The children are here! And came earlier, and even deliberately brought a considerable breakfast and fruit over!

Considering that Ding Yu is also there, there are more things to prepare. What's more, there are many uncles and aunts in the hospital. Although they didn't watch these children grow up, they all have certain impressions of them!

So when a few children came over, the things they prepared almost drowned them all! Even if it is an apple for each doctor and nurse, I'm afraid it needs such a big car to meet it! Fortunately, this time we don't need to cover up the whole hospital! At most, this department has been covered up! I believe other doctors and nurses can understand this!

After delivering things, several children meet in the room of Taoist priest Liu!

Liu Daochang saw a few children, the whole person immediately changed! Smiling, scared Zhou Chengtie and his family, almost called the doctor over, for fear that the old man's blood vessels would jump again!

Wang An, as the representative of the children, one after another to see the old man, and then surrounded in the bedside position, nearly to Ding Yu to squeeze out! Obviously, these children are more popular than Ding Yu!

Ding Yu also used breakfast in the hospital. As for the things brought from home, Ding Yu didn't keep any of them. They were given to the doctors and nurses in the hospital! Is to let everyone taste fresh together, no other meaning!

When going back, Ding Yu accompanied the children at home to go back together! Now this time to continue to stay in the hospital side, it seems extremely inappropriate! What's more, Ding Yu didn't have a good rest all night in the hospital! Such a situation is not good for his health!

Although we don't know much about the relevant situation, we also say that we don't know anything. This is to cheat the ghost! I'm afraid I won't believe it! So it's better to face up to the same things!

After Ding Yu returned to the courtyard, the gate was closed, and there were people on duty along with the road. Anyone who wanted to come would come, but the reception was still not received. That's another thing!

But looking at the grandfather and grandfather waiting at home, Ding Yu curled his mouth slightly! It's early enough! In their own did not come back, the grandfather and the grandmother came! Ding Yu sighed about this! It's not because I'm against my grandparents coming here, but because I'm a little worried about their health! How old are you?

Wang Pu and the old lady, together with the doctor who came along, carefully examined Ding Yu. There were not too many problems with the external injuries. Basically, there were some skin injuries, but the internal injuries were still very serious. Those who could follow Wang Pu and the old lady were definitely not ordinary doctors. Moreover, Ding Yu knew more or less about the identity of this one!

Nothing to run to the small pharmacy, he is definitely one of them!

Even many good things in Dingyu's small pharmacy have been robbed by this one! Ding Yu is also quite aware of this, there are some helpless, it is really this identity, let oneself have no way to refuse! What can be done?

Even sometimes he would grind teeth with the housekeeper! I'm really not good to show up!

Give Ding Yu a check, the visitors are also a little surprised, when they came, they are also talked about, for the considerable situation expected, but they really did not expect, the situation will be so serious!

"Lao Yan, how is the situation?"

The old lady looked at Yan big country hand's facial expression, has so some worried asked!

"We need to take good care and recuperation. During this period of time, we can't have too much fatigue, and it's not suitable for any other actions. Otherwise, it's easy to leave behind considerable problems. If we can, the conditions at home are appropriate, but we must pay attention to them!" Ding Yu is also a doctor, he should know this best!

Wang Pu and the old lady immediately knew that Ding Yu's situation was more serious than expected! Otherwise, Yan Guoguo hand will never say so!

"Lao Yan, let you suffer!"

Mr. Yan nodded his head. "Mr. Wang, director Ding's situation is a little special. We need to adjust our breath well. Fortunately, there are a lot of preparations in the courtyard. It takes some time."

Looking at the old man Yan left and went to the pharmacy, Wang Pu and the old lady looked at Ding Yu again! The eyes are quite complicated! "You child! I don't want to talk about such a big thing. My body is already like this! "

Ding Yu doesn't care about his injury!

"It's not as exaggerated as he said. Mr. Yan is a little exaggerated! I still know my body! After all, I am also a doctor. Judging from the current situation, as long as I take care of myself, the problem is not so big! "

Wang Pu and the old lady are not very satisfied with this. The old lady even deliberately said a few heavy words. After all, Ding Yu is very old! Out of such a thing, so that the family is particularly worried!

Do you have any problems with other things, but you must take care of your body first!Wang Pu and the old lady didn't mean to leave at all. Let Ding Yu have a rest first! The old lady went to have a look at the medicine made by Mr. Yan. I'm afraid it can't be finished for a while. But if you can let him die in person, the family of human feelings will definitely suffer!

Is it true that he came here for other reasons? And he has a close relationship with his grandson, but this thanks still needs to be said!

Wang Pu is looking at these children at home. Wang Pu naturally knows about Xiaogang. He didn't have many opportunities before. Now Wang Xiaogang has come back! Absolutely can't miss this opportunity!

Before this, Wang Pu looked at other children in the family, such as Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, and Ding Yun and Ding Chang. Finally, it was little girl and Wang Xiaogang!

Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, including Ding Yun and Ding Chang, need not think about it! Their future can not be arranged by the Wang family. With the little girl here, although they are not Ding Yu's apprentices, the Wang family can't make the same arrangement!

Even Wang Xiaogang? He is the guarantee for the future of the Wang family. It doesn't need to be repeated. However, the arrangement and operation of the Wang family still depends on the follow-up development. It is not to say that it is OK to move according to the Ministry!

Judging from Wang Xiaogang's performance now, it's a bit amazing! It can be said that he was brought up by Ding Yu. Some things are not enjoyed by Ding Yun and Ding Chang. Obviously, Wang Xiaogang's position in Ding Yu's mind is extraordinary! On the contrary, Ding Yu's proportion in Wang Xiaogang's mind is definitely not the general weight!

When they found their leisure time, Wang Pu and the old lady called Xiao Gang to the position in front of him!

Did not let Wang Xiaogang stand, but Wang Xiaogang or personally brought two glasses of water, placed in front of his Zeng Zu and great grandmother, and then found a seat to sit down, the end is the kind of clever!

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at each other. Although it was a simple little action, the meaning behind the action was not ordinary! A little underestimate this little guy!

"Your uncle is hurt! Need to recuperate for quite a long time. If there is nothing, don't disturb your uncle too much. Your uncle has paid a lot for this family

Looking at Wang Xiaogang's appearance, the old lady took the lead in saying a word, which is also quite a lot of emotion!

"Great grandfather! Great grandmother, I know about uncle! I will remember it! "

Wang Xiaogang said with a guaranteed tone! Slightly formulaic, but definitely the best way to deal with Wang Pu and the old lady!

After all, my great grandfather and great grandmother are old school people! The way they deal with things is quite different from uncle!

If you are talking to yourself, you will never take such a way, and you will never be on such an occasion! Whether alone, or with elder martial brothers, brothers and sisters, uncle will take the way of equal conversation!

It's not that the way of great grandparents and great grandmothers is wrong! I have never said so, and I don't think so in my heart! It's just the difference between the two ways! As for what kind of results it will cause, it is another matter!

If really, if there is a comparison, relatively speaking, I prefer uncle's way! Because uncle is not preaching out of thin air, but to take the way of guidance, and even let himself actively participate in it, in the process to guide himself!

What about the ways of great grandparents and great grandparents? Too far from the top! They have too much experience and experience!

So for the equivalent things, it is pointed to the essence, but this kind of things, for the equivalent people, there are so some can not understand, even did not take a thing! Because it's so simple!

When Wang Pu and the old lady looked at this great grandson, they were quite surprised. When they didn't see or hear something, they didn't take it as a thing. But now that they know something about it, they can't look at the problem with the old eyes!

When they carefully looked at Wang Xiaogang, they found that the original child has grown to such a point!

There is nothing wrong with what the sophomore said. Now the family must pay great attention to Wang Xiaogang, but this attention? Can only be quiet, if the outside world knows, really easy to appear other problems and conditions, after all, Wang Xiaogang's age is still so some too young! He can't stand any setbacks!

To be exact, he is just a young seedling now. Although he is growing very strong, if someone pinches it casually, it may break it! Hard to say!

And the eldest grandson, for Xiao Gang's arrangement, is to avoid quite a problem!

Put a drop of sea water there is the most unobtrusive, of course, it is placed in the sea for him!

Compared with other children in the family, Wang Xiaogang's expression is not so prominent as imagined. At least, compared with Wang An and Tongtong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, there is a certain gap, which can not be denied!But what about Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang? It is under Ding Yu's care, and under Ding Yu's watch! With their attention, Wang Xiaogang won't attract too much attention! That's for sure!

Wang Pu looked at his great grandson. "At your age, the most important thing is to learn. To be a good child with moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic work, to find out his own weakness, does not require all-round development, but at least there are too many loopholes."

"Yes! Great grandfather! Grandma Zeng, there are quite a lot of teachers in my family. They are all very experienced. However, some knowledge is still very profound. I can't make it clear and understand at my age. There are a lot of practical experience. Because of the age, I can't implement it. It's a pity! "

Wang Pu is a little bit bared teeth, the old lady nearby is not good to go there!

They did not expect that their great grandson would say such a thing! How old is this! If you take it out, it's absolutely not a monster that can describe it. No wonder Xiaoer is so worried! It's not for no reason!

It seems that other preparations are needed at home! I believe that there are other arrangements for the sophomore, but the arrangement of the second is that of the second. The two old guys can't just sit and watch, can't they?

"You uncle! It seems to be very estranged from the Wang family, but Xiaogang, do you know? Without your uncle? There will be no Wang family, not to mention you, but for your uncle, whether there is a Wang family is not so important! "

The old lady was stunned. She didn't expect her old man to say such a thing. When she wanted to stop it, it was already too late! It's too late!

Wang Xiaogang was silent for a little time, then raised his head!

"I have discussed this problem with my uncle. I didn't say it too clearly, even if he did! I haven't been able to understand, because it takes time to settle down and accumulate! "

Wang Pu and the old lady's eyes can not help brightening up, the answer is not the best, but absolutely in line with their two people's mind, now with Wang Xiaogang mentioned these? Is not to ask Wang Xiaogang to understand, is to let him know this matter!

But did not think, Wang Xiaogang still has such depth! Two people can not help but focus on Wang Xiaogang's body!

The boss taught this child so well! It's no wonder that the sophomores are so demanding. Now that they meet Wang Xiaogang, they really love Wang Xiaogang. They really want to leave the child here in the capital!

But the idea is fleeting! Xiao er's words are correct. At this time, Xiao Gang can't be protected by his family. Even if there is Wang's family standing behind him, the Wang family lacks a lot of details because he is not under the protection of the grandson of the eldest son! In this, I have to praise the big grandson. I think so much!

After all, Wang Xiaogang's affairs did not start in these two days, and the training of Wang Xiaogang did not start in these two years!

Many years ago, Ding Yu began to train in this aspect. Thinking of this problem, Wang Pu and the old lady were both shocked! The more I think about it, the more I feel afraid!

"Study hard and pay more attention to exercise. I heard that you have a good friend called elephant. When you have time, you can go home and play together." Wang Pu is not ready to say anything else at this time! There's no need!

"Great grandfather, do you know my friend?" Wang Xiaogang giggled, "but the elephant's training is a little bit more. Usually, we play with deer and me together. Sometimes we play ball together, but he is a bit too bullying! I can't beat you! He can put the two of us in! "

The old lady couldn't help laughing. How could the family not know about the situation of the elephant? She was definitely a good child. She could become good friends with Xiaogang. They could be said to be mutual achievements! Such a good friend is a lifetime thing!

After all, elephants are different from Ding Ding and Ding Chang, Wang An and Tong Tong. If they have such friends, they will not be lonely! I don't know if I can meet such a good friend in the future!

Life can have a few good friends, this is not an easy thing!

Looking out of the Wang Xiaogang, Wang Pu and the old lady two people each of the water cup! Look at each other!

"If this boy can grow up in the future, it will be absolutely amazing. I even think that the sophomore will have such a small look at him! I saw you today, and I found it was really amazing! "

"I can't help it, but the boss is watching from behind, and Xiaogang doesn't mean to appear now. It's a good thing, that is, he has a little too much in mind. These minds are not like Wang Yang at all, they are a bit like his grandfather, even to a certain extent, they are similar to his uncle!"

"You don't know who taught him. It can be said that Xiao Gang was taken by the boss as soon as he could speak. Besides Ding Yun and Ding Chang, who has such treatment? There are many children in the family, but who has such luck? ""The eldest child! I don't know! This word comes from the mouth of our two old guys. It's a bit inappropriate for parents! We are his grandfather and grandmother. What kind of anti human relationship can we say such a thing! But say yes? Do things too obscure and inexplicable! Quite a lot of people can't see through it! "

"We are two old men! After knowing later? It should be, after all, our heads are frozen! But there are some things that we should not, because we should have some understanding of these things! "

"Don't think about it! What an old man you are! What's more, there were quite a lot of waves in the middle of those years. If it wasn't for the boss, the child would come back! What will it look like now? I don't know how to imagine it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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