Both Wang Changlin and Su Yuan could feel the old man's resentment against Ding Yu, even the old lady! Wang Pu's grievances about his grandson are all expressed in his words!

What problems are involved in the three people's hearts are very clear, here to investigate the reasons? Wang Pu occupies a considerable proportion, but who could have thought that Ding Yu was so careful?!

How many years has this been! This knot has never been put down! And so did his performance!

I'm afraid there's no one else when you've reached such a high level?!

I just don't visit. What can you do? If you want to say it, I don't think I heard it!

But this is Ding Yu. Even if he is in front of him, what can he do? After all these years, there is no change!

Wang Pu has no idea, and the old lady has no idea. Wang Changlin and Su Yuan's husband and wife have no idea about this!

Some things can not be identified, at least not when it is not, we can also sit together in harmony, if we really make it clear! Even sitting together at that time, you may not be able to do it! So muddle along!

At least now this situation, we are still relatively satisfied! Don't break it!

Wang Changlin didn't give up his principle because of Wang Pu and the old lady. Wang Pu and the old lady are more concerned about Ding Yu's affairs, that's all. As for other problems, they don't care!

What age are they! How can you care about those messy things? No way!

Therefore, it is impossible for the Wangs to make a mess. The Wangs didn't even mean to pay attention to it! Ding Yu's injury is known at home, but since the problem is not big, then there is no problem! Didn't you see that Ding Yu didn't make any movements?

As for the people who reported the news to Wang Pu and the old lady before, after knowing quite a situation, they hid directly! Without any news and news, what happened? No one knows!

Wang's side of the calm, let the outside world good living disappointment! Ding Yu is already like this? Is it really good that you Wang's family is not moved at all? After all, Ding Yu is the eldest grandson of Wang family!

But the Wang family is not moving at all? What can you do?

Su Yuan took Wang Li and Wang Yang to Wang Xiaogang? But directly blocked Ding Yu's children! Even can not move forward, Wang Pu and the old lady know quite the news, gentle breeze and drizzle!

To be sure, they did not contact Ding Yu, but under such circumstances, they can be so calm! Think about the content behind, it really makes many people feel a little chilly!

Ding Yu is not motionless this time, but really angry! As for his vindictive character, when he has some actions, it seems that there is no difference, not to mention the flow of blood. When we think of this, we all feel that there are some sudden changes in our hearts! I really feel a little scared!

At this time, if you continue to get involved in Ding Yu's affairs, you may get considerable benefits, but which one is more cost-effective than your own little life? Still need to weigh a good time is!

However, the domestic stop does not mean that the foreign countries are also in the same situation. Even if they want to stop, there are some things that can't be stopped. If Ding Yu's affairs are not solved, everyone will be on pins and needles!

Do you want to clean up link and them first? At least when Ding Yu comes to the door, throw Lin Ke and them out. At least in this way, considerable losses will be avoided. Of course, we all know that this can not eliminate the anger in Ding Yu's heart, which is certain! But at least it can be quite alleviated, can't it?

Injustice has its head, debt has its owner, who made a mistake! Who needs to stand up!

But the question is: will Ding Yu agree?

This time, Ding Yu was almost paralyzed! With his security, the dead, the disabled, the injured, and even their hearts were almost ruined! Such a big loss, it seems to be the first time since Ding Yu was born?!

Even if Ding Yu can swallow this breath, can the people below be able to swallow this breath?

What's more, you can do it like this. Why can't I do it like this! We have done one before. After this one! Sit down and talk about it again? There could be a better result, wouldn't it?

But the question is, does the white headed eagle dare to do this? We all know what kind of way they took to Ding Yu. We have read the most detailed information. After reading it, everyone is speechless!

You take such a way to Ding Yu, then Ding Yu can naturally take the same way, when the time really flowers bloom, do we still want to? What will others think of it in the future? Will they all follow this pattern?

Even if it is not a hundred flowers in bloom, to a gongs and drums, firecrackers, we can not bear it! Moreover, as for Ding Yu's temperament, if he really started, it would not be the people like link and them, such a small fight and so simple!So the white headed eagle so much attention to this matter, they thought of countless countermeasures! But the problem is that now Ding Yu doesn't stand up, which makes people have so many difficulties! Because you can never wake a man who pretends to sleep!

After Tai hee went back, quite a number of people came to visit him. It's not that he would like to see these people, but that these people can't be refused by Taixi! You should know that although you have the support of the father of the child, but your subject is in your own country! And these have nothing to do with the consortium!

If it's about business, it doesn't matter how tough you are, because you have such capital, but you can't do it on human relationship!

The development of his own group is now, we are looking at Ding Yu's face is not false, but there is also considerable human communication, this is Taixi himself can not deny!

Because to deny is to deny what you have done! Being able to control such a large group, Taixi has a very clear understanding of the current situation! However, Taixi is also not for nothing. Human feelings belong to human feelings, but things belong to things, and I can see them. But how to decide things is not up to you. Even if you are the mother of Ding Yun and Ding Chang, you can't do it! This is a line that can't be crossed!

If you say that you have crossed this line, the consequences are really too serious! "Mrs. Kim, we want to meet Mr. Ding! Please forgive me for the offence

Tai Xi looked at the person sitting on his side, the beads in his hand didn't stop, the speed of rotation was a little fast!

However, there are obvious differences between Taixi's string and Ding Yu's string!

Ding yupan's hand strings and walnuts are quite a lot, but they are generally made of wood, while the ones in Taixi's hands are obviously not. The typical hand strings with coral Fushou patterns are decorated with green ones, just like a deep pool, which is unforgettable! And it's a little bit big!

If only from the value point of view, if the hand string in Taixi's hand is bought with walnuts, it may not be too much if you buy a room! People have a love, it is really hard to say that Tai Xi was obviously influenced by Ding Yu, but just like different things!

"It's a little too much!" The expression on Tai Xi's face was a little displeased, "I went to see the father of the child and took care of it for a few days. On the surface, the problem may not be big, but it's hard to make the father sit up now. I only have one such thing in my mind, but I haven't experienced that time, and it's just a hearsay!"

Obviously, the visitors have a good understanding of Ding Yu, which is even better than Taixi!

He understood what Taixi was talking about. When Ding Yu left the team, he was injured, and it was a serious one. At that time, Ding Yu almost failed to get up again. However, the problem was not so big. After a long period of physiotherapy, there was no problem!

Even at that time, diagnosis, imaging data and so on are still preserved. No matter where these things come from, everything about Ding Yu is very important. There is no doubt about this!

"This time, it is necessary to give Mr. Ding an account, but we can't see Mr. Ding now. No one can go there without Mr. Ding's permission. Mrs. Kim, you are the only one!"

Tai Xi once again turned his hand string inside, the force is a little big!

"That's how it works?" This word is a little confused, and there are some exclamations! Looking at the person nodding, Tai Xi did not immediately agree to come down! The expression on the face also has a considerable change, "I can try, but I can't guarantee that I will succeed, especially when it comes to this aspect! I can't make decisions! "

"Thank you, Mrs. king." Visitors are very polite, even with a little emotion! I also know that after this time, all previous human investment is in vain! In the future, when dealing with each other, we need to re invest in human relations, but there is no way. Now we must do this!

At least I can see Tai Xi now, and at least I can get some relationship with Ding Yu through other channels. It's not like some forces. There is no power now. But what can we do? Tai hee is to avoid seeing, what can you do?

Ding Yu immediately took out the phone, after a long time, no one answered! Holding the mobile phone in his hand, Tai Xi pondered for a moment, while the visitor was sitting next to him, without any sense of anxiety!

But the people behind are a little bit impatient, and even want to snatch Tai Xi's mobile phone and dial her phone number! After thinking about it for a while, Tai hee dialed another phone number?

"Hello, Ma! I'm Tai hee! " Taixi said respectfully!

"Oh, Tai hee!" Zhao Shuying slapped her troubled grandson and asked them to sit down beside them honestly. Don't move! No fighting!"Mom, I called, no one answered!" Taixi's voice was a little light, for fear of disturbing Zhao Shuying. "I just came back here, and I don't know what's going on with Ding Yu! I'm still a little worried! "

"Nothing! Didn't you check it before you left? The problem is not so big, now just need to recuperate! Isn't Ding Ding Ding back? Know you're gone! It's also a good complaint, but also brought two children back! There's no room for them in this house! So Ding Ding pushed his brother to the farm! "

"How dare they disturb their uncle?"

"It's going to be lawless! Fortunately, Ding Ding can still manage it. Ding Yu has never been in charge of things these days. It is precisely because of this relationship that I asked ding ding ding to push him to the farm side, just as if I was going out to have a rest. It's not good to stay at home all the time! "

"Mom, when he comes back, let him call me back when it's convenient for him, OK?"

"Yes, I'll tell him then!"

Continue to greet two times, Tai Xi side just hang up the phone! Put the mobile phone to the side of the position, Tai Xi is looking at the person sitting on his side hand! "Ding Yu is not at home!" Looking at can have a few seconds time, Tai Xi is very abrupt to ask a, seem to be a bit casual! "Ding Ding is back! Do you know that? "

"Yes The visitors did not hide anything. Hiding these things in front of Taixi can only show that they are not sincere enough. Why do you do such a thing? branch out! What's more, it's not a great thing! It's normal!

Tai Xi nodded. "Ding Ding pushed Ding Yu to the farm. She was always stuck at home. It was not very good. So she went out to have a rest. She might have to wait for some time." Looking at the visitors, Tai hee said hello to the people behind. Soon, someone sent some tea. Since it is waiting, don't wait. It seems that you are too stingy!

"Mrs. king, I heard that Mr. Ding's situation is quite serious!"

The expression on Tai Xi's face has a little fun! "I've been in the recuperation stage all the time. I don't know much about quite a lot, but now I still need to travel in a wheelchair! This has never happened since I knew him! "

The expression is a little formulaic, but behind the formulaization, it reveals quite indifference, even a little excitement! Obviously, Ding Yu's injury, for Taixi, is also difficult to accept!

"Mrs. Kim, you can't believe what I'm saying now, but I still want to say something about it!" The visitor looked at Tai Xi sincerely, "I don't deny that there are some problems in it. Now things happen! We are more looking forward to how to solve the follow-up things, rather than let things continue to deteriorate! "

After hearing this, Tai Xi couldn't help shaking his head, "this word should not be said to me, said to me! The effect is not so big, if it works, I will not come! "

"I'm sorry, I'm a little excited!" The visitor obviously realized the warning in Taixi's words!

"Understandable!" Tai Xi said with a smile, "I won't take part in quite a lot of things. As for whether the father of the child will see you, it's hard to say. Do you want to listen to my personal opinions?"

"Mrs. Kim, you say that we are the best friends, and I believe that the friendship between our families will last forever."

"From my personal point of view, I am not very optimistic about your actions and behaviors this time, although I can understand them!" Taixi was calm and calm. "I know a lot about the consortium, but I never get involved. People have self-knowledge. If I get involved in the business of the consortium, I will cross the line!"

"Mrs. king, do you want to hear the truth?" The visitor sighed and said bitterly!

After obtaining the consent of Tai Xi, this continues to say! "If I can, I really don't want to come. It's not that I don't want to meet Mrs. Kim, but because of this, it will destroy the friendship between our families, and at the same time, let all the previous efforts flow into Dongshui! It's not worth it

"I see!" What kind of transactions are involved? Taixi has no interest in this!

At least I don't care much about it! I just need to know this thing!

As for cheating yourself? Even if he was of extraordinary origin, he did not have such courage, because the consequences were so serious that even his whole family could not bear it! I am very sure of this, and I believe he is also very sure!

"I can't do a lot of things, so I can only come here to run errands, because they are not sure whether they can see you or not! I dare not make this promise, but I need to try such a thing? If you don't try, you will lose face at most. If you don't try, you don't know how to follow up. But to be sure, it won't be too good! I'm talking about the whole family

What the visitor said is very emotional, even has the quite helpless!"I believe you!" Tai Xi nodded, "I couldn't understand it before, but now I can understand more or less!"

"I haven't been able to see Mr. Ding all the time, but I know that there are many problems with my behavior and even the family behind me!"

"Serious!" Tai Xi raised the cup and gently raised it! Some words just stop there! At least this occasion is not suitable! It's not appropriate!

If the father of the child really see them, it is another matter. If the father of the child is not seen, then he will think that nothing has happened! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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