Suquan went to the position of the suite, looking at the nephew sitting on the wheelchair! Then his eyes fell on Ding Yu's legs!

Focus on a long period of time, slightly sigh! I touched my pocket, but I just took out a box of crumpled cigarettes from it! There's nothing in it! Is an empty cigarette box!

Ding Yu looked at his uncle and took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, but he didn't give it to his uncle immediately! "Go out for a walk! Smoking is forbidden in the room. It's good to go out and have a good ventilation. "

Through the corridor, two people came to this side of the stairs! Su Quan brings Ding Yu's cigarette! There is no meaning to be polite to his nephew. He ordered one for himself and then put it into his pocket!

As for Ding Yu? Su Quan didn't think about it at all. You are a patient! How can you have such a bad habit?

"At this time, there are a lot of inappropriate, your injury is not good yet!"

Other things for Su Quan, are not a problem, but his injury is absolutely a big problem!

"Other things can't come back, but I can't take uncle's affairs as I don't know!"

A few words let Su Quan look at his nephew, do not know what to say is good! Too high spirited! Now at this point in time, you're back! Originally, the domestic wind has stopped, but now? Just how long, the wind again blowing up, and blowing more and more big!

What's next? How do you deal with it? Are all your previous efforts in vain?

"I've seen Qu he and Yang Chen, two of them, especially Yang Chen, have performed well! It's a pity, it's not good enough! "

"It's just a matter of duty." Ding Yu's expression is a little indifferent. He did not know where to find another box of cigarettes. After opening the seal, he lit one for himself, "his aptitude is not so good, and he was misguided before! There are quite a few problems! Does my uncle know that? "

Obviously, Ding Yu is intentional! And this intentional, let Su Quan feel his tooth root has so some itch!

Su Quan, who was twitching at the corner of his mouth, looked at Ding Yu sitting on the wheelchair. After thinking for a while, he slowly said, "I'll take a look. What's the matter with you? I'm sure you can handle other things well! "

"Not bad! If there are any more problems here, it will be a disgrace and a big deal! "

Hum! Su Quan is very dissatisfied with a hum, his nephew is really not happy at all!

"Uncle, if you have nothing to do, go back and have a rest! It's too late! "

However, just after Ding Yu finished speaking, he heard the door ring. Ding Yu couldn't help looking up! Suquan is also the same, this time point, should not have what talent is!

But no matter Ding Yu or Su Quan, they didn't take it as a thing. It doesn't matter. They just talked about it for a while. It's not a big deal! Even if the outside world knows, what can it do?

However, when hearing the sound of footsteps, Su Quan and Ding Yu's expressions are slightly strange! What do you mean? Even walked down? Is it really not afraid of death, or is it an accident?

It's obvious that the people who come down from the building should have a large tonnage, just listen to the footsteps! A little dull! However, the people who came down from the building were also shocked when they saw Ding Yu and Su Quan. There were people in the corridor this evening!

But when Ding Yu looked at the visitor, he said, and immediately called his hand!

"Why are you here, little fat man?"

When he saw Ding Yu, the fat man couldn't help lifting his head! "You! You... "

Looking at the patient's clothes on his body, Ding Yu laughed, "it seems that the situation is not so good! They're all in patient's clothes Su Quan and Ding Yu looked at each other. Seeing Ding Yu's expression, Su Quan nodded to Ding Yu. When he left, he even patted Ding Yu on the shoulder to let him take care of himself! Then open the door and go straight away! No stay!

The fat man looks at Su Quan who leaves, a little puzzled, so when he looks at Ding Yu, he has some apologies! Whether it is because of their own reasons, this attitude is necessary!

Ding Yu looked at the girl who helped the fat man! When did you find your daughter-in-law, but you are not afraid of any problems with your body size? " A little joke, "what's the matter? I'm still in the hospital. What's wrong with you

"Yu Shao, I forgot to introduce you! This is my wife

Then he pinched his wife with his arm and said, "call someone!"

Girls are a little silly, they never know their boyfriends, should be so introduced! But it is also the first time to bow to Ding Yu, "Yu Shao, Hello!"

"When did you get married? I didn't hear Xiaobao mention it! " Looking at Qu he who pushed the door out, Ding Yu waved his hand. Qu he stood at the door honestly. Previously, Su Quan was there, and he had no way out. But now, Mr. alone, he must never leave!"Got the certificate! But the wedding has not yet been done, the health problems! I made a phone call to Mr. Bao and arranged it here! " Fat is a little bitter, it is also a very complex mood! His illness is not so simple, otherwise he will not call Bao Ye, a waste of human feelings out of thin air!

Ding Yu beckoned his hand to Qu he, "go and get a gift."

When Qu he left, he looked at the fat man and asked him to stretch out his hand and feel his pulse. "There should be no big problem. Have an operation! In the early years, it was too noisy! "

"Less feathers?"

"My surname is Ding, and my single name is Yu. I am a doctor. My son and daughter have already gone to middle school! It's a bit inappropriate to call it! " Ding Yu introduced himself a little bit!

Before he finished speaking, Qu he pushed the door again and came out. He took a wooden box and came to Ding Yu!

Ding Yu opened the box in front of two people and put two signs in it!

"Take it, it's like a wedding gift for you!" Ding Yu's attitude could not be refused. The girl looked at the fat man and hesitated. The fat man laughed and said, "doctor Ding, I'll take it down! Thank you for your gift. When you have time, please come to the wedding together with Mr. Bao! "

Seeing that he has received his gift, Ding Yu's face looks much better!

"I'll go and have a look if I have time, but you still need to take care of yourself! The problem should not be particularly big, keep a good mood, for your recovery has a considerable help

"Mr. Ding, why are you in a wheelchair?" The little fat man asked a little worried!

"Don't ask!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "the one who went out before was my elder, so I would like to make sure that when you were a child you wet your bed and what you did when you grew up. Everything is very clear to you."

"Mr. Ding, I didn't do anything wrong?" However, after thinking about rubbing his head for a while, the fat man looked at Ding Yu with a little worry, "but I have done some ridiculous things, but I can guarantee that I have never done anything illegal!"

After the door was pushed open, someone came in from the outside. Seeing the scene inside, he was stunned, but then he saluted Ding Yu! "Director Ding!"

Ding Yu nodded his head, then looked at the little fat man, "go and have a rest! In the evening, don't wander around casually! Since Xiao Bao has arranged for you! I won't interfere! What other situation, let Xiaobao come to me! You are a meritorious veteran

Someone followed the two of them in the position behind them, always sent them back to their ward, and even checked their information!

"Fatso, what have you done?"

Looking at her husband lying on the bed, the girl is a little dissatisfied! I don't mean that I don't have any insight. Although I didn't have a long time just now, I saw too many things!

"Don't ask, that Mr. Ding is Mr. Bao's eldest brother. You know that Mr. Bao sometimes plays with us. You've seen it before. Thanks to Mr. Bao, I've only seen two sides before. I'm not so familiar with him. I didn't expect to meet him here today!"

The box in the girl's hand is also placed at the head of the bed!

"Fatso, I just inquired about it. It seems that it is a little expensive! It's not cheap at all! "

The girl is a little worried, but the fat man is in a good mood! Does God take care of himself?

Ding Yu really did not expect his father and mother will come over at this time point! Looking at his father and mother, Ding Yu slightly has so some speechless, came a little too suddenly! Let oneself have no any preparation!

"Dad! Mom! It's so late? Why are you here? "

Two people look at Ding Yu sitting on the wheelchair. Their eyes are very complicated, especially Su Yuan. He pushes aside the people next to him and gropes up and down on Ding Yu's body. They check Ding Yu well, but they are still not so relieved!

Ding Yu did not have any impatience, has been waiting for his mother to check up, we just sat down again, not in the ward, but in an office! For Ding Yu, it is really the easiest thing!

"You have nothing to do with it?" Wang Changlin's words are a little dry!

When the father is always like this, although there is infinite emotion in the heart, but when speaking, it is absolutely implicit and implicit, which makes people feel whether all fathers have such old antiques!

Su Yuan beside is very dissatisfied, gave Wang Changlin an elbow, the son has already looked like this! You can't say something good! Is such a dry word really like words?

"It's OK. There's no big physical problem."Ding Yu's words are not so implicit, which is quite hidden! Why say oneself body problem is not big, say from another respect, it is other respect problem is very big!

Wang Changlin took a deep look at his son. Obviously, from his speech, he could clearly feel that there were some problems and situations in it! "You! You shouldn't come back at this time! "

"Hi! They are all back! " Now it's meaningless to mention these again at this time! There is no such need!

"How many more days at home?"

"I don't know what's going on? Let's see. " Ding Yu obviously has other considerations!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan both understood, so they didn't want to ask. They just came to see their son. Some words didn't need to be said directly. They understood each other!

This is my son! My son is hurt! How can they not be concerned when they are parents?

Before Ding Yu didn't come back, he didn't say it! But now back? They really can't sit still! Indeed, they also know that it is not appropriate to come here at this time!

After about half an hour, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan left, but they didn't mean to let Ding Yu see him off. What happened to the eldest son? Now it's time for Ding Yu to send him off. Even if it's a big shelf, it doesn't need to be like this!

But Qu he followed the position behind him! Together came to the elevator position!

"Hurt? Is everything ok? "

"You're worried!" Qu he stood up straight, lowered his head and said, "I don't have any problems with my arm. It's just that the situation there is a little bit serious! It takes quite a while to recuperate! It's our fault

Wang Changlin patted the back of Qu he, a little bit stronger! "Ding Yu's affairs, his mother and I are not convenient sometimes, so we need your help. The Wangs will never forget all this!"

This is not like Wang Changlin's usual style. If you want to know such words, you can't take them as nonsense. Otherwise, Wang Changlin's reputation will not be needed!

"My husband has trained me, and I will be in front of him!"

Qu he did not make any guarantee, but Wang Changlin was very satisfied with Qu he's answer! Qu he didn't get carried away. The people his son trained were really different!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan have been sent to the car, Qu he just came back again! "Sir

Ding Yu sighed, his expression was a little complicated, "it's a little difficult for you! You haven't arrived at this time. When you get to this point, you will understand that some things are not that you can escape if you want to escape, but you still need to face them! "

When facing his parents, Ding Yu's mood is also some entanglement, some words have no way to say!

"Sir, it's still a little too sad!"

"From my parents' point of view, they are very embarrassed, even quite embarrassed. From my own point of view? I also have quite a reason. People stand in different positions and angles, and their ways of dealing with things are quite different. Who is right and who is wrong? Something to be discussed! "

"I don't quite understand, sir, but you should rest!"

Ding Yu listened, but the rest time was not long. He got up in the early morning!

However, when Taoist priest Liu woke up, he looked at Ding Yu sitting there. He didn't believe it. He blinked his eyes. The doctor next to him rushed to observe him! Check! After waiting, Liu Daochang looked at Ding Yu again!

Seeing Ding Yu sitting on the wheelchair, his eyes narrowed! This is not what I expected!

"When did it happen? Who did it The tone is not generally cold!

There is no one else in the room! With Ding Yu in, doctors don't need to worry about other aspects! Ding Yu said with a smile, "it's all about the same old tune! A bunch of white skin! There are so many disputes between me and them. Even if it's how clean the water is and how many times I wash it, I believe it's still black! "

"That's a little too much! You don't deserve to be judged like that! "

Ding Yu didn't take it seriously. "Anyway, I can't explain it too much. But martial uncle, what's your situation! Earlier, I asked about Zhoucheng railway, OK? I don't know what to ask too much? How old are you! Still angry? "

Oh! Sigh a sentence, Liu Daochang helplessly smile up!

"I was so angry at that time! I can't control it at all Liu Daochang helplessly laughed, "it's a bit embarrassing to say it, or not to say it!"

Ding Yu pointed to the outside, "the people in the family and the Zhou Chengtie are all there. You are frightening enough. If you can solve the problem, it doesn't matter. I am the younger generation's advice. If you can't solve it, isn't it me? What's more! Siheyuan remains in the capital, and it's not for decoration"Don't you come?" Liu Daochang can feel Ding Yu's sincerity, he is like this! Unexpectedly, he also personally rushed over to check the time. He should not have gone back last night. He was such a bad old man, which was a bit worthless!

"I haven't said you yet? Look at your face. Is the injury a little serious? I have nothing on my side. Just go back and have a rest! I'll be at ease here! "

"Don't comfort each other! This is always the case with me! What's more, I'm a big doctor no matter how I say it? I still understand this thing and reason, but you need to be more leisurely. You are not young! Don't be presumptuous to say, if you have this again, you won't wake up so quickly! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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