The little girl was holding a glass of juice, but it was obvious that the taste of the juice was very ordinary. She and Ding Chang sat on the sofa with a bit of boredom. Elder brother and Yun Yun elder sister seemed a little excited! Visible things!

To be exact, sister Yun Yun is a little excited. Elder brother is the escort! After watching for a period of time, the little girl is looking at the side of Ding Chang, "Chang elder brother, don't you plan to do something?"

"No? I feel comfortable sitting there! "

Then Ding Chang indicated with his eyes, "if you look at the performance over there, it's still very good. It's just that the instrument is a little poor, but the technique is OK! It should have been practiced for a long time! "

The little girl's interest is taken askew by Ding Chang! Looking at the performance over there, it is very emotional, but it seems that Ding Chang said it! Musical instruments are quite different! The timbre is not very stable. It's a little better when it's high pitch. It doesn't sound so comfortable when it comes to bass!

However, due to the ensemble and the environment here, quite a few people may not feel too much!

But for a little girl, she has received professional training in this area, and she likes it very much, so she can obviously feel the difference! Every child in the family can play a few hands, and even play very well, but that is the little girl's heart. As for other children? It's just to cultivate your own sentiment!

It's not that the little girl will go down this road in the future. No matter Ding Yu, Wang An, or the little girl herself, she doesn't have such an idea. Just be happy! Willing to go down this road, absolutely do not block, if it is like the words, the home must be strong support!

Seeing that the little girl was distracted, Ding Chang was relieved. Four people came out together. The elder martial brother and Ding Yun rushed in front of him. He needed to sit in the rear, not worried about his own problems, for two reasons!

One is to see the situation clearly, the other is to protect the little girl, after all, she is still young!

Ding Chang's interest is not high at all this evening. Why? Ding Yun how, want to break his father's cage, but his father is what character? Even if all the children in the family together, it is not the father's opponent!

But Dad never wanted to restrain them, even allowed them to play their own initiative! Space for you! As for how much you can play, this problem depends on your own!

For Ding Chang, there is no problem with his father's parting now, but this is not the most important thing. What we need now is to accumulate ourselves, relying on the so-called little wisdom, and then I'm afraid that none of them can compare with his father's little finger!

As for Wang An and Ding Yun, they also have the idea of this aspect, but their ways are quite different. On this point, my father has never meant to correct it. However, from Ding Chang's own point of view, he likes it very much!

Ding Chang leaned on the sofa and held his chin! The sofa is a little bit big, which has wrapped up the whole Ding Chang! As for the little girl, this time lying on the armrest, very interested in the performance! Two people at this time seems very harmonious!

Next to the waiter sent some snacks, can be Dingchang or little girl's interest in this is not so big!

The little sister of the waiter looked at the two children, and the imagination appeared in her heart. Her eyes were almost starry!

The dress of the two children is a little common, but they are very cute. They have an indescribable temperament!

Not only this little sister of the waiter, but also the other waiters have the same feeling. I can't tell what the reason is! Look at other people's small appearance, and then look at yourself, the more you see, the more you dislike yourself!

When Wang An and Ding Yun came back, their looks were quite different. Wang an didn't take it as a matter, but Ding Yun was a little angry. Looking at the lazy Ding Chang, he gave him a foot without ceremony! Ding Chang didn't pay any attention to it. At most, he moved his legs!

Since you dislike yourself, you should be far away from it! Now teasing Ding Yun is definitely not a good thing!

"Is the sun really coming out of the west? This kind of stop? It's totally different from that in the afternoon! "

"What a normal thing?" Although Ding Chang got a kick, he didn't put it in his heart at all, "Dad let us out on purpose! What's more, dad said it earlier! If we go back late! We're locked out. It's obvious that dad did it on purpose. He couldn't even hear that? "

"Can I understand that you are deliberately provoking me?" Ding Yun said with a bad look!

"You can't say that, just to clarify some facts! Our goal is too big! There won't be people who don't look down on us. Anyway, Dad means to let us attract the attention of the outside world. As for how to do after we reach the goal, it's another matter, isn't it? "Wang an takes a look at Ding Chang, and then looks at Ding Yun. As for her sister, she doesn't have this kind of mind at all. She still shows considerable interest in the performance not far away! I have a little headache!

Ding Yun is intentional, Ding Chang is the same, and his sister is a little silly, ah! My elder martial brother needs to do everything. After all, this venue still needs to be supported!

Look at the time. It's late enough! They finally returned to the courtyard, but did not see their father, so the children are also their own things, wash and sleep!

But the next morning, they did not see their father, a question to know, the original father went to the hospital there? I didn't take them with me, huh!

Ding Yu came here a little early. When he came over, Liu Daochang had already woken up for quite a long time. Looking at Ding Yu, he was not satisfied with the look on his face! You're already like this? Still running around! I don't have too many problems!

"Already told you! I have no problem with my body. It's just that I'm a little older, so I don't have to run back and forth! "

Ding Yu's face is very light on the wheelchair!

"Not bad, you look really good! I don't think there are too many problems! " Uncle Ding Yu, don't blame yourself again! You know, all the disciples and grandchildren in the house are scared

"Hey, what you said, I'm so ashamed!"

If it is other people, Liu Daochang certainly will not say so, but Ding Yu face-to-face, Liu Daochang has no scruples, should say should not say, all said!

"I can say anything else, but I've heard something about you." Liu Daochang's face suddenly was right, "for me to come back, too worthless!"

"What? You've heard quite a lot, uncle? " The expression on Ding Yu's face was slightly cold, "who mentioned it? It's absolutely not so many people who know this situation in China."

Seeing the sudden change of Ding Yu's face, Taoist priest Liu shook his head. "To mention such a thing in front of me, I must have done a lot of preparation. I didn't want to understand at the beginning. There's nothing wrong with being idle, right? But then I thought about it carefully, and I felt scared! "

When saying this, Liu Daochang sighed very much! After all, people are old, ghosts are old, and there are many things!

"This is intentional Ding Yu snorted, "I asked you a moment ago, martial uncle, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's totally aimed at me. It's bold enough to do it!"

"Whether it's about you or me, it's because of me!"

Liu Daochang's expression is more serious, things seem to be aimed at himself, but in fact is for his nephew, did not expect that he should bring such a big trouble to his nephew!

Ding Yu patted the armrest of the wheelchair. "Last night, I asked several children to go out. I didn't expect that their reaction was so fast! It seems that the water in the capital is a little muddy! "

Liu Daochang, sitting on the bed, took a breath. He was very anxious! "Xiaoyu! There is no big problem with my affairs. I didn't control my temper a little earlier. I should be able to leave the hospital today. I don't know the situation on your side. However, as you said earlier, the water in the capital is a little mixed. As a martial uncle, go early! I'm an old man with no problem! "

Ding Yu didn't speak, smiling at his uncle!

"Martial uncle, I'll take care of my affairs. As for now? Or your old body is more important, don't worry so much! At least no one will give me anything at this time! "

Ding Yu knew what happened to him. He was a little angry, but it didn't affect his reason!

Still can't underestimate some people! They pointed to the essence. Why did they come back this time? Isn't it just for your uncle to come back? These guys even use their uncles as rafts. They really have yours! Can think of such a way! Let oneself how many have not thought of!

Do you want to give some immediate response? After thinking about it, Ding Yu denied his decision in his heart!

Having breakfast with his uncle, Ding Yu ate a little more. In the morning, there were not so many doctors and nurses in the hospital. After all, Ding Yu's time was a little subtle, and it was not time to hand over the shift. The doctors and nurses on the night shift were tired, but the doctors and nurses preparing for the day shift had not arrived yet!

After breakfast, Ding Yu came back to tell his uncle two words, which left the hospital!

"Sir?" Qu he followed Ding Yu's side and had a good understanding of the hospital's affairs, "how to do it?""For what?" Ding Yu snorted and laughed, "they! This move is really quite unexpected, the time point card is very clever, such as stuck in the throat! "

"Sir, would you like to investigate? I believe it won't take too long!" The reason why Qu he said this but didn't take the lead is that Qu he was very clear that the matter must be approved by his husband. If he acted rashly without his consent, it would have a considerable impact on the whole thing and even lead to other changes!

"No! There's not much need! They are waiting! Why go to the top? "

Ding Yu didn't mean to put it in his heart for this matter. Someone did it! He didn't follow his own steps. Obviously, he was also a chess player. If he followed his own ideas, he would surely fall into his own pit, but he would be passive in the other way!

However, it does not mean that you have to deal with it! It was like last night! Some kids are out! Can still not have any movement, can explain quite the problem!

A very interesting thing, on the way back, Ding Yulu showed a little smile!

But when Ding Yu returned to the courtyard, he found that the children were not at home at all! The housekeeper was so ashamed that he didn't even dare to see Ding Yu! But Ding Yu didn't mean to blame! Several children must have been a little angry last night. Under such circumstances, how can they not react at all?

So they run now, it is a kind of resistance to themselves! So Ding Yu is smiling at the housekeeper!

"It has nothing to do with the Butler, they! A little short tempered Ding Yu doesn't think so! "Where did they go?"

"It seems that I went to Tong Tong's house and went to find Xiao Gang?"

After hearing this, the smile on Ding Yu's face is stronger! "It must be Ding Yun's attention. It's hard enough for her!"

That is to say such a sentence, and then Ding Yu went back to the study, as if he had not paid attention to this matter at all! The outside world has expressed extraordinary concern about Ding Yu's situation, but it is just a matter of concern. If we say at night, there may be considerable possibility, but now? No one will take the initiative to come to the door!

In this case, Ding Yu naturally won't restrain the children in the family. They can be casual! As if it was owed to them last night, after all, what they did last night was also under their own instigation!

At noon, several children didn't mean to come back for dinner, but ran to Su Yuan there!

Su Yuan was very happy about the arrival of these children. The smile on his face could not stop! She didn't expect that these children would come to her side! These little have no conscience, finally remember their own good!

Fortunately, while preparing for lunch, Ding Yun finally remembered to call her old father! I don't know if it was intentional! "Daddy? What do you have for lunch? We were in grandma's house at noon. Grandma made us a lot of delicious food! Why don't you come and have a taste? "

Ding Yu slightly skimmed his mouth. If he really had this idea, he should have called him earlier. Now what time is it! I don't know how much time I'm wasting if I'm in the past? My little black heart cotton is really a little black through!

I'm afraid it's time for me to spend more!

"I will not go there! Eat porridge and pickles at home

"Is it?" Ding Yun had a little intention, "Dad, although eating light food now is good for your health, but don't be too frugal! Grandma has really made a lot of delicious food here. Would you like me to bring some back for you? I think there should be some left, as long as you don't dislike Daddy! "

"Well! I'll say thank you in advance Ding Yu didn't gnash his teeth, but it was obvious that Ding Yun could still hear the difference in his father's words. He was so happy that his little feet were about to fly!

When putting down the phone, Ding Yun patted Ding Chang heavily, almost knocking down all the mobile phones in Ding Chang's hands on the sofa! Ding Chang is helpless to see a look, know you are very excited, but do not need to be like this?

What's more, if you go to provoke your father, is it really good? Dad won't be angry, but the problem is to go back and give them some melons to eat. Will they eat or not?

However, this point does not cause any so-called contradiction. Ding Yunle is among them, other brothers and sisters? It's also fun to watch!

When Su Yuan came over, he looked at Ding Yun's face and rubbed her face. She was absolutely beautiful. Now she can see one or two of them! It's this little temper! It's a little hard to do, and I don't know who will be cheap in the future!

Because the children are more, so the noon is very busy! With Su Yuan unknowingly, they all ate a lot of food, which is rare in the usual time!"Grandma, we have to go shopping in the afternoon. We may go back earlier in the evening."

Ding Yun held her grandmother's arm and whispered!

Although the day can be unscrupulous, and even deliberately give their father a little anger, but does not mean that these children have no brain, when to do what, can not be reckless!

Today, there is no problem how to make a fool of yourself during the day, and even let your father smoke. But at night, if they don't go back early, then it will be very troublesome! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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