After pacifying Su Yuan's mood, Wang Changlin took a long breath! Fortunately, I have foresight!

If we don't let this go on, we won't be in trouble, but it's definitely a problem!

"Xiaogang is in such a situation that there are quite a lot of arrangements at home!"

Wang Changlin shook his head. "You don't really understand what the boss means." Seeing that Su Yuan's face was stiff, Wang Changlin continued to say, "who's the boss of our family? You seem to have forgotten something very important? "

Su Yuan was stunned and suddenly realized it! "Those security?"

"Yes! That's the security! The boss has obviously done a good job in this aspect of consideration, even if we have arrangements, it can only be on the surface of some arrangements! It's for fooling people

Su Yuan thought for a moment and finally sighed. He had to take it! Because the boss has arranged quite a lot of things! With their own white happy for such a long time, there is no too much effect!

Looking at his wife's appearance, Wang Changlin laughed, "although we may not have played such a big role as we imagined, but we have no effect at all? It doesn't seem like this! At least Xiaogang's situation, we have a good control, this is enough for the home! Eat more than you can chew! "

"Didn't you mean it, boss? What's the matter? Do you have to watch the jokes at home? "

"You can't look at the problem like this. The boss has the boss's consideration! The boss's body has attracted too much attention and eyes, not to say that he wants to block it, too many people peep! We still need to keep a certain distance from the boss! The boss is very clear about this

The boss knows, but the boss never wants to explain things clearly!

Wang's side can see clearly the best, can not see what will happen, this problem seems to be out of the scope of Ding Yu's consideration! For this, Wang Changlin can be said to be sighing!

The eldest brother doesn't really care about the Wangs, but he can't put all his mind on the Wangs!

If there are any problems and conditions in the Wang family, the boss will help. There is no doubt about this, but the boss can't keep it, because there are countless things involved behind this! Even the boss himself has so many can not autonomy!

The eldest brother has trained Xiao Gang, which is already the biggest report to the Wang family!

What's more, the details of the Wangs are too poor! From my father's generation to my own generation, there have been quite a few problems, almost out of date. With Wang Yang's generation, they are basically abandoned!

If it is not the boss, then the Wang family is likely to disappear!

It's not lack of stamina, but no stamina at all!

So now even the boss is back! The Wangs can't jump too high. They want to build high buildings. What will the final result be? Does this need to be stated clearly? When the time comes, I'm afraid it will be light! It's not enough to cherish!

Wang Changlin is very clear about the problems and the situation, with the old man and the old lady is also the same!

It is also because of this reason, so the old man and the old lady let Wang Changlin head up, because there are so few people in the family who can see this problem clearly! Wang Changlin is the best, but also the most appropriate choice!

As for Su Yuan? She is aware of some of the problems and conditions, but to say that she thoroughly understand the truth, there is still a considerable gap! Therefore, whether it is Wang Changlin or Ding Yu, there is no meaning to say something quite!

Because what you understand and what you say to others are totally two things! This represents two different levels!

If you can understand yourself, it means that you can see the situation in front of you, no matter what will happen in the future! Can see, or can not see, will have a considerable understanding, but if you just listen to other people's mention, then it is understood! However, when new problems and situations arise, what is unfolding in front of us is still confused!

"The boss's problem? Let's not think about it! Let's focus on Xiao Gang's body! "

Su Yuan had a lot of dissatisfaction, but in this matter, or listen to Wang Changlin's opinion! "That's the only way! A trip back and forth without doing anything is just a joke

With that, Su Yuan's temper came up again! On this issue, Wang Changlin is not too good to tangle with what, there is no need at all! Is the wife really angry? Maybe a little? But definitely not the most important reason!

To a certain extent, it is intentional. Anyway, I am alone here. If there are other outsiders here, my wife will never do this! Wang Changlin has seen this too thoroughly!

"Well, do you think Ding Ding will come back? I heard that Tai hee has gone back! ""The boss will let Taixi go back, but he will never let Ding Ding come back!" Wang Changlin is very sure to say!

Su Yuan nodded, this matter does not need to be explained, he can understand the problem!

Foreign problems are easy to solve, because the boss is not moving now, even if Taixi is back! Also won't cause what kind of influence, is it difficult for someone to go to the boss's site to wantonly? It's impossible!

But Ding Ding Ding is different! She stayed in China. If Ding Ding Ding returns to 49 cities, there will be quite a number of people going to find Ding Ding. Everyone knows that the relationship between Ding Ding and Ding Yu is very good. Ding Yu takes great care of Ding Ding Ding, even to a certain extent, even more than Wang Li!

You know, when Ding Yu left at that time, all the domestic industries were handed over to Ding Ding Ding!

Of course, Ding Yu is not bad to Wang Li, but they really stand on the balance. Who is higher and who is lower? Is this problem? ha-ha! It is really not so easy to say, some uncertain!

"Ding Ding doesn't come back, and she takes the child back, huh!"

Su Yuan was a little reluctant to hum, "the eldest brother just stayed at home, so no one would really come to the door?"

"Who will take the initiative to find the door at this time? Who dares to take the initiative to find the door, as far as we know, dare to join the family at will? What's more, the old man's temperament, who doesn't know? Even if it's not fatal! You can't use such a way to find death, there are too many people involved! No one can bear it

"There are not many people who can bear the pressure of the boss!"

When hearing the knock on the door, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan were both stunned for a moment. When they agreed, the steward came in from the outside! "The old man and the old lady just called to have dinner tomorrow when they have time!"

Wang Changlin nodded and said he knew. After the steward left, the couple looked at each other!

The news came a little bit abrupt, so that the couple did not have much preparation!

"It seems that the old man knows quite a lot of news! Just don't know who passed it on? "

"It's not so important who passed it on!" Wang Changlin snorted, "you know, the old man and the old lady don't care about the world now. There are not many things that can disturb them. But the matter of the eldest brother's injury will definitely involve their mind! It seems that the position of the eldest in the eyes of the old man and the old lady is very high! "

Wang Changlin looked at the problem from different angles, and naturally he had a quite good interpretation of it!

"With the boss's follow-up?"

"If you find the head of the old man and the old lady, you must have something to ask for. You can go and have a look tomorrow."

The next day, Su Yuan went to the old man's house first. Wang Changlin came a little late. Because of his work, he couldn't say that he had delayed his work! If there is a little delay, it may affect the whole situation!

"Dad! Mom Looking at the parents sitting in the courtyard, Wang Changlin hurriedly took two steps forward!

Wang Pu hums, also don't know where to come not happy! But the old lady looked at her son and nodded!

"After Su Yuan came, she didn't make any mention. She didn't contact the boss. I heard that the boss has quite a connection with you?" The old lady obviously has a special concern for her grandson!

So did not wait for Wang Changlin to sit still, it is very urgent to ask out!

"Well! There's no big problem with the boss. It's just that it involves quite a lot of things, so I called him Looking for a position, Wang Changlin just sat down! Comfort their own mother said!

"Already in a wheelchair! And said there was nothing wrong with it The old lady is very dissatisfied with this, but her side? Really can not contact Ding Yu, his heart does not know how anxious!

After all, that grandson is his grandson, and he is irreplaceable. I don't deny that he has quite a lot of problems and problems, but what about that? No one is perfect.

"The problem is not so big! Dad! Mom! This matter is mainly involved in the Maoxiong side, so the boss is not willing to make a fuss about it! " Wang Changlin explained that "during this period of time, the means of Mao bear is very fierce, and the internal cleaning work is very powerful! There is no pause for a moment

"Has something to do with the boss?" Wang Pu said a rare sentence! When talking, he also shook the walnut in his hands twice!

"Quite a relationship! What happened to the eldest brother happened to the bear. He had a very good relationship with the emperor of the bear. But after this time, the boss came back! Did not do any stay, the boss came back, has been at home to heal, in his words, a hundred days of injury! You need to take it with you

"It's been a hundred days, so it's still very serious?"

Wang Changlin looked at his mother, crying and laughing! "Mom, don't take it seriously. He said that he would hurt his muscles and bones for a hundred days. He just said it, he! Quite a thing is stuffy in own heart, do not say at all! And this is just a cover up! He just doesn't want to be disturbed too much! That's all! ""So many calls? Because of this? Not really

Wang Changlin shook his head. "Su Yuan went to Xiaogang before, but the eldest one sent some children to him. He didn't make any noise at all."

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other. It was obvious that the meaning of his son's words was very obvious!

The boss doesn't mean to meet with outsiders now, even if his mother comes forward, he doesn't mean to come out! From this point alone, it is enough to show his considerable attitude!

"It seems that there is a lot to do with it! Even the two of us are involved in it

Wang Changlin shook his head, "no one knows the specific details now, and even some news has not spread out!" Hesitated for a moment, just heard Wang Changlin continue to say! "But Suquan has been there, but he just went there. After coming back, Suquan's work is very busy, and there has been no news."

"I haven't heard of it!" The old lady was obviously a little surprised at the news!

Su Quan is the elder brother's brother-in-law, and the nature of his work is extraordinary! He personally rushed to, so at that time, things were not ordinary, and after coming back, the domestic side was basically calm! This is not a normal thing!

What kind of things are involved? Su Quan dare not have any words!

"How about the children?"

"Not bad!" When he spoke, Su Yuan took a look at Wang Changlin. After getting permission, he continued to say, "but Xiao Gang's performance is very good, which can be called excellent." If it's redundant, there's really no need!

"What is it to let the children in the family pass by? Is it safe? " Obviously, the old lady was very clear and clear about the things! "The mind is really not general big!"

Obviously, this remark has some reproach meaning! But that's it! It's impossible to have more severe criticism. I can't make it any more. My family lacks a proper judgment on things. Now I'm rash to make some judgments. It's a bit out of date!

Moreover, looking at the situation of his son Wang Changlin, he did not mean that he did not know anything about the problems, or even had a fairly clear understanding!

Now that he knows something, it's OK! Now Wang Pu and the old lady don't want to pay attention to so many things! If it wasn't for hearing that the boss was hurt! They won't even call Wang Changlin and his wife over!

Although Su Yuan was a little dissatisfied with his eldest son, Su Yuan said that there was no problem, but his mother-in-law said that, even if it was mentioned slightly, Su Yuan's heart was still a little dissatisfied! It's just that she won't say it! After all, I am a daughter-in-law!

"I'm afraid it's hard for the boss to come out for a while and a half!" Wang Pu snorted, "this bastard has always been in such a situation. He has made a lot of phone calls, but he hasn't got through. He doesn't know what he's thinking about. What do you say, sophomore?"

This is intentional! After all, what situation, Wang Changlin has explained, now Wang Pu again mentioned this matter, is not nothing to find the same? How old are you! How could it be?

Wang Changlin thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice!

"The boss's situation is a little different. In the past, although quite a lot of things had their own consideration, this time things were extraordinary. I think I still considered the situation at home, and now it's not suitable to have a certain action in the home!" Quite words, Wang Changlin did not say too deep!

Wang Pu is very satisfied with his son's performance. At this time, there is no movement at home that is the best!

At that time, I was a little too impatient! It has led to the successive emergence of follow-up problems. Even today, quite a number of problems have not been solved, and on this issue, his son did not inherit this point!

I am very satisfied with this! The performance of the sophomore in recent years is very good, but it's a pity Wang Yang!

The family gave up on him at that time, because Wang Changlin and Wang Yang's father and son could only choose one, without details and influence. When Ding Yu came back, the time was right, but how could he make a serious problem!

Although the family has never talked about this issue, but they do not talk about it, does not mean that they do not know!

Fortunately, the next generation of Wang Xiaogang, although not a figure, but the performance seems to be good!

On this issue, I am still very concerned about it. After all, I don't have so many thoughts about other things in my family. All the things are handed over to Wang Changlin. His performance is very good! You can't eat and die, can you? Care about the next generation, this seems to be a very should thing!

Speaking of this matter, his own opinion of Ding Yu's grandson is also very big!

The children in the family are well trained, and they will not deny this, but you are you and the children are children, aren't you? It doesn't matter if you divide with us, but it's a bit too much for children to share with us!But in this matter, Wang Pu is not easy to say too much! How do I say this? Do you think Ding Yu is not good at cultivating children? This accusation is biased! It can only be said that Ding Yu is a little inhumane!

Speaking of their relationship with this great grandson, the relationship seems to be quite subtle, said near, said far not far!

Quite a lot of times, it seems that he has a better relationship with his wife!

It is true that there are some so-called small contradictions between each other, but they have been inappropriate to do a thing! He's still on his mind, son of a bitch! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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