Su Yuan looked at Wang Xiaogang's clear eyes and finally took back his hands!

"Xiaogang, in fact, you shouldn't be like this! You should be like your two brothers When he said this, Su Yuan's heart was very heavy, and even his whole heart was torn! "Don't hate your father. If you do, your grandfather and I should take the most important responsibility!"

"What's more, things don't have much to do with your uncle. He teaches you very well. It's a problem at home. There's no very good environment for you at home, or even a good platform for you!"

Wang Xiaogang's two hands are placed on his own legs!

The mood is not too much excited, keep very insipid! Not too much for their grandmother's words moved!

Just took a deep breath, "OK! I have also discussed with uncle, uncle said not to be involved in the family affairs, relatively speaking, uncle to undertake more, relatively speaking! I've only taken a small part of it! "

"What did your uncle tell you? He didn't know that it would add a lot of burden to you? " Su Yuan's eyes are a little sharp, even his voice is a little sharp! "What about Ding Yun and Ding Chang? What about Wang An and Tong Tong? "

Because in Su Yuan's opinion, the elder son's behavior is not only treading on the line so simple, but also a serious overstepping!

Facing such a question from her grandmother, Wang Xiaogang blinked her eyes, "senior brother Wang An, they need to carry more, as for the elder brother and sister there? I know something about it! " As for how much he knows and what is behind it, Wang Xiaogang has no intention of speaking out! Some things can be known by themselves!

Whether grandma asked or not!

If she can guess, it has nothing to do with herself. She can't guess it. She knows it by herself! Then it's your own problem! At that time, the uncle may not come to the door, but the elder brother and sister will never spare themselves!

As for the pressure mentioned by her grandmother, it is a normal thing for Wang Xiaogang himself. It is not a bad thing to know the problem as soon as possible. At least, it is a little common for him, even for his senior brothers, brothers and sisters!

Is it because you are young, you can forget yourself and be unscrupulous? Can you care nothing about it?

Want to fart to eat?!

The elephant is his friend. Isn't he under pressure? Relatively speaking, he carries more pressure! Even at this age, he has to shoulder the responsibility of supporting his family. Should this be borne by him? Should not! But will the real life give him a free hand because he should not bear the responsibility? unable!

What about yourself? Living in such a family, no worries about food and clothing, no worries about food and clothing!

Speak big! Should not such a good living condition contribute to the country and society? Shouldn't we set up correct ideas and intentions when we are young? When I was small, my family provided me with such an environment and stage. I lived a life of mediocrity and knew that I would die by eating and eating?

I don't want to live a life so insipid, absolutely not allowed!

Why do you know so much at such a young age? Read more books, listen to more lectures, don't always think about playing games, or other meaningless things, life in the beginning if all wasted! So when you follow up, even if you want to catch up, so what? Will still fall behind!

Of course, this kind of understanding may be the words of one family, without any representativeness, but I am such a concept and idea! There may be considerable changes in the future, but now? The direction won't change basically!

"Xiaogang, you have never thought that you should have a good time to play at your age. Your childhood is gone! No more! "

Wang Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, "grandma, do you think I am very depressed now? I've never felt like that In this regard, Wang Xiaogang felt very surprised, why do you have such a feeling at home? I can't think of it!

"Don't you feel a bit stressed out?"

"Grandma, I think you are a little paranoid!" Wang Xiaogang seems to have found something, "pressure is pressure, depression is depression, this is two things, can't be confused at all! Everyone has pressure, but the direction from which everyone's pressure comes from is quite different. As for depression, I don't feel much. I have friends, and my brother and sister, as well as my senior brother, along with my great grandfather and grandmother, grandfather and grandmother, including father and mother, are very good! What's more, I don't have anything to be picky about in terms of clothing, food, housing and transportation. Under such circumstances, why should I be depressed? "

Su Yuan was also a little silly, because it was totally different from his own imagination!

What's the situation?

For a moment, Su Yuan felt a little unable to understand! It took me a long time to find out that there are fundamental differences and differences between my own ideas and those of my grandson. Even the deviation between the two people occurred at the very beginning!"Do you really think so?" Su Yu almost subconsciously asked!

"Yes Wang Xiaogang nodded, "there's nothing strange about this. Why do you think so, grandma? And in the afternoon, I chat with my father. He seems to think the same way. I don't understand it!"

Su Yuan's mouth twitches a little! Tap your temples twice with your fingers! Jump all the time!

"Xiaogang, I'm a little confused now! I know what you said is not a problem, but your age has caused me too many deviations. What's more, the problems I consider in this position are quite different from those you think, so it's very difficult for me to make a judgment now! "

Wang Xiaogang nodded, "OK! Grandma, you've been working hard all day! You should rest earlier

After she came out of her grandmother's room, she saw her father. Wang Xiaogang made a gesture of victory, and then whispered to her father, "grandma seems a little confused. She said that her mind is a little confused! I don't know what it is. Maybe tomorrow, I will know one or two! "

"Your grandmother is not angry?"

"No!" Wang Xiaogang shook his head, "the mood seems to be better, there may be quite a lot of things did not want to understand it! But as far as I'm concerned, there should be no problem! "

as like as two peas, Wang Xiaogang slept with his father at night. If I look at this time, I will find that the two sleeping positions are exactly the same, and they are definitely inside a mold. No one will believe that they are not father and son!

But in the morning, Wang Xiaogang got up a little early, because of Ding Yu's education, although Wang Xiaogang can let himself into the deepest sleep, whether it is physical or mental can get the maximum recovery, at the same time will not cause any impact on himself! From this point alone, it is not comparable to others!

This is not Wang Yang is still lying on the bed at this time, he has no such skills!

However, this is really not what you want to learn! Need some special skills!

When Su Yuan got up, Wang Xiaogang had been exercising for quite a long time. He nodded to the nanny in a low voice and pressed his hand. Don't disturb Wang Xiaogang's exercise!

Wang Yang is the last one to get up at home. Wang Li is because of her two children. Otherwise, she doesn't get up as much as Wang Yang in the morning!

This made Su Yuan feel a little angry. He didn't even give his brother and sister a good look. They didn't get up early. Thanks to you, you were still a father and aunt! Do you have a face? No words!

"Son, do you get up like this and have a good rest?" Wang Yang didn't worry about other things, but his son fell asleep at about the same time as himself last night, but he got up earlier than he did!

You know, although the mother side is very dissatisfied, but that is only relative!

According to Wang Yang's understanding of the situation, 49 cities got up earlier than themselves. What they said was that they couldn't find too many among their peers. After all, they were in line with big brother at that time! Even now, he is still maintaining quite good habits, but these habits in front of his son, a little bit battered into slag feeling!

"Rest well!" Wang Yang and his two little brothers laughed. When they just got up, they cried for a while! Very interesting, let Wang Yang very interesting! I haven't seen such a scene for a long time! A little miss!

"Uncle is very concerned about this. Not only uncle, but also many teachers have mentioned to us that growing up requires considerable sleep and nutrition, both of which are indispensable. However, sleep does not have much to do with the length of time. If you can get into deep sleep, you can sleep a little shorter and there won't be too many problems It's good to realize the balance of yin and Yang. After all, I'm still a child! "

Are you still a child? Can a child understand so much? Are you kidding?

"Xiao Gang, what are your plans today?"

"There is no other arrangement. My grandmother and aunt came here very hard. In addition, there are two younger brothers. Later, my brother and sister will come here too!" Wang Xiaogang is very sensible! This is my own home, but my grandmother, father and aunt are all here, so I don't want to be the master!

"Let's go out with two little brothers! We won't follow! "

Wang Li couldn't help but be stunned. She took a look at her mother. She was a little worried, but she didn't say any retort. At least, it's absolutely inappropriate to speak at this time! I have a very clear understanding of this!

Soon Wang An and his party came over! It's just that two little brothers have been added to the team, but they really don't mean to put them in their hearts. Even Ding Yun's eyes have begun to shine! I didn't find any chance yesterday. Now it's OK! Come to the door on your own initiative! Ding Yun showed a very excited smile!Wang Yang is looking at his mother. Is it really good to do this? Your granddaughter, in particular, was eyeing her two children yesterday! Now, it's strange to have good things!

Wang Yang looked at his mother, and looked at his sister, wanted to give a few words, but the words to the mouth, or to swallow down, there is no need to mention any meaning!

In my opinion, what I haven't seen is a bad thing!

Soon, these children gathered together and said goodbye to Su Yuan and they pushed the children's cart and left!

After waiting for the children to leave, Wang Li looked at her mother, "Mom, is this appropriate?"

"There's nothing suitable or inappropriate. Let's see! What's more, there are still people following you! " Su Yuan sat on the chair, his attitude was very indifferent, "let's not stay here! It's the third day of farewell when we look forward to each other, and the construction here is not a day or two! It's good to go out and have a look! "

Since Su Yuan has this intention, Wang Li and Wang Yang are not easy to refuse. After all, their mother doesn't like it very much in the ordinary times. Today she is so excited that she can't be disappointed, can't she? There are some worries about two children, but Wang Li can only suppress her worries now!

As for the place to go, it is around the farm!

"Not to mention, although it is a little far away from the city, the environment here is very good!"

However, the taxi driver next to him didn't know whether it was intentional or bold. When he heard Wang Yang say so, he didn't hesitate to go back! "New comer? Where is this going? Say it! Good place? Yes, but it's definitely not on the side of the city. We still need to go north! "

"And better?" Su Yuan seems very interested!

"Elder sister, you are asking the right person!" The driver is very talkative, "now the time is not the most appropriate, come two days early or two days late, then it will be a good time! The original time did not understand what is called green mountains and green water, is not the greening project? It's just the appearance. Now I understand it! "

"I feel the air in the city is very good already!"

"What a bird The driver was not polite at all. "It seems that the city is well built, but the environment is just a matter of time. How many trees and grass are there in the city? If you want to feel the good environment, you still need to go to the farm to have a look. It is a little far away from the city. The real environment there is good! I feel that if I stay there, I can live several years longer! "

"Why don't you move in?" Su Yuanyi asked about it!

"Who dares?" The driver has so many small pride, even some small pride, "from top to bottom, there is one by one, agricultural land is absolutely not allowed to do messy, whatever you are, in our land, it is not easy to use, even the land around the agricultural land is not allowed, the audit is always strict! In the past, two acres of land did not have the value of a toilet in our city. Now, if there are two acres of land in the countryside, it may be exaggerating to change two houses in the city, but there is absolutely no problem in changing a bigger one! "

"It feels a bit unrealistic!"

"It was placed a few years ago. Who could believe it? I couldn't believe it if I was killed! But now? Who would say that they still have two acres of land on the farm, God! This one is even more iron than iron rice bowl. It is absolutely not boasting

Came to the outside of the farm, Wang Yang swept the code to pay the bill, his mother and sister have already got off! Looking at the timer, Wang Yang is very satisfied, how much money he doesn't care, as long as his mother is happy!

"My God! Why so many people? "

Wang Li looks at so many people, feels a little headache, lively is very lively, basically is the whole family to travel together!

There is no admission ticket, which is different from other scenic spots, and the things here are basically market prices. Wang Yang has special attention. There are many people on the square, but basically there is not much garbage. This is quite unexpected, even beyond imagination!

If there are staff, this is understandable, but there are not too many staff on the square, which is quite novel! If it's not a management problem, then it's that everyone's quality is very high!

Looking for an empty table, Wang Li wiped it, which let her mother sit down!

"Very good, at least the management is in place!" Wang Li is video with the nanny at home at this time, but she is not sure about her two sons. As for Wang Yang, she is sitting beside her mother!

"I can't see it in other places, but although there are a lot of people here, I can't feel that there are too many anxious emotions, and the comprehensive quality is very high. I remember it! The farm seems to have some rules at this point, but other impressions? You can put it on, that's the price level. After watching it, I feel a little surprised! "Su Yuan nodded, "look at these people. Even if everyone has a bottle of water, it's also a huge profit. How can it be a bottle of water when they come here? There may be other expenses! But on the whole, it can drive considerable economic development. It's not easy to take point to area! "

Seeing that Wang Li finished, Su Yuan raised her eyebrows and asked, "how is that? The two children are not in trouble, are they? "

"Hi! I really don't make any noise. I'm a bit carried away! " Wang Li's mouth twitches a little. When she takes two children with her, she is always in a hurry. Even with the help of a nanny, she can't pacify the two bear children. But today? The sun is coming out in the West! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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