The outside world is really paying more attention to this matter than expected!

In China, there are not many people who know the news because of the strict blockade of information in China. But even so, we still expressed considerable concern. We didn't expect that after Su Yuan went there, he would have a face-to-face meeting with Wang Xiaogang, where is Ding Yu? Let's have a couple of kids go, and that's it!

To a certain extent, it was really startled to drop the eyeball of the ground, who did not expect to be such a result!

As for foreign countries, when they know the news, they are also ignorant! Ding Yu is really not particular about this guy!

Under such circumstances, he did not meet his mother. What kind of ruthlessness was it?

But think about it! Such a thing happened in Ding Yu's body, it seems not so surprising and shocking!

After all, that is Ding Yu! Everything happened to him, it seems normal!

However, the foreign side is particularly disappointed. If Su Yuan can see Ding Yu, or Ding Yu goes to see Su Yuan, then there is a further possibility! But now? Ding Yu even his own mother, all avoid to see!

Obviously, this time, Ding Yu's anger is burning in his heart. Now there is no noise, because for the time being, Ding Yu has no intention of making such a decision! Or Ding Yu needs to cooperate with the great emperor over there! If the emperor's affairs can not be solved, Ding Yu basically won't do it!

Compared with Ding Yu, things over there are more difficult to solve! That great emperor is absolutely powerful and unforgiving!

He is even more powerful than Ding Yu. What's more, it's not just a matter of losing face for the emperor and Mao bear! My own back garden is full of holes. Come and go if you want!

What's the matter? Do you really regard our family as your paradise? Right? Is there such a thing under heaven and earth?

During the period of Ding Yu's return, the emperor's attack is much more cruel than that of Ding Yu! Even the inevitable spread out, but quite a lot of forces, are taboo to this, no joke, such things do not come forward! What's the matter? I really think Maoxiong is a bully, isn't it?

Now the fur bear, is absolutely a furious one, both dead and injured! Absolutely no good results!

At this time, anyone who is alert will never go forward, because he is definitely looking for death!

To put it bluntly, Maoxiong is worried that no one will be able to relieve the fire! If anyone comes to the door, he can make sure that the bear will be happy, and even make some incomprehensible moves! This is also difficult to say!

Ding Yu can't find any chance here, but Mao Xiong doesn't dare to provoke him? What should I do? Is it a dead end to just watch? No way! Still need some action!

What action does not have, is to wait for death helplessly, but has the movement? At least understand how you died!

There are still some differences!

However, Ding Yu stayed at home in peace and stability, and even sent Taixi away! I don't mean that I really have any problems and conditions. I can sit in a wheelchair at most this time. It's not a big deal!

Tai Xi was extremely dissatisfied, but Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying didn't have much objection to it!

Ding Lin, in particular, has already checked his son! Deliberately to the hospital that side of the examination, physical problems are not very big, good care can! Under such circumstances, it is not necessary for all people to surround themselves with their sons! And my son doesn't like it very much!

But Tai Xi's front foot goes, Ding Ding Ding back foot comes back!

She didn't have any opinions on Taixi, but she didn't know the news at all. If it wasn't for Zhao Shuying, she would have missed it! I'm afraid Ding Ding will always be hidden in the drum!

When seeing Ding Yu, Ding Ding's face is full of evil spirit! Staring at his big brother for a long time, he complained and said, "when did it happen? Why don't you say it? I'm alone in the house? "

The two kids in the back are not Michelin tires now! Ding Ding squatting down, they are also very curious to lean over, but soon covered their small nose, because the taste for them, a bit exciting!

Obviously, they are very sensitive to drugs!

Ding Yu stares at his two nephews, "how to bring them back together? Isn't the school off yet? "

"Don't mention it! If left to Cao Zhen, I don't know what kind of result it will be. These two children are just lawless in Cao's family. Cao Zhen likes them very much! Don't even give me a beating or even a reprimand. There's no way. I can only bring it back! "

Looking at the two of them, the eyes dribbled around and on! After watching for a period of time, Ding Yu began to laugh!"There's nothing wrong with me. Don't make a fuss! At that time, I didn't notice that, so there were some problems. My father and mother were in the house. The reason why they didn't tell you was also the reason for this! "

"That's it! It's a little thing! " Ding Ding is very dissatisfied!

And Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying, who came back, were holding their grandson. They were very rare there!

The two little guys can be a little better about their grandparents, but they are not generally afraid of their grandmothers!

Grandmother is more than their own mother, a little dissatisfied, the direct is the big bus slap on the small buttocks, there is no any implicit so said! So the two little guys hope that grandfather can hold himself. Although it's good for grandma to hold him, she always feels a little afraid!

Waiting for the children to come back! The two little guys found the source of happiness!

When Zhao Shuying and Ding Lin go to cook, Ding Ding comes to her elder brother's side!

"Who did it? Have you eaten the gall of bear heart leopard Because the parents and children are not there, Ding Ding Ding does not hide at all. In her own eyes, the elder brother is absolutely unique and can do it by himself. As for other people, who dares to do it and kill ya! My eldest brother is also you dare to start, what's in your head?

Ding Yu's arm supported the armrest of the wheelchair, and put the back of his hand on his chin, "it's not as exaggerated as you think. This thing needs to be done step by step, you! It is really not suitable for mixing, knowing too much does not have any benefits, this is why I have not told you! I don't want too many people coming to you! "

"Come to me? What do you mean, big brother Ding Ding even doesn't mean to move the snacks on the tea table, which seems to be a little abnormal, because she is not like this in her normal time! What a violation!

"This time, things are quite noisy, whether domestic or foreign, there are so many worries!"

Ding Ding's expression is a little dull. She is not a little girl now. Her assets are very abundant. After Ding Yu hands over the domestic affairs to her, not only does there not exist any stagnation and retreat, but also has a considerable development. It can be seen that it is general! She is already very knowledgeable!

"Brother! This joke is a little too big Ding Ding's expression is incredible!

"If you don't come back, just don't know anything! But when you come back, if you leave now and go back, I guarantee that the threshold of your house will be broken, and many of them are still you can't refuse

"I didn't know it would be like this." Ding Ding slightly curled his mouth, "listen to my mother, you are hurt! I came back with the baby! Who knows what it is! " But Ding Ding didn't take it as a thing, "anyway, the two children will have a holiday in two days! There is no problem with their education at home! I just came back to have a rest for two days. As for Cao Zhen? Don't worry about him

Ding Yu couldn't laugh or cry, "I said it! You! Sometimes it's so competitive

"No, will you?" Ding Ding Ding argued, "now Cao Zhen's courage is not so big, but I don't care much when I'm in charge. The main reason is that the two children are more in charge. I don't care what he is going to do. As long as I take care of the family and work smoothly, everything else can be accepted!"

"It's not like your personal style."

Ding Yu means to say! Not enough is just a choking sentence, and there is no meaning to go deep into! What happens between them is their own problem, which needs to be solved by themselves!

The so-called one day husband and wife hundred day grace, the situation between them only their own best understanding, outsiders can not play too much practical role! This is not only Ding Yu, but also Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying! There is no intention to interfere! What are you doing here?

What's more, two people's feelings are very good, which is why there has been no interference in the home!

"Big brother, you can't always look at people with the same eyes!"

"All right! Only you know what's going on in your family. As long as you live well, everything else is not a problem. Since you are back! Just stay at home for a few more days

When eating, a large family of people, very lively!

Having been waiting for two little guys to be educated by Zhao Shuying, several children looked at each other, quite surprised!

However, Ding Yun and Ding Chang seem to have something in mind! Although the impression is not so deep as imagined, but absolutely unforgettable!

Wang An's brother and sister and Tong Tong have never seen her grandmother like this. Her expression is a little surprised!

Two little guys doodle their faces, dare not have any refutation, but grandma will never be used to them!

If this had been in Ding Ding's house, I'm afraid it would have been Cao Zhen's thigh!After dinner, although there are nannies at home, but Wang An and they take the initiative to clean up the table, and then play together to go! Two little guys also join in, may not play together, but with them is not a burden! A few days ago, they just experienced it!

Although Ding Ding is back! But Ding Yu did not change anything. The outside world could know all this. Wang Changlin and Su Yuan also knew quite a lot of news. They also had a lot of emotion in their hearts. Sure enough, the relationship between the eldest brother and Ding Ding Ding Ding is more profound!

Such a thing is really envious!

Ding Ding's identity and Wang Li have a decidedly different, Ding Ding Ding can go in and out freely, but the people of the Wang family have a try? It's strange that Ding Yu didn't break his leg! Who is to blame for such a thing? No one seems to complain!

Since some things have already happened, they must bear the consequences!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan both fell into a burst of silence!

"After Wang Li came back, it has changed a lot!" Su Yuan didn't let the silence continue, but took the initiative to pick up the topic. "Originally, she was very envious of Xiaogang, but now she has no idea about this aspect. It is obvious that this time she was followed by too much impact, and her whole person also had a considerable change!"

"Xiao Gang's situation scared her! Even I was scared! It's a little too scary! "

Wang Changlin really felt that he had some worries and fears. Even though Su Yuan had pacified himself, Wang Changlin had a video with his little grandson for quite a long time and had a good understanding of it! This has already jumped to the throat of the mind to press down!

Do not need to do any denial, their grandson has been excellent to a certain extent!

You know, in my opinion, if he graduated from primary school, or middle school, or even more procrastinated, when he graduated from high school, he would be able to accept it, but now? He's already on this road!

Wang Changlin doubted how his son taught Xiaogang and how he could teach him so well?

From this point of view, who are following Ding Yu's side? What is Ding Yu's intention? Or no intention?

It seems impractical to say that the boss has no intention, because these people have made great progress and development!

But if the heart! But from Xiao Gang's performance, the contrast is a little bit big!

"The eldest brother is on purpose. This time, he can say that he can kill several birds with one arrow, which is really enough!"

For this matter, the tone in Su Yuan's heart never dissipated! Although there are happy things, but to a certain extent, the boss still let himself have some embarrassment!

What's more, this embarrassment has not been able to say. How could Su Yuan's teeth not itch?

"Boss, there's nothing wrong with her. I've already known about Ding Ding Ding's return! Boss! Hi Wang Changlin sighed, his son, he does not know how to criticize, but also do not know whether he is happy to come, some words although the couple can say, but can not say too much!

"Many people know about the boss's situation, but many people can't understand the arrangement of the boss. If it wasn't for the special situation this time, we don't even know Xiaogang has reached such a level!"

After saying this, Su Yuan's face also appeared some doubts!

"You say Xiaogang has reached such a level. What about Wang An and Tong Tong? What about Ding Yun and Ding Chang? How far are they now? They didn't stay with Xiaogang before? Are you worried about what I see? "

Wang Changlin suddenly laughed!

"Boss! If he wants to let you see it, then you can see it. If he doesn't want to let you see it, even if you break the casserole and ask the end, it doesn't have any effect! He is such a personality! There's no way for anyone

This made Su Yuan a little dumb. Other people didn't understand it. Didn't they know it?

My eldest son! It's really a freak! If he wants to let people know, we will basically understand it, even if it is not 78 out of 10, there are 45 out of 10, but if he does not want to be known, quite a number of people can understand 12 out of 10, which is a wonderful thing!

Even if he is his mother, the same is true!

"How long has this been! There's no news yet? " Wang Changlin has his own considerable consideration about this matter. "The longer the time goes on, the more it shows that this time the matter is not trivial. It is absolutely inappropriate for our family to get involved in it! Boss! To a certain extent, it's for the sake of the family! "

"For the sake of the family, I can understand, but can't make a phone call?"This is a little intentional! Wang Changlin has no way to deal with it? What should I do?

On the side of the son? Or on the wife's side?

Son's starting point and consideration have no fault, blame him, confuse black and white, such things can't be done by themselves, let alone be a father, OK?

And blame the wife? Are you kidding? Do you want family harmony!

Moreover, Wang Changlin is very sure that if he is on the side of his wife, she may be on the side of his son in turn, and then accuse himself that his son has already considered for the family! But what about yourself? In charge? Can't think rationally!

Who do you want to argue with?

But don't let the wife give this tone! I'm afraid I'm more miserable! So the next period of time! Wang Changlin is very difficult, no way! Su Yuan's temper has risen! They can only be passive to bear!

Fortunately, Su Yuan lost his temper, and Wang Changlin felt better after slowing down!

I have to say, on this issue, or Wang Changlin has a better way! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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