Su Yuan made a phone call to the farm. When Ding Yu got to know the news, Ding Yu didn't do anything else!

The staff didn't ask any questions. After the staff left, Ding Ding Ding, who was pushing Dingyu's cart, was puzzled!

"What are you doing, brother? My sister-in-law calls you. There must be something wrong! "

"Don't ask, it has nothing to do with Taixi! This matter has nothing to do with you, it involves a lot! After your sister-in-law went back, someone must have come to see you! And she's the one she can't refuse

Ding Ding slightly some Leng God, the whole person even stopped down!

"Brother, isn't it? Is this serious? " Ding Ding was a little incredulous. "You and sister-in-law have such a tacit understanding, I believe it, but is it a little bit exaggerated?"

"That's why you're not allowed to go back!" Ding Yu sighed, and then took out a box of cigarettes, a box of cigarettes that did not appear on the market. Ding Ding took a look at it and didn't mean to stop it. Big brother has never had much preference for this!

Ding Yu's lighter is a little common, of course, it's not a disposable lighter. Anyway, Ding Ding doesn't like it, so she doesn't know much about it. But Ding Ding Ding knows something about cigarettes, but it's just limited to knowing!

"Brother, is there going to be a lot of trouble? What about my sister-in-law? "

"No trouble! At most, it's just human relations! I don't want to see other people now. I didn't want you to get involved. Since you're back! Then just stay at home! Stay at home? But there are not too many problems, if you go back, there will be considerable involvement, there is no need! At that time, both sides will be in a dilemma! "

Ding Ding nodded, "OK, anyway, the two children also like it. It's just a little noisy!"

"Rowdy isn't a bad thing at all. It's more noisy and healthy. Don't be like Wang An and others. They're all like little adults. They're a little bit miserable, but there's no way out!"

Talking to his sister, Ding Yu doesn't have much to hide. What can he say! There's no need to beat around the Bush!

"They need to have a considerable inheritance, inheritance and me, they need to bear, they need to have a price, this is an unavoidable thing!" For this matter, Ding Yu is very clear and understand!

"Brother, I used to think that money was the happiest thing. Now, it's not so!"

"You are hypocritical Ding Yu said with a smile, "material is the foundation of life, and spirit is the highest pursuit. But the pursuit of all living beings is life. It is not that there is no pursuit of spirit, but this road is too difficult! Money! It's not a bad thing. Don't be unkind for being rich! At this point, you've done a good job! "

Ding Ding snorted. It was obvious that she was dissatisfied with Ding Yu's words!

"Brother, you mean it, don't you? I don't know the situation of the consortium, but I still know something about the farm! Compared with the farm, the pattern I played is just a drop in the ocean, OK

Ding Yu shook his head. "I don't care about doing more or less, but I care about the process from zero to one. From zero to one is the most difficult, it's a qualitative change, and from one to one hundred, it's just a change in quantity."

"I can't tell you!" Ding Ding Ding agreed with the elder brother's preaching, but there were some unforgiving meanings on her mouth!

"But I feel that the changes in our side are really great, especially in the school side. I heard that a new high school will be set up again. Is that true? The previous high school was founded only a few years ago, and has been very good! Whether it is the school environment, or the strength of teachers and so on, are very excellent! "

Ding Yu is a little proud of this! "Look at the population on our side."

"It's true. When I went out yesterday, I was shocked. How many people are on the street? It turns out that not only is the traffic congestion in the capital, but also in our side! This is not easy

"On the one hand, there are more people coming back! What's more, there are more people coming here! Fortunately, the house price here is relatively stable. It is always under pressure, and there are not many problems! This can be quite guaranteed! "

Ding Ding Ding is very sure about this point. The farm is not saying that we are not allowed to eat meat, but we can not swallow it whole and stuff everything into our mouths. At that time, it will not be as simple as eating a bad stomach!

"When I was a child, I liked to travel with my father. I saw a lot of things and ate a lot. Now I suddenly found that my hometown seems to be the best, but there are not so many things left behind! The city changes very fast, changes with each passing day, but although the speed of development is fast, but there are not too many disadvantages! This is not easy! "

"Well, it's not a bad thing to be steady. Do you think it's an easy thing? At that time, Zhao Hongyang and all of them were gathered together and explained the truth to them. Even after a considerable number of people were dealt with, the atmosphere was stopped. Otherwise, we don't know how many people will float up! "Ding Ding Xi's smile, "said, he is also with the elder brother you make a fortune, on the right path, now also need not be afraid! It's not easy! From this point of view, brother, you are of great merit

"Don't wear high hats for me, I can't afford it!"

I've been around the farm for a while, but I haven't seen too many people. Ding Yu is ready to go back to the office!

However, as soon as I got to the door, I saw a security guard running towards Ding Yu almost at the speed of sprint. When he came to Ding Yu, he left a deep footprints on the ground because he wanted to stop in a hurry! The trace is very clear and obvious!

"Sir Then he fell into Ding Yu's ear and said in a low voice!

Ding Yu's face suddenly changed! "When did it happen? Why didn't you report in advance? "

"Just happened! After we received the news, we informed you as soon as possible! "

Ding Yu took a deep breath, "inform the plane, get ready immediately, Ding Ding! I'll give it to you now. I'll tell my mom and Dad that I'll go to the capital. Uncle Liu is seriously ill and has arrived at the hospital! I need to get there right now After pondering for a moment, Ding Yu continued to say, "thank you for the time I left! No matter who it is! Do you know? "

"Big brother, I understand. Don't worry. Leave it to me."

Ding Yu turned and looked at the security guard, "go and pick up all the children! I'll take them with me

Ding Ding pushed her elder brother to see her mother. Zhao Shuying didn't worry about this matter, "you! Light up, after all, the body has just improved, you know? Don't work too hard

"It's OK. I just went to have a look! I'll call you if there's anything wrong with it! "

"Tai hee called you, you remember to call back!"

Ding Yu said, but he didn't say anything. Soon, the vehicles were arranged! When he got on the train, Ding Yu called Taixi and said, "I'm Ding Yu!"

When receiving Ding Yu's call, Taixi was stunned for a moment, while the one next to him straightened up his waist and looked at the phone attentively. He heard Ding Yu's voice from the phone. This is really a breakthrough! It's not easy!

"Sean came to me and wanted to meet you. I don't know if it's appropriate or not?"

Ding Yu did not immediately agree, but asked, "what do you think? I don't have time now. I'm going back to the train in Beijing. I'll wait for the plane. Uncle Liu is seriously ill and has been admitted to the hospital now! "

Taixi stood up all of a sudden, this action surprised the other people nearby. Obviously, something happened that they didn't know. Otherwise, Taixi would never react like this. At the same time, they stood up with surprise!

"Do you want me to go? There should be no problem! "

"Not for the time being. I'll go over and have a look at the situation." Ding Yu said in a deep voice, "I heard that Sean and their family are your friends, is that right?" This question is very interesting!

"Friendship is not long!" Taixi made a placating gesture to the visitors, "but they get along well with each other. The group has developed quite well, and they have given a lot of help!"

"Let's talk about it first! That's it first! " Then Ding Yu hung up the phone!

When he put down the phone, Taixi was in a state of uncertainty. "Sean, I just got the news that Daochang Liu is ill and has been admitted to the hospital. Ding Yu has already rushed back to the capital. If it was not for the special situation, he would never have done so. Now I need to know whether this is caused by sudden or other circumstances! Can you do it? "

"It will take time, but I promise to get the most accurate information!" Sean and Ding Yu promised to say!

"Ding Yu should not see you now. If there is any situation and need, you can talk to me!" After that, he took a deep look. "Sean, this is an opportunity."

Ding Yu's departure here just now, the capital will know! It can be said that there is an uproar!

What's the situation? Ding Yu is back! Even brought the kids back! And so on everybody knew quite under the circumstance, also has so some indifference! Other things Ding Yu may not be as a thing, but related to Liu Daochang, this thing is really difficult to say! At least the relationship between Ding Yu and Liu Daochang is not understandable to ordinary people!

From Ding Yu's appearance, Liu Daochang was supported by Ding Yu. Of course, it's a bit excessive to say so. But we can see that Liu Daochang's position in Ding Yu's mind is not ordinary!

Even in terms of certain treatment, it is equivalent to Ding Yu's grandfather, grandfather and grandmother. Can't this explain the problem?

Who else has such treatment? Even Wang Changlin and Su Yuan, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have not!

The capital, which has already stopped, is like boiling oil pot dripping with cold water at this time! All of a sudden, it's boiling up! And it's the one that splashes around! Almost all the people and forces have moved!Dingyu is back! And it's still such a moment! With Wang family side, but also helpless!

Things have already stopped, everyone can not see Ding Yu!

But I never thought about Taoist Liu! If it is other people, dingyuzhen will not be able to pay attention to it, but this Taoist Liu is really different! The royal family knows this! Even Wang family and Liu Daochang also have a considerable relationship, the relationship may not be so close, but definitely there is this friendship in!

Dingyu took the plane and looked at the two men Yang Chen and Quhe who sat in front of him. They were more bitter. After returning from the bear, they were hung by Dingyu. The crane could be better. Yang Chen was really sad! But from now on Yang Chen face above the expression, but can not see too many resentment!

"What about the situation? There are rice bran in the stomach, but at least now when they are taken out, they are not so visible! "

"Sir, I had no intention of meeting them. I have already felt the grace of heaven for being able to have this insight!"

"No need you fart with me!" Dingyu hum, "how about the arm?"

"Mr. Xie is concerned. There is no big problem. It is normal to do so. At least this arm has been left behind. It is a good thing! At least, it's OK for this little life! "

Crane did not mention his arm, relatively speaking, his own injury is the lightest! The stranger did not know Mr. Xiao's injury, but how could he not know, how much endurance does this need? It is hard to imagine that if it is your own, maybe you will wipe your neck. It's too painful!

Yang Chen next to the old and honest sitting on their own position, not as frivolous as before! A little more calm, but the face is still a little pale, it is clear that this blow to him a bit big, even if it is still not able to recover!

Ding Yu looked up and down! "Don't take out that bird like, it doesn't work too much!"

"Director, I'm all bear like!" Yang Chen laughed bitterly, "director, do you have a considerable experience every time. I have read quite a few materials, and I will never doubt what happened again!"

Dingyu did not laugh, his face was a bit serious, it seemed to be recalling what, and sitting opposite him Yang Chen and Qu he two people, did not want to disturb Dingyu meaning!

After a while, Dingyu hummed, "do you think you should laugh at it?"

"No!" Yang Chen shook his head hurriedly. "I don't see it as a joke, I feel that myth may be just like this! It's incredible, it's hard to imagine, director, you know my roots. For some of the situations, how much you have that understanding, fighting is not so simple as fighting, or a pot of congee, with its own laws and rules! "

"Yes! There are quite laws and rules for everything. Of course, if you don't find it, it's another matter! "

"Director, I still doubt it! How did you do it? "

"You have experience, and the impression should be the most intuitive. Now, you still can not turn around. You say how do you think about this thing, how did you do it?"

"I don't know, because I didn't do anything?" When he said this, Yang Chen was in a bit of a low mood!

"You know what you haven't done, and since you haven't done it, do something!" Dingyu was very dissatisfied to stare at it, but this word heard in Yang Chen's ear, but the eyes were bright, yes! I was a drag in the bear, and the crane was more than himself, and did well!

But this time can not do, does not mean that he can not do the same next!

"Director, I see! But I need to think about it! "

"Just your dog's brain?!" Dingyu scolded another sentence, but Yang Chen is a hehe smile, he can understand the director of the words, he now scold himself, absolutely for their good!

When the plane stops, the housekeeper comes to the airport, waiting at the apron position, and his expression is a little excited! Sir is injured and has never come back! How can I not care about myself as a housekeeper?

Looking at Ding Yu walking down the plane with his crutches, the housekeeper hurriedly walked forward a few steps. "Sir, you are thin!"

"OK! It was a trip! " There was no too much greetings, "how is the situation of martial uncle?"

With the help of the housekeeper, Dingyu sat on the seat and handed his double turns to the housekeeper. As for the two of the crane and Yang Chen behind, they did not have such treatment! But someone helps. I can't help you! There is no problem with the crane, and his arm is still hanging. He can walk. But Yang Chen can only climb down if there is no help!

The people in the Department of emotional treatment certainly saw this scene, and saw the situation of Yang Chen. They were dripping blood in their hearts. It was really heartache, but at the same time, they were quite relieved!As far as they know, Qu he and Yang Chen are locked up by Ding Yu after they come back. No one knows what is involved, but now they are brought out!

Since they have been brought out, it represents one thing. There is no problem for the two of them!

See this scene, it's OK! As for the follow-up, don't get involved! Su Quan took a look here and left! Along with the following people also left! Did not do any stay!

Yang Chen's affairs have beaten many people's faces. If it wasn't for Ding Yu, it's really hard to say what kind of situation Yang Chen would have been like now. Even if he would have been above the world, it's hard to say! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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