Ding Yu and his party did not go back to the siheyuan, but went directly to the hospital!

Came downstairs, Ding Yu did not wait for the wheelchair behind, but on his own crutches, went straight to the elevator! A little anxious!

People in the hospital are more familiar with Ding Yu. Looking at Ding Yu who is leaning on crutches, his expression is so appalled. What's the situation? How did director Ding suddenly lean on crutches! But after a look at the people behind, we at most nodded with Ding Yu to say hello! I really don't want to disturb you!

"Director Ding!" The visitor saw Ding Yu and rubbed his eyes with disbelief!

"Hello! Director Yan! " Ding Yu still stretched out his hand and shook each other. "What's the situation of uncle Liu? The news I got at home is not so convenient on the road!"

"After the delivery, the hospital used all its strength! Dare not have any pause and delay, to be exact, a little too old! In addition, when I was young, I didn't get very good care. Now I am still in a coma. For the time being, I haven't issued the notice of critical illness! But it needs a situation! "

Hesitated for a moment, looked around no one, whispered! "In fact, the physical problems are not so big, and the main blood vessels are a little brittle! Old age! Don't be too angry! "

Can you understand, I don't know, anyway, I have said it!

Someone has already sent a wheelchair to Ding Yu, but Ding Yu didn't insist. Sitting on the wheelchair, even those with sharp eyes can see the sweat on Ding Yu's sideburns. This is definitely not hot and should not be done in a hurry!

What is Ding Yu's status? We can still do it without being surprised when Mount Tai collapses in front of us!

But now Ding Yu is sweating. What is the reason? Does this need to be explained?

Obviously, Ding Yu's physical condition is worse than it seems!

Came to the ward side, Zhou Chengtie saw Ding Yu, first a Leng, but then the whole person almost knelt down in front of Ding Yu!

"It's me. I didn't take good care of the old man!"

Ding Yu said, "get up, stand aside!" Then he came to the position beside the bed. Although the position of the bed was not high, Ding Yu, who was sitting on the wheelchair, was a little bit hard. The housekeeper was holding a crutch and supporting Ding Yu to get up again, so that he could take a closer look at the situation of Taoist priest Liu!

If you don't let your husband see it in person, he is not at ease!

After seeing it, Ding Yu sat down again and gave Taoist priest Liu a pulse! No words for a long time!

The people behind are holding their breath and are afraid to make any sound, for fear of disturbing Ding Yu!

After touching the pulse, Ding Yu has already had a few! Martial uncle is a little too old! What's more, when I was middle-aged, I suffered a lot of losses. Even if I got recuperation later, it was not so easy to make up for the loss!

Ding Yu sighed slightly!

Deng Rong at the back of a wink, "go to the small pharmacy, I left a few houses in it, you look for it! And some medicine. Bring it here! " The housekeeper immediately arranged without any hesitation!

"Let's go! Don't stay here! " When talking, I called Zhou Chengtie!

"From the point of view, the martial uncle should not fall down so quickly, his health Siheyuan has always been left behind!" Because there was no one else, Ding Yu was a little impolite, and his eyes to Zhou Chengtie were not right!

"Uncle, I can't lie to you, I dare not cheat you, but this matter is not allowed to say!"

When talking, Zhou Chengtie did not dare to see Ding Yu! He himself is like a primary school student, honest standing there!

"Pedantic!" Ding Yu snorted, but Zhou Chengtie said so! Ding Yu also sighed, "is there any other explanation from martial uncle? There's no need to talk about the mess! I'll listen to him, uncle! "

"Uncle, isn't it?" Zhou Chengtie looked at Ding Yu with tears in his eyes, "uncle, you..."

"No, no anger! In addition, I'm a little older. I should be able to wake up tomorrow, but even if I wake up, I'm afraid it's not so convenient in the future! "

Whether the martial uncle is lying or sitting, for Ding Yu, are not so concerned, as long as his uncle is happy! But certainly can't be like in the past to jump pedal! And in the future also need to pay close attention to, if such a situation again, then it is really hopeless!

All the way up, Ding Yu did not have any rest, put it in the past, and then insisted on a few days without any problems. But now the labor, for Ding Yu, is a little tired, after all, Ding Yu has not come out of the injury!

When Ding Yu talks to Zhou Chengtie, Wang Li and Wang Yang encounter Yang Chen in a wheelchair and Qu he with his arm hanging around the corner of the corridor!"Assistant Qu! Hello, Secretary Yang Each other nodded their heads. They were not special strangers. "Big brother is in it?"

"Well! Sir, talk to Zhou Chengtie in there Qu he slightly explained the reason? That is to tell Wang Li and Wang Yang that they are not suitable in the past! It's better to wait a moment!

Wang Li looks at Qu he and Yang Chen carefully. How many children are there? However, there is not too much attention. They are standing on one side honestly at this time, without any overstepping. Don't make trouble at this time, otherwise their father will never give them any good looks!

However, Wang Yang looked at his son and didn't expect that the elder brother brought Xiaogang back. He didn't think of it. The speed was a little too fast! Quick let oneself have no any preparation!

"Is there anything wrong with the injury? I'm worried at home! "

This worry is in two aspects. It clearly means Qu he and Yang Chen, but secretly, it still refers to Ding Yu!

Qu he did not immediately answer, but thought, "Sir, just came here on crutches. The process is a little hard, a little bit laborious." Understand or don't understand, what should be said, I have said! Don't embarrass us!

Wang Li's heart is also a sink, but still very good to say hello to the children next to them, they are now the same as the small adults stand on one side of the position, even Wang Xiaogang also did not want to go forward, of course, his father is also there!

Now, if Wang Xiaogang stands out, he is out of the whole team! It's going to be cleaned up afterwards!

When Ding Yu's wheelchair comes out, Wang Li and Wang Yang rush forward!

"Big brother!" Two people shout with one voice!

Yeah! Ding Yu nodded, and did not give any response, "Wang An, you go back with the child first! Come and have a look! It's uncle Shi who may wake up tomorrow. You don't have to stay here now! "

Wang an did not immediately turn around and walk away! But looking at Ding Yu, the intention is very clear, we can leave at any time, there is no problem, but Shifu, what about you? Your physical condition is not as good as you think. There are many improper things to stay. Since the master will wake up tomorrow, master, you can come tomorrow!

Ding Yu stares. Wang An is reluctant to leave. The other children don't have any words. However, before leaving, she said hello to Wang Li and Wang Yang! It's very polite!

"There's nothing you can do here. Go back!"

Although it is his brother and sister, but Ding Yu did not give any good face! What kind of mess do you want to fill in at this time?

Wang Yang also wanted to say what, but was pulled by Wang Li behind, and then two people left together!

"Are you stupid? Come forward at this time? Aren't you afraid that big brother will turn against you When she came out, Wang Li was very dissatisfied and looked at Wang Yang! "You can't see that big brother is very unhappy now! Dead brain

"It's not about whether you are happy or not. It's all like this! I still stay in the hospital. After I go back, I can't explain it! Mom and dad are waiting for news! And grandfathers and grandmothers know quite a lot now! "

Wang Yang is slightly anxious about this! Elder brother's situation oneself is to see in the eye, really is not cheat!

"You are in a hurry. Am I not? But what's the use? Not at all Wang Li's heart is also so restless, but the more this time, the more need to keep calm! "Big brother's meaning is very simple. It's good to keep this thing stable. I don't want to see you. We can just show up! I believe other people will understand it! "

"I don't understand. As soon as you come back, all the water will be mixed up at once!" Wang Yang stuffy hum a, "I don't believe you have no news in this respect, anyway, there are a lot of phone calls, have already called over!"

"What about the others? I don't care. I don't care. Anyway, I take my children to visit my grandparents. I don't know if they will go to the courtyard? It's hard to say! "

This matter is really hard to say, big brother is back! And big brother now also need to take a wheelchair, grandfather and grandmother will definitely come to the courtyard, but when they come to the courtyard, they will certainly involve some things, which can not be avoided!

If from this point of view, grandfather and grandmother do not go to the courtyard, is the most appropriate!

But if the grandfather and grandmother do not go, from the family above, it is really a bit too unreasonable!

When she thought of this, Wang Li also had some headaches. When she returned home, Wang Li told her parents about the situation. Wang Yang was a little relieved. But obviously, she was still a little uncomfortable!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan take Wang Li and Wang Yang as their brothers and sisters' performance in their eyes. It is not to say that Wang Li's performance is good, but Wang Yang's performance is poor. We can't look at the problem like this!Wang Li followed her grandfather, grandfather and grandmother when she was a child. What about Wang Yang? Because of the family's reason, basically is to raise, even to a certain extent, cover him up! In this case, even if Wang Yang has other nutrients for irrigation, but because of congenital deficiencies, so compared with Wang Li, there is still a considerable gap! This is a fact that can't be denied!

So now there is a considerable gap, this is also a natural thing!

"Is your brother still at the hospital? Don't you go back to rest at night? "

Wang Li shook her head. "It's not so clear. She didn't say a word with her elder brother. Wang an went back to the courtyard with other children first! And then big brother kicked us out! If it was not the right time for us to go, I'm afraid the eldest brother would not see us. Since we didn't mean to see us, I'm afraid the elder brother would not see us either! "

This speech has already expressed Ding Yu's present state and condition very well!

Ding Yu's injury is not as good as expected, even worse than the rumor, but the problem should not be as big as imagined. What's more, when Ding Yu comes back this time, he doesn't want to have any negotiations with other parties. This time, he comes back for the sake of Taoist priest Liu! That's it!

Wang Changlin holds his chest in both hands, while Su Yuan is leaning his body and holding his chin. Things are quite troublesome! The boss is back! But after coming back, the Wang family is now mixed, not, not mixed, is really the feeling of tied hands and feet!

"How is your brother? I'm talking about his body? "

"Take a look, it's not as good as you think! But I've got someone to arrange it! When you have time, you can check your body again, but I don't know if it can be done? " This is not confident, but it seems that there is no way! After all, that's big brother! And is it still in such a period of time?

In the evening, Ding Yu didn't go back, but stayed at the hospital. Looking at Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng, Ding Yu, sitting in a wheelchair, looked up and down, "finished the operation?"

"When did you come, teacher? Why don't you say hello in advance, and you

"It has nothing to do with you. It's no harm to know less about such a thing!"

"Teacher!" Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng's two voices are so urgent! What happened to their teachers? How could they be indifferent?

"Tell me about you. I heard that your performance in the hospital was very good, even a little jumping. Is that right?"

Listening to the teacher's harsh voice, Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng were both scared, "teacher, absolutely not!"

"Teacher, we don't know if other people will jump, but we will never!" Other things can be joked about, but such things can never be joked about, the consequences are unimaginable!

Ding Yu hummed, but he didn't know whether he was really dissatisfied or what other reasons were!

"All right! What to do! I don't need to come here. I can see you come here and my legs will be discounted! " After a glance, Ding Yu was ready to turn his wheelchair, but after thinking about it, he continued to add, "do you understand me?"

"Yes! Teacher? "

Looking at the teacher who left, both of them shook their heads. What's the situation? However, it is obvious that the teacher's warning is not aimless, there are some intentional implications!

In view of their own teacher's prestige, the two people left for the first time! When I leave, I have some meaning that I can't feel my head! What exactly does a teacher mean? What's more, how does the teacher take a wheelchair? Who NIMA ate the gall of a bear heart leopard! How dare you do it! I feel like I've lived enough, don't you?

"No, I have to call the housekeeper."

Then Guo Li is to take out his mobile phone to the housekeeper to call in the past, a simple description of the situation!

"Housekeeper, what happened to the teacher? Let's not get involved. We must abide by this matter unconditionally. There is no problem. But how can the teacher take a wheelchair? We can't accept it! "

"Mr. Liu didn't intend to come back, but he had to come back for the reason of Taoist priest Liu. Since you have met Mr. Liu and he has made quite a statement, you can just follow his words! As for other things? " The housekeeper thought for a moment, "you may know in the future, but if you know now, it's not helping you, but harming you. Sir, you should also consider this aspect, so I won't tell you!"

"But the teacher was hurt! I can't say that! "

"It has nothing to do with you. You can do your own thing well! Don't waste your kindness

Although not very satisfied, but put down the phone, Guo Li and Shen Mingzheng two people look at each other, the teacher's words still need to listen to! Teachers do not let them close, must be involved in quite a thing, this point two people still know, the only feeling uncomfortable, is that the teacher was injured!But Ding Yu didn't have time to rest. Looking at the security guard, Ding Yu pushed his glasses with his hand!

"Who's here?" When he knew the news, Ding Yu snorted! His third uncle will really look for opportunities, now this time to come to the hospital side? When I was at the airport before, I didn't show up. Instead, I'm showing up now. It's a bit of a carry on the cake! But Ding Yu is not unable to understand!

If you stop yourself at the airport, the noise will be too big, and it will give people other reverie!

But coming to the hospital? The situation is different! We will certainly have quite a guess, this is certain! But it won't cause any other disturbance!

Although it is the same thing, but due to the different processing methods, the effect is also different!

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