It seems difficult for Yang Chen to investigate the matter, but in fact? As long as there is no problem with the brain, analysis can be quite a conclusion, very easy!

But it is also because of the analysis, so Yang Chen is now more or less difficult to do! Why? Because to a certain extent, things have been very obvious!

After thinking about it for a long time, Yang Chen didn't mean to make this call! How? If you make this call yourself, is it a question? Or what? This is quite a matter of involvement, is he should be involved in it?

So it's better to deal with things in the director's way! Do a considerable investigation. I'm investigating. There will be clues soon! Let's delay the situation! If the director really asked, then he said so!

Will the director understand his own difficulties, I don't know? But Yang Chen has quite a feeling! If I really made this call to my mother's home, I'm afraid I will not continue to sit in a wheelchair so simple!

Yang Chen didn't make any moves, and Su Quan didn't make any representations. It's not that Su Quan deliberately concealed anything. After all, the boss didn't have any reaction. Why should he go to the pole? Right?

But Su Quan's heart is not to say that there is no idea? Even the idea in this heart is quite subtle! My nephew! It can't be ignored, otherwise the trouble will be great!

Previously, I couldn't get in touch with my nephew, but if I still can't contact my nephew now, I'm a bit of a liar. At least I want to transmit some news, or I can do it! It's just a little embarrassing to do this!

The old lady didn't get any news either!

Ding Yu is so calm that people can't understand it. As for the children who participate in the summer camp, they don't see Ding Yu, because Ding Yu is either at home or going to the hospital, as for other places? You can't see it at all!

In my spare time, I went to see grandma with two little guys! Her old man's mental state is still very good, but for Ding Yu is still true color of that kind, now we need to go to the Kang! Because even if Ding Yu is allowed to go to the Kang, he can't get there. He is still in a wheelchair?

Two troublemakers, or some naughty, were chased all over the yard by the geese at home. I don't know what they think? What a terrible creature!

If it wasn't for being irritated! Geese will never take the initiative to attack! But it's obvious that the two little guys are a little too noisy! Drag the wings of the geese, I have to drag them down to be quill pens. I don't know what they were thinking at that time?

It's all right now! I've been bitten by two people!

And Ding Yu is in the side of the playful look, along with Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding is the same, there is no danger, if there is danger, Ding Yu would have shot! I hope they can remember this lesson!

But it seems that the possibility is not so great, because they are now the age that dogs dislike and the family is lazy. They basically walk around their brothers, otherwise what?

But grandma is very dissatisfied. These two little guys are the treasure of the family. We must kill the goose and vent our anger on the two little guys, which makes everyone laugh and cry! Doting doesn't need to be like this, does it?

Geese have not been slaughtered, but it is obvious that they have been locked up now. If they have another time, what will happen? It's really hard to say! The little guy is around the goose, some ready to move!

From this we can see that revenge is a little strong!

"Brother, are you so leisurely today?"

"There are not too many things in the hospital. Today's operations are not so many, and I can't get on the operating table now. At most, I just do some guidance. It's not too difficult."

Ding Yu explained to his brother-in-law, "I said you two are a little too much! Yesterday, I even threw two children to the farm. I heard that their crying faces were like those of a cat! "

"Don't mention it!" Cao Zhen is also full of helplessness, "I would like to take two children, but Ding Ding refused! But the two of them! It's intentional! Isn't this mother? Isn't she in? "

If Zhao Shuying face to face, absolutely will not appear such a scene, in front of Zhao Shuying, two teachers with the same clever kitten! But left Zhao Shuying, there are not so many people they are afraid of at home!

Because the other children in the family have already grown up! There are only two of them left. As for the children of the army, they don't come back very much now. In this case, they are just baby pimples! Heart and soul!

That is to say, thanks to Zhao Shuying's strict discipline, otherwise they can really go to heaven!

"Although they are a little mischievous, they have no problem in essence. It is better to suffer at home than to suffer outside. Some things need to be guided slowly and can't be accomplished overnight."For his elder brother's words, Cao Zhen listens attentively and carefully!

Whether it is father-in-law or father-in-law, or big brother, for their own and Ding Ding Ding things, never any involvement, associated with considerable things also criticized Ding Ding! It's not very nice to let yourself be a husband!

If big brother is really involved, can he resist it? Can you resist at home? Can't resist at all!

Or does big brother have no strength and capital? Are you kidding? I still know a lot about the farm. The vegetables and fruits at home are basically provided by the farm, and many of them can't be bought by money outside!

Their two sons can be so healthy, with this has a considerable relationship!

Another thing that Cao Zhen admired was that he never interfered in the education of his two sons. After all, this was a family affair between himself and Ding Ding Ding. Sometimes he said something out of his own heart and had nothing to do with other things!

I really know about Wang An and Tong Tong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang. In my opinion, it's a little too hard! Even a bit of non-human feeling, I hope that the children in the family will be excellent in the future, but definitely not in this way!

And the elder brother also has no request, told himself some problems, but that is to say, on this point, I sincerely respect my elder brother!

But it's not that big brother has no shortcomings at all! Even TN Ting often make complaints about his brother. Most of the time, it's like ice. You can't see too many smiling faces. It's better these years. In the early years, when others are near, you feel shivering all over!

As for the elder brother leaving himself and Ding Ding in his hometown, I know something about it, but I don't have any questions. The reason why elder brother doesn't want to talk about this matter with himself is very simple: he doesn't want to get involved with Ding Ding Ding!

The family I was born in is doomed to be quite sensitive to some things. For this, I am grateful from my heart. Sometimes I don't say it, it's not concealment, but a kind of protection!

Back from Grandma's home, Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding went to the farm with their two sons!

Now the farm is very busy. There are different performances every day, but there are so many children. There is no need to worry about safety here. What's more, the food on the farm side makes everyone focus on it!

With Cao zhendu feeling, he needs to strengthen some exercise! Otherwise, I will definitely become greasy!

At this point, I envy my elder brother and even the children at home. I can clearly see the amount of food the elder brother and the children eat together. If the elder brother lets go of eating, he may hold himself for three days. If he controls himself, he can eat enough for a week!

It's been three days! These people who lead the summer camp feel very inexplicable now. Why? Director Ding Yuding has no words, even a little blind!

Quite the case, the capital is known, the Wang family and the Su family jointly do this thing, but Ding Yu did not have any reaction, this seems to be a bit abnormal! At least not in the scope of understanding!

Has Ding Yu been so angry? But the problem is that Ding Yu is now ignoring this. Is it because the old lady and Su Quan are the ones who are fighting? But this is the reason why Ding Yu gave in? Burning newspapers on graves, fooling ghosts!

Now Ding Yu's situation is really so difficult for people to understand. However, the operation of the old lady and Su Quan also makes outsiders unable to understand. Is there any transaction between them? Or is there something hidden behind it? It's really hard for people to understand!

If you can't contact Ding Yu, you can't contact the old lady and Suquan, although it's a little difficult!

But whether it is difficult to contact Ding Yu, or to contact the old lady and Su Yuan, I believe everyone will choose the latter point?

In the morning, Ding Yu and his father went out to exercise together. The two little guys were shaking their heads in the back. Maybe due to Ding Yu's reason, the two little guys didn't completely free themselves!

The two of them like this uncle very much. Although he doesn't fake the color, they can't tell what the reason is. It's very comfortable to stay with this uncle, but the wheelchair is a little too inconvenient! What's more, my uncle doesn't have much free time!

But like this uncle, does not mean that they can be unscrupulous in front of this uncle! Anyway, if this facial expression is gloomy, it will make them have a kind of shiver on the soul! They really love and fear this uncle!

"They feel a lot more honest these two days!"

Ding Lin has a look at his two grandsons. They are holding the little lazy. The mood of the little lazy should be described with boredom now?! Or what's more, there should be all those who want to die, right?This is the last time to save the two little lads! Otherwise, the little lazy really will get down! The two little guys are so dishonest! In Ding Yu's opinion, Xiao lazy even wants to lie down and pretend to be dead!

"Your mother really started. She didn't know the weight at all. I couldn't bear to see it! It's not a bad thing for children to make a little fuss. At most, they are a little too lively

Ding Yu couldn't help but smile, "energetic, we should find something for them to do! It's just that there's nothing at home, and I'm quite idle, so I've got something to do for them? "

Yeah? Ding Lin looked at his son suspiciously, "boss, I can tell you that your two nephews have not suffered much since childhood. You should take it easy and don't make those messy things come out!"

Ding Yu smiles at his father's warning! "It's OK. There shouldn't be any big problems, kid? If you are not obedient, you should be educated. Spanking is not the first time! I had a word with Cao Zhen earlier

Ding Lin looks at his son, a little uneasy! Immediately looked at two grandsons, they are now carefree, said like, they really like, at most is a little noisy just, not other conditions!

Back home, Ding Lin hesitated for a moment, or mentioned this matter with his wife!

"What does the boss want? If you can't, stop it? Their two children are too young? "

Zhao Shuying took a glance, "how big is it? In the end, we need to let them know how powerful they are, otherwise they can really go to heaven! I don't have much free time these two days. I think their skin is a little tight! "

Get it! Why don't you say it? For his two grandsons next around, Ding Lin is really a bit not optimistic! But I don't have many ways! Why can we educate our son and daughter, but we can't educate our two grandchildren? It's really a headache!

But now Ding Yu really didn't have to pay attention to his two nephews immediately! Cao Zhen and Ding Ding two people with children is also very good, let them feel, there is not too much harm, when they are irritable, it is a good time to start their own!

However, I don't plan on any means, there is no need to let the two little guys have a correct understanding of it! There's no need to make them like other children in the family! No need!

After all, the pain is how a thing, only their own most clear and understand!

In the past few days, Yang Chen showed great care. The director didn't ask himself, and he didn't mean to report to the director. He didn't say that he avoided the director's absence. He even met several times a day, but no one mentioned it!

Yang Chen has generally known the specific situation. Although Yang Chen did not make any inquiries, it does not mean that the news will not spread to Yang Chen. In other words, even if Yang Chen closed his eyes and blocked his ears, there is no effect. What should be known will still be known! It's no different from your own guess!

However, Yang Chen would never show his depression in front of his director! However, this kind of provocative fear really makes Yang Chen's heart full of flavors and miscellaneous! I really don't want to accept such suffering!

I am waiting for another shoe to land at any time, but when will this shoe land?

What's more, can those who can deliver information to themselves, with such accuracy and timeliness, be outsiders? In addition to his mother's family, I really can't think of anyone else!

What is this? A test of yourself? But is this really a good way? I feel great pressure in the director's side! Under such circumstances, he gave himself such a hand. How many complex feelings did Yang Chen have in his heart! But now it's not good to have other aspects of the show just!

How to show, vent their dissatisfaction? Or what? That's it for the moment!

"There's still no news from the boss!" Su Yuan looks at her husband. He is calm. It seems that things have nothing to do with him! Look, Su Yuan is so anxious to get angry! When is it? Are you still on the Diaoyutai? Anyway, you are also a father, OK, give some reaction!

"There is no news that things are developing normally."

"What is normal?" Su Yuan's eyebrows stood up, showing a rather angry mood! "What's the nature of the boss, don't you know or I don't know? This matter did not discuss with the boss at all, and directly reached the farm side? This is not just taboo for the boss! Quite a time, the home and he are relatively calm! Let's make peace with each other! "

"So you're worried about this?" Wang Changlin shook his head with a smile, "if you're worried about this, there's no need. The boss is more calm than you think! His consideration will be very comprehensive! ""What do you mean?"

"You can't do it. Neither dad nor I can do it, so mom will do it! As for the Su family, Suquan is the best choice. The boss will definitely understand. As for whether he contacts or not, it doesn't matter! As long as he knows the situation is pretty good! " Wang Changlin vowed to say!

"So? Is that all you're sure about? " Su Yuan's face was sullen and he was very unhappy!

"I don't know! It is quite possible that we need to see what the boss thinks. From now on, if there is no news, it is good news! " This time, Wang Changlin finally showed some caution! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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