The speed of the treatment group sent from 49 cities is a little fast! Almost in the morning I got the notice. In the evening, people came! It's enough to describe it with endless horses!

However, it is impossible to see Ding Yu at this time!

Originally Ding Yu's physical condition, there are some problems, what's more, Ding Yu is not so familiar with these people as he imagined! Under such circumstances, how could Ding Yu come forward? If it's a teacher you know well or someone else is leading the team, there are still some possibilities, but now! Don't even think about it!

Why did not appear Ding Yu familiar with the person! If it is, it will be too obvious! What's the difference between this and Ding Yu's deliberate provocation? Even put things on the surface!

There are a lot of people coming, but the people who come here with purpose are not as many as you think!

For not being able to see director Ding Yuding, it is not so disappointed as expected, because this is a common sense, OK? If director Ding is really waiting at this time, it will be their turn to be uncomfortable!

Most of these people came to this small city for the first time. Let alone, they were quite shocked and even quite surprised. No wonder there is a real dragon like director Ding. It's absolutely a place where Zhong MINLING shows off!

I don't want to talk about the landscape! If you look at the people on the road, you can clearly feel that it is full of vitality here!

Look at the development of a city, there is no potential! The most important thing is the structure of the population, especially the middle-aged and the young. If the population at these two levels is stable, then the potential is infinite!

What's more, although this is a small county, but the geographical location is excellent, plus the traffic here is very convenient! In addition, the climate is suitable, the products are also quite rich, and more importantly, the industrial structure is relatively complete. Under such circumstances, the city has a very prominent development, which is not so difficult to understand!

"It's a good place, clean! neat! No noise! It's very calm, good place

As the leader of the team, Shi Ping, sitting on the bus, spoke to the people next to him in a low voice! It is true that he is the leader of the team, but before he came, he was also accounted for quite a thing!

The person sitting in Shi Ping nodded. He was the vice captain, and he was also a system with Ding Yu. But how to say that? In terms of coordinating relations, he has no problems, but to say the level of professional medical skills, even if Ding Yu let himself have two hands, there is still a difference between heaven and earth!

Fortunately, this time, there is no rigid requirement mentioned above. If you can get in touch with director Ding, it's better not to touch director Ding too hard. After all, director Ding is not an ordinary person. If something happens in his acre, it will not be clear that one sentence or two words can explain it clearly!

Really think director Ding Yuding has no temper, right? Are you kidding?

Director Ding just doesn't want to see ordinary people! In other words, there are not many people who can arouse the interest of director Ding. If director Ding is really interested in this aspect, ha ha, don't you run away? What are you waiting for?

In the morning, some children did not know where to run from!

"Daddy, we have a holiday today!" Ding Yun explained the reason to her father!

Ding Yu blinked his eyes, his own almost do not know today is the day of the week! It doesn't mean much!

"Why did you all come here? There is no collective activity today? "

"Of course! Lion dancers were invited to the farm today. Don't you know, dad? "

"South lion or north lion?" Ding Yu shook his head. "I'm really not so clear. Your grandparents should know about such things. I don't have much interest in it. I know what activities the farm seems to have, but I don't know much about other aspects." This is also Ding Yu's habit!

How much do you know about the major events? However, Ding Yu always pays little attention to the specific things!

"Daddy, do you know that?" Ding Yun looked at her father up and down, and was incredulous!

"When I was in the service, I saw the performance, so I had a certain understanding. It was just something on the surface! But to really understand very thoroughly, this is a bit of a joke! Are there many people today? " Ding Yu seems to be quite interested!

"There are both South lion and north lion. I asked deliberately! I'm looking forward to their performance! " Ding Yun opened her big eyes and looked a little excited. "It turned out that she had seen it on TV and movies. Today, I want to see her in public."

Before the performance starts, the children in the family come to the training ground. The farm provides a good environment and conditions. These people just need to perform well! As for other aspects, there is no need to worry!

"Wow! Dad, the cooperation between the two is a little better! "

Looking at the two people flying back and forth on the high platform, Ding Chang's eyes began to show small stars, which is a simple appreciation!Ding Yu, sitting on the wheelchair, is also savoring it! After watching it for a long time, he began to say, "if you let each of you go up, you can definitely do this step. Even if you don't need too much training, it's very difficult to do this if you two go on stage together and cooperate with each other."

"Dad, are you deliberately trying to get rid of our enthusiasm?"

"It's really not. Just take a look and you'll know! Their movements and fluency are very good, it's obviously not a day or two together! As long as one person makes a mistake! Even if it is a small mistake, you may fall down. If you are single to single, you will have no problem, but if you are familiar with each other, it is obviously impossible to do so! "

Wang An and Tong Tong take a look at each other, and the truth is really like this. If we let them go up alone and imitate the movements, there is no problem. For them, these actions are relatively simple, but if we let them cooperate with each other, it is easy to have problems! The obvious thing!

Ding Yun hummed, and then ran away with the little girl! She doesn't want to discuss this with her father. It's too much of a disincentive! Although I don't deny this fact, Dad, you should not mention it so early!

"Teacher, have you seen a lion dance movie? We saw it last night! "

"Hi! I'm not as old-fashioned as you think. I even contacted those movies earlier than you. I was more eager than you at that time! The design of martial arts is very beautiful, and also shows a lot of elegant demeanor. However, the film is always a movie, which is quite different from the actual situation! And the appreciation is quite different! "

Ding Chang lies on the back armrest of his father's wheelchair, staring at the lion dancers!

"Dad, this business is a little too hard! They fell down just now

"You have sharp eyes, but don't underestimate it! It's definitely a work of strength. If you dance a lion on stage, you can't control the skills. If they are the same age as you, they will have no problem in ten minutes. But if you can persist in five minutes, it's hard to say! "

"Dad, did you mean it?" Ding Chang poked out his head and looked at his father's face carefully. After watching for a period of time, he also nodded, "no wonder Ding Yun is so angry. When you hit people, Dad, you never look at the time and the object. I suddenly realized that we are all victims!"

"Why don't you give it a try? I'm sure they'll explain something to you! "

Soon, Wang An was the first one to step forward. It was not difficult for people on this side of the farm!

For the lion dancers, they can easily walk to this side of the venue, and there are quite a lot of security behind them, which is enough to show that the identity of these people is absolutely extraordinary. It is not destruction or intentional knocking on the door. People are interested in this aspect. Why not? Right?

Now that Wang An is on! The other kids didn't get away with anything!

The people on the farm called one of the great masters to Ding Yu's side! "Sir, this is the head of the lion dance troupe! Gong Qiang! Chief Gong, this is Mr. Ding! "

Ding Yu didn't stand up, but he took the lead in extending his hand. "Hello, Mr. Gong! Ding Yu

Gong Qiang had noticed Ding Yu and his party from a very early time, but he didn't dare to come here rashly. Until the farm people led him over, he carefully came to Ding Yu's side! Looking at Ding Yu's outstretched hand, Gong Qiang was stunned for a moment, but he wiped his hand on his clothes for a while, and then he clasped his hands!

"You're welcome. There's not so much need!" The people on the farm brought the chairs quickly! There is even a small tea table, the above things are more complete! "The children in the family are a little mischievous, even a little bit arrogant, to give you trouble!"

"No trouble, no trouble!" Gong Qiang quickly waved his hand, "what kind of trouble is this? It's good to like it. It's just that things may be a little dirty. They were cleaned when they came. But because of training and other reasons, it will have a considerable impact. Don't mind, Mr. Ding!"

"Not so spoiled! The children at home are so lively that they show a strong interest in everything! " While talking, Ding Yu picked up a box of cigarettes on the tea table, opened the seal, and pushed one out to Gong Qiang. Gong Qiang stretched out his hands to take the cigarette! Ding Yu also took one for himself! "There's no need to be so polite. It should be from Guangdong Province! I have many good friends over there, too

"Let Mr. Ding laugh at you!" Lighting a cigarette for Ding Yu, I found that this Mr. Ding has an extraordinary bearing, but he speaks peacefully and does not have any aggressiveness. However, he is a muddler. He is polite to himself and gives his own face. He must carry it and never be presumptuous! "It's really the first time I've been here!"

"How do you feel? Are you still used to it? "

"Originally, I had communication with my colleagues, but there was not so much communication between the north and the south. This time, I opened my eyes. The environment here is good, and the living conditions are also very superior. I'm not used to eating a little bit!"What should be said, what should not be said, this sense of propriety is still there! After all, it's been so many years!

Ding Yu is laughing, but it is very implicit, "I was there the same time, just went there also made a lot of jokes, say, I also forget! There are a lot of yubingshao at home. There are some Cantonese food masters here, but the products are ordinary. They are more to cater to the local people's taste and interest! But yubingshao is absolutely authentic

"Mr. Ding is an expert!" Gong Qiang was really shocked. If he wasn't a gourmet, he would never have said jade ice. After all, this kind of wine is not so popular!

"It's not a connoisseur either. Every year someone brings some of them here. We can taste the fresh food, and the taste is still good."

Two people chatted, and Wang An and their children, at most, insisted on 10 minutes and 8 minutes. When everyone came out, they were sweating and their clothes were all wet! It's like being pulled out of the water! Fortunately, the weather in the north is not as hot as in the south. If it is in the south, it is hard to say whether they will suffer from heatstroke!

Looking at Wei Lai and his party who came from afar, Wang An and his party waved and said hello. Wei Lai and his party came to Ding Yu in a trot, "Uncle Ding! You are here too

"All of you are living treasures there. Are you here to eat and drink today?"

"No! Today, we have undertaken quite a task, to maintain a considerable level of security, and to serve as volunteers. The farm provides us with two meals and other things! "

"This is Gong Qiang, uncle Gong, head of the lion dance troupe!"

"Hello, uncle Gong!"

Ding Yu waved, "go and play! Men and women are different. The colors on the lion's head can be distinguished between male and female. Don't make a joke

After they said hello to Wei Lai, they all ran to Wang An and their side! Although they have heard of lion dance, they have not really seen it. At least, lion dance is not so popular in the local area!

Now that we have such a good opportunity to see it with our own eyes and even take the initiative to play with them, how can these children not be happy? They are all in high spirits!

"Mr. Ding, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable about lion dance?"

"I'm also a layman. At most, I know a little bit about it! There's no need to lose face in front of an expert like you! It's rare that the children at home like it. Let them feel it and add a lot of trouble to you. If you have time, let's have a meal and communicate with each other. "

The children at home play here, but Ding Yu did not stay too long! He left quietly, but after Gong Qiang came back, he gave his old man a smoke. Everyone was very interested in the smoke in Gong Qiang's hand!

Never seen in the market, but after trying, found that the taste is absolutely pure, mellow and delicious!

But when we smoke, we are hiding in the side, not in front of the children, this basic quality they still have!

"Who is that?" The old watch nearby is obviously a little curious!

Gong Qiang shook his head slightly, "I don't know, but I'm definitely not an ordinary person. Whether it's speaking or temperament, it's very good that people don't dislike us! Let me tell you, this time give me a bit of spirit, we are also the first time, can we start this first shot, can we still eat this bowl of rice in the future! It's crucial! "

What's the origin of the farm? I've heard about it! They have given enough deposit, and they have not let themselves have any restraint and dissatisfaction in terms of food and clothing. In this case, if the chain is dropped, the name of the whole lion dance group may be taken off! This is absolutely intolerable!

"Well, you see, if something goes wrong, I'll leave by myself if you don't say so!"

"Also, take care of these children and don't let them have any problems!"

"Don't worry. I just looked at them. Although these children are more curious about this, they are quite decent. They are not bear children. Their family education and education are very good. Besides, they can bear hardships. They are fast for ten minutes. Our general team members have not been able to stick to it. I also deliberately looked at them just now, but they didn't Any dislike, on this point, is very not easy! Such children are rare! "

"Don't give me the mess. The kids are interested in it!"

Gong Qiang didn't say something, but when I sat down with Mr. Ding just now, I noticed the watch on Mr. Ding's hand. I know something about it. To be frank, I should pay attention to packing the lion dance troupe! Even if their own lion dance group is expanded ten times, there can still be the remaining one!

What's more, people don't have any intention to force. If you are happy, I'm happy. Why not? Why do you find so much discomfort for yourself, then you will be really happy?A group of children are very happy, but after happy, they are a little sweaty, including the new Wei Lai and others, this is absolutely not the ordinary people can do, there is too much hard work!

When they left, a group of children apologized to the Lion Dance Troupe for their interruption and wasted considerable time. At the same time, they also expressed their wishes for their better and better future!

You know, the scene was not followed by other adults. It was just a group of children. If they could say such words, everyone in the lion dance troupe would feel a bit shocked. Look at others! It's really amazing! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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