Son's words, Wang Yang did not know how to deal with it!

At least from a father's point of view, Wang Yang is speechless!

I will not tell him any great truth, because there is no effect at all, but will alienate the relationship between father and son!

"You! Let me say something? It's a little too much pressure on your grandmother! It's not good, it's not good! "

"Very inappropriate?" Wang Xiaogang subconsciously asked! But look at his appearance, why does it feel like it is intentional?

Wang Yang heavily nodded his head, "your performance gives your grandmother the feeling, a little too deliberate! Of course, in your opinion, everything seems so normal, but your grandmother will subconsciously think, this will be your uncle's reason! After all, there are quite a lot of things at home that are very concerned about! "

Wang Xiaogang some dull, expression a bit silly, but immediately on the reaction over!

"I don't have any idea about this aspect. My uncle has never instilled this idea into me. My brother and sister, as well as senior brother, are the same! This is a bit of a wrong uncle! "

Then Wang Xiaogang walked to the bedside! Back to their own body, fell on the bed!

"Dad! Does grandma have any opinions and opinions about uncle! I always feel that there are some small problems in it! "

"You bastard, what do you want me to say?" Wang Yang is very dissatisfied! "One is my mother, the other is my big brother! From the perspective of your grandmother, she didn't do anything wrong. What happened to your uncle made your grandmother almost crazy. Even now, I have some feelings. How did your grandmother support it? If it was me, I couldn't hold on! "

"Hee hee, Dad, it seems that I still have a considerable position in your mind!"

"Don't laugh at me!" Wang Yang pretended to be serious! "I think I'm a strong man, but if there's something wrong with you or your mother, there's no doubt that I'll surrender!"

But this topic has come to an end, Wang Yang did not continue to say!

"What's more, it's your uncle's side? Your uncle, he is my brother-in-law. The family can have the present details. Basically, your uncle supports him and says that he is the pillar of the family. There is no problem. If he wants to replace your grandfather, there are not too many problems! "

Wang Xiaogang puffed his mouth, "uncle, it seems that he has never been interested in this aspect!"

"I always feel a little awkward when I talk to you. You seem to be my son, but why do you give me the personal feeling that I am talking to an adult? I said Xiaogang, if you are a little bit confused when you are not necessary, at least I let me be a father, without so much pressure, is it better? "

"All right." But the expression on Wang Xiaogang's face is also very helpless! "In fact, I don't want to be like this, but after you have learned a certain way and method, you will be involuntarily substituted into it. Although this is not an instinct, it is also a little difficult to forget these immediately!"

Wang Xiaogang, who used to sit on the chair, now falls on the bed! Wang Yang is very sad!

"Xiaogang, when you were in school, was that the same?" Wang Yang rubbed his head, "as far as I know, when you are at school, it seems that you are very popular and even loved by the teachers!"

"How are you! Teachers take care of them Wang Xiaogang pulled a pillow and put it under his head!

Chat with my father is not so formal, so I will not keep it too deliberately!

"Do you want me to smell Wang Changlin tried to control himself, "your boy's friends are not as many as you imagine. Elephants and deer are few. If you can get close to you, don't give me a chance to get angry!"

"Dad, are you deliberately changing the subject?" Wang Xiaogang really does not give face! "Why are you always talking about me? It doesn't matter if you give it to me, will you

"Hum! Standing in different positions and angles, the results of the problems considered are completely different. There is nothing wrong with standing in the angle of your grandmother, or in the angle of your uncle! Can you understand what I say? "

Wang Xiaogang nodded, "can understand, standing in my personal point of view, when I go to school should study hard, unite classmates! From the teacher's point of view, she hopes that we can have other aspects of development, a good example, isn't it? "

"You are a little too clever! It's not good! "

"I'll remember that!" Wang Xiaogang has made a guarantee to his father, but obviously, this guarantee is not believed by Wang Xiaogang himself!

"Let me ask you something else. Your mother is also a teacher. The children in her class can't restrain themselves. You don't like games very much. Instead, you like sports, running or playing basketball. It's different from other children! It's hard for me to understand that! ""Dad, I also play games!" Wang Xiaogang turned his eyes and argued!

"I know, but your game is quite different from ordinary children, such as the king, such as League and so on! Your uncle Bao was also one of the pioneers! And now the relationship with some players is very good! "

"I don't mean to let you develop in this aspect, or I feel a little puzzled, because your uncle Bao and I will watch the game quite often, but now we are more cloud players!"

"I have a look occasionally, but the interest is not so big. I prefer basketball or baseball. In fact, I am also interested in boxing, but my uncle forbids us to come on stage!"

Wang Yang glared at him fiercely, "what do you mean when your uncle forbids you to go to the stage? Do you want me to be frank? I said Wang Xiaogang, I found that you are really a little bit floating! Do you think I really can't lift my knife? "

"Well! Then I'll say something else! " Wang Xiaogang is intentional, although by his father's foot, but not as a thing, "in the evening, my brother and sister will come over! I've made an appointment earlier! Not on purpose, so this time there are some coincidences

"Well? I really don't know about it! " Hearing his son's words, Wang Yang felt a little toothache!

"I mentioned to my grandmother that she was not in such a good mood, so you know, Dad!"

"With such a thing, you think of me! I'm the only one who carries the pot for you, isn't it? "

Ding Yu knew about his mother's affairs. He didn't stop the children from going to Xiaogang, so he couldn't talk about the so-called opposition! If you want to go, just go! It's not a big deal!

I'm not a big parent. I have to agree with everything! These children have their own freedom!

"Daddy, is that really good?" Ding Yun called and got the news. When she got the news, she had not finished school. In the helpless situation, she could only take advantage of the vacancy of class to call her father!

"What channels are very smart? I didn't think of that! " After hearing Ding Yu's words, I feel a little itchy on the root of the tooth, isn't it? Ding Yun's hair has straightened up! Absolutely angry!

"Dad, are you doing this on purpose Ding Yun felt that her little face was about to be pulled out! My father didn't take it as a thing at all. You should know that his grandmother has come! Now this time is not good in the past, not in the past is even worse, this is not to let them be bad guys?

"What's on purpose, not on purpose?" Ding Yu can't be fooled! "To hear what you mean, it seems that I have done something wrong, but the problem is that it has nothing to do with me, OK?"

"But why such a coincidence? It's a bit of an indescribable feeling! " Ding Yun is humming his little nose and kicking the railing with his feet. Is this very depressing? Who can think of how it will develop!

"So you found it on my head? It's your own agreement. I never interfere. Even if you want to find a reason, you should find a slightly more appropriate reason! "

Ding Yun feels a little depressed about this!

"Daddy, what do you want?" Half way through, Ding Yun bit her teeth and said, "OK! Anyway, it's a knife to stretch your head and a knife to shrink your head, no matter what? We didn't run, Dad. I always feel like things are out of control from my grandfather! We're like dolls! "

"So? What do you want to say? But I need to say that some of your metaphors are not appropriate! "

"Dad, I'll put it another way. Although you don't have many loopholes, you still have quite a few loopholes!" Seeing the teacher coming, Ding Yun smiles apologetically, and then continues to say, "unfortunately, we were misled at that time. Dad, when I go back, I must find it back!"

"You'd better think about how to deal with the things in front of you."

When putting down the phone, Ding Yun modulated her mobile phone into silence, and she knew it! It must be the result. Dad is really a scoundrel! How could he do that? What were these people thinking at that time?

"There seems to be something wrong with the mood of the elder sister's head." Wei Lai obviously saw something and communicated with his partner in a low voice! What happened, they don't know, but the mania of the elder sister's head is obviously not pretending!

When Ding Chang comes back, under the cover of his classmates, Wei Lai asks in a low voice and says, "elder sister, your mood seems to be a little low. Would you like a bottle of fat house happy water?"

Ding Yun stares, but still brings the happy water to the fat house! At the same time, throw the extra two bottles to the people behind them!

At the end of class, Wei Lai bought two cases of drinks, one bottle for each person, but there were all kinds of them. Not only was feizhai happy water, but according to the situation of elder sister, she gave a bottle of feizhai happy water, just to make her interested! Not too manic!If the elder sister's head is manic, the people below will never have any good life!

"Don't look at me, I'm a little depressed now!" Self study classes, assignments for Ding Chang, is a matter of convenience!

Wei Lai and others looked at each other, but they didn't mean to talk to each other!

Elder sister head is a bit depressed, this matter can't be too small! What's more, can let dare all feel a bit depressed and thorny, think about it as if there is only one thing! They are not stupid birds! So soon there was a guess!

"Elder sister, it's a little difficult to do! We are not uncle Ding's opponent at all! It's all for nothing Wei Lai complained bitterly, "what's more, uncle Ding's situation may be a little special."

Just click to stop, Wei Lai is very proficient in this!

"Do you have any shows this week?" After finishing her homework, Ding Yun clapped it on the table in boredom, "I heard you're going to train?"

"Well! It was decided last month. " Wei Lai was puzzled and asked, "elder sister, didn't you ask you before? You don't have much interest in it, and what's more, don't you have other arrangements? "

"There are other arrangements, but now all of a sudden, it seems that I have fallen into my father's trap. It's a little depressing, so I need to slow down now!" Ding Yun's mood has obviously stabilized a lot. Such a thing is depressed, but there is not too much depression! "When I come back, I will give you some special products. Come on!"

After school, several children quickly gathered together, each carrying a back, straight to the station, now with the high-speed rail, everything is too convenient! As for the ID card, they don't have it, but the expiration date is a little short, five years, but it's enough!

After getting on the car, everyone took their seats separately. Naturally, some people followed their children, which had nothing to do with whether they could rest assured!

But also, the following people will not interfere with children's activities, as long as there is no danger!

At this point, Ding Yu has always been laissez faire! Judging from their age, they may still be children, but in terms of ability and performance, they are not as good as adults!

It is not a bad thing to let them know the world and have a clear understanding of the society. What's the matter? We must protect them like an old hen and let them go when they grow up. At that time, day lily is cold!

When the time comes, don't talk about flying. Even if you walk first, you won't!

When Su Yuan came out of the room, he looked at his two grandsons in the living room after he woke up and bit his back teeth! It's all over the place! Although it's not an outsider, at least we need to pay attention to it, right?

"Mother! Don't blame me Wang Li looked at the anger on her mother's face and said in a hurry! "It's not that I have no discipline and have nothing to do with me. Xiao Gang said," don't let them be restrained. There are not so many toys here. Except his bedroom and study, other places are as good as you like! So these two children are also Sahuan

"No words!" Su Yuan looked at the two grandsons with their buttocks pursed and turned over. With a strong temper, Su Yuan sat down on the sofa not far away! Compared with their grandchildren, and then look at two people, it is a few years different, but this gap is not a bit too big! There are so many people can not see!

"Mom, you should ask your grandson for this matter! He did it on purpose, and your son, who was deliberately embellished by his side, I didn't even get angry at any good or bad! "

While talking, Wang Yang and Wang Xiaogang and his son came in from the outside, each holding a considerable amount of things in their hands. Two little guys with pursed buttocks, looking at the ice cream on the tray, came running askew, holding Wang Yang's leg without any intention of loosening it! From this point of view, the future is definitely snacks!

There are a lot of things on the tray, but really speaking, it's not as much as you think! At most, there are many patterns! It's the best way to fool kids!

But obviously, Wang Yang is also a little childish, Su Yuan and Wang Li both see this, but no one wants to organize! Wang Xiaogang is carrying other things, placed in front of his grandmother and aunt!

"Grandma, auntie, this is specially made. It's made on the farm. Have a try. It's a good appetizer."

Su Yuanduan tried a mouthful, the taste is really good, not imagine the sweet and greasy! But freedom is refreshing!

"The farm is really good! It's the smell of old tomatoes, rusty! But it's quite different from old tomatoes Wang Li obviously fell into the memory!

"Xiaogang, I heard that Ding Yun and they came here?"

Put down the cup, Su Yuan slightly helpless asked!

"Well! It's all on the bus! I need to wait for two hours. After all, I need to change trains. Although there is a high-speed railway there, it can't go through. But two hours is enough! It's the same route as usual! " Looking at his grandmother's expression, Wang Xiaogang continued to flatter him and said, "I heard that my sister also brought some things to my grandmother. It belongs to the specialty there. There is only one in the country for that place! There are no other places! "When talking, Wang Xiaogang looked at his grandmother, how sincere the eyes should be!

But look in Wang Li's eyes, his nephew, how terrible to be! It's just a little scary! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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