Really, it's not such a big deal! It's just that the two brothers are a little too excited! So when fighting, I didn't pay attention to the middle of the table to overturn! Led to the whole table is a bit "boiling" posture!

In fact, everyone has finished eating! The impact is not so big!

Cao Zhen did not dare to breathe because he realized the seriousness of the matter!

Things are not big, but the impact is huge!

Absolutely not because it is a family dinner, as if nothing has happened! They can't just muddle along because they are young and don't start. Do they need to have a correct understanding of this problem? Just give it to Zhao Shuying!

Looking at the two little guys step by step, looking back at their parents, Cao Zhen and Ding Ding two people, very helpless!

Ding Yu, sitting in a wheelchair, patted Cao Zhen! "It's not a mountain of swords and a sea of fire!" Then Ding Yu looked at Wang An and them, "you also need to be punished a little this time, because they are your younger brothers. You didn't take good care of them. Maybe for you, there are many reasons, but they messed up the family dinner. This is the fact, and you let it go! This is also true! "

"Yes! Master

"Yes! Daddy

There is no argument among the children, and it has no effect! It's already happened! And just like Ding Yu said, no matter admit or not, some things have happened! And they all have quite a problem here! No matter ignore, or deliberately indulge, this responsibility, they all need to bear up!

"Also, let Wei Lai come tomorrow and let them all come here?! I was thinking about how to mention it, now it's OK! You gave me the best excuse, so Ding Yu nodded his head slightly!

Several children's faces are not so good-looking, but there is no way! Dad's reason is definitely not so sufficient, but let them have no way to refute, and bring Wei Lai to them. What does Dad want to do? They don't have much confidence in this matter!

Two little guys were left by their grandmother! Ding Lin has so many worries! Follow the position behind!

But Cao Zhen and his wife had a discussion. Cao Zhen pushed the wheelchair! And Ding Ding is following in the next position!

"Big brother, there should be nothing wrong?"

Ding Yu laughed, "don't worry! In the evening, I'm sure you'll have four of you together, but this lesson is inevitable. Ding Ding Ding's education in her childhood is definitely more exaggerated than now. If you don't believe it, let her tell you about it! I think it's fun

"Big brother, what is fun? I was miserable at that time, but now I think it's all tears Ding Ding is very discontented to shout up!

"Don't shout at me! If you have the ability, you shout at mom, I believe she will let you know the power of it! You are married and have children now! But I don't want to mention my mother's temper! "

Ding Lin drives with Zhao Shuying and two grandsons, while Ding Yu is with Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding. As for the children? They solve the problem by themselves. At this point, Ding Yu will never have any preferential treatment!

"Brother Ding Ding was worried when she was sitting on the car! Though it's not big! But I, as a mother, still have some worries in my heart!

"It's better to worry about yourself than to worry about the two of them! Today, Cao Zhen came here and just gave my mother an excuse. You know, because of the two children, my mother was full of anger! If you don't let her vent her anger, ha ha Ding Yu means to say!

"No! I thought my mother had already extinguished the fire! "

Ding Ding Ding wailed! "I've been doing very well these two days! There's no mistake! "

"Come on! Cao Zhen has been cleaned up by you! Of course, this is your family problem! " Ding Yu can see the joy between Cao Zhen's eyebrows. This guy really doesn't know what to say. It's OK to harrow his ears to such a degree. However, they have a good relationship with each other, which is true!

In fact, there is no Ding Ding bullying Cao Zhen, can only say that they get along with each other, outsiders a little can not understand it! But Ding Yu elder brother said so, Cao Zhenxin is also very happy! However, that is, under the heart of the snitch, face to face show, after their own back, Ding Ding Ding did not know how to deal with themselves!

"You two can solve the problems at home by yourself. Neither parents nor I, who is the eldest brother, will get involved. Unless there is an irreconcilable contradiction between you and me, there will be no favoritism. Now my parents and I are not satisfied with you, which is your indulgence in children. This problem is the most important thing!"

"That's my son!" Ding Ding whispered!

"Cao Zhen and your son are true, but they are also the children of Cao family and Ding family! Since they have been born, they need to be responsible for them, live and not support! Raise but not teach, this is not a parent should do! So I gave you a vaccination in advance, and my mother was very angry about it! "Back home, Dingyu looked at his mother to educate two nephews, and his brother-in-law and sister two people, also did not have a good place to go there, received the most severe criticism!

Cao Zhen wants to cry and some want to laugh! The reason why I want to cry is very simple. My mother-in-law has not left a little love, and she is like a primary school student! As for the reason why you want to laugh? It is also very simple, his wife is reprimanded and what kind of, he is really so some can not help!

And relatively speaking, the direction of this artillery fire is Ding Ding, and he has some responsibilities, but obviously Ding Ding has undertaken a lot for himself. As for the two troublemakers of his family, they are honest with quail! War shivers!

But Dingyu still stayed for quite a while. He took two children to his villa. He needed to relax their mood before going to bed at night, and he couldn't let them bear too much heavy thinking!

As for caozhen and Dingding, they can not care for themselves!

Zhao Shuying has no objection to his son singing white face. At least, on the issue of educating children, the boss is very good, and he is quite satisfied with it!

Of course, I am also a child, but heartache does not mean doting. This is two times. Zhaoshuying still has a more traditional concept, and is used to killing children! I can't manage other home, but I have to manage the things in my own home!

But the next morning, Wei Lai, who didn't eat breakfast, rushed over, and yesterday they had received a notice, there must be quite a thing, otherwise uncle Ding would never let elder sister tell themselves! And can let uncle Ding so solemn, they also dare not have any relaxation!

Looking at the children standing in front of themselves, Ding Yu scratched his head. "I said, are you sure you have to eat together here today? It's too much?! I don't even have breakfast? "

Little joke, everyone is happy! Then Ding Yu also let them all sit down, this is not the office, they are not their subordinates, they will not adopt such a way!

"Breakfast is about to be ready! But before breakfast? I said something. Wang'an would not have participated in this event, but they made some small mistakes yesterday, so they had no choice. What about you children? I have a considerable consideration, before this, I need to explain a little, I have explained the matter! You take the principle of voluntary, there is no rigid requirement! "

"Uncle Ding, we are all you watch grow up, you said we are going to do it!"

"Don't flatter!" Dingyu stared at Wei Lai, who raised his hand. The little fat man, his face was really thick!

Then Ding Yu gave all the children's names a little more. Every child who was ordered had so much excitement, but everyone had quite different expressions!

"Before, your grandma Zhao mentioned to me one thing, that is, every year, summer vacation to farm to work odd work! If the family conditions are better, go to the farm and feel the hard work. You can have a clear understanding of the farmers and the modern agricultural operation. If the family conditions are less, you can earn tuition fees for yourself, supplement the household and so on! "

When talking, Dingyu looks at everyone's expression and action!

"This year, I was going to take this as well, but your grandma Zhao told me something. What about us here? It is a small county. Although there has been considerable progress and development, it is impossible to see the world clearly. It seems that today, more than half of the students have not been on the high-speed railway, more than 80% of the students have not taken the plane, whether you admit or not recognize them, these are all facts! "

We looked at each other, and it was really the truth!

"You must know that many of you have good family conditions! And our economic development here has made considerable progress. So think about other places, children of your age, who may be in a class, a grade, have not been on high-speed rail, have not taken an airplane! "

Seeing Wang an raise his hand, Ding Yu points his head!

Wang Ancai said, "master, what you mean is, let our peers see the world more clearly, let them realize the beauty of our country and deepen their understanding! Find yourself a clear goal! "

"It's a good summary!" Ding Yu looks at other children who have thought about it. "Let them have a clear goal. This situation is not realistic, but at least let them have the opportunity to come out now. They don't know in the future, but we need to make everyone have a considerable understanding. Only when they realize it, they will have a considerable pursuit!"

"Uncle Ding, how do we need to do it?"

"Other aspects of communication, this does not need to be ignored by you, but all of you here, one is one, must lead the team alone, how to lead the team, that is your own thing, can be well prepared before, but once entered into the work, then all of the need to rely on yourself!"Stretch out your hand, let everyone's attention focus on their own body after!

Ding Yu continued to say, "all students can do their own, before this there will be a considerable assessment, if the assessment does not pass, then it can only be for other students when Deputy! However, everyone can only choose one deputy at most. Wang An, you and others are treated the same way. If you fail to pass the examination, they can only be deputy! "

Then Ding Yu said hello to Qu he in the back. Qu he sent a box!

"The specific content of the assessment is here! I'll leave it to you to keep it! "

"Dad, you did it on purpose! To start a fight within us? " Ding Yun cried out in a choking voice!

"Everyone has a chance, and now the opportunity has been placed in front of you. However, I need to make a point in advance here. I know that the school's study is not a big problem for you, but it has a very high assessment score, in which the learning situation occupies two levels. The interviewers pay more attention to it. I hope all students can read it well Prepare for this exam, as for the process of violations and other situations, we know the consequences! "

There are catching and releasing. Ding Yu is very good at playing!

"It's done! There's sugar to eat. Things are bad! Then you need to spank! It's a very simple thing. As for how to spank, I don't need to say much about it, so how to eat sugar? The right to choose is up to you! When the time comes, after your own deliberation, just let me know! "

"Eat! You said I was hungry

Qu he pushes Ding Yu away! But many children immediately gathered together. When they came, they thought about a lot of possibilities, but only did not think that Ding Yu and uncle Ding would tell them such things! Everyone, look at me, I look at your eyes, the small spark in the eyes has begun to burn up!

Although the villa is very big, there are so many children who can't sit down at the table. Fortunately, there are several tables outside. These little tigers can eat one by one, and Ding Yu's two nephews are also infected! Not to be outdone!

After breakfast, many children are ready to go to school, now they have no good treatment! Take No.11, then No.4. There is no special treatment here! Don't even think about it!

When Wei Chun received his son's phone call, his heart also moved!

In the morning, my son got up, washed up and ran away with his schoolbag! I don't worry about his safety. He has told himself that he will have dinner in his uncle Ding's house in the morning! You don't have to prepare for him at home!

In the morning, I ran past. There must be something quite wrong, and it should be good. But what was involved? I was a father, but I still had some worries!

Outsiders often say that their son was looked up at by director Ding! What's your intention? Not really!

I haven't seen director Ding several times in total, and I haven't even called in how to fight! The reason why Dean Ding is familiar with him is that he is not so familiar with him!

Speaking of his own son! Wei Chun doesn't know what to say! Anyway, this year's change, so that they have so some do not understand, the original time relying on their own identity, is simply a little overlord!

Now? The change is so fast that I don't know how to describe it! First of all, good grades! When I'm free, I also take the initiative to clean up my room and clean up the housework. I'm scared that my wife has some doubts about whether my son is possessed by a ghost!

Interest has increased a lot, but the requirements of their own very strict! Even have become the children of others! Make Wei Chun from time to time to echo in a low voice, or bear children, not too much change, no way! My son doesn't have a high profile, so I need to keep a low profile!

"Dad, are you my father?"

After listening to his son's words, Wei Chun felt that the hair on his head could not be suppressed!

"Son of a bitch, you want to go to heaven, don't you?"

"Not to heaven!" Then Wei Lai simply said something about the situation, "Dad, pro dad, I need your help now. Before the activity starts, we can all ask for foreign aid. At least we know what the situation should look like. But after the activity starts, everything depends on our own! Dad, you are my father. You can't see you disgrace yourself! Right? I'm counting on you

"All of you?"

"Yes Wei Lai, after all, had extraordinary insight, "I listen to Uncle Ding's meaning, all the students have a share! Dad, are you alone After hearing his father's hum, Wei Lai continued to say, "Dad, I think uncle Ding has other deep meanings in it."

"Just do your own thing! Don't speculate at will, this is the most useless! It's you who do things. You need to have a plan. But the plan doesn't change quickly. I don't worry about it. Just do it with your heart. I believe you have no problem! ""Come on, I won't forget my father and mother, your training! If it's OK, I'll hang up first! The school will have an exam these two days! This time, the examination results still occupy the proportion of the assessment, I can not be too careless! Really, if anything happens, I'll be too late to regret it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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