The speed of news spread is not generally fast, and soon quite a lot of people know it!

After busy working, quite a number of parents are mutual ventilation! We all know that the arrangement of the farm is a good thing, but how can we go further? Your parents have a lot of calculation in mind!

With Wang An and Tong Tong Tong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, these students in a school are really too happy! They get special treatment, if not for them, then these students can have such a chance? The unseen!

But anyway? Now the opportunity has come! The question is whether these students can grasp it!

The farm has already sent out a notice to all parents to participate voluntarily, absolutely not to do anything reluctantly, and there is a need to have the most complete health examination report before this! And other aspects of attention!

For the parents of the small county, especially the parents of the students in their school, is there really a lack of money at home? Do you really need these children to make money to support their families? Now the farm is to give children a chance to know the outside world! Under such circumstances, even if it is to sell iron, there must be no mistake!

However, the parents of students need to worry about things, absolutely not to say that checking the health of their children is so simple! They also need to have considerable operation! The farm notice says it! Before the start of the operation, it is OK to supplement the children, but after the specific operation, everything depends on the children themselves!

Obviously, this is a kind of test for these children!

But there are still quite a lot of people to see the meaning behind this! Ding Yu gave all the children a chance, but in the end, how many people will come out? How many of them can get into Ding Yu's eyes?

Obviously, Ding Yu is definitely not just for the sake of these children at home, just deliberately make such an activity! But if you want to investigate one by one, this is not a realistic thing! Unless you can face Ding Yu! Let him talk!

But how could it be? Will Ding Yu blurt out everything?

After the school's examination, even in the evening, the results will come out! Why is it so fast? The reason for this is very simple. On the one hand, we should know as soon as possible how the students' learning level is? Any more? That is, the farm needs to have a good basis! After all, academic performance is also one of the criteria for assessment!

"The results of the college entrance examination have come out! The high school entrance examination still needs quite a time, today our high school entrance examination result explodes

Looking at her son, Zhao Shuying exclaimed excitedly! As a native, this is something to be happy about, even proud of! There are many students in this year!

"Have all the results come out? So fast? "

"What time is it?" Zhao Shuying snorted, but obviously she was in a good mood, although she said she had retired! But he is always a teacher, and now the reputation of the principal, pay attention to education should be a thing!

"I also tell you, the colleges and universities on the provincial side will not talk about it! But the school in Beijing has come! They want to rob people! "

Ding Yu smiles with no hesitation! "It doesn't seem like this in the past years, right?"

"Who let our college entrance examination results explode today! Now all the people in high school, in addition to filling in the application form, almost all the goals are placed in junior high school, especially in the junior high school where Wang An and his students are located! It's all out! How many, how many! "

"Can't you? Although our small town is not big! But nearly 50 junior high schools! I'm afraid other junior high schools will be very dissatisfied. When the time comes, all the principals will stand at the gate of high school to be blocked, and they will not live! Is it too noisy? "

Looking at her son's astonishment, Zhao Shuying is proud to smile!

"You don't know, do you? Didn't we open a new high school! The principal of the new high school is about to lay the floor at the gate of the Education Bureau! Although their college entrance examination this year is also good, but compared with the old high school, there are still some differences. Now, for the sake of the source of students, the two high schools are playing a bit hard! "

"Is the high school entrance exam fast?! This is the time of these two days! "

Zhao Shuying nodded, "that is to say, in the past two days, it is mainly about the farm, which makes the school pay more attention to it. Therefore, we have advanced some teaching plans. In fact, it is just review, and the problem is not very big! However, there are quite a lot of arrangements for the students in the college entrance examination. As for the students in the middle school entrance examination, the problem is not so big! "

Why mention such a thing to Ding Yu! The main thing is to coordinate the students!

Their time is not so unified! This is always a trouble! There's a lot of coordination on the farm! This matter must let the son appear, if the son does not appear, then the matter is still very difficult!

Not all the children of the family are willing to participate in it. For some students who have finished the college entrance examination, they should stay at home and do odd jobs on the farm. By the way, they can save their college tuition. If they can, they can also subsidize their families and earn some pocket money for themselves!There's nothing better and more suitable than this! Because they are going to have to face different lives, so there is no need to be so anxious now! What's more, the recruitment of the farm did not have too many positions for them!

The main body is junior high school students and senior one, senior two!

These students are just the right age! Because they are not like primary school students, there are not too many concepts for the equivalent affairs, they have quite the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and have a certain understanding of the society at the same time! So now is the most appropriate!

The farm side of the movement is not small, because the need for considerable operation! It can't be done in a moment and a half!

After all, it is not one or two people involved, and many students, but the good thing is? Not everywhere, because the main activities of the farm! It's still in several provinces and cities in the north, but even if it is, there are a lot of security work needed inside!

"Not bad, you basically passed the examination!"

Ding Yu looked at the children gathered around, and the expression on his face was a little joyful! If you do something well, you need to be praised!

"But this is only the first step in the long march! It's easy and difficult to take the first step. The question is whether you can go to the end. I hope you can face yourself bravely in the end

Then Ding Yu waved his hand! "Set sail, your goal should be the Starship sea!"

Many children, also cry, their emotions are completely infected! Even at this time are some can not own! But what will they face in the future? This question? It's really an unknown thing!

But now the spirit is full! Like a little tiger! Scream!

However, there are a little more children coming to the farm these two days. With the dormitory, they are a little nervous. There is no way to do it! Originally, everyone can go home, but now quite a number of children come from other places! They can only live on the farm, whether it is safety, or other aspects of consideration, all need to be like this!

As for the small county side of the hotel, as well as B & B and so on, now have begun to fill one after another! There are a little more people coming!

There are quite parents, but more tourists!

In recent years, the traffic development of the small county is very fast, and the resources are relatively rich! The important thing is that the city management is in place, there are not so many messy things and conditions! So it's very attractive!

The only problem? The city is still a little bit small. If a huge number of tourists are crowded, it will cause considerable congestion, which is one of the few problems!

And the city is both happy and headache!

Happy nature is the city walking on the road of development, headache? Continue to expand outward, they are not a small county can decide! Still need the above approval, but this is not one day two days can complete!

But anyway? Now that the city has developed, they have a share of the credit. In the original time, it was not about eating and waiting for death. The main reason is that there is no development potential in small cities, and what they want is nothing? At most, it's close to the coast. It's just a bit of marine resources! However, from now on, before, the thinking was still a little rigid, and I didn't know how to adapt.

Now the development of small county is booming, even further, it seems that we need to report more to the above! The so-called crying children have milk to eat, right? Our side is not developed out of thin air!

But the external conditions no matter how good, the internal is absolutely strict requirements, can not appear any problems! Only strict requirements of their own, to ensure that in the next competition in a favorable position above!

As for children and students? No one will admit that, anyway, their children have gone out! Every day, the farm will report the children's health problems, learning situation and so on!

I'm really tired of seeing everything! My own little bunny is OK! There is no waste of their previous hard work! Their own seed is still very good, they will certainly go to a bigger stage in the future!

What do you need to thank most? It's the farm and Ding Yu! The farm is above the surface. What about Ding Yu? It's behind the scenes! Of course, there are many leaders to support, if not for these leaders, the relationship between students and family coordination, is a big problem! Never underestimate their role in it!

Things have never been done by one person, but by the joint efforts of all. On this issue, the farm is very open! The fire is high when people gather firewood, isn't it? All aspects are very satisfied with this! The relationship between each other is extremely harmonious!

But the summer camp personnel don't know whether it is brain water this time! Did you come to Ding Yu's hometown?

When Ding Yu knew the news, he turned his mouth slightly!

"Director, it has nothing to do with me! You know me! I can't do such a thing Sitting in a wheelchair, Yang Chen was slightly frightened. "I just got the news, so I deliberately came to report it! What's more, director, you know the best about me! How dare I hide it? ""Who is involved in the family?" Ding Yu was very dissatisfied and asked, "don't tell me you don't know?"

Looking at Yang Chen who shook his head, Ding Yu snorted again, "since you don't know, then you can come back after investigating clearly. And I'll see if your head is flooded with water? Things are not clear! You're going to report? "

Yang Chen's mouth some twitch, but still the first time to push his wheelchair to leave! i couldn 't help it! I don't want to come over, but how can I and Qu he's different directions, plus I bet with him lost, I also know that the director will not be too happy! But they can only be hard to head up, and the results are not unexpected!

After coming out of the room, looking at Qu he standing there, Yang Chen felt that he couldn't control his impulse!

But a positive fight? Let's forget it?! Don't say that he is half disabled. Even if he is a good man, whether he can be compared with the stroke of Qu he is really an unknown matter. Even in the face-to-face confrontation, he let himself have an arm, and there are not too many problems!

"Can I help you?" Qu he's indifference is very indifferent to say!

"Give me a break." Except for the heavyweights in Yang Chen's family, they can't breathe deeply! Can the director not know such a thing? What do you think I was so obsessed with before? I bet you? "

"Who knows?" Qu he also has considerable judgment on things, but judgment is one thing, and how to operate this matter is another. His own information channels are relatively limited. This matter still needs efforts from Yang Chen. After all, there are quite a lot of implications in it. It can not be explained clearly in one sentence or two sentences!

And Ding Yu's side, that is to say, with a chuckle, there are not so many people in the family who can do this thing. They can even count two fingers, or even these two fingers are involved in it!

However, Ding Yu is not interested in asking what happened at home. Let's have a look!

Ding Yu has no action now, but the situation in the capital is slightly more subtle!

The old lady looked at her daughter-in-law Su Yuan and nodded her head slightly!

"Boss! Smarter than anyone else! How can he not understand this matter? He just didn't ask about it! "

"I have so many worries. This matter has not passed the boss, so it has been arranged! Can the boss blow up his hair? " For his son, Su Yuan can't say that he doesn't understand at all. To a certain extent, this guy is a kind of donkey who follows the donkey, leads him not to walk and moves backward!

What do you mean? He may give you a white eye, but if it is really hard to say what kind of consequences it will be, it is really difficult to say! Especially now, he is angry!

The old lady didn't worry so much! Just a little smile!

"It's a good time. You can't beat him at other times. Now? It's the best time to beat him! What's more, the Wang family and the Su family moved their hands together. We called him, but the phone couldn't get through. " When saying this, the old lady's attitude is very playful!

Su Yuan slightly lost his mind. Is this explanation OK? Is mother-in-law so sure?

But is that really good? But it seems to follow this line of thinking, will really let their eldest son very speechless! It's not that you don't want to communicate with you, but you don't have a channel to communicate with you! Right?

"Mother! Will there be any other reactions and actions from him! I always have some worries! "

The old lady is very calm sitting there, can not see any panic! "I heard that he made a lot of trouble over there, and released quite a few children?"

"They are all classmates of the children in the family. Let them lead the team separately, and even Xiao Gang is among them. However, it is not so impressive to throw Xiaogang in, because there are so many children leading the team. It seems that the eldest one has other intentions?"

When he said this, Su Yuan meant something!

"You think it's from the small town? Or outside? "

This word points to the core, the boss will never do such a thing for nothing! Is it just to exercise children? There's no need to make such a big noise. What's more! He has so much money that he has no place to spend? I think there must be something hidden behind this, but we don't know so much about it!

To be more precise, Ding Yu should have hidden quite a number of children here! Or the children valued by Ding Yu!

But who is this kid? Or who are they? No one knows, and no one can say it clearly! Because there are too many people! More people feel that the scalp is so numb! One by one? No one has such great ability and courage!

I really think director Ding Yuding is a bully, isn't he? What he did at that time still makes people feel that there are some troubles on the scalp! Even a lot of people even mention the name of Ding Yu, shivering all over!But you really need to admire Ding Yu. You know exactly what I did, but you just can't find any flaws. If you don't believe it, I'll show you the chariot and horse. If you can find it, I have nothing to say. But if you can't find anything, ha ha!

Is Ding Yu a good talker? Maybe, but from another point of view, Ding Yu has never been a particularly good tempered person! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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