Ding Chang did not know where to pull out a coin, the coin is a little bit big! It's at least one circle bigger than a dollar coin!

Moving his fingers, the coin quickly moved back and forth between his fingers. Wang Xiaogang took a look. He saw that uncle had done this, so it's not so strange. He can do it now. It has nothing to do with magic. It's just muscle control and some finger flexibility!

But like Ding Chang brother so fluent, he is still a lot worse! It's mainly because of my age, my hand is still a little small, so it's not so smooth! That's it!

"Why do you suddenly want to play this?"

Ding Chang looked at Wang Xiaogang, thought for a moment, moved his finger, and then put the coin on the table, the index finger pressed the coin, the thumb held one side of the coin, and then flicked it with the middle finger! The coin turns quickly on the smooth table!

Have been waiting for the coin to turn to the table, Ding Chang used his fingertips to catch the rotating coin! Looking at the coin to fall down, Ding Chang breathed a breath, and the coin was spinning at the top of Ding Chang's fingertips! But soon fell down, it is clear that Ding Chang for control, or there is a considerable gap!

Looking at the coin in Ding Chang's hand, Wang Xiaogang expressed great interest! Just jump on Ding Chang's body!

"Wow, when did you learn it?" However, Wang Xiaogang didn't mean to try. "It's a bit impossible. This requires considerable control. At the same time, he has a very good grasp of the balance. If I blow, I will blow the coin away directly!"

"I can blow the coin and turn it quickly, but the time of rotation can't be controlled. It's a bit out of control. It's very troublesome!" Ding Chang gave Wang Xiaogang a look at his finger, "and the finger is easy to have problems! I just know this process and have tried it a few times! "

"Haven't you seen uncle playing like this?"

"Dad can do it!" Ding Chang handed the coin to Wang Xiaogang, "can you make the coin stand up on your hand?"

"Can do it!" Wang Xiaogang immediately understood Ding Chang's meaning, "there's no problem standing up, but you can accurately control it like an uncle, and you can't do it! Now it can only be controlled a little bit! "

"Here it is!" Ding Chang was helpless, "but it's OK! It was difficult at the beginning, and I almost forgot when I could control accurately. Of course, it's not the precise one! "

Wang Xiaogang looks at Ding Chang, and then takes a look at the elder martial brother! And then a heavy nod!

Ding Chang is holding Wang Xiaogang's neck, "you owe me a set of skin, although I don't like to play games and animation, but still very interested in collecting!"

"You have a lot of skin on your hands!" Wang Xiaogang struggled to say!

"I like it very much, but if you think Ding Yun is good at speaking, I don't object! You can make your own choice, anyway

The children there are not better, but Wang An is not as black as Ding Chang!

However, the reason why Wang An and Ding Chang were able to deliver the news to Tong Tong and Wang Xiaogang was that Ding Yun held Su Yuan back. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to accomplish these things under Su Yuan's nose! Of course, the little girl also helped a lot, but how to say? She is a group pet!

After a short rest, several children left Su Yuan's side! Su Yuan sipped his mouth and had a strong smile on his face. Although he was not so satisfied with his eldest son, he was really not picky about the performance of these children at home!

Waiting for Wang Yang to come over, Su Yuan's face just pulled down again!

"What are you doing here?" Looking at his little son, Su Yuan is reluctant! At least relative to the next generation in the family, Wang Yang is so unpopular now!

Fortunately, there is Lin Qiuyan nearby, otherwise Su Yuan will never let go of his son!

"Xiaogang, they're gone?" Let his wife sit down, Wang Yang asked in a low voice!

"Well! be gone! In the evening, I don't know whether to go home or to the courtyard. They didn't say, and I didn't mean to ask. But look at this meaning, I must go home before the evening. Xiaogang had already gone home last night! It doesn't matter whether you stay at home or go to the courtyard tonight! "

"Mom, we didn't come here for Xiao Gang and other children's business, just come and sit down!"

Lin Qiuyan didn't look at her husband at this time. She heard her mother-in-law's panting voice! There is absolutely something wrong with what he said. I won't look at him now! Absolutely no good fruit to eat!

And the results are not unexpected! It's interesting to think about it. The eldest son in the family is not like his father at all. Of course, he doesn't look like himself. Of course, this image refers to personality. As for appearance, Xiaogang really follows the advantages of the Wang family and the Lin family!At more than three o'clock in the afternoon, the children went back to their respective homes and went to their respective mothers! Wang Xiaogang and Tong Tong go home, the other children go back to the courtyard! But still did not face to face with their father, because the father is not in the courtyard!

Ding Yu looked at the uncle who had already returned home, but he didn't pay much attention to the busy people in the yard!

"Uncle, it's a little early to come back!"

"Hi! Everything is complete here at home. Because of your relationship with the hospital, the urban rail is also very familiar, without any problems, so you should consider your own problems and conditions! "

"What's the matter? Martial uncle, I didn't come here easily today. Are you going to let me go, even if I don't leave a meal? "

"No, it's not negotiable." Liu Daochang's hand is the same as that of a PU fan! "I can promise you anything else, but this is the only thing I can't promise you! There is no room for discussion! "

"I want to have another meal here?" Ding Yu has a little cheek to say!

"No, next time you come here, I'll ask you alone. You can eat anything you want. Now you can go back directly. Otherwise, don't blame me, the old guy, for turning his face. If you don't want me to go back and lie down again! Try it

For his uncle's scoundrel, Ding Yu smiles and takes a look at the watch on his hand!

"There is still some time, but it is not so anxious!" Ding Yu said in a low voice, "the housekeeper just gave me a call, and the children have already gone back! If you don't tell me, I'm going back! Otherwise, these bastards in the house promise to turn the sky! It's really hard to deal with! "

Hearing Ding Yu say so, Liu Daochang is relieved at last! "You! It's not that I said you, anyway, I have nothing to do! If you can, you can go back today. If you can, you can't take a plane. Can't you take a train? What's more, there are no trains, no cars? "

"I'll arrange it!" Ding Yu thought for a while and comforted his uncle! But to some extent, it seems to have given his uncle a guarantee!

After sitting here for a while, Ding Yu left! However, Ding Yu didn't go back to the courtyard. Instead, he arranged for the housekeeper to sit down at the first time. Martial uncle has already gone home! The next thing is nothing! In that case, what's the point of staying? Why don't you run at this time?

Is a good reputation hard to eat? What's more, did Ding Yu really care about his reputation?

It can be said that Ding Yu has never cared about his reputation. It doesn't matter if he wants to be corrupted!

However, Wang Xiaogang and Tong Tong did not have any confusion. Previously, they had been prepared. When the housekeeper arranged a considerable number of people to pick up and see them off, they had already cleaned up!

When people react, Ding Yu and his party's cars have already been out of 49 cities!

All the people who got the news were looking at each other. No one thought that Ding Yu would leave in such a way! You Ding Yu is a famous person at least! In this way, don't you feel so humiliating?

But it's no use mentioning them now, because Ding Yu has already left 49 cities. What's the matter? How to stop him? How could it be? If Ding Yu is in a quadrangle, it is possible to go to the courtyard. Even if it is to block the door, there are not many problems!

But the question is, now Ding Yu has run away? Do you want to cut Ding Yu back on the way? This thing is not too simple!

But just let Ding Yu leave! Let everyone's heart have an indescribable Mania!

But what if not? There is no point in jumping now! So can only complain in the heart, even dare not to complain on the mouth, after all, quite a thing can not be noisy and above the surface!

"The boss is gone?" When Su Yuan got to know the news, the whole people were not convinced. At noon, the children still ate with themselves and said to go shopping. Why did they leave before the evening?!

"I just got the news, too!" Wang Yang was so confused that he thought he would go back with his wife at night and make a good meal for his son. But he thought that his son took the lead! This is a riot! Don't have any preparation on your side!

"It's good to go!" Su Yuan is not too disappointed, even a little happy!

"Mom, I heard that many people are asking for information about big brother! It's only two nights. Big brother is gone?! It's a bit fast, but isn't it a little bit

"If it were you, you wouldn't do it, would you?" Su Yuan snorted, "bullshit!"

It's not only Wang Yang, but also Lin Qiuyan! How did my mother-in-law burst out of a sudden, this is the past time has never heard of!Lin Qiuyan peeked at her husband and found that he did not have any anger, but solemnly nodded his head!

"Mom, I'm sure I won't do this. At least I can't put down this kind of frame. It's a bit humiliating!"

Hum! Su Yuan looked at his little son, "how can your elder brother put this shelf down? This asshole? You really don't care about fame at all? What will the outside world think of this? He doesn't think about it at all? "

Until this time, Lin Qiuyan suddenly realized that the elder brother went very happily, but almost at the expense of his own reputation! Quite a thing I know is not so clear, but from my mother-in-law's words, I can hear that this time the elder brother seems to be in a mess! Run away in the dust!

"Mother! I don't know why big brother can do this, but I really can't do it! This is not a question of whether it is difficult or not. At least I will not consider such a choice! "

Wang Yang does not know why big brother would make such a choice! At least from their own point of view, there are so some can not understand! But I can't understand at the same time, my heart is quite admirable, because I know how much determination is needed to make such a decision! At least I can't!

This is not a simple sentence can be! Where would it be so simple?

"You won't think about it, because you don't have such experience!" Su Yuan shook his head, "your elder brother is in such a position, why can you make such a decision, and still be so fast? What kind of meaning does it have behind it? Things can't be simply seen in one aspect! We need to focus on the whole! "

"What is the whole? Anyway, I didn't understand! But it's already happened! Mom! Big brother came back suddenly and left in such a mess, at least in the outside world, but no matter what? Big brother has already left! This is an undeniable fact! As for the next thing? Who knows what it will look like? "

Su Yuan said, what will happen next?

Wang Yang may not understand this matter, but he can still figure out some!

Because of the boss's sake, the water in the capital has become turbid! But who could have thought that after the boss showed up, he left quickly, and even some of them were not decent. This never happened in the past!

I don't know how many people will ridicule Ding Yu in the future. It's inevitable!

But the boss confused this who, and then left, this is very beautiful! What a surprise!

However, there are quite a number of people, when they know this thing, their heart is cold!

It's too obvious! Ding Yu doesn't want to make any waves now. He doesn't want to give other people a little chance! Even if it is to affect their own reputation, but also at all costs!

Why did Ding Yu make such a decision? This situation is worth pondering!

In other words, the fiercer Ding Yu retreats at this time, that is to say, his counterattack will be more fierce in the future! This time Ding Yu is really angry! It's not that you can calm down if you want to appease!

What to do? Ding Yu had the best chance to come to the capital, but the first night Ding Yu spent in the hospital, and the second night? Ding Yu used the child as a shield, and turned his attention away! Everyone wanted to get the third night, but at this time, Ding Yu left!

All the preparation, all the planning are in vain! Everyone's heart is really want to scold mother, this breath is stuffy in the heart, has reached the throat, can spit out immediately! Now you need to swallow it again. How uncomfortable and disgusting it is, don't mention how disturbing it is!

Ding Yu, sitting in the car, seems to have no influence at all, and looks indifferent! Ding Yun looked at her father, "Dad, how do you say that the news of your coming home will be spread in 49 cities now? I don't think it's good to hear the rumors! "

Ding Yu took a look at his daughter. He was brave enough. Now he even defied himself!

"What's the matter? What do you think should be done about this? Do you want to drop your head and go back? "

"Even if you go back, you will not be able to retrieve your bright light!" Ding Yun sat opposite her father. "Dad, why do you have to do this? I don't believe there is no other way and method?"

"Yes, and a lot more!" Ding Yu did not hide, "even quite the way, much better than now!"

"Dad, why do you really do it?" Ding Yun is very puzzled, but this is also for the other children to ask, they are also full of curiosity, but not everyone has the courage of Ding Yun!

"In your mind, I can do anything! At least nothing can really hard to live me? But what about the actual situation? There are quite a few things I can do about it

"Lying!" Ding Yun will not be cheated! "Dad, you did it on purpose! We won't be fooled! ""What do you think is the reason?" Ding Yu looks unmoved!

"I don't know. That's why I asked Dad! Who knows what kind of attention you paid? But if we can tell and listen to it, we are all very willing! "

"There are many reasons. I have never been a feather lover! What you may know is not so clear. In my personal opinion, I don't have much good reputation. When quite a number of people mention me, their first feeling is that they are in trouble! Headache! I will never be very happy! "

"Daddy, I believe they are jealous of you!" Ding Yun comforts her father, but I don't know why. It gives people the feeling that Ding Yun's smile seems a little fake!

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