"It's said that there are many people who want to find the door now?"

In the face of the third uncle's tone of trial, Ding Yu slightly nodded his head and did not hide anything! "Generally speaking, this is the case, but no one seems to come to the door on his own initiative! Maybe everyone knows that my temper is not so good! So I didn't come to disturb you! It's interesting! "

Hearing Ding Yu's words, the middle-aged man couldn't stop laughing. He said it! Is it really such a trifle?

There is just a bad temper so simple? Do you think that's enough to sum up everything?

"You have no one else! Now who mentioned it! You need to think about it The middle-aged man slightly sighed that if Ding Yu changed into another way, it could be, completely, and no one could give him what, but Ding Yu didn't do it!

"It's good. I don't have to hum my ears. Besides, these little guys at home are also very interesting."

"You're very interesting. I don't know what the kids did in the afternoon?" Third uncle's expression is very interesting!

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment, "it's really not so clear. I'm waiting for you to have dinner! Who knows what they went out to do, but I think it should have involved quite a thing, otherwise you would never say so, uncle! "

"It's not a big thing. Some people want to come to the door. What else can they do? But they are all children After saying that, he looked at Ding Yu with complaining eyes. "After all, they are children, not adults. At this point, you, as a father and a master, still need to take it easy. Don't go too far!"

"Uncle, I want to! But what can I do? " In this regard, Ding Yu's heart naturally has other views, "I am a father and a master. Don't I want them to be happy and carefree? But the situation at home, doomed them to live in such an environment, if they are eliminated, the end will be extremely miserable

Ding Yu's words are definitely not aimless!

The middle-aged man sitting opposite Ding Yu is also very moved about this, yes! Wang's family has a lot of details, but how can Wang Lao scatter too much! Now is the time to save! What about Ding Yu? It seems like a big family and big business, but all of them are supported by Ding Yu, which is also a problem!

This is also the reason why Ding Yu wants to cultivate these children. Ding Yu takes care of such a large consortium and has other affairs. Not all things are trivial, but quite a lot of things need Ding Yu to make this decision. Under such circumstances, what else do you want?

Therefore, it is impossible to say that Ding Yu is helping others in a certain way!

"What are you going to do about it?"

Ding Yu spread out his hands, "third uncle, how can we solve this problem? In this case, we can only stop a little, there is no other way! As for later? First look at the arrangement of the great emperor over there! In the end, there are still some people in front of me. I believe that the emperor is definitely not a good temper! "

"You! It's really a slippery head! "

"No way! After all, you still need a bowl of rice to eat, don't you? It's not smooth. Sometimes it's easy to be grinded. It's like this now. It's good to be round inside! What's more, we have a lot of opinions and ideas for me, and now there are no people who are willing to contact me too much! "

Speaking time is not particularly long, then came out to have dinner together, followed by the Secretary also noticed that director Ding Yu was pushed out by his own leader, and this treatment is no one! I was scared to look down at the road!

After dinner, Ding Yu didn't personally send him off. It was not that he didn't want to, but he couldn't do it! His third uncle doesn't want to make things boisterous. Ding Yu is not too good to force anything for this matter!

But when turning around, looking at the children in the house, Ding Yu narrowed his eyes slightly!

Ding Yun, on the other hand, looked at her father and even blinked her eyes intentionally. "Dad, we are going out for half a day today! How tired! Don't you pity us at all? "

"Hum!" Ding Yu didn't pay attention to the cunning of his own woman. "Just now your three grandfathers told me that you seem to have something today. Don't you want to mention it to me? Or when things come to me, I'll ask you again, and you'll explain it separately? "

Ding Yun is to drum up his mouth and never admit that he is wrong!

Looking at her daughter's appearance, Ding Yu didn't pay much attention to it, but she didn't have a few steps to turn around. It seems that Ding Yu suddenly found something and pointed to their children with his finger! "Well, I said," what do you want? Don't tell me you're going out at this time? "

Ding Yun tilted his head, his hands on his back, and his little foot kicked the stone floor above the ground restlessly. His eyes were moving back and forth between the sky and his father! Ding Yu bit his teeth with a black expression!"Please pay attention to me. I don't care what you do, but what you make up will be solved by yourself! And your three grandfathers mentioned me just now. I don't know what you've done

Looking at Wang An, Ding Yu raised his hand and stopped him from speaking!

"I hope to get a good result. Don't tell me that you have made a mess in the end."

After that, Ding Yu turned and left! But he talked to the housekeeper while walking! "If they come back too late, shut them out! Don't make a fool of yourself When talking, Ding Yu didn't mean to restrain his voice at all!

The housekeeper looks back at the children at home, shakes his head and smiles. He needs to listen to his words, but he also needs to take care of the children! But their performance is really good! I know quite a lot of things. The reason why I didn't tell my husband was not that I wanted to hide anything!

His side is really not in time, and look at the meaning of the gentleman, he is not so anxious now!

"Sir?" Come to the corner, the housekeeper asked in a low voice!

Ding Yu said, "it's no harm to let them make a fool of themselves! How can it be done if so many people outside look at it and do nothing nonsense? As for what was the cause of the uproar, it didn't matter. Xiao Gang and Tong Tong both went home? How about it? "

"Sir, may I venture to ask, did you mean it?" The housekeeper said tentatively!

"Why do you say that? You know, it's Ding Yun's idea. Can you rely on me? " Ding Yu laughs right!

"I see!" The housekeeper did not speak! Because I really understand!

Ding Yu sighed, "Xiao Gang! Can't show up, he is the hope of Wang family in the future, now this time let you keep the right to know things! But can't let him have any involvement, not to say that he can't, cause too many bad eyes, and the boy side? One is to accompany Xiao Gang, and the other? It's a warning

"Will you let me know, sir?" The housekeeper mentioned it!

"It doesn't matter. The two of them must have quite a connection with Wang An and them. Even this connection is unknown to you and me. They are more intelligent than you think. As for the outside world? Hum Ding Yu has a little disdain for this!

However, some of the children in the family have already slipped out. When they come out, Wang An's expression is very helpless, while Ding Yun is slightly excited. Ding Chang seems to have nothing to do here, but his eyes show a certain look, maybe only a little girl, a little confused! She is really a little confused!

"What a pity! Xiao Gang and Tong Tong are not here, so much less fun! "

Wang an looks at her younger martial sister. She doesn't know what to say! She really doesn't think it's big enough!

However, although Wang Xiaogang and Tong Tong are not here, the relationship between them has not been lowered. Quite a lot of things they all know that the master is intentional! If the master really has other ideas and ideas, will he let them out of the courtyard? It's impossible!

And my younger martial sister? It is to take advantage of this to make a big scene, but the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment!

Since the master has this preparation, it means that things are under control. Maybe the details don't care, but there will be no problems in the general direction!

"Let's go! Come back earlier in the evening! Otherwise, they will be locked out, and I don't know what the situation is! " Wang an took his sister and said in a low voice!

"Hey, if you can stay outside, it seems good, but I don't know if Dad will smoke?" In this regard, Ding Chang has a million expectations, of course, he also knows that this is a pit, but let himself play things, how can he let his father down? If you miss this village, there will be no shop!

"I don't know whether the master will smoke or not, but I can guarantee that we will never have a good time in the future. This is for sure! I don't want this to happen. Ding Chang, what do you say? " Wang an Cai will not forget his younger brother, he is silent now, but if anyone underestimates him, he will regret hitting the wall in the future!

We are a little strange and curious, but we don't mean to go forward. No matter who the family is, we all stay at a distance!

It is true that we want to get in touch with Ding Yu, but the question is what does director Ding Yuding mean by releasing several children? We did not understand for a moment, in the absence of a clear situation, no one dare to act rashly!

Don't look at the joke. Director Ding Yuding will never shoot at a target at random. He must have considerable consideration and arrangement. This is certain. Under such circumstances, what does director Ding really want?

What's more, we didn't know much about what happened in Maoxiong, but now we know something about it. It may not be the most comprehensive, but even if we have some knowledge from the side, it is enough to make everyone's heart suffer a huge impact!It is precisely because of this, so at this time, we are a little afraid of the rise of a few children!

What's more, according to the information we've got, Mr. and Mrs. Wang and Ding Yu's third uncle have all been to siheyuan. It's not known what they talked about with Ding Yu. But being able to go to the courtyard represents an attitude!

To a certain extent, it is to support Ding Yu!

"Boss, what do you want to do?" Su Yuan's face puzzled, Xiaogang was sent home, Tongtong was also sent back, but the remaining children, did not stay in the courtyard, but came out!

Judging from the current situation, there will not be too many problems and situations. At least in 49 cities, there will not be too many dangers, but the problem is that you let the children out! This is a little incomprehensible!

Wang Changlin leaned against the sofa, but not so worried about Su Yuan!

He looked at his wife blandly, "put Xiaogang and Tongtong back, which means that Xiaogang can't be exposed and is too easy to be targeted. Is Tong Tong there? It must be a lesson or a warning to the departments behind it. It is obvious that both of them are relatively small. They are not suitable to be involved in the same things. Since they are not suitable, they should be removed first! "

"Other children are suitable? Is the little girl still in it

Deliberately raising the bar, isn't it? Wang Changlin blinked his own eyes, "little girl is a make-up, difficult not to her still at home? For the eldest son and the children in the family, this is absolutely impossible. What's more, there are Wang An and Ding Yun in front and Ding Chang in the back to protect a little girl. It's still something more than rubbing and rubbing! "

"So, the boss still has some ideas about this arrangement?"

"Or you call Xiaogang. Other people don't know. He must know. Don't look at him. He's home at this time!" Wang Changlin slightly will his wife, do you have the courage?

Su Yuan looks at her husband with her eyes like a knife. What's wrong? Are you going to sleep on the sofa tonight?

There is no problem calling his grandson, and even Xiaogang will not do too much concealment. But how can he explain to his son and daughter-in-law? Xiao Gang finally came back. Can't you wait at home now?

So this phone call is absolutely not to call, and will not let other people in the family make this call!

Because of this, Su Yuan looked at Wang Changlin with a bad look!

"Don't you fear to be pierced in the old man's trick?"

"What if it's broken? Is it hard to hold on to the children? I can't afford to lose this man! " Wang Changlin has an accurate judgment on things. Although he doesn't understand the overall situation now, it doesn't mean that he can't understand anything!

"The eldest brother let these children go out, either to make a big fuss in heaven, or to remind people outside?" Said half, Wang Changlin seems to suddenly realize what, to the mouth of the words is to swallow down, "I seem to suddenly understand something!"

"What do you mean? What do you want to say

Wang Changlin's attitude is a little more playful. "Do you think that everyone's attention is a little distracted at this time?"

Su Yuan is such a smart person. When she heard her husband say this, she immediately woke up. "I feel a little bit when you say that. Now everyone's attention is not on the boss, but on the children's body? That's the idea of the boss? "

"A little tricky, isn't it? But you can't deny that it should be the best time to visit the boss, but everyone's attention seems to be attracted by the children! When they react, the time is not so appropriate! What's more, it's another thing to visit the boss tomorrow

Su Yuan carefully thought about this matter, now quite eyes have been attracted by several children!

But if her husband can see through this matter, can others really not see through it? There seems to be something wrong with the little intelligence of the boss! "I can't hide it from everyone. Why don't other people act at this time?"

"Dark? Who dares to rush forward rashly? And who dares to rush forward at this time? "

In a word, even though some people can see that Ding Yu's action is to set up a maze, the question is, how many people dare to rush forward in such a maze? Who is not afraid to fall into the pit?

"Is that how we stand up?"

"At least from the current situation, the eldest brother will never leave tomorrow. Liu Daochang has not been discharged from the hospital. As long as he has not been discharged from hospital, the boss will not leave. This is a doomed thing! So it doesn't need to be so anxious. What I don't understand here is that the boss made such an early move this time? What is it for? "In this regard, Wang Changlin is still deeply confused!

But Wang Changlin will not call his son at this time! You can't let your son carry everything, can you? When they talked about each other, they didn't see each other before!

There is no such details at home, what can't help the boss?

Since you can't help, don't make a mess of it!

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