After a period of rest, we went to the place where Wang Xiaogang had ordered, but soon Wang Xiaogang was caught by Su Yuan!

Ding Yun looks thoughtfully with her, but she doesn't have any words. She seems indifferent to things!

Although there were many people at the dining place, Wang Xiaogang had already decided to have a private room because of the previous arrangement, so there was no other unexpected situation. It is true that there are a little more children, but there is no noise. At most, the two little guys are a little noisy. They are full of curiosity here! Head kept turning, small hands back and forth, always thinking about what to grasp! What's more, it's like catching and throwing! Live bear break the stick!

Su Yuan and Wang Li each have one, but even in this case, the two little guys are not willing to be outdone. If Wang Li is alone, she is absolutely in a hurry. Ding Yun looks at the two little brothers and feels a little itchy!

However, Wang Yang beside him looked at his niece's appearance and made up for it in time! Stop her next move!

"Ding Yun, you are going to have a holiday soon! What are the arrangements then? "

Not having more contact with her two little brothers makes Ding Yun a bit bored. Her grandmother and aunt take good care of her! Plus uncle! It's a bit embarrassing to let yourself find no chance at all!

Hearing his uncle's question, Ding Yun gave a sigh of weakness! "Quite a plan has been made. If there is no other situation, we should follow the plan." Although not careful, but this answer has done quite cover up, let Su Yuan and Wang Li on one side, can not grasp any context!

Obviously, Ding Yu didn't mean to leave the children with him. In addition, with his current physical condition, he would not accompany the children on the outing together, so these children could only travel by themselves!

Think about it carefully, it seems that it is not a fuss! Even slightly normal!

Su Yuan looked at the children at home, which was quite complete! But how? In addition to their own and Wang Lihuai, one by one are all human spirits! It's just a little different! Including Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, who have never spoken much, do not mean that they are really dull, not like this!

The boss taught them so well! OK, let yourself have some exclamations!

Among these children, what about Xiao Gang? He is very close to his family, or he is the future of his family, but it is arrogant to say that he is holding Xiaogang at home! On this issue, you can't even admit it!

It can't be said that there's a problem with the boss. It really has nothing to do with it. If the boss really means this, what can we do at home? Can we withstand the pressure of the boss, even the forces behind it? Two said things, no one dare to do this guarantee!

This is just Xiaogang. What about the other children? Wang An will not say it!

From his station can see that the boss for his positioning, even higher than Ding Yun and Ding Chang! Maybe Ding Yun and Ding Chang are not above the top! Arrogant Lord, but want to subdue them two people, absolutely is not a word two words can, you do not have such ability, do not want to think!

Do you really think that Ding Yun and Ding Chang are vegetarian? Ding Yun seems careless, but his mind is extremely delicate. What about Ding Chang? Let alone! Although young, but the belly is very black!

Even Ding Yun and Ding Chang can't suppress Wang An. It can be imagined how good he was trained by the boss!

As for Tong Tong? They see the same drool, but how can it be?

Like Wang An, they are the kind that can't be expected! Su Yuan couldn't help tightening the little guy in his arms!

Their current feelings can be said to be extremely complex, is not only hope that children can be excellent, but also do not want them too mature! But the two are too contradictory! There is no way to achieve unity!

However, the maturity of children at home and Wang Xiaogang's maturity, it seems that there are so some different! Su Yuan felt that he still needed to observe and observe what was the cause! But in any case, Wang Xiaogang is a little bitter, on his own alone in this side! His uncle! Really is not the general ruthlessness!

When things were on the table, the children at home showed a very good quality. When Su Yuan didn't move his chopsticks, none of them meant to take them up. Moreover, they were extremely polite when eating! It's not polite, but a kind of performance of tutoring. On this point, the two little guys are a bit reckless!

After dinner, the children have a good time! There are only two little guys left at home!

Su Yuan, who returned to his residence, was a little depressed with his grandson in his arms! I haven't had much energy after a day's fuss! Placed on the bed, before his head touched the pillow, he had already slept in the past. The speed is beyond imagination!

When the two children all went to sleep, they told the nanny that Su Yuan returned to the living room with Wang Li and Wang Yang!There is no sense of fatigue! Although today's trip is a bit too much, but there are not too many problems!

"They're not here, they've all met! Say it all

Su Yuan leaned against the armrest of the sofa. The expression on his face was so indifferent, not as eager as when he came first! But I'm afraid Su Yuan is the only one who knows what he thinks!

Wang Li and Wang Yang looked at each other, to know that when the mother came, it was not such a state! How long did it take, and it was just a meeting with a child, that such a big change had taken place. I really didn't expect it!

Do you want to talk about Ding Yu now?

"Mom, everything about children is cultivated by big brother. I think elder brother is more attentive than us!"

Su Yuan shook his head. "It's not a matter of care or not. It's growing too fast, some are too mature."

Wang Yang and his sister looked at each other. They didn't mean to talk! How about that? They already have the most direct feeling! It seems that the two evaluations are not appropriate!

"I used to think they were very sensible and smart, but now they feel a little different!"

Su Yuan couldn't tell what kind of feeling he was, especially after seeing his grandson Wang Xiaogang! With the arrival of Wang An and his party, Su Yuan felt that some of his traditional ideas were completely broken! It won't even heal forever!

Now I especially want to capture my eldest son. Do you know the disadvantages?

But this word to his mouth, and do not know how to say, his eldest son really did wrong? It doesn't seem like this! Anyway, the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel!

"This is a problem, but judging from the current social development, maturity is not necessarily a bad thing." Wang Li said tentatively, "when you have time, you should have a good discussion with the elder brother about this issue. All the children in the family are like little adults, and they are not cute at all!"

"Wang Yang, don't you have any idea?" Su Yuan suddenly pointed the spearhead at his little son!

Wang Yang shakes his head, "have no idea, Xiaogang everything is very good!" In this regard, Wang Yang does not want to express any opinions and ideas. What's the use of mentioning these now and in front of himself?

Su Yuan was also surprised at his little son's answer, but after he was frightened, he also had some regrets!

There is no way at home to make such a choice, and now in front of Wang Yang, to mention this matter, is not to insert a knife into his heart? Want to know that Wang Xiaogang is his own son, is he a father, really have no complaints? How could it be?

But Wang Yang is never willing to express it! And now I said such words, a little inattentive to the occasion! At the same time also did not consider Wang Yang's feeling, obviously oneself this time comes, the mind is a bit chaotic, caused oneself to consider the question, also is not so comprehensive!

"You are a father, and you have a lot of pain in your heart. I can understand that!"

Wang Yang did not show what crying, is very indifferent to see his mother, forced a nod!

Understand or do not understand, their own father, the heart of the most clear! In fact, there is no choice for such a thing. If you can't stand up, you can only let others take over! Besides Xiao Gang, is there any suitable person in the family?

Even if it is to occupy a position, can!

However, there is no choice at all, so under the helpless situation, we can only let Wang Xiaogang, such a child, occupy a position. After Wang Xiaogang stood up, the power behind him was very stable, and everyone had a considerable expectation for the future!

If Ding Yun or Ding Chang, one of them is willing to stand up, it will certainly be better!

But will Ding Yu agree? Even there is no room for discussion. If anyone dares to have opinions and ideas in this respect, Ding Yu will lift the table, I'm afraid it will be light, and it will not be as simple as watching jokes!

And Wang Yang and Tong Tong are the two of them? The future has basically belonged to! It's impossible to snatch things, so count them, that is, Wang Xiaogang is the most suitable! But it is also because the most suitable one now is that Su Yuan can't bear to see it!

Su Yuan did not expect that he would encounter so many problems this time!

And what about these? It can't be reflected on paper unless you see it with your own eyes!

I have seen it with my own eyes now! Everything seems to be just like what you imagine, but why is your heart so uncomfortable? Even with a little anger and anger!

Su Yuan was very sure that the tone in his heart was caused by his eldest son, but he didn't know how to look for his eldest son for this reason. What's more, his eldest son is now avoiding himself!Even Su Yuan had some doubts. These children in the family came here this time. It should be the boss's means! But they can't find it out, doubt is useless!

"Mom, let's have a look at Xiaogang. He's doing very well now. It's a good thing to be happy about. Look at the two little bastards in our family. I don't know how to compare them!"

Wang Li's spirit is not as high as she imagined now! After seeing Wang Xiaogang's nephew, some of his ideas have undergone the most serious changes. I hope my children will be like this in the future, but I absolutely don't want to erase their childhood and joy now!

Standing in a mother's point of view, I really can't bear these!

Now in a comprehensive view, his brother's luck is good, but from another point of view, his luck seems to be poor to a certain extent, even the whole person has so some black!

Su Yuan took a look at his little son. What did he say? It's really hard to say, at least the occasion is a bit inappropriate. If it's at home, it's OK, but now it's Wang Xiaogang's residence, and Wang Li is still there!

Wang Xiaogang came back alone! I came back earlier! It didn't take too long outside!

If the family is really crowded, there are not too many problems!

But there are arrangements on the farm, so Ding Yun and Ding Chang don't come back together. Instead, they go to the farm. But before this, they have told Su Yuan, what can Su Yuan say? Do you object?

After seeing Wang Xiaogang back, Su Yuan, who has changed his pajamas, greets Wang Xiaogang! Wang Xiaogang washed and changed into his pajamas, which came to his grandmother's room!

"They went to the farm?"

"Well! It's said that it was from Uncle Luo. I hope elder martial brother and brother! Sister, they'll go and have a look at it Wang Xiaogang sat beside the bed, sitting cross legged, quite different from ordinary children!

Su Yuan was sitting against the head of the bed, watching his grandson. Although he said that he could often see his grandson through video, he now sat face to face and found that he was quite different from the previous time!

"Inadvertently found that you have begun to grow up!"

"Grandma! Isn't it good to grow up? " Wang Xiaogang didn't pretend to be ignorant and aggressive. He asked a question that seemed to be very agreeable. There were quite a lot of meanings in and out of the words!

"It's good to grow up, but I still hope you are a child!" Su Yuan stares at Wang Xiaogang's eyes and says!

"In grandma's eyes, we will always be children!"

Wang Xiaogang has quite a response! But this kind of response in Su Yuan's eyes, but represents another meaning!

"You! This is not very much like your father. Some of them are like your uncle. They are all round and inside! " Su Yuan sighed and discussed right and wrong with Wang Xiaogang, especially at this time. Is it really good?

Although he is very clear, Wang Xiaogang heart understand what this is, but he did not say, so he mentioned, really good? It seems that there is quite improper! To be sure, my eldest son gave Xiao Gang a good job as a professor! OK, let yourself don't even know how to deal with it!

From the perspective of the future, nature is very good, even impeccable, but it is really inappropriate to look at the problem from the perspective of family! Even a lack of consideration!

How can he look like this? Does he not consider the age of his nephew at all? This is his nephew. How cruel are you?

"Have you ever thought about going back to Beijing? It may be a little different there! "

"Not going back for the time being!" Wang Xiaogang shook his head and said, "if you go back now, some of you can't hold yourself back, and you may be exposed. It's not very good. There are quite a few people here to take care of you, and you can cover up one or two. Moreover, there is a considerable gap between the requirements of Uncle Wang and that of Uncle Wang! It takes time to settle down slowly! "

Su Yuan looked at his grandson, "I didn't think you could come out like this! Even unexpected, I even have some doubts. Did you think of this word yourself or did your uncle tell you? "

"Uncle is not willing to discuss this with me. He makes me better to be a little confused, but it's a little too demanding. I can't do it! Fortunately, although uncle has a certain time limit, it should not be so big a problem! "

Su Yuan looked at Wang Xiaogang with frightful eyes and spoke to him alone!

He did not have any fear, and even made a considerable statement of opinion, and now he does not know how to continue to talk with him! Even give Su Yuan a feeling, continue to say down, is likely to further hurt each other's feelings!

Wang Xiaogang doesn't mean that he doesn't understand anything, on the contrary! He knows too much! Because I know too much! All some things are not very good to say! At least the family is not ready for this aspect!At home, step by step is good! But who could have thought that the expectation at home was seriously behind Wang Xiaogang's growth rate! It may not be out of control, but to some extent, it is what the forces behind expect, but it is definitely not what the family expects!

Taking two deep breaths, Su Yuan grabs Wang Xiaogang's shoulder!

"Xiao Gang, you should remember that you are still a child and a child in school! Remember that! "

Wang Xiaogang also looked at his grandmother, grandmother's strength is a little heavy ah! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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