Ding Yu is still waiting at this time, not moved by the outside world!

How you do, that is your business, as for how I will do, that is my business!

Don't mention that Ding Yu's transformation makes quite a few people can't understand it! Is this really wrong? People who know Ding Yu's character know that this is impossible!

If not, it means that Ding Yu must be plotting something behind his back, which is certain!

However, even if it is behind the plot what, you Ding Yu also does not need to so stop, even to the point of indifference! This makes a considerable number of people feel that the mind is difficult to decide, sit and stand uneasy!

Wang's and Su's are very happy with this, but after that? Dull feeling!

Because Ding Yu didn't touch anything, as if everything had nothing to do with him!

But the Wang family and the Su family do this, can, no matter what, it is Ding Yu's blood relationship. Even if Ding Yu is dissatisfied, he will solve this problem internally. But if it is other people, will Ding Yu be so stable?

Would you like to have a try?

Don't say, the actions of the Wang family and the Su family really let a considerable number of people have other ideas out of thin air, but it involves Ding Yu, which makes everyone afraid!

It's a pity if you don't do it, but if you do it? Will it cause other reactions of laiding Yu? It's hard to say. After all, what happened to the bear hasn't passed?

Think of this matter, everyone's mind is a bit complicated! We don't know much about the hairy bear, but there are many!

After returning from Maoxiong, Ding Yu went back to his hometown! During this period, I came back, but I went back soon! Is not in this process, there are other changes!

You know, during this period, Ding Yu met with Wang Pu and the old lady! Everyone knows this!

Ding Yu went back to his hometown again. There must be some reasons for the hairy bear, but on the other hand, there must be pressure from other aspects. Otherwise, would he leave in such a mess?

And then think of the Wang family and the Su family united together to do something about the summer camp? Does it mean that they set up a trap together, if no one stepped in it! If someone does it, bury everyone?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is to feel like this! And the possibility is very big!

To know that Ding Yu has never been a good role, this guy has always been a meat eater, now suddenly vegetarian! Itself is not so normal, so? If there is no fear of death, then go and have a try! By the way, I'll take a trip for you. If you are afraid of death, then you should keep a wait-and-see attitude!

Now it is not a good thing to offend Ding Yu at this time. For Ding Yu's vengeful character, it can be regarded as not seeing you. But when he sees you, what it means is unnecessary to say any more!

At home, Ding Yu is very good to mobilize the mood of his two nephews, not just want to play? Let them show their interest in the same things! For myself, it's not difficult at all!

At the beginning, Cao Zhen still had some worries, but soon this worry disappeared. Even he had an idea, just throw his two sons to the elder brother! You and Ding Ding can practice trumpet again!

Without two troublemakers and troublemakers, their own and Ding Ding two people's good life, is the envy of outsiders!

Because Cao Zhen has noticed that the way the elder brother guides the two children is quite different from that of other children in the family. The education methods of Ding Yun and Ding Chang make them shudder, but are their two children? It's fun. There isn't so much time for trouble now! Because they've been led quite a way!

Not to mention, the two children on the road, to be sure, with their uncle is really fun! Let the two little guys a little happy, and their grandmother seems to be more satisfied with their performance, which is also the reason why the two little guys are very happy!

, "is the elder brother a little idle these two days?" In her spare time, Ding Ding Ding said something casually!

Scared, Cao Zhen quickly looked around, "my God! Isn't that good? If you take children with you, I will not object to it. I was also against big brother with children at the beginning, but there are reasons. I want them to receive the same education as the children in the family. It's too cruel! "

"That's the same Ding Ding nodded, "this is why I don't take my children to the courtyard. I don't have much to do with my elder brother. I think it's very good to say that elder brother guides the children like this! Some things? " Ding Ding Hi, in fact, why don't you understand it?

Cao Zhen also looked back on his body with emotion, "I didn't stand in the angle of elder brother, I always feel that elder brother is too enviable! Can say is omnipotent! But after staying with big brother for a long time, we will find that in fact, we only see the bright side, as for other aspects? Have you said it was intentional? ""Certainly! Would you have seen the back of your neck

Cao Zhen spread out his hands, "I don't know, but I'm very sure that I can't do it. Big brother is too wise! I think our family is very good now, the family is harmonious, although the son is a little naughty, but it is also a very normal thing! But it's certainly not like me. I was quiet when I was a child

"What do you mean?" Ding Ding Bai glanced at her husband, "are you talking about me on purpose?" After a slight hum, "did you call at home? I called mom and dad earlier, but they didn't say anything? What about you? " Ding Ding has some worries about this!

"No, but there are still some hints between the words." But Cao Zhen then also a smile, "my father and my mother's hidden meaning is very clear, but I also helpless! It's not something I can decide, is it? What's more, we all know the situation of big brother! I can't do anything about it

Looking at her husband's lazy appearance, Ding Ding Ding laughed! He tilted his head and looked at it for a period of time. "If you go to talk to big brother, I think he may tell you something! Would you like to have a try? "

"Ding Ding, do you think I'm too comfortable to live?" Cao Zhen felt that he was smoking a little. He was joking. He had never been involved in this aspect. You asked yourself to ask elder brother whether he would mention it or not. However, he knew that his peaceful life in the future would definitely be destroyed!

I was not such a talent, must go in this direction! What's the difference between this and looking for death?

Is this intentional? Can't see oneself now so leisurely?

"I think you've been a bit too lazy these two days! Dad and big brother got up early in the morning! How about you? You get up later than two children. What do you want to do? "

Cao Zhen immediately howled, "Ding Ding Ding, this can't be compared, is it good?" Its solid inside Cao Zhen is also some disdain, oneself is unable to get up, but it seems that you have no better than me! But if you think about it yourself, that's it! I dare not say that I am a little afraid!

Father in law and mother-in-law have never criticized themselves and Ding Ding Ding because of this, but it is not an easy thing to let Cao Zhen adjust things immediately. There are obvious differences and differences between work and rest time in big cities and small counties!

When Ding Yu and her two children find Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding, their leisure time is over. However, it is obvious that the two children are not in love with their parents now. They are playing with each other by Ding Yu's side!

Ding Ding's face is a little embarrassed, these two bunnies, just a few days?

But before Ding Ding Ding had any reaction, the two little guys drove their toy cars away! Ding Ding's mouth began to twitch! Obviously, I can't control myself!

"Brother, have you been idle these two days?"

Ding Yu took a look at her sister and could clearly feel the sour smell from her words!

"I feel better after taking them for two days, but if you want to say you have time, I don't object to it. I heard that there seems to be something wrong with my uncle. If you want to go there, I don't object!"

"Hum!" Ding Ding Ding expressed the most serious dissatisfaction with this! "Big brother, what do you want?"

"I have two operations to guide these two days. I need to go and have a look!"

"Wow!" Ding Ding gave a strange cry, and then looked at his elder brother with disgust, "if you don't say it, I almost forget it! You are a doctor, not a child king! "

"I've given their two children quite a task. If you'd like your mother to take them with them, I don't mind, but before that, I need to ask for your opinions and ideas."

"Two of us!" Ding Ding's "indignant" stare at his big brother!

Both the old lady and Su Quan know Ding Yu's actions in the past two days. Even Yang Chen's situation is also clear to them. Ding Yu's performance is very perfect. It seems that he doesn't deal with it very well. But in fact? But the best response!

And Wang Changlin and Su Yuan's husband and wife, especially Su Yuan, feel so surprised!

The boss didn't make any response. Is this still his eldest son? He has never been like this. Is there any other problem or situation? Or what's in it that you don't know?

But all of them are unknown to themselves. In addition to the old lady and Suquan, no one else knows the specific situation! Even her husband, they just made a little guess!

"I've thought about what you said earlier, but now it's a mess in your head!"

Su Yuan's face was sad, and he didn't have any ideas about the same thing! The next thing I don't know how to deal with it! Now can only be helplessly silly to wait, but is this really good?After all, I am a mother, although the relationship between myself and my son? It seems that there are some strange, but anyway, that is his eldest son! I feel that this matter of Mao bear, from the beginning to now, I have always been in a fog, and I can't see any direction clearly!

Wang Changlin is holding a cup of tea. He can't see how anxious his face is. He seems to be a little indifferent!

"As far as I'm concerned, the peace between the family and the boss is quite good for the family, including you, me and other people. Is it good for the outside world? It's also a wake-up call! "

When he said this, Wang Changlin could not help sighing that he was his mother. Whether it was the timing or the control of the matter, he was detached! If you let yourself deal with this time, you can't do it! It's too difficult! So now I have infinite emotion!

"What do you want to say?" Su Yuan rubbed his temple, thinking a little too much, the more he thought, the more headache!

"I said I could guess what the boss did next. Do you believe it?"

Yeah? Su Yuan couldn't help being distracted, "can you guess what the boss is doing? It's impossible, isn't it? "

"It's obvious! It's really not hard to guess. There are only two directions, one is from the medical team, and the other is it? It's from the summer camp! If it was you, which one would you choose? "

Su Yuan, ah, he seems to have really forgotten about the medical group!

"The medical team was sent by some people, but they didn't have any news, and the summer camp was a problem at home! If so, there seems to be quite a problem! " Su Yuan murmured to himself! "But if I choose, I'll consider summer camp!"

"It's a good choice, but not the best one!" Wang Changlin ordered a sentence!

"You mean two together?" Su Yuan couldn't help exclaiming, "if you do this, isn't it a little bit?"

"But it's just my own guess! In fact, I prefer him to go to the summer camp, but who knows what the boss will do, what's hard to say, and how to control the scale? I'm afraid we can't say clearly, that's what happened in these two days

But Ding Yu didn't surprise Wang Changlin and Su Yuan. He went to the hospital to guide the operation. However, he sat down on one side and expressed his opinions on a certain link. The specific control was still the doctor of the hospital, not to mention the medical team members sent by!

"Director, I haven't said thank you! The son of a bitch at home is doing very well

Ding Yu said, "Lin Dan Dan! Good little girl, very atmospheric, the previous time has been the monitor! This time, I'm the group leader again, but I'm a little far away from home. I don't know if I'm crying! "

"Hi! Happy bubble! Still crying?! Her mother and I are still worried! This time the child left home, the result is good! That's a lively one. I've read all the previous announcements! I've also talked to some parents! "

"What's the matter? It's too early to find someone to be a son-in-law now? "

Ding Yu made a rare joke, but he let Shi Ping sit there. He never knew that director Ding would be like this. At least in his own hearing, he never knew that director Ding was still such a good talker!

"Director, if your family Ding Chang, I absolutely have nothing to say!"

"You're a few years behind me. You're a bit of an old man!" Then Ding Yu's painting style also changed, "but if Ding Chang doesn't object, I don't have any opinions!"

Now it's Lin can's turn to shake his head! "Director, you are absolutely intentional. I have seen Ding Chang. But the two children don't call at all! You said, is it because of too familiar! So it's not easy to start? "

And other people in the operating room, also a burst of laughter!

Such things happen in the operating room is a very normal thing! Each surgeon's style is quite different!

Even Ding Yu has seen the chief surgeon listening to heavy metal music. He doesn't know what kind of mood they were at that time! As for Ding Yu? He does not have any special hobbies, like a little quiet environment, if there is external influence, Ding Yu won't care too much!

It's like today! Chatting with each other is also divergent pressure! It's normal!

"Group leader Shi, your child should go to university now?"

Shi Ping slightly Leng for a moment, and then solemnly nodded, "yes! Director Ding, I'm a junior now, and I'm going to be a senior soon. I'm studying law. I'm like I'm going to take the postgraduate entrance examination. My grades are pretty good. I don't know what I want to do in the future. " Speaking of his daughter, Shi Ping is very proud and proud!

However, what makes Shi Ping even more strange is the attitude of director Ding Yuding. In the past, there was communication, but the communication between them was at most medical communication, and there was never any other involvement. But what happened today?Although it's a little confusing, Shi Ping doesn't mean to refuse! At the same time, Shi Ping's heart is also greatly relieved, no matter what? It's time for me to explain! Just because you don't understand what you mean doesn't mean that others don't understand it, do you?

Anyway, now the headache is absolutely not myself, and I am not so worried about it! I have finished what I told myself! As for what has not been explained to myself, I have no intention to go beyond it!

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