there should have been. After all, the elder brother is more comprehensive in thinking about things. Now I can understand why he didn't take my two sons with him! "

Wang Yang said! "Big brother and I had a discussion on this aspect, and my reaction at that time can be said to be very strong! But who is big brother? What he said made me unable to refute it, and I would never interfere again! " Speaking of this, Wang Yang even laughed at himself, "the important thing is Xiaogang, he is very interested in this, let me have nothing to say!"

"How do you know Xiao Gang didn't mean to?" Wang Li is very discontented to say!

"Sister, even if I know Xiaogang is intentional, so what?" Wang Yang's expression did not have any ferocity, the voice of the words did not hysterically expose the bottom, "big brother let me and Xiaogang two people to choose on their own, he did not have any meaning of coercion, what's more, you know big brother, he is not so concerned about such things!"

At this point, Wang Li also more believe in her brother!

The meaning of "no interference" is very simple. If Wang Xiaogang really doesn't mean anything in this respect, then the elder brother will never force him to interfere, and he will not have any relationship with the Wang family! At least Wang family can't let big brother what?

Say a bad word, don't talk about your father! Even if it's your grandfather and grandmother, what?

Taking a deep breath, Wang Li leaned her back against the sofa, but even if it was, it was not as comfortable as I imagined! Looking at Wang Xiaogang coming out from inside, Wang Li is standing up and waving to her nephew!"They're both fooling around! My aunt will wait for their education

Wang Xiaogang doesn't care! Looking for a position down, one-sided, and not because it is in their own home, it seems very presumptuous, without any overstepping, Wang Li's heart more and more pitiful for his nephew!

What kind of pressure will change Xiaogang into such a situation now!

"You! Don't be nervous, children's family, don't learn to be like your uncle Wang Li pretended to be discontented and said, "what's more, your uncle, in ordinary times, is still very harmonious."

"Auntie, uncle is always worth learning! I still need to work hard now! " Wang Xiaogang's face showed only shame. Obviously, he didn't feel proud and conceited because of his aunt's praise. This child is a little too calm! Calm let Wang Li and Wang Yang two people, do not know how to mention again!

"Your grandmother is resting!"

Wang Li shook her head and tried to throw some of her ideas and opinions out of her head!

"What are you going to treat us to in the evening?" Wang Li tried to relax herself! Why her mother left, Wang Li is still very clear about this, since that is the case, then she also don't say too much!

Find some other topics to ease the atmosphere a little bit!

"There is a good specialty farm food here, which is provided by the farm. The food is very good! Very suitable for the elderly and children! If there's nothing wrong with it, let Grandma take us to have a taste at night? "

Wang Li sighed heavily in her heart and gave her brother a helpless look. Her nephew was a little too monster! How about the others? I don't know, but I can't bear it!

Wang Yang and Wang Xiaogang's father and son were left in the room. Wang Xiaogang indicated to his father, and they went to Wang Xiaogang's room! The room is not very big, and the furnishings are not dazzling!

However, there are more books. Besides, there are some simple and elegant books!

Wang Yang is not the first time to come to his son's room. There is no big room in the big flat floor, but Wang Xiaogang doesn't mean to live in it. He even takes the big room as the guest room. Maybe it's a little inconceivable in the eyes of outsiders!

But the fact is that, this has nothing to do with personality. On this issue, Wang Xiaogang has his own consideration! And Wang Yang is also very agree with this!

"Didn't your grandmother ask?"

"No! Maybe there are other considerations? " Sitting on the chair, Wang Xiaogang this time just slightly a little relaxed, "but did not expect grandma will personally come, it seems a bit too hasty!"

"Your uncle is hurt! Isn't that important? " Wang Yang is very dissatisfied with a glance!

"I know about this. I have videotaped with my uncle, and contacted my brother and sister, as well as two elder martial brothers. Uncle won't let me go. It's too eye-catching to say what I used to say!"

"Yes! If you're in the past, it's too eye-catching! " Wang Yang has a very clear understanding of this. As far as he knows, after his elder brother came back, the news was strictly blocked, and his father knew about it!

"If you don't agree with me, I can't insist any more. I didn't expect my grandmother and aunt to come in person!" With that, Wang Xiaogang spat out his tongue, "Daddy, is the activity too big?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Wang Yang was not satisfied with humming, "your grandmother is very worried about your uncle, after all, your uncle has been in a wheelchair! Just like your mother and I, if something happens to you, even if it's a fall and a little skin bruise, we may not be able to sleep all night. I may be better, but your mother! It's really worrying! "

When talking about this, Wang Yang said, "sometimes your mother and I can't say anything. Your identity at home is a little special, and you are very sensible now! This is not to understand a word can describe! It's not a sentence of mutual tolerance that can explain everything! "

"Understand!" Wang Xiaogang was very happy to say, "I have discussed this aspect with uncle!"

Ah?! Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, "have you ever discussed such a deep problem with your uncle? What do you think? "

"Although uncle can preach sometimes, quite a lot of things are quite equal. This is not a difficult topic to talk about. Is it normal?" Wang Xiaogang looked at his father strangely, "it has nothing to do with the age, and it's not a bad thing to know more about these things."

"You! What's good for me to say? " Wang Yang looked at his son with a complex look. "From my father's point of view, I hope you can be a little more ordinary, at least a little happy, don't carry so much pressure!"

"I'm very good here. I have quite a few friends. I may have a little less time to go home, but now the communication is very convenient! When I miss you, I can chat with you and my mother. Everything is fine! ""Cheat the ghost Wang Yang slightly showed some wanton, "other people don't know, it's hard for me to be a father. If there's anything, don't put it in your heart!" Hesitated for a moment, "other words, I am a father, will not make any mention, but give you support for a period of time, there should be no problem!"

"Dad, don't worry about it!" Wang Xiaogang obviously understood the words!

"I really hope you didn't understand it!"

"Dad, it's impossible for me to be confused at my age! The uncle said that if I could be confused before I was 20, I would have just started! I also asked Uncle, uncle said he! Growth is not very good, so the whole life may not be able to do, muddle up occasionally, is also very difficult! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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