"So the two children are taken good care of?" Su Yuan was very interested in it!

Wang Li nodded, "Well! The two little guys had a good time and didn't make much noise. They would not be very comfortable if they didn't howl! But it's a little different today! I don't know why! "

In this regard, Wang Li is also very curious about how the children at home take care of their son so well?

When I was at home, I was always in a hurry, even overwhelmed! It's the same even with a nanny!

Is it true that the sun is rising from the West today?

"If you have this leisure time, you might as well discuss with your elder brother when you have time. He has his own unique experience and understanding of the teaching and training of children!" Su Yuan is very dissatisfied with a look at his daughter, "before you are not without such a chance, but your mind is not in these things at all!"

Wang Li's face is a little AI! Don't be so direct? Make yourself a little embarrassed!

As for Wang Yang, he didn't mean to talk much. Why? Because my son has performed very well now! As for Qiuyan's stomach, is this a problem? Something to be discussed! Don't think too much now!

At noon, three people were eating on this side of the farm!

The weight of the food is quite large. Fortunately, Wang Yang often comes here, so he has a considerable estimate of the food here. If he orders more than four dishes, the three of them can't eat it. Even the three dishes have a considerable burden on them! This is no joke!

"How about things? Let's not talk about this, but there is no problem with the service attitude! And the price, which is very fair! " After eating, Su Yuan made a rare comment!

It is open to question whether there is any credit for his eldest son, but the farm was founded by him and is now under his control! There is no doubt about this!

At the same time, many of Su's friends who are in charge of the farm are so envious that they are able to run the farm so well!

Every time we get together, we will inevitably mention this matter!

Because there are quite a few things involved behind this. The development of the farm has played a positive role in promoting the development of the farm! Originally, we were not willing to go to work, but now the situation is different, all want to be able to pass, but now is quite different from the past!

Even if can not become Wang Jianguo, but become echelon that kind of relationship, seems to be OK!

It's a pity that the Wangs never let go of this matter, and Ding Yu's attitude towards this matter is more tough! But even so, we are still flocking to it, the reason is naturally not need to say more!

You can display your ability, but you can show your talent. Why not go? Although the requirements may be higher, these are the most normal. What is the point of hardship? Fear is that there is no such opportunity!

Su Yuan knows this, and his family doesn't mean that there is no operation at all! It really works! In fact, many forces have quite a lot of operation. In this regard, the boss has never interfered in any way, which is quite impressive to us!

Although Ding Yu is said to be a person who is not easy to get close to and not easy to get along with, he is definitely a very smart person! What can be done, what can be done, what can't be done, what can't be touched, he is very good at it! There has never been any overstepping!

After Su Yuan and three of them came back, it took a long time for their children to come back! The two little guys are obviously over excited! Even if Su Yuan and Wang Li came to appease them, some of them could not be pacified!

At the dinner point, although the two little guys said that they were sitting in their own positions, and had already taken a bath and returned their clothes, there were still some things that were not very quiet. But from their eyes and movements, they could clearly feel that they were a little depressed!

Even the meal has not finished, two people have already slept in the past!

"Had a good time today?"

Wang An and Tong Tong, as well as Ding Yun and Ding Chang, left after dinner! There is no intention of staying at all!

To be exact, it did not give Su Yuan any chance! Some things once pierced, it seems too embarrassing! This is definitely not what Su Yuan wanted to see!

Xiaogang is a good person! As their elder brother and sister, Ding Yun and Ding Chang were born by monkey grandson. They were smarter than monkeys when they were glued to the hair! You don't have to think about it if you want to find out some information from their mouth!

But now Su Yuan has more or less realized that these children have come here, and they are even very happy. From it, we can see a problem. There is no problem and situation in the boss. If there is something wrong with him, will these children come here? It's impossible!To a certain extent, this is the message that the boss transmitted to himself. When he thought of this, Su Yuan felt that his teeth were itchy. You could just call him directly! Why make such a fuss?

When he came, Su Yuan was still worried, but now? This aspect of the mind has been weak a lot!

But it's not that there is no problem at all. Wang Xiaogang's problem has been highlighted! Admit that the boss is very good for Wang Xiaogang! But one of the problems must cause considerable attention, absolutely can not be ignored!

After all, there is still a considerable gap between hearing and hearsay. In the end, we should take a look at it in person, and then we can have a good effect!

What's more, Xiaogang is a child who has been influenced by his uncle. At such a young age, he began to learn to hide his clumsiness. This is not good. From Su Yuan's point of view, it is not a good thing!

At what age, he began to be so mature, and even began to become so mature. This is still a child. He has not yet reached the stage of youth. If we say that he has reached the stage of youth, what will he look like? If we say that he is an adult, what will it look like?

After looking at the time, Su Yuan went back to the room, picked up her mobile phone and called her husband!

When the phone is connected, "have you eaten yet?" It's an ordinary opening speech!

"Yes! In the canteen. How about you? Have you eaten? I've heard that the children are gone

"Don't mention it!" Su Yuan mumbled, "they are all a bunch of smart people, especially your little grandson, who looks like a rabbit, but in fact! It's going to be a big wolf. I look at it, and I'm a big one! "

Ah? Wang Changlin is obviously not too much preparation! What is this?

How does the wife's speech have so some exasperated feeling? Is something wrong with Xiaogang? I don't feel like it! At least the news I heard was not like this!

"Ah! I don't know where to start. Anyway, we don't pay enough attention to Xiaogang. This child! Now I have begun to learn how to hide my clumsiness! When we got home, we all lost sight of some of them! "

"What else?" Wang Changlin expressed considerable interest in this, "but how about the boss?"

"There's no news. All the children are coming! I understand now! He asked these children to come here to deliver a message. He had nothing to do, but he didn't want to have any contact with the outside world, even his mother! " When he said this, Su Yuan's words were full of bitterness!

"So angry?" Wang Changlin did not immediately go to comfort, "it's not very decent! We are all anxious to get angry here, but he is good enough to still sit on the Diaoyutai? What's the matter? What do you want? "

"That's what happened to the boss! It doesn't do much to mention it now! "

Know that the husband is biased towards their own, it is OK! As for others, there is no need to investigate!

Although I am old, but what about that? I am a woman originally, this is unchangeable!

"I think it's necessary to pay attention to Xiaogang's affairs. We ignored this point in the past, and even Xiaogang's situation was quite serious. We were all aware of it later."

"Is it all so serious?" Wang Changlin subconsciously asked, after all, Xiaogang is the future of the family, is absolutely not enough to appear any problems and conditions!

"It's really not what you worry about. Xiaogang is growing too fast and too mature. It seems that we all underestimate the cultivation method of the boss and the acceptance method of Xiaogang. His growth is beyond imagination. Even now he is young, he has begun to accumulate himself, which is a bit terrible!"

Wang Changli also rubbed his eyebrows. "Since when did it start, there is really no news and report on this aspect. This will cause considerable pressure on Xiaogang. Doesn't the boss know about this? How could he do that? "

Obviously, Wang Changlin is not generally concerned about his little grandson!

"You look down upon your eldest son! At the same time, we underestimate our grandson too much! "

Su Yuan was proud to laugh at this time, "as far as I know, the boss has tried to suppress Xiaogang! Xiaogang is a little too excellent! Now I can understand why the boss wants to get him alone instead of staying in the capital. If he stays in the capital, it will be too abrupt! It will attract attention from all walks of life, which is not appropriate! "

Wang Changlin heard his wife say so. He was shocked and could hear his wife's excitement!

"I'm a little moved by what you said! Want to see it in person

"If you come, I'm afraid Xiaogang can't hide it! He's not on the boss's side now! The attention attracted is not so big, and it is not on the other side of the capital? We will not show too much concern! I come here not because of him, but for the boss. If you come, it's too obvious! "Su Yuan was not happy about Sun Tzu's calmness, but he didn't lose his mind!

"What do you mean?" Wang Changlin pondered for a while, and then he asked!

"Let's put Xiao Gang's business to rest! It is the credit of the boss that he has made progress now, and there is no way to obliterate this credit. If the boss doesn't mean that, there is no need for us to make trivial changes! " After a pause for a moment, Su Yuancai sighed, "as for the boss's affairs, since he doesn't mean it, we should not interfere!"

It's not that Su Yuan really doesn't care, but the boss shows Wang Xiaogang, so Su Yuan is quite worried!

Some words said in the phone is not so convenient, go back after two people discuss again!

The next morning, they went to buy some things and left after lunch! Su Yuan and his party did not stay too much, and soon left. Wang Xiaogang looked at the slightly empty room and shrugged his shoulders!

Soon, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a specific number. It took a while for the phone to be connected!

"Hello, uncle. I'm Xiaogang."

"What's the matter? Do you want to come to me and ask for help? " Ding Yu said with a smile! But there are some intentional flavor!

"Uncle, I have offended my grandmother this time!" Wang Xiaogang said in a strange voice, "when I walk from here, my grandmother looks at me in a strange way. When I think about it now, I feel so scared!"

"On purpose?" Ding Yu still does not want to Rao tone! "But this time? You are quite responsible, so? What kind of reward do you think should be given to you? Let's hear it! "

"Uncle, thunder, rain and dew are all grace! I dare to find fault there! Do you think so? "

"You really want to make a face out of your skin!"

Do not continue to tease him, "your grandmother's mind, I know that some things are not convenient to say to her now, also not very convenient to say to you, she knows the equivalent situation is OK! As for your side, the performance is very good this time. Originally, Wang An was going to take some things for you. I'm afraid you are a bit too reserved. So someone will send you something at night. Do you know how to open it? "

"Wow!" Wang Xiaogang exclaimed. Although he didn't know what it was, it was a rare thing for Wang Xiaogang to let uncle do it! "Thank you, uncle!"

"By the way, uncle, the family is still very related to your physical condition!" After hesitating for a moment, he heard that his uncle didn't make a sound. Wang Xiaogang was very worried and said, "uncle, I'm small, but I can still see that grandma treats you? Very concerned about it! "

"You For his nephew's words, Ding Yu did not refute! "Your grandmother is concerned about some things, but she knows quite a few of them, which will add more burden and even create a lot of troubles out of thin air! Since your grandmother didn't know at the beginning, don't fill in the waves! "

"Uncle, do you mean that the matter is still in the process of fermentation, and it is not over!"

"All right! That's it for now! You are quite beautiful this time. Under such circumstances, it's no harm to keep a little low-key! You know what I mean? "

"Understand!" Wang Xiaogang promised to his uncle, "my family must be very concerned about this time, but I'm not ready to go overboard, so even if I put my attention on my body, it's no big deal, but uncle, you're not the same! Even if you are low-key, but also like a bright pearl! There's no way to hide it! "

"Don't flatter me!" After a reproach, Ding Yu put down the phone!

Xiao Gang's performance is very good, although a little exposure, but there is no big problem!

Their parents know quite a lot about it. To a certain extent, they can better protect Xiaogang!

That's for sure! They don't value Xiao Gang in general! After all, Xiaogang is the future of the family! Other aspects can have problems, but Xiaogang is absolutely not enough to have any problems!

Even to a certain extent, the family values Xiaogang more than himself. But Ding Yu is really not jealous. How old is he? Even if you are jealous, you will not envy your nephew!

As for what your parents think? You can understand it! Because to a certain extent, I am free from the family! And Xiaogang is the pillar of the family in the future. Under such circumstances, how to make this decision naturally does not need to be said!

Wang Li and her mother didn't stay there! Obviously, it's a good thing to have a good understanding of what you're passing on! At least in Ding Yu's opinion, it is so!

As for how the outside will look at this matter? Whatever they want to do about it! What can be understood naturally can be understood without any words. As for those who can't understand, can they still stop their mouths? Impossible thing!Ding Yu didn't mean to do it! They can be arrogant about other things, but this one? It's really interesting if anyone dares to speak out!

I really hope someone will come out! I don't know if I can find such a fool?

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