When Wang An and his two little brothers came back, they saw the situation of their grandfather and their two little brothers! Is also ready to join in!

But they were soon banished by their grandmother! Do you want any more rules at home? What's more, the previous time has already agreed! Who makes trouble out of the matter who is responsible for! What's the matter? Do you want to break the rules today?

The children in the family, watching Zhao Shuying standing there with a spatula on wheels, were all timid and hid in the position of one side, accompanied by two little guys, who also cooperated with their grandfather honestly. There was no way. Grandma was really a little too terrible!

"Dad, grandma is a little scary."

When Ding Yun talks, she is also a little afraid. When her grandmother started to fight with her and Ding Chang, she was not soft hearted at all. She didn't see her two little brothers. They were as honest as quails. Even if their grandfather was around, they were just like the withered cabbage! Down to work honestly!

Seeing that her father didn't respond, Ding Yun turned her eyes and said, "Daddy, is this really good? You are also an uncle, don't you say anything? What's more, grandfather is still there? And my aunt is still there

"What's the matter? Think I've been very comfortable these two days, don't you? " Ding Yu glared, and then said in a low voice, "you think I didn't persuade me. When I came back, I did! Your grandmother knocked me twice with a spatula. Do you think I'm unjust? If I hadn't had a hard head, I might have been full of it now! "

Ding Yun's expression suddenly became dull! She really didn't expect it to be like this! Helpless under the circumstances, can only be ran to his grandfather's side, whispered some what! Then, like a frightened rabbit, ran back! Obviously, Zhao Shuying left traces in her heart, a little bit deep!

But fortunately, the sun goes down later. With the help of Ding Ding Ding, Ding Lin and his two grandsons finally clean up the lazy ones! However, if the mud and water cleaned up are really measured, there should be no too many problems in enriching two mu of land! Absolute heavyweight!

After blowing them all clean, Xiao lazy is very clever to lie down beside Zhao Shuying. Even if she is kicked, she is still leaning against Zhao Shuying's leg. She is very angry with Zhao Shuying! Remember to eat or not to remember the goods!

But there is no denying that, although the small lazy a little trouble, but the weight in the home is still heavyweight! For so many years, it has been accompanied by Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying. On this issue, it is definitely more competent than Ding Yu and Ding Ding Ding!

However, it is in this family that they have been taken good care of. It is really hard to say whether they can be so healthy in other families. But now we can see that xiaolazy is a little old! This is really irresistible! No one can do anything about it!

However, since they have been raised at home, it is natural to take good care of them!

The two little guys have not finished their meal, they are already asleep! However, the inside spoon still did not put down, people in the family all laughed, it is really two brothers, even sleep are so synchronous!

Ding Lin also pretends to have backache. In fact, after years of maintenance and Ding Yu's careful care, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying have no problems with their bodies. As for why they suddenly pretend to be like this? Even Ding Yun and their children can see clearly, but at this time they will never talk much!

But even so, Zhao Shuying did not let Ding Lin too easy!

However, the next morning, Ding Yu found that his father's spirit was still very good, at least without black eyes. As for the two little guys, they were still surrounded by Ding Lin's side, bouncing and jumping, and their spirits were outrageous!

"How did they get up so early?" Ding Yu accompanied his father to hang out, sports is not appropriate, but Ding Yu has been used to getting up early, so he walked with his father! As for the dogs behind, some have fun, some are honest to follow behind!

The two little guys are very dishonest, from time to time to tease the dog!

"Forget it, didn't you go to bed early yesterday? In the morning, I just got up and didn't have much time. They followed me and ate some food. If I left them at home, they didn't know how to fly around. What's more, Ding Ding Ding didn't wake up? I don't know how to be a mother Ding Lin is very dissatisfied with this!

Look at the son, then look at the daughter, are all grown up in a family, how to grow up, will become such two people? Even their own children are not comparable, if this is placed in the countryside, maybe in two and a half days time, will be kicked out! Lazy woman! It's a bit of a shame!

Ding Yu feels so funny! "It's OK. I should have slept a little late last night, but they are very excited these two days. They feel very different when they come back!"

"That is!" Speaking of this, Ding Lin's face was excited, "they've been in big cities since they were little! Education and other aspects of the problem is naturally not said, but other aspects of the problem is too big, back before, like a withered dog, now only a few days time! So lively, son? It's too delicate to feed! In that case, the more you raise, the more you'll die"That's it

There are many people who get up at this time to exercise, but the children who get up at this point can't see too much! So the two little guys became babies. As for Ding Yu? At most, the dog is the one who leads the dog. After all, there are a little more people here. Whether it is for the sake of safety or for the public's influence, the dog needs the traction rope!

Can't say that the dog in the house is obedient and indulges everything. What's the difference between that and an asshole?

The two little guys are more lively under the pampering of the old people around them! The square is big, and Ding Lin is a regular visitor. He is very familiar with other people. The two little guys are not at all different. If it is not too late, Ding Yu will feel like playing for a whole day without any problems!

However, after returning home, the two little guys were holding on to their grandfather's trouser legs, carefully looking at their grandmother, that small appearance, how poor, how poor! Zhao Shuying hummed. The two little guys couldn't help but shiver, and with their small hands, they directly hugged Ding Lin's thighs! Clinging to it, I dare not release it!

Ding Yu pulled the two little guys up and placed them on their two sides. The two little guys looked at their uncles! Found that grandma did not make a sound, but also sat down beside Ding Yu!

When Ding Ding Ding, who just got up, saw this scene, she wanted to laugh a little! But before she could laugh out, she slapped Zhao Shuying on her back, which made her eyes shine!

Ding Ding slightly twisted his mouth, but really dare not say what! Because I got up late! There is no other reason, mainly because I complained to my husband last night, so it's a little late!

But let oneself get up with these people at home, this is really can't be done! With his two sons, these two days is also full of spirit, really doubt that they get up so early, really good? But from the sleep situation, it seems that there is no problem, at most even if it is early to bed and early to get up!

But Ding Ding Ding also has some doubts, because she also has a good friend. It seems that the children in her family have never been so carefree. It is common sense that they don't sleep in the middle of the night or wake up during the day!

But my two children are just a little noisy! As for other aspects, I didn't feel that there was any problem. Anyway, as a mother, I didn't feel too much work! As for the so-called tired? It's just a slogan! After all, not tired, how to highlight their mother when more competent? Right?

After breakfast, the two kids looked at their grandfather pitifully, but it's a pity that Ding Lin doesn't have any good methods at this time. They need to be educated enough to let them come back, which is not to let them herd sheep!

At this point, Zhao Shuying is the absolute authority, did not see the other children, are like sheep left?

"Have you contacted the medical dispatch team from the capital before?"

"If we meet with Shi Ping, let them support medical treatment. Anyway, in recent years, there are more experts and scholars in the hospital, which has played a great role in promoting the development of the hospital!"

Ding Lin heard the other meanings in the words and also laughed, "I heard that the hospitals at the higher level and the hospitals in the province have some opinions on us, saying that our conditions are a little too good!"

"Too much envy?" The meaning of dad's words can still be heard!

Although father is an honorary president, it does not mean that he does not know the situation of the hospital. What's more, he has devoted his whole life to the hospital, and he is very familiar with him! At most, the change of the hospital in these two years may be a little bit big!

"Who said no, who were the graduates we could take over? What is not needed in the city or in the province? But now? It's not only the excellent students in the province, but also the capital. With the strong support of our city, we can be greedy for one or two. In this case, if we don't develop any more, we will really feel sorry for the expectations of our parents and villagers! "

"These guys came to me on purpose, and that's why they didn't let Ding Ding Ding go back?"

After thinking for a moment, Ding Yu finally told the truth! After all, we can't hide it for a long time?

"Why?" Ding Lin turned his head and looked at his own, "just because of your injury?"

"I don't have a lot of time for the bear to make mistakes in the fence, but there is no big space for bear to make a mistake. There is no big space for bear to make a mistake in the fence, but there is no big space for bear to make a mistake."

"Give you an account?" Ding Lin has such a smack of tongue!

"Yes, they need to give me an account of this. After all, my affair happened in the Maoxiong side, and the relationship between me and the emperor was quite good. If it wasn't for me, the back garden of their house would soon become someone else's! Under such circumstances, how can they not be in a hurry? ""Why send a medical team to Beijing?" Ding Lin didn't make it clear!

"It's easy to handle things over there. It only takes quite a long time, but it's not so good for the party I started! They are divided into two groups When talking about this, Ding Yu said with a smile, "they need to find a good relationship now. I hope I can sit down and have a good talk, but our top management has other considerations."

"Almost! Ding Ding has no problem at home. At most, I will play with my two children. You can handle your own affairs by yourself. The family will never become a burden to you! "

"Dad, there's nothing wrong. They don't dare to do anything on our three acre land, and no one will disturb us!" Ding Yu said this, did not show any overbearing, but extremely confident!

"As for those who come here, if they are willing to communicate, they should have a good communication. At least it will help the hospital and even our people. Why not? Do you think so? "

With his father said, Ding Yu this way to the hospital! Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying take care of the two children when their children go to school. As for Ding Ding Ding, at this time, she is no better than a nanny. She dares to be lazy. Do you really think Zhao Shuying is a vegetarian?

But Ding Yu looked at the person in front of him, "I said, Zhao Dong, are you today?"

"Don't mention it! An old brother fell down. Yesterday, he rode a motorcycle and fell into the mud pit

What? Ding Yu touched his head, "what's the situation?"

"Don't mention it! This guy deserves it. Isn't his daughter coming back? He insisted on showing off his courage and said that he was riding a motorcycle to pick up his daughter-in-law back then! It fell into the ditch! There was no big problem, but my arm was broken! It's still lying on it now

Ding Yu hit his head with his hand, "is this joke big?! How about the festivities? What didn't you say? This old father-in-law is a little too much! "

"Isn't it happy? I was there at that time, which made me angry. There was no smoke! How happy the old brother was to marry his daughter. She was a local. She worked as a technician on the farm. She found a college student. I heard that she had been with her for many years. She knew each other very well. She was overjoyed! I think of it now, but also want to give him two slaps! It's not as good as him When saying this, Zhao Hongyang is also quite helpless!

"There are not too many motorcycles under the current conditions, right? Again! How can you fall into the pit? "

"In order to be lively, this is to put back the door banquet. At night, everyone was busy in the old house, which was also the meaning of aunt. In those years, no one thought that there would be a good day today. When this guy was young, he was out of tune and gave birth to a daughter. At that time, he thought that his life would be like this! I didn't expect to have today's future! So the girl's grandmother must set up some tables in her hometown! "

"Isn't there nothing wrong with people?"

"People are OK! When I came over last night, I was still blowing skin? At that time, my aunt also slapped him. If this guy didn't pay attention to it, I'm afraid he would be able to burn his head seven in two days

"Let's go and have a look. I don't have too many things on my side anyway! What's more, we must see each other for such a strange thing! " With the next doctor to explain, Zhao Hongyang pushed Ding Yu, two people left the room together!

When I came to the ward, although the room was busy, it was not very noisy. When I saw the wheelchair coming in, everyone was quite surprised. When I saw Zhao Hongyang, all of them stood up except the one on the bed!

Even the one on the bed is struggling with his body!

"All right! Just lie down! It's not humiliating enough! "

But the one on the bed looked at Ding Yu, and his face immediately turned red, or he sat down with the help of his family, "Ding Sheng, how did you come?"

As soon as Mr. Ding said this, the people in the room suddenly exploded!

In the small county town of this one mu of land, can be called Ding Sheng, also so a! However, although Ding Yu's name is very loud, but the people who have really seen Ding Yu are not as many as you imagine, because Ding Yu is too low-key!

Even Ding Yu is not as well known as his parents Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying!

"I'll see you down here! Listen to Lao Zhao, an old brother is injured, so let me come and have a look! I didn't expect that it was you who made trouble! What do you say, Lao Zhao? "

"Not enough shame! I'll be a grandfather in two days! I thought I was a little young man! "

Zhao Hongyang is really did not expect Ding Yu to say so, this is simply to put gold on his face!

But in the heart happy return happy, but the mouth actually cannot say so!"Auntie, this is Ding Yu, Ding Sheng, a famous doctor. You can rest assured about this guy's affairs."

"Oh, my God!" The old lady exclaimed, and directly caught Ding Yu's hand! "I've heard your name for a long time. I can see you today. My old lady has never lived in vain in her whole life."

Ding Yu's expression is a little silly, this old lady, is really!

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