But Ding Yu still can't make such a thing, to blame the old lady, such an old lady, so open! In the small county side is really not too much! It's very imposing!

"I'm a little ashamed of what I said!" Ding Yu took the old lady's hand and clapped it twice! "Lao Zhao is not sure about his old brothers. Let me take a look at them! I have already informed the doctor when I have a disease. There is no big deal. It is not too big a problem. I see! This is just a little over excited! "

"Hi! Who says it's not? " The old lady patted the bed, thumping!

"This NIMA has a son-in-law! He doesn't even know his last name! " The old lady is not polite at all! The end is forthright!

Ding Yu said with a smile, "what's the matter? Which pair is the bridegroom and the bride? It was a very happy thing. Where am I coming? No other meaning. I brought a small gift. I didn't know it before? Forget it! Now that you know it! It's an old brother and a farm worker. If I don't say one or two, we don't know what to say about me? "

"It won't work? That's not going to work! " The old lady is not vague at all. Although she has not much culture, it does not mean that she has no insight! If people take a look at it, they have already given them too much face, and then let them receive gifts. If this is passed on, how can they meet people here in their own home in the future?

"Mr. Zhao, give me a word! Our family is also entrusted with the blessing of the farm. Now it is delicious and delicious. At that time, how could we think that there would be a good day at home! Never dreamed of it! Don't forget your name after two good days! It's not right! "

Zhao Hongyang has some difficulties. He must not embarrass Ding Yu's face!

"Well, it's a family, so don't say such a layman!" While talking, Qu he came in with the box, but one hand was holding it. The other hand was still hanging. It was not so convenient!

Zhao Hongyang ordered a shampoo for the newly married couple, "junzi, Dayan, you two come here, thank you Ding Sheng!"

Looking at the two people receiving the box, Ding Yu said with a smile, "first of all, congratulations on your happy wedding! Two people like to make a good relationship, end is a good match, I hope you will live together forever! Happy moon

It's very literal, but it's very helpful for the old lady and others! At least they can't say that! Say at most a happy new marriage, early birth!

"Thank you, Ding Sheng!" Two people bow down together, although this is not a wedding message, but now Ding Yu has made up this gift for them, they should express their thanks!

"Auntie, shall we talk about his problem?" Ding Yu turns his head and looks at the old lady? A face of inquiry attitude!

"Hey, there's no big problem with this punk, but it's letting Ding Sheng suffer along with you!" The old lady was not very kind to her son. "In those years, I almost didn't get angry by this bastard. At that time, I thought, did I commit any crimes in my last life? How could such a thing come into being? "

"Mom?" The one sitting on the bed is not very interesting! So many people! What's more, Ding Sheng and the boss are here! How old are you and how old are you? Say that? How can I meet people in the future?

"Cut, as if you were such a good man! At that time, it was just like a rascal. NIMA's even had a problem with eating! Later, Ding Sheng and Hongyang gave him a bowl of rice to eat. Otherwise, I'm afraid today

"Ha ha! Aunt, are you happy after all you have suffered? " Ding Yu explained with a smile, "the so-called prodigal son does not change his gold, his nature is not bad. When he was young, everyone would make some mistakes. The important thing is not the essence of the problem, it is not a big problem! mend his ways to save him! It's just common sense! However, no matter how old he is, he is your son. If he is not obedient, he still needs two brooms! Let him have a long memory! I said that

"Well, with a word from you, my old lady is absolutely unambiguous!"

The crowd laughed again!

Before Ding Yu came, we all felt a little nervous. After all, we didn't see Ding Yu very much, but we heard a lot of rumors about Ding Yu. But today, after a sudden contact, we found that he was extraordinary, but he was not superior. Instead, it gave us a feeling of being approachable! Good talk!

After waiting for the doctor to come in again, everyone stopped! After the doctor came in, he said hello to Ding Yu, along with the expert group coming from the capital. They all had seen the film and made an argument!

There are not too many problems, even do not need surgery, after all, the fall is not so serious, but plaster is still needed, so that it can better help the recovery, and what's more, after going back, take good care of yourself! Don't make other things come out, it will be troublesome then!

"Did you hear that?"

The old lady didn't care how many people were in the room, or how old her son was. Anyway, how old he was to herself! They are all their own sons, which is not running away! So I have confidence!"Ding Sheng, it's a trouble for you!"

Ding Yu waved his hand, "anyway, I don't have too many things on my side. I'll take it as a way to get through the wind! Come on! If you have anything to do, just call me and go there in person. People who don't know think you are more idle? "

Seeing Zhao Hongyang leave, Ding Yu doesn't have any dissatisfaction! Even if there is no Zhao Hongyang, he will go to other people!

To a certain extent, it is to tell Shi Ping that they are very leisurely here, but it is not that they have nothing to do, but now I don't want to make other things and activities come out. It's better to see what kind of consequences there will be if you don't understand them! That's what it means!

All the medical staff are in the hospital! They are particularly concerned about Ding Yu's situation. How can they not know it? After knowing it, they have made a considerable judgment, and they have more or less understood the meaning of director Ding Yuding!

In the current situation, we still care about our own life. Director Ding is more talkative now. As long as we don't involve other issues, it's not a problem! Their medical team in the small county side has been very good respect and treatment!

As for the so-called premise? That is, they didn't disturb Ding Yu, but if they crossed the line! ha-ha!

So after reporting quite a few cases, Shi Ping and others focused on supporting medical activities. They were also very attentive to the doctors and students in the hospital. To a certain extent, it was their own work, wasn't it? If you can't do your job well, then it's not more humiliating in front of director Ding!

What's more, when they come here, it's not easy for director Ding to treat them differently! People have a lot of money, so they don't share the same view with themselves. But if they say that they really don't open their eyes, director Ding promises to let himself realize what kind of serious consequences there will be!

At noon, Ding Yu did not stay in the hospital, but entertained the lion dance troupe! Previously, their lion dance can be described as a shot and red, the effect is very significant, because it is too gratifying! There are a lot of invitation!

Ding Yu has no other meaning to entertain them! It's a simple meal!

"Ding Sheng! You're in trouble Gong Qiang with two little apprentices personally waiting at the bottom of the hotel!

After all, the small county is not so big. I can still hear some relevant news! I'm a wanderer. I'm very concerned about this. I need to follow up when others give me a face! To put it bluntly, it is so simple!

As for his own side, is there anything worth Mr. Ding to peep at? Gong Qiang thought it was a little too much fun! As far as my own family background is concerned, it's not enough for people to show their hands and fingers. Moreover, lion dance may be a lively thing for others!

In Gong Qiang's opinion, the lion dance troupe is his own business, and Ding Sheng? I like this more, so I sit down and have a chat!

That's all. Gong Qiang really doesn't mean to think much about it! I believe this Ding Sheng is the same!

However, Mr. Ding invited himself to dinner, and he could not sit here waiting! Don't know what to do!

"We have an old shop here. My parents often come here, and the people in the family often come. The taste is still very good, which is quite representative! We have time today, so please have a taste of the fresh food together. I don't know if the food is in line with your appetite! "

When he came in, Ding Yu looked at the people at the door and ordered it as if he had come to his own house!

The man at the door was obviously not a shop assistant. He saw Ding Yu and bowed his hands with a smile. "I knew that I met Magpie in the morning. There must be something good today! I didn't expect that I would have a day of salted fish turning over! "

"Don't show off your mouth! The last time my father came home, he said that every time he came, you would say that his ears would be cocooned! That's what you have here! Otherwise, your polite words will be pushed to the south wall Ding Yu seems to complain about it! But it also shows the intimate relationship between each other!

"Ding Sheng, you are here at the right time. Yesterday, you just prepared some good things. They are absolutely fresh. You can have a good look today."

"It depends on your ability."

"Ding Sheng!" There are not so many people in the room! Ding Yu deliberately takes out two boxes of cigarettes. Gong Qiang points them to Ding Yu. As for the people below, they can disperse themselves!

"I hear you are very popular these two days?" Ding Yu said quietly!

"Well! We are more curious about this, mainly because we are the South lion, belongs to the Xingshi, which is located in the north, the most seen is the north lion, two different forms of expression, the North belongs to realism, we pay attention to the spirit! Everyone is different, so our arrival has aroused some interest from all of you! "

What Gong Qiang said is very practical! No additions! That's what happened!

"The northern lion is heavy in shape, specific in shape and flexible in movement. The southern lion imitates the spirit and the drum music is exciting. Everyone has his own advantages. In particular, the national spirit paid attention to by the southern lion and Xingshi is extraordinary and United! Open up! It is worthy of admiration that we have shown our nation's self-confidence and heroic spirit in a heroic spirit without fear of difficulties and dangers! ""Ding Sheng, I'm a little ashamed of what you said! I dare not take the burden, but I will never lose face! "

Hearing this, Ding Yu knew that he had misunderstood him! "Originally, it was located in the north and south, and the transportation was not so convenient. What's more, there was a sense of belonging to different families. These all existed! But now? We are already very tolerant. There should be more cultural exchanges between us! "

Gong Qiang was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red! "Ding Sheng, I'm rude!"

"The children at home are happy to hunt, and I'm also a little interested in it. If there is any special situation, you can go to the farm and they will provide considerable convenience! Is the cultural exchange, do not do other involvement, regardless of success or failure! At least we've tried quite a bit! We still need something for the next generation! Can't say these things are lost in our hands! Or it's gone! "

"Ding Sheng, I have been taught!"

After a meal, all guests and guests will be happy! Ding Yu didn't eat much, but he was very happy! And Gong Qiang, these people? Although said a bit can't let go, but the excited expression overflows the speech!

But when Ding Yu came out, he looked at the shop owner's appearance, and then took a look of complaint!

"You are definitely on purpose. I don't know if there is time tonight. Ding Ding is back! I think she'll give it a try. If we have time tomorrow night, we'll come and have a taste! "

"Come on! I'm going to hold up the field tomorrow night It's the old saying! Angry Ding Yu rolled his eyes!

Although Ding Yu said he had left! But she still brought some things back to the nurses in the Department, maybe some drinks and snacks. It's Ding Yu's habit and the old tradition of the Department! Generally, they are used to reward nurses. Compared with big cities, nurses in small counties are not as relaxed as they think!

A busy horse, at most in the afternoon, can be a little free, but also dare not have any careless!

After all, hospitals are different from other units! Hospital is not able to make any mistakes, if there is a little bit of error, then the impact may be a person's life and death! Especially in the city, there is considerable development, all aspects of the Department, do not dare to have any slack!

No one wants to be a laggard! At that time, it is very difficult to take off the hat, which is a matter of time. The image built up in the minds of the common people will be destroyed at once! It doesn't mean that you can solve the problem by spending some money and things!

The nurses in the hospital saw Ding Yu, especially the bag carried by Qu he in the back, and expressed great welcome. However, everyone was welcome to return, but they were more interested in the contents of the bag. As for Ding Yu? We really have no idea!

For the reality, we all have a very clear understanding, who is Dr. Ding Yuding? Quite a lot of leaders in the hospital have watched Ding Yu grow up, and these leaders have retired on the whole! But most of the hospital leaders are promoted by these old leaders! They brought it up by themselves!

The most direct example is Yang Bo, director Yang? It is said that in two years' time, he will be promoted to the vice hospital! Whether it's seniority! Resources or other aspects, people have! This is really the envy of others!

Who let others at the beginning, followed closely the Dean Ding Lin Ding! And the most difficult time, still is not abandon! And old Dean Ding Lin is also very important to Yang Bo, all his resources to Yang Bo, not to mention, with director Ding back, but also push a! This is too exaggerated!

With Dean Ding, it's enough to let Yang Bo go to heaven! But now with director Ding, Yang Bo is not crazy, which shows that he is really good enough. If this is changed to other people, it should still be floating on the sky at this time!

The things inside the hands of the nurses were separated. As for how they would handle it, it had nothing to do with Ding Yu! But look at this meaning, the circle of friends is sure to send out, do not know where they come from so much energy!

Back to the office, except for a few emergency patients, Ding Yu does not have much to do. In his spare time, Ding Yu will take a look at the medical records or learn about the relevant knowledge. Although he said that he still needs to sit in a wheelchair, it does not mean that he will never be able to stand up. Two things! Can't be confused!

Look at the time, Ding Yu here is to pick up the little girl, and then go home directly, left a message for other children!

As for Wang An and their children, there is no such treatment at all. Don't even think about it! No way! They are either four or eleven. They have no right to refuse!

"So early today?" Ding Lin is sitting on the rocking chair in the courtyard. As for the two little guys, they seem to be punished! What is the reason, it is not so clear now, but it seems that it is not a small problem!

After washing, Ding Yu looks at two nephews and whispers to his father! "What are they doing today? Why did you stop? child! Education is OK! ""While we were not paying attention, we took a shovel to shovel more than half of your flowers! It's called loosening soil

"Oh Ding Yu looked at his two nephews, "didn't you slap them? My mother is really too kind-hearted! "

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