"OK, Ding Ding is replanting. Your mother called the farm and asked two experts to come and fix it. The problem is not so big. After all, it's not a precious variety! It's just that your mother likes it! But both of them need to be punished a little bit! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "the starting point is good, and it can't eliminate their enthusiasm and affect their growth, right?"

With Ding Yu's persuasion, the two little guys were finally cancelled the punishment, holding their uncle's wheelchair, and did not mean to let go! Obviously, they also realized who the "pillar" is!

Being young doesn't mean they don't know anything. On the contrary, their sensitivity is stronger than anyone else!

When Zhao Shuying and Ding Ding came back, they took a look at the two little guys, their eyes were so sharp, and the two little guys ran to their uncle's back and peeped at them from time to time! I'm afraid they will be seen by their grandmother!

Ding Ding gnashed her teeth because she went to the farm to meet people in person, and her busy life was due to her two sons. In any case, as long as the two of them were not heard, it meant that there would be a certain amount of disaster!

It's not like this at home. How can I become a troublemaker after I come back?

But Ding Ding didn't take them out. Just like the elder brother said just now, their starting point is good, but there are some problems in the process! At this point, we can only say that there is no very good guidance at home, and we can not attribute all the responsibility to the two children!

"I invited someone to have a meal outside at noon today. It was the place you mentioned earlier. Ding Ding Ding came back! If it's OK tomorrow night, let's go home together. "

Or Ding Yu pulled out the two nephews and carried them to their father's hand! Always lying on their back, see this meaning, wheelchair has aroused their considerable interest! Let them stand up! At least be safe!

"I asked them to prepare something. After Ding Ding came back, everyone was very happy."

"Just right! Cao Zhen will be back tomorrow! " Ding Ding suddenly said a word! "There's nothing wrong with him. I don't want him to come here, but he wants to have children more!"

"Yes! Come back to live for a period of time. In the past, he always stopped because of work and other reasons. Now it's just the time and opportunity. You can take him to have a good stroll! "

Home to the arrival of Cao Zhen, or very happy, as for the two little guys? They are even more so! For them, dad is just like a haven. I thought mom was terrible! But when I came back here, I found that grandma was the real devil! It's terrible!

After several children came back, Ding Yu also understood why Cao Zhen came here! Because some kids are going to have a holiday! For them, homework will never have any problems!

It's not that Ding Yu doesn't ask questions. When Ding Yu was in junior high school, his homework was also very good, but if you want to compare with several children now, you'd better forget it! The past can't bear to look back, what's more, his father will often use his failure example to tell the children! Ding Yu is quite difficult to do!

"Speaking of this, I remember it! I heard about it when your mother and I went to the event two days ago! This year, their school's high school entrance examination is likely to explode? " Ding Lin vowed to say!

"What's the situation?" Ding Yu is not so clear, he does not know much!

"Now quite a lot of parents want to send their children to junior high school. The school environment and teaching staff have been greatly improved. Isn't a new high school opened here? It turns out that there is a provincial key high school in our city. Now this high school is already a model high school! Now the two schools are scrambling for students! "

"Isn't it? Such exaggeration? " Ding Yu is a bit smack tongue, this aspect matter, oneself know not much!

"Anyway, since the year before last, our high school began to break out one after another! Last year was better than the year before last, and I heard from my old friends that this year's high school may be even better than last year. Originally, our high school was in the province, and it's not that we can't say that our senior high school was in the province. The scores of 20 and 30 were relatively good, but I heard that now we are going to catch up with the top ten! If you try again, the top ten must be holding hands! "

"That's a bit of an exaggeration." Ding Yu also felt a little shocked!

"There are quite a lot of teachers and a very good environment at the same time. Under such circumstances, the learning situation of students can best reflect everything! Look at this year's high school entrance examination and college entrance examination will be like! Now, all the people at all levels attach great importance to it. We can say that they give full support and dare not be careless in any way! "

Hearing his father say so, Ding Yu suddenly hit a smart, "Dad, how can I feel that you have something in this word! We are not so outsider, are you? If you have anything, you will be finished! Do you need to hide like this? ""What do you say?" Dinglin peered at it and then whispered, "senior asked me? Will the children in our family be in high school here in the future? There is not much air in their hearts! "

No wonder! Dingyu blinked his eyes. "When they were in junior high school, they were here for two years, without any problems, but from the perspective of estimation, high school should not stay here! It is not that the teachers here can not keep up with this, and there is no relationship with this point. After high school, they need to go out! After all, considerable consideration is needed for the future! "

"Have you started to make arrangements for this? Will it be too young? "

"One by one, they are about to be refined!" Ding Yu is also a headache for these children, "put them out! I really don't worry about them. I worry about their classmates. Can I bear them? These children! Whether it is ability or means above, there are a little too evil! There are not too many people who can carry it! "

Dinglin pondered for a while, as if it was such a real thing!

"But these students of the children in the family have been very good after the edification of these two years! I believe they will have a very good performance when they arrive, I don't know if the teachers in the school can bear the pressure? "

"What do you mean?" Dinglin asked me in a puzzled way!

"Dad, you have not been exposed to these children, but you can't help but you can't help waiting for leisure and play! Can play! It's not enough to satisfy them with that stuff in school! "

"It's not a good thing you're doing!" Ding Lin complained about a sentence, but I don't know why, the words, with a little pride, if there are other people here! Maybe Dinglin will feel better!

Although these are not all brought by their own sons, but their son is really a good start! And this son is still his own cultivation, when the father's pride, not everyone can understand!

"When I have time to talk to Laogao, his blood pressure is a little bit higher, even if Wang an doesn't read it, but Wei Lai's gang of mischievous boys are not vegetarian! Don't be in any other situation, I don't think he can afford it. And, more importantly, I have serious doubts that other cities around me are all in a hurry! "

"Daddy, you are a little over represented!"

"What is it?" Zhao Shuying came by, heard a sentence, also puzzled asked out!

Dingyu explained it in detail. Zhaoshuying sat down and nodded. Dinner had been handed over to the nanny. She didn't need to be so busy. "The study style is strong, which is good, but also needs to pay attention to. On a fairly basic basis, it will add some other nutrition to them. The performance on the farm side is good! Oh! I forgot not to say! In summer, there must be a considerable arrangement on the farm side! "

"I didn't hear much about this!" Ding Yu said it truthfully! "But every summer vacation, there will be a considerable number of positions on the farm. For the students, there is no problem in earning their own tuition fees, and there will be quite a lot of surplus! It lightened the family a lot! "

For the son of the off line, Zhao Shuying mouth slightly have so some twitch, because they know that the son is absolutely intentional!

So after a stare, Zhao Shuying continued to say, "the farm side of the cold summer vacation plan is very good, but always in this acre of three points, there is quite improper, if can exchange?"

It was Dingyu's turn to start to twitch at the corner of his mouth! "Mom, your plan is a little bit bigger! It is not possible to say that the money required for operation in this area is huge, but it will definitely affect the profit of the farm. Although the expansion of the farm is not very large, it needs to be stable. Although I am responsible for a considerable direction, I can not make a decision, let alone such a thing! "

"Then you'll give me a better way to come out!" Zhao Shuying to his son's words, despise!

Dingyu patted his head, what happened to her mother today?

"Mom! Nothing's going on, right? You are a little too hard on this request! I always need to know the situation! At least when it comes to quite an explanation, there is a little bit of a background, isn't it? " Ding Yu in turn comforts his mother, there is no way, the world is big, his mother is the biggest! This is a force majeure thing!

"One of my students called me today. What can we say here? All are just a small county, although said that after considerable development, but compared with large cities, there is still a considerable gap, this is not denied! Is it? "

Zhao Shuying clearly did not finish! "They went to school at that time, some of them didn't know how the can was opened, and as for elevators and computers, they didn't hear it! Take you as a case, you know how the can is opened, but in your age, how many students understand the computer! But in the same situation, the children of big cities have had a considerable contact! And be able to use it skillfully! ""Mom, do you mean to let them broaden their horizons and broaden their horizons?"

"Correct understanding, our small county is still a little small. We need to let students broaden their horizons and let them have a correct understanding. As for those universities, they can arrange nearby. Of course, if they are willing to go home, it will not be a problem. At least, there should be no problem in arranging them to work part-time jobs!"

"I need to check and see what kind of price is appropriate. Their wages will certainly be damaged. I can guarantee that the farm will not make any profits, and even make some profits in vain. But this hole can't be too big! Otherwise, there is no way to explain, I need the other side to be responsible for it! "

Seeing his mother's consent, Ding Yu made a phone call to the farm!

Accounting these things to the professional to do it! As for yourself? Master a general direction, and then make specific decisions! It is not so simple to say! There's too much involved in it!

In the evening, quite a number of people on the farm were transferred. There was no way. The big boss made this decision. Let alone, it really attracted quite a lot of people's attention. We are still optimistic about this!

There is not much feeling about how much money is spent on the farm. If we say that this thing is successful, its influence and positive effect on the farm can not be bought with money!

However, it will involve quite a few problems, which can not be completed in a day or two!

But Ding Yu saw his brother-in-law. It was not the first time that Cao Zhen came to the house and looked at the things in front of him, as well as the two sons lying on his body. He also laughed!

"Never let mother see this scene, otherwise the end will be extremely tragic, this is certain!"

"Isn't it?" Cao Zhenyi face of the difference, "I but in accordance with Ding Ding Ding's order, the same is not bad to be prepared!"

Ding Yu pointed to his two nephews. "Things don't matter. It's your two sons. These days, it's controversial. The mother's opinion on them is very big. From the current point of view, the education of the two of you is not conducive to the growth of children! Even a little bit wrong! "

Looking at his brother-in-law's face, Cao Zhen is a little silly! "Don't say it's the two of them! Even Ding Ding Ding didn't get any benefits in the past two days. At least in her mother's side, she has no right to speak. So you'd better pay attention to it. I just want to remind you to save a little embarrassment at that time! At least a little psychological preparation! "

"No?! I'm a little doting at best, there's no other problem! "

"In terms of her temper, she said one at home, who dares to say two? Together with Wang An and them, they are honest. Ding Yun and Ding Chang were educated like what they were when they were young. You should know that she was a primary school teacher. Many students now stand like wooden posts when they see her! Have a good understanding

Cao Zhen has no problem in other aspects, but he only dotes on his two sons! Ding Ding is the same, although sometimes very strict, but this way of education how to say? There are still quite a few problems!

If it was not her brother-in-law, Ding Yu would never say such words. Of course, to a certain extent, it was also a wake-up call for Cao Zhen. Her mother would never be too polite to Cao Zhen! It's not the family and other reasons. It's not related to this. It's mainly about children!

"Brother, should I kneel down and beg for mercy?" Cao Zhen made a joke!

"It's better to ask for more than one's own fortune! Admit your mistake honestly! Children at school know that when teachers criticize you, the best attitude is to admit your mistakes Ding Yu looked at Cao Zhen with a bad smile, "as for other aspects, it's not any problem, right! Invite you to dinner in the evening and welcome you at home

"Is it a little too much?" Cao Zhen felt that there must be a pit ahead!

"Look at your two sons! If they do well, there will be no problem! If they have any problems and conditions, you and Ding Ding are waiting to be criticized?! In my personal experience, it's better to be earlier than later! Personal words

Because Ding Yu has made some preparations, Cao Zhen is careful here! Together with Ding Ding Ding said some whispers!

Ding Lin is very satisfied with his son-in-law! So between the words is very happy, Zhao Shuying also did not take the shelf meaning, but in mentioning two children's matter, is obviously a bit heavy tone!

Other people in the family, when children look at their grandmother, are careful! Although not on the same table, but Cao Zhen still obviously noticed his mother-in-law's momentum, extraordinary!

But Cao Zhen's expectation is very good, but not long ago, the two sons were in trouble again!

They were not at this table, but when they were full, they came to look for their father! But it's obvious that the process was a bit too much! Forget that the devil is still here at this time!Ding Ding looks at her husband and then reaches out to cover her face!

As for the two little guys, looking at the mess of the table, a bit silly, they did not think that would be the result! They were just a little angry. Then they pulled a little. Who could have thought that the table would be overturned?

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