Looking at his daughter's appearance, Ding Yu hums a smile!

Even reached out and pinched her cheek! Feel very good! When Ding Yun has a reaction, Ding Yu's hand has been pinched on Ding Yun's cheek, and the angry Ding Yun's small face is bulging again!

"Dad, you've gone too far!" Ding Yun is just like an exploding frog! But in Ding Yu's opinion, Duan is cute!

"A little lesson for you!" Ding Yu doesn't think so, which makes Ding Yun very angry!

"Dad, since you have taught me a lesson, should you explain why you left in such a way? Damage your brilliant image in our mind! I'm afraid it's hard to turn it around for a moment and a half! "

Ding Yun is very worried about her father, but does this talk? It's a little different! She won't show it!

"Stay in Beijing? There will be a lot of trouble. Your great grandparents and great grandmothers have been here before, and your third grandfather has also come, which can explain the problem! Things can be done again and again, and can't be repeated. In that case, it will not be as simple as thick skinned! "

After listening to this explanation, the children did not have any words, but looked at each other!

"Dad, so you were forced to leave? But even if you are forced to leave, you don't have to do that! "

"Wrong word!" When he said, "Dingyu is about to correct his position! Even caused considerable impact, which is a kind of fault in itself, but no matter your great grandparents and great grandmothers, including your three grandfathers, did not say that, but they did not say, does not mean that I can ignore it! "

"Dad, I believe this is just one of them?"

"It's smart enough, and that's one of the reasons! There are other reasons. Now the emperor over there has not been able to deal with his own affairs. Under such circumstances, I rashly act, which will cause considerable impact. At that time, the domestic will be very dissatisfied, and the Maoxiong side will not be too satisfied! What's more, I'm retreating now! It seems that fame has been greatly affected, but in fact? Quite a person owes me a favor! This is a great gain! "

"Dad, I feel that your explanation is a little too formulaic!"

"At least a reason for the past, isn't it?" There are quite a number of reasons, Ding Yu did not explain, a bit can not commit, as for the family of these children how to understand, ha ha!

The train is going straight to the provincial capital. In the evening, I will stay in Xiaogang! Anyway, there are enough rooms to go anywhere else! Wang Xiaogang is very concerned about his uncle and deliberately chooses a guest room for Ding Yu! A little courteous!

"You boy! What do you want? " Ding Yu will not be confused by his nephew!

"Uncle, when elder brother Chang told me something earlier, he showed me a hand!" Wang Xiaogang simply explained some situations. When he spoke, his eyes were so bright. After Ding Yu heard about it, he asked Wang Xiaogang to stretch out his hand. After watching for a period of time, he put it down!

"You can't do it. The control of muscles and bones is not in place. It's not that you don't pay attention. The main reason is that you are too young and are still in the process of growing up. It can be said that there are considerable changes every day. You can't control such a rule. This is also the reason why you have control over the smooth, but you can't control it all the time!"

Wang Xiaogang blinked his eyes, "uncle, is this the essence?"

"It can be said that, just like you practice Kung Fu, practicing kung fu is not fundamental. It's just for you to adapt and adjust yourself. The reason why you didn't tell you this was because you didn't understand it at all!"

Ding Yu explained patiently, "it's like you are practicing kung fu now. You can say that every day, you can feel quite different. If there is a sudden interval of three days, or a week, and you don't practice, you will find that when you practice, you are very awkward. You don't know how to correct yourself!"

After listening to this, Wang Xiaogang did not answer anything, but thought for a while, "I have a little bit of this situation here. When I chat with the elephant, he also mentioned some problems in this aspect. If he doesn't practice basketball for two days, he will feel a little awkward when he picks up basketball again! I can't tell you what the reason is. Is that the reason, uncle? "

"You can't control the growth of your body now. This is a variable, which means that quite a lot of things are uncontrolled! Is that understandable? " Looking at Wang Xiaogang nodding, Ding Yu continued, "after entering the youth, the variables of your body will still exist, but the changes are not so big. If you accumulate enough, then there will be qualitative changes. But if you don't accumulate enough, you may achieve nothing. Although it may be a layer of window paper, this layer of window paper is the valley of heaven and earth, You can't go up or down! ""I feel a little bit of this! But uncle, I should be able to do it. I can calm myself down. But why can't other people do this? I'm not saying why not eat the meat of the emperor of Jin Hui! "

Looking at Wang Xiaogang's eager look, Ding Yu laughed!

"You! Too young! " However, Ding Yu's smile can still see some bitterness! "I have a classmate who drives a crane. When we were in primary school, he was a very good friend. He never talked about the truth of his children's education carefully. Why didn't he go to read and enrich himself?"

"Uncle, this is the same question I want to ask!"

"A little stupid!" Ding Yu shook his head. "Don't they want to? It can be said that they have thought about such problems, but the reality does not allow them to do so. To illustrate with the simplest case, you can observe the takeout boy. When he gets up every morning, he needs to tidy up his clothes and go on a journey for his life. No matter what the weather is outside, whether it's windy or rainy, they dare not not leave Go

"Because of life?"

"Life has never been a simple word. Words are heavy! Do not dare to have any rest, because today's break may be that tomorrow's children can't eat milk powder, can't pay tuition fees for school, and so on, and even can't pay the mortgage next month! That's what they need to face. In such a situation, do they have any other time to supplement themselves? There is no time, even a little free time, their most extravagant hope is to be able to close their eyes for a little rest! For them, this is what heaven can give them

"Uncle, I may have to observe for a period of time to be able to identify such a thing!"

"The right choice!" Ding Yu touched Wang Xiaogang's head! "It's not a bad thing to feel the hardships of life when you have time. All the children in the family should try it, which will have a very good positive impact on your future. You are not afraid to do something wrong, but afraid to do nothing!"

"Uncle, did you do the same when you were young?"

Ding Yu was stunned for a moment and shook his head slightly, "I didn't have such resources when I was a child, but my childhood is quite different from your childhood. At that time, too much time was wasted. It was a very good memory, but it was beautiful! What's the point? It doesn't seem to be as many as you can imagine

"Well! Uncle, I have a little more stuff in my head today! "

"You are quite different from other children in the family. You have your own considerations. I know that. Your senior brothers, brothers and sisters also know this. But these are not the reasons why I asked you to stay here alone. They are better than others. There is no problem, but if you are too good, you will be in the woods!"

"A little bit! Uncle, I suddenly realize that you are not omnipotent either

Wang Xiaogang is just intentional! But he would never say that to the rest of the family!

"You yunyun challenged me earlier, but I didn't come out all the time. Why? You want to try it? "

"Uncle, I think you can bend and stretch, which is extraordinary!" Are you kidding? Against your uncle? What's going to happen? As for sister Yun Yun, can she be the same? How about the only one at home? If she resisted thunder, Ray would not fall down at all. Even if she fell, she would walk around her. As for the rest of the others? Who will you chop if you don't?

"All right! No kidding! Be serious! Children don't need to know so much about right and wrong, and there is no need to mention that they can be flexible. If they are not old enough, they should accumulate more of themselves. However, they should have a positive faith. Can you understand me when I say this

"A little bit more or less understood!" Wang Xiaogang likes to talk with his uncle very much, because his conversation is guided, and he will explain some truth to himself, but it is not a kind of coercion. While he can accept it, he will not have any antipathy. It is much better than the way at home!

"You! It's much better than Ding Yun and Ding Chang in this respect. Your elder brother and Tong Tong have different development directions. It's good to understand the problems in this respect. There's no need to go deep into it. As for Ding Yun and Ding Chang, they are "careless" and "ghost spirits", I can't judge too much! "

Eh? Wang Xiaogang immediately laughed, "uncle, if you let brother and sister know, you will never be too good!"

"Well, that's how it's been these years! But I'm not good to stay here for too long. I'll go back tomorrow! Go and have a rest, too! After running for such a long time, I will feel a little tired. I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me to take care of you and use snacks by myself during this half year

In the morning, several children get up very early, no matter what they did yesterday! As long as the rest of the night time, to ensure the vitality! No problem!Even the whole energetic people have so many unbearable!

Ding Yu is still sitting on the wheelchair, get up early, after taking some medicine, the old God is sitting in the wheelchair, like a wood carving! As for Qu he and Yang Chen, they were not tired. Relatively speaking, they also got a better rest!

"Sir, the tickets have been reserved!"

Ding Yu handed the things inside to Qu he, "is your arm ready?"

"It's a lot better, but it's still hanging up now!" Qu he didn't mean to show himself too much. He felt that he was impatient to live in front of his husband! Or what? "Take a good rest now, and there will be other problems and situations in the future of the province!"

Ding Yu took a look at Yang Chen, who was sitting in a wheelchair next to him? I heard that you were squeaking before? "

"Director, don't laugh at me! I really didn't mean to! I didn't expect that the drug effect would be so good. I had a check-up in the hospital before. The doctor was very surprised about this. I didn't expect that I could recover so quickly! "

Yang Chen was very clear about the problem. The director used some medicine for himself. Otherwise, he would be recovered! Will also leave behind quite a sequela, this is certain! But now there is no need for these concerns, even in two days, they can walk on crutches!

"Nothing is wasted! It seems to have played a little role! "

However, these things are useful to Yang Chen and Qu he, but for Ding Yu, it can only be said that it is slightly better than nothing, and the effect is basically not too much! Because their injury is not so simple on the surface! So it takes quite a long time to recuperate slowly, this is the most troublesome! Be impatient!

"Director, we don't have any problems! But what about you? "

Yang Chen is a little silly and lovely, Qu he's heart is full of emotion, to say who has a better understanding of this, he is one of them! Sir, the problem is not simple medicine can solve! It can't even be solved in a moment and a half. If there are any problems and conditions, it will be a lifetime!

But Sir never mentioned this aspect question! I will never mention it! What's wrong? Want to let outsiders know? Trouble your husband? When you're 25?

Did not let Wang Xiaogang see off, a group of people went to the station, the journey home is not very long! Even no more than two hours, if you take a car, it will take at least four or five hours, this is still the whole high-speed! How about other aspects of the country's vigorous development of transportation? Don't say, at least not in terms of speed!

Back home, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are very happy, the eldest son came back, not a hair off the body, and so quickly saved back! There must not be too many things!

But the next time, Ding Yu did not stay at home, but went to the hospital. Although he said that he could not get to the operating table, there were not too many problems when he was a doctor. Even if he was a doctor, he was still holding his hands!

Of course, the hospital needs to take care of Ding Yu! Don't you see that Dr. Ding has already made a wheelchair? Under such circumstances, medical students can still come to the hospital. How can the hospital turn a blind eye and even send two nurses to take care of Ding Yu!

It's a pity that Ding Yu is not interested in this at all, so he sent him away directly! It's not because of this? If you are really tired! Find an office to have a rest and send two nurses to come over. What kind of thing is this?

Don't mention, Ding Yu returned home, went to the hospital this matter, also really caused a burst of noise to the capital!

Ding Yu runs in a mess, which we all know! After returning, Ding Yu did not choose to stay at home, but went to the hospital? What's the matter? Do you think you don't need this face anymore? Or is his face really thick to a certain extent, he doesn't care at all!

What is the problem? Now Ding Yu seems to be very calm, but the way to do things is not quite right!

But under such circumstances, there is really no one who dares to disturb Ding Yu, even taboo to Ding Yu! Because everyone is not sure what Ding Yu will do next! But just give up! We are absolutely unwilling to do so!

You're all itching, Ding Yu! Run now? It's done?

"What? The hospital in 49 cities has sent us a medical team? "

When he got the news, Ding Yu was a little distracted, and then he began to hum and smile, "these guys are really, can they think of such a move? What's the matter? Think I'm better at speaking? "

Qu he, standing beside Ding Yu, shakes his head. He just reported some things. As for what is involved in it, it has nothing to do with him, and I don't want to do any analysis on the situation!"No, sir?"

"Why refuse? What's more, I'm not the dean? This thing is not what I can say! Let the Dean deal with it by himself, not to mention their arrival, which is also a good thing

Different problems are considered, so the results are quite different!

"What should we do? Their coming has nothing to do with me

"Yes, sir!" Qu he reported quite a thing and left! Went to a separate office, Yang Chen is also in the office, because the legs are not so convenient, so now he is doing more work in terms of contact!

"Did the director agree?"

"Why not? It's not a big deal. You can come if you like! It's not a tiger's den or a dragon's pool, and these people are not ferocious

"How can I feel that after listening to your words, I am suddenly worried about these people coming here?"

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