Before noon, Ding Yu got up! Some children are playing with their dogs!

However, they didn't run across the yard. If their father was there, there would be no problem. Even if they were making a lot of trouble, there would be no problem. However, if Zeng Zu and great grandmother were there, they would not be able to behave too recklessly!

"Elder martial brother, big man's performance is not very good!"

Wang an touches the big dog next to him. He is a little naughty and disobedient, but he is always wandering around Wang'an. For his younger martial brother and younger sister, he basically doesn't pay any attention to him. Even if he takes out the best baseball and snacks, he doesn't have any attraction on the big dog. He is always around Wang'an!

Even if the little girl leaned over, it still didn't show too much interest, as if the little girl didn't exist. This made the little girl a little angry, grabbed its big ear and folded it several times!

However, although the big guy is a little discontented, he doesn't mean to be rude. He should shake his head at most!

Children at home like dogs, almost everyone has their own dog, but other people's things are always the best, little girls have their own golden hair, but the personality gap is really some big!

Wang Pu and the old lady looked at the children sitting around the lawn, and they all showed a satisfied smile!

"Old man, do you think there will be other children in the future?"

Wang Pu snorted, "it's hard to say. This bastard's eyes are too high! Even too picky, ordinary people are very difficult to get into his eye, but also need to sigh, he pick people's eyes, really unique! Unique

It's not that his grandson's eyes are higher than the top, nor is he really arrogant. It's really not like this. It can only be said that his eyes make people confused. It's really a bit too picky. It makes people feel speechless!

"Is there a question of character? On the other hand, the children he selected may not have any problems on the surface, but in their bodies, you can still find that they are full of personality

The old lady thought for a while and nodded her head, just like her great grandson Wang Xiaogang!

A dozen eyes! You may not find too much personality in him, but in fact? Little guy has his own persistence, personality is not enough to describe his behavior! At this point, each of these children in the family is equal to each other! Absolutely not any bragging!

"Prepare to go back after dinner! After staying here for such a long time, it's hard for grandson to do it! I don't know how many people are watching! Their eyes are very sharp now

Wang Pu rarely said a word, the old lady is a ha ha smile, a little intentional! Wang Pu is very dissatisfied with a glance! Now it's time to embarrass myself on purpose, isn't it?

At noon, Ding Yu came to eat in a wheelchair! But he didn't eat too much. This is Ding Yu's consistent habit! And Wang Pu and the old lady did not eat too much food. How old are they already! Although Siheyuan has done a lot of good things, but for their digestive system, it is really a big problem!

"If there's nothing wrong, I'll take a good rest here in the courtyard. There are not too many problems in the environment and safety here!" Before leaving, the old lady told her that her grandson would not listen to her, but she still needed to say it. She didn't want to see her grandson fall into it!

Ding Yu didn't promise to come down, just a smile, "grandfather, grandma, some things I can't decide, but try my best! This is not a difficult thing! I believe there won't be too many problems! Don't worry about it. I'll deal with quite a lot of things! "

"You! Sometimes I really don't know what to say about you! "

After patting Ding Yu on the shoulder, Wang Pu and the old lady left by car, while the children in the house stood behind Ding Yu and waited for the car to disappear!

"All right! I'll just stay at home myself! You guys still have to go back to school. You can't go back to school. You can't come back. You don't have any preparation. You can't get some presents for your family or bring some things for your grandparents Ding Yu said on purpose!

"Master, it's too attractive to go out at this time!"

Ding Yun also looks at her father with great indignation. At this time, she throws them out. Her father has a little bad intentions!

"Dad, are you going to make any bad ideas? We will never be your accomplices. We have already decided! Has been staying at home, just before our time, there are so many tired! Get ready to have a rest

Ding Yu looked at the children, hummed, and then let the housekeeper push him back! Just be happy!

Look at me, I'll look at you! being at a loss what to do!If you don't want to ask for it, you won't ask for it!

"Is daddy so bad?! Isn't this a typical pit? " Ding Yun said with gnashing teeth! I've been cheated too many times! Now my father mentioned such things, for them, they have some fear and worry!

"Hard to say!" Wang an takes a look at Ding Chang and Tong Tong. Both of them agree with each other. Only the little girl is biting a lollipop. She looks transparent. No matter what happens, she won't find her head!

As for Wang Xiaogang, he is like an honest child. Now what you say is what you say! Take me as a decoration!

But obviously, everyone didn't want to let him off! If you pretend to be like this, do you really have no debt in your heart? Ding Yun is almost holding his neck back to the courtyard!

"We all go out, and we won't make any big noise, but it will give the outside world a very bad impression. Now we are all out! What do you want? "

Ding Yun's eyes are back and forth in Tong Tong and Wang Xiaogang! After seeing two people, Ding Yun said with a grim smile when they felt that there were so many hairs in their hearts!

"It's not easy to come back. You two go home, Tongtong and Xiaogang. The rest of you go shopping. Xiaogang and Tongtong don't come back at night! Let's talk about it tomorrow. As for us, go and buy some presents and things! It should take a lot of time. I'm afraid it's hard to come back for a moment and a half! "

Wang An and the little girl look at Tong Tong and Wang Xiaogang, Ding Chang is also a little bit thoughtful!

It's the turn of Tong Tong and Wang Xiaogang! But what can be done? Let's vote on a show of hands! Anyway? They are all the masters who fall behind. If there is no way out, only the minority will obey the majority!

Soon everyone was scattered and empty, but Tong Tong and xiao gang did not leave alone. They took their pet dog and carried their schoolbag and left the courtyard in anger! Look angry!

Then Wang Yang with a little girl, with Ding Yun and Ding Chang left the courtyard together!

When Ding Yu knew the news, he couldn't stop laughing!

"Is that all right, sir? The behavior of Tong Tong and Xiao Gang is still understandable! But the situation of Wang An and the four of them is a little too strong! " The housekeeper said with a worried face!

Ding Yu didn't think so. "I didn't expect to let Tongtong and Xiaogang go home! It seems that they also have considerable consideration and know about decentralized action, which is very good! A little bit excellent! Let me take a fresh look at it

"Sir, I'm afraid that the children's psychology will have great opinions and Thoughts on you!"

"So implicit?" Ding Yu was in a good mood, so he also made a small joke, "it doesn't matter what they think! There's no harm in letting them see, but do you think someone will come to them? "

"Sir, I don't know how to judge, but I know that quite a lot of people don't have much bottom line!"

"It's also a matter of distinction, especially in this matter! There are many people who move their minds now, but those who really dare to come here will never be as many as you imagine! I come here this time for the sake of martial uncle. If I hate myself, I'm impatient to live! Then we can't stop, can we? "

"Sir, I don't worry about anything else! But your physical condition is not so good, Yan Lao left, also deliberately explained! Make sure you take the medicine on time. There must be no ambiguity! "

Ding Yu nodded, but he didn't mean to embarrass the housekeeper. At the same time, he didn't mean to trust the big housekeeper!

After all, what is the situation of their own body, their heart is the most clear!

"Previously, it was a little bit too big for the hairy bear! Come on, now it's such a result For this problem, Ding Yu has a considerable reflection, "but speaking of it, how is the arrangement of the family affairs? You are the housekeeper. You have the right to decide this matter! "

"Are you kidding me, sir? Or are you dissatisfied with my work? " The chief housekeeper said with some trepidation, "use them, no problem. This is the authority you give me, but if you choose such a thing, you can spare me! I'm not a professional in this area, and it's very important! "

Ding Yu waved, "you need to call two people, they can not be involved in the security matters, but sometimes they do need a considerable number of people, when necessary, they still have a considerable role!"

"I don't quite understand, sir!"

"It's really stupid or fake silly. We can be more strict in the courtyard, but it's not necessary to be outside! It's not hot at all! People who don't know think our courtyard is so unpopular! "Ding Yu's words are a little blunt, but the housekeeper understood it at the first time!

"I see, sir! But will this affect the reputation of siheyuan? What's more, I haven't opened this precedent all the time

"I seem to have a good reputation for that?" In this regard, Ding Yu didn't mean to put it in his heart at all! "I'm not a good man at all. Can't you pretend to be a good man?" Ding Yu's tone is a little bit higher, "there's no need. Anyway, we all know how things happen in our hearts? Why? You are not tired! "

As for the so-called gentleman, the housekeeper is really a little sad and laughing! Mr. A is a real temperament, but he said so, but if he did so, it would be a bit inappropriate!

But Ding Yu did not wait to go back to rest, the housekeeper turned back again!

"Sir, I have just been informed that someone will come to dinner in the evening!" When talking, the housekeeper didn't even dare to see Ding Yu!

Ding Yu patted his head, "third uncle, did he mean it?! At this time, he came to eat? Isn't he busy with his work? With this spare time, is it not good to have a rest earlier? "

is not saying anything to his own husband, but what he said is not a problem, but if he answers it, he will make complaints about his life. So forget it! I'll inform Mr. Wang by myself and see what I'll prepare for the evening! This is my job!

"Prepare porridge and pickle in the evening! Something light! "

After hearing this, the housekeeper's face was a little dark! Mr. Zhang has a little intention to be angry. He needs other ways as soon as possible. He can't follow his temperament! "Sir, the children at home are growing up! If you eat too light, will it have an impact, this should also be considered! Do you think so? "

Ding Yu's mouth twitched twice and snorted, without refuting! The housekeeper was finally relieved. Sir, he was not too stubborn!

When the middle-aged man came, he looked at Ding Yu, who was black. There was a smile on his face! Seeing Ding Yu's appearance, his heart is really a little comfortable, but at the same time, there are some feelings!

Previously, Mr. Yan told himself about Ding Yu's situation, which is more serious than what he imagined. If Ding Yu didn't pay attention to it a little bit, then he might not be able to get away from the wheelchair all his life!

"Uncle, I don't want to tell you whether you are busy with your work this evening, since you are off duty! Then go home and have a rest! The third aunt should be impatient to wait at home? " Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with his face!

"Your three aunts are home!" Middle aged people like to fight with Ding Yu very much. They don't disturb each other at all! "I've heard quite a bit of news, so I came to see you. Haven't you eaten yet? How are you prepared? "

"I'm going to pay for a meal with you?"

When the children came back, they saw the three grandfathers sitting there. They all threw them to one side, along with their master and father. The hair on Ding Yu's head was about to smoke!

I'm in a bad mood, but I haven't seen it? Are you going to do this again? Isn't this intentional?

Ding Yu has already written them down in a small book! Now is not too much time, and so on their own time, absolutely will let these bastards get to know each other well! Save them, forget the pain!

At this time, a few children are a bit "ecstatic", and even take the initiative to complain about the third grandfather. As for the object of complaint, it is Ding Yu! Can there be anyone else? Following the Secretary, is an envious look at director Ding Yu Ding!

As a secretary of middle-aged people, I have a good understanding of director Ding Yuding. Naturally, I also know the relationship between my leader and director Ding. This is really what other people are envious of. Naturally, there is also appropriate admiration. Not everyone can do this!

Director Ding's credit is not known to outsiders, because these things can not see light!

After a while of mischief, the children went out first! Along with other people are also with the same out!

Ding Yu and the middle-aged people came to the study together!

"I heard that Mr. Yan mentioned your situation. It's very serious!" The attitude of the middle-aged changed all of a sudden, not as pleasant as before, the expression on the face is very frightful!

And Ding Yu's face is also changed, a little dissatisfied!

"Third uncle, such things are very normal. I didn't expect that they would be so reckless. As for the injury, the problem is not so big. Just take good care of it! It's just now that we have this time. What's happened before is a little big. It's OK to stop and stop! "

"You, you! Let me tell you something about what's good about you The middle-aged man was very dissatisfied with Ding Yu's reply, "this time you come back is very special. I talked to the emperor on the phone. He attached great importance to this matter. However, if you want to deal with it, it can't be completed in a moment and a half. You should also take advantage of this period of time to have a good rest. If there are no special things, you are not allowed to come back. You should be honest and stay in your hometown Come on, don't say I'll deal with you"Uncle, is it a little too strict?" Ding Yu's expression is a little depressed!

"I don't know you yet? There is a gap, you can make a hole! This time, everything you say needs to be strictly observed, and there is no room for discussion! "

Middle aged people are very serious with Ding Yu! From this, we can also see the concern for Ding Yu! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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