The children sitting in the car did not wantonly publicize! It's like the earth can't hold them!

We do their own, Wang An and his sister together, as if watching cartoons, for these? Wang An's interest is not very big, but because of her sister's considerable interest in this, I had to make the best of it!

But Ding Yunbai is bored, and now no one wants to pay attention to it. She is still a bit hard to let go of the matter that her father gave her a pit before! Because of this reason, there is really no one to disturb her!

Even in order to prevent other accidents, deliberately to her to find a window position!

Even Wang an didn't get close to her. There was a little girl in the middle. She was ignorant and had nothing to do. She was the best fire extinguisher! Even if Ding Yun appears what condition, at least still need to take into account the little girl, isn't it?

"Elder martial brother, father, he is definitely on purpose! Do you think so? "

Wang An, sitting outside, looks up at Ding Yun! I can tell from the tone of her voice that she is quite unwilling! I don't know nothing! Moreover, pretending to be silly can not solve any problems, but will make Ding Yun more "manic"!

"There may be reasons for this, but we can guess exactly what master means now! It's too late! Just understand why we fall into this trap! This kind of thing pays attention to is moisten the thing to be silent, in the silent middle, everything will come naturally

"I know this situation. The problem is that I can't think about it now. When did dad start to set this trap and let us step into it, but we didn't find anything. I even suspected that dad was a monster? How could he not have predicted it? "

It is obvious that Ding Yun is so crazy about this, but it is not to say that Ding Yun really got into the ox horn tip, which has nothing to do with this! How did dad's trap be arranged? For such a long time, I didn't feel at all!

"I think the master should not be a forerunner, but an idle chess player, useful or useless. He will arrange it before he knows it!" After thinking for a while, Wang an continued to say, "even the master has arranged such a line randomly, as long as it starts! You can't stop, unless there's no beginning

"Ding Yun, do you think the master is a man who overlooks all living beings?" Wang an asked!

Looking at Wang An, Ding Yun shakes his head, his father really can't say how proud, at least in his own understanding is like this! If you look at it from the outside, it may look like ice that will not melt for ten thousand years! But in fact, it is easy to get along with, but sometimes the personality is a little bit introverted!

The best example is that these farm employees talk and laugh with their father and have a certain sense of distance, but they never feel that their father is unattainable. Sometimes, in their own eyes, they all seem a little funny. But when you think about it carefully, do you really don't know? But my father never complained!

There are also their own students, they get along with their father very well, sometimes play a game together, play a basketball, but when playing basketball, we are bullied more, and when playing games, their father is absolutely the best object to be trampled! We find a lot of confidence from our father!

Father treat his classmates, has never been superior, this is particularly praised by the students, absolutely not because of the family, on some students cold eye! Even quite a few students have been encouraged by their father!

This kind of encouragement, let a lot of students, not to say immediately on the earth shaking changes, but their changes are visible to the naked eye! Of course, the more prominent is Wei Lai!

Some of the children in 49 cities, Ding Yun, have had considerable contact with them. Although their classmates are still quite far away from them, the distance difference does not mean that they can not catch up with them!

For this point, Ding Yun is sincere feeling admiration, that is, sometimes daddy is too "naughty"! This point quite lets Ding Yun have so some not to like, the father likes to bully them! And it makes them speechless!

Sitting in the middle of the little girl, honestly looking at their own cartoon, did not want to participate in the discussion of the meaning!

Although Ding Chang and Tong Tong, sitting in the front row, heard the discussion, they did not move. One reason is that the seats are slightly higher for them. What's more, they have already discussed before, and the general direction is the same!

Get off the train, already can see, the sky is a little late, but not dark down!

The farm car has been waiting outside for a long time!

"Thank you! It's a nuisance to all of you! " Wang an expressed good upbringing for the farm visitors. Now he stands up and represents the face of the master. He must not let his master's face have any contamination, otherwise he will die!

"If you can come there, we will be most happy!"Don't need too much flattery!

To be able to pick up these children, the farm is also carefully selected, not to send a person to come over at will! How could it be! Don't make such a joke! It's not even the people who dare to get involved in anything like this!

Even things are arranged by Luo Xuan, which is totally for the public relations department!

Even quite a lot of people in the Department are about to break their heads for such things. Why? Because no matter Ding Yu, or the family members, seldom go to trouble the farm!

But today is not the same! Su Yuan is here! The public relations department also knows this situation. Even if it is a face-to-face in the past, it can at least mix with a familiar face, right?

With the left fan side of the female secretary, there are so some stiff face, to be able to win such an opportunity, is also very difficult for oneself! General manager Luo's public relations department is not afraid of your wanton publicity or your so-called ambition. As long as you can show the ability to match, and even let Mr. Luo give up his position, it's all right!

But so far, no one has been able to do that! But in such a department, I also learned a lot of things, public relations department is not as simple as imagined! There is a lot of knowledge in it!

Moreover, there are not so many messy things on the farm side. If there is any problem or dissatisfaction, it can be directly submitted to the supervision department. They are particularly interested in this!

"Uncle Zuo, you'll go there in person. If you let uncle Luo know, you won't look at you!"

Ding Chang sat next to the left fan's position and said in a low voice with a bad smile!

Elder martial brother is not suitable to say such words, but he has no such scruples!

"You're making fun of me, aren't you? Mr. Luo is not in, so I've been robbed. If Mr. Luo is there, I believe Mr. Luo will come over at the first time! " Zuo fan is very clear about his positioning, because it is the reason of public relations, so this talk, all aspects are taken care of!

"Hey, if you let dad know, then it will be more than spanking Ding Chang was very distressed and said, "in fact, what I fear most is not Daddy spanking. My father's means are a little bit too many. If it wasn't for this time that the time is a little bit tight and there are a lot of things, we would really not bother Zuo Shu!"

"What trouble is not trouble? You did it on purpose, didn't you?"

Ding Yun looks at Ding Chang, hesitates for a moment, and finally fails to hold back. She follows her seat and gives him a foot!

"Uncle Zuo, have you seen it? I'm helpless too

Wang an looks at Ding Yun. It's not that he is dissatisfied. Ding Yun is a little grumpy now. It's not good, it's not good!

"I really envy you when I see you fighting and rioting!" Zuo Fan said with emotion, "I have a brother and a sister. My brother and I had a fight when we were young. It was a real fight, but there was no problem for us to fight, but if anyone started on us, it would never work!"

Ding Yun looks at Ding Chang and hums her nose. If she wants to beat Ding Chang, she can do whatever she wants, but it doesn't mean that other people can do it. If other people dare to do it, they will know what peach blossom is all over their faces!

When they arrived at the place, Zuo fan also met Su Yuan. Wang An and Ding Chang introduced them. They were very grateful for their time to pick them up from their busy schedule!

In fact, even if it is not introduced, Zuo fan and the Secretary will not have any dissatisfaction. For them, this is what they should have done, but Wang An and Ding Chang introduced something, which represents a completely different meaning!

Su Yuan expressed his thanks to Zuo fan, but let them be a little flattered. Look at other people's family education and education, and then look at their own family. No way. After going back, you must let your daughter know. Even if you let her receive a little love education, it's not at all a matter! Otherwise, the gap is a little too big!

"Grandma Came to the living room, Wang An, the leader of the ceremony to everyone! Even if Su Yuan was picky, he couldn't find out any problems! And if I really do it! It's critical!

What's more, I noticed a problem. Wang An is standing in the front, behind Ding Chang and Ding Yun, Tong Tong and little girl, and Wang Xiaogang are also standing on the side, which highlights Wang an!

I don't know whether it is intentional or unintentional!

"Is your master injured?" Su Yuan is still very concerned about his eldest son!

Yeah! There is no need to deny this matter at all! But the master doesn't want to let too many people know the situation!

"We have all seen the injury of master! Listen to master said, the situation is not very serious, just need to recuperate for a period of time, so now stay at home! It's not that convenient! "This answer is accurate. We know quite a lot about it. This is true. But the same thing is said by the master himself. We just follow the master's statement. As for the actual situation? That's all we know! If there is anything you don't understand or want to know, just ask the master!

Su Yuan looks at Wang An and blinks his eyes, OK? Wang Xiaogang has already made himself very surprised! But I didn't think there was one waiting for her! How old is the child? How can he behave so mature? Give yourself the feeling, like a smooth stone! Let oneself simply can't hold!

There is also Ding Yun and Ding Chang in the back. Ding Chang can be a little better. He looks down and doesn't know what he's thinking about. But Ding Chang's eyes are about to become small light bulbs, glittering! As for the excitement? Is this a tiger's den? Or what? You child, as for this?

Su Yuan really wanted to give them two slaps on the buttocks, so that they could have a good long memory, but Wang An's so slippery and did not leave his hands, so that all his plans were lost! This makes oneself very uncomfortable, the breath that holds in the heart, has been unable to dissipate, looks like! It's a bit of a jam!

Grandma! Ding Yun laughs and lies down beside her grandmother. She even teases her aunt's younger brother twice. She is a bit of a troublemaker. She is very interested in the bracelet on her wrist!

I want to loosen my mouth! I don't know how hungry they are!

Su Yuan had no choice but to smile, "you! How old are they! And tease your little brother. He's a little younger! I can't stand your trouble She also picked up her grandson. Other children are better, but Ding Yun is the child? It seems like a little bit of Wang Li's childhood, a little bit of the potential of a little devil, only she dare not think, no she dare not do!

Wang Li's mind has been quite indifferent now, but she does not reject her son's contact with these children at home! If you are close to the red, you will get black if you are close to the ink!

"Is your mother here?"

Ding Yun nodded, "mother has been here for a while! They dislike us very much. Sometimes when we pass by, they are extremely unwilling to disturb us Don't worry at all, but this is what Ding Yun can say, and only Ding Yun can say it. No one else will do it! You're kidding!

"Impolite!" Su Yuan seems to blame, but in fact he doesn't care too much! Give Ding Yun a pat! "If you say that, you are not afraid that your father and mother will know?"

"Daddy's been a little bit bad lately!" Ding Yun snorted his little nose, let out his dissatisfaction, and then blinked his big eyes at his grandmother, "grandma, won't you complain? You have slapped me just now. You have taught me a lesson! I already know I'm wrong! The so-called no penalty! No punishment

"You Because one hand is still holding his grandson, otherwise, Ding Yun must be held in his arms!

And Ding Chang poked Wang Xiaogang, sitting next to him, "see if you are a sister, be careful in the future!"

Wang Xiaogang half covered his mouth, his brother can be so bold, but he really dare not to challenge, the consequences of their own a bit unbearable, but also said, so still honest to admit it! That would be better!

As for the brother next to him, Wang Xiaogang doesn't think he can afford it. This brother is different from sister Ding Yun. What about sister? Just a little bit grumpy, but brother? None of the intestines is straight. The bending and winding inside makes people feel confused, let alone mention other ones!

There is also a point, even if it is to abandon the mind, pure force, he is not a rival!

The only one in the family who can hold down this elder brother, I'm afraid, is only senior brother Wang an! Even Ding Yun, if he really wants to fight, I'm afraid it's in between! This is still lower!

In Wang Xiaogang's opinion, more often than not, Ding Chang's elder brother is not willing to stand in front of him, which is not to say that he has no such ability, that is, he is not very willing, that is all!

"I feel a little excited?"

Ding Chang blinked his eyes, see no one else care, this just whispered!

"I fell into the trap of my father, and there was no place to escape. I was completely led away. For her, this is absolutely impossible to tolerate! You didn't see it on the train, OK? Tong Tong and I dare not get close to each other. The elder martial brother is a little brave, but we are also holding the little girl together

After a breath of relief, Ding Chang continued to say, "fortunately, there are little girls in it. Otherwise, it's really hard to say whether Mars will collide with the earth! Anyway, there are so many people I can't imagine! "

Wang Xiaogang moved his nose twice. I've been lucky to see the scene of her sister getting angry. When I wait for a meal, I'm still a little far away from her, but it doesn't seem to work like this. If possible, we should try our best to get closer to my grandmother and elder martial brother, at least in this way we can ensure our own safety!This time face to face, absolutely feel their body bone a bit itchy! It's going to make you feel comfortable!

I will not give myself such trouble! It's time for me to grow up. Now, as long as the brain is not broken! You will never find yourself so uncomfortable!

When he saw his grandmother looking at him and his brother, Wang Xiao was sitting in a critical position and even gave his grandmother a smile!

That's like saying! Grandma, I am a little transparent, you don't find me now!

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