After finishing the operation, Ding Yu took the lead in leaving! Even after washing, directly left the hospital! Did not go to do any stay! This is not the usual time!

After Shi Ping came out of the operating room! He mentioned quite a few things with others. Director Ding chatted with himself in the operating room, mainly because everyone mentioned the children's affairs. Director Ding casually said two words and took himself with him! And look at director Ding's mood, it seems good!

As for the follow-up, there will be no more! There are many other people in the operating room. They can't find a suitable opportunity. They talk to director Ding alone. After they come out, director Ding leaves! Let yourself go to director Ding? Even if their own head water! A paste, such things will not be done by themselves!

The relevant news was passed back at the first time, which surprised the people who sent the medical team!

Why do you say that? Although there is no movement on the surface of the Wang family and the Su family, we are still very concerned about it. But at this time, director Ding even chatted with the people of the medical group. What do you want to do? Take advantage of it?

Ding Yu immediately went to the farm, and Yang Chen behind Ding Yu was sweating like rain at this time! Although I don't know what happened, the director does things with his own! I'm not blind! You can't see anything!

Now Yang Chen really wants to close his eyes and regards himself as a wooden man!

Fortunately, there is a wooden man beside him, so even if he becomes a wooden man, there won't be too much embarrassment!

But how is it possible to close one's eyes in front of the director? Is this resistance to or dissatisfaction with the director?

Back to the farm side, Ding Yu deliberately went to see the management of these summer camp personnel! They are all from the farm. They are familiar with Ding Yu, but some are not. From the aspect of attitude, Ding Yu is very warm!

Although Ding Yu also knows that there must have been some problems at the top of the summer camp, and it is not a two person problem, but now Ding Yu does not mean to go to them for trouble!

Everyone has his own choice, since he has made a considerable choice, then he needs to pay a considerable price for his choice. It can't be said that you have eaten meat and you don't have to be beaten! There is no such thing! How is that possible?

You should know that although you have cut off the contact, this is only for some aspects. It is not to say that the consortium can not really connect with itself. This is two times! To a certain extent, this is the betrayal of Ding Yu! After all, carrying Ding Yu's bowl and eating the farm's rice!

So don't mention any other reasons, it's not necessary! And now even if the stone is said to bloom! What can we do? It doesn't make any sense! It's already happened!

Ding Yu came to take a look at the children who took part in the summer camp. He looked a little indifferent and said a few words to the people who organized the camp!

Then Ding Yu left! Come suddenly, walk is very indifferent! It's a little hard to understand!

But after Ding Yu made contact with the medical team and the summer camp people, there were so many people in the capital who couldn't stand it! What happened? Why does Ding Yu suddenly make such a choice at this time? What's behind it?

It seems like a small matter, but it happened to Ding Yu, and it also involved the medical team and the summer camp. There are some big problems in this! No one knows what will happen next?

And Ding Yu went back to the villa, just one of his own, there was no other person in the family!

"Director?" Yang Chen called out tentatively!

But did not get any response from Ding Yu! Ding Yu is honest with the walnut in his hand! But the walnut rotation speed is not so fast, even a little slow! It makes people feel extremely uncomfortable!

Yang Chen as long as the honest sitting on the wheelchair, even the atmosphere do not dare to breathe!

Things have nothing to do with yourself, OK? However, he is now in the middle of the position, that is called a hard ah! I can't even say what happened to such a thing. Am I unlucky?

"Qu he, Wang An, how are they doing?" After half a day, Ding Yu asked suddenly!

"Very good performance, with considerable leadership, and can drive other children! Relatively speaking, the other children's performance is still a little bit worse! "

"Nearly a week! Let a few of them leave? It's enough to guide you! Play a leading role, arouse the enthusiasm of other students, if they continue to stay there, it will cause a certain dimension of impact on other children, so it is counterproductive! It's very inappropriate! " Ding Yu is neither light nor heavy!

"Sir, what's next?"

"Whatever they want! This is their holiday. I have interfered with them for some time! Under such circumstances, it is not good to continue to take up their few self time! ""Yes! Sir, I'll let them know at once Qu he salutes respectfully and leaves!

When Wang An and his children got the notice, they didn't feel so abrupt, because they knew at the very beginning that they came to promote the atmosphere. Their father would never let them stay here for too long!

Now the atmosphere has been driven up, continue to leave them, there are many inappropriate! It's really the father's style, which makes these children feel that their roots are itchy, but that's it!

Led by Wang An, they left one after another. However, they didn't get rid of things directly. It was impossible for them to do things. No matter whether there was an explanation at home or not, or whether Ding Yu did, they would always have a beginning and end to do things. After giving the matter to their deputy, they made a considerable arrangement, and then they left! Instead of slapping your ass and leaving!

It's time for Ding Yu to go home, but it's time for them to enjoy the holiday! There's no need to come back and be annoying! Because there are already two troublemakers at home!

Hearing this, Ding Yun felt a little angry in his heart. His father was so hateful that he even said that he regarded himself as what these people were?

Many children gathered in Xiaogang's home, everyone washed away the floating dust on their bodies. It was a hard work all the way down! But everyone looked at Ding Yun's hair, and the corners of his mouth twitched! It's not weird in general!

The original long hair was cut short, and even came to a medium-sized hair, looks like a tomboy! The little girl touched her long hair and hid behind her brother's back, peeping at Ding Yun! It's a little scary!

"What's the matter? Ding Chang, are you laughing at me

The muscles on Ding Chang's face twitch a little. After a long time, he suddenly threw himself on the sofa. He laughed and slapped the sofa. He couldn't control himself! The gas Ding Yun jumps up, directly kicks Ding Chang to fly! I just cut my hair short. It's not a big deal!

How dare this bastard laugh at himself? He doesn't want to live? Right? Then Tong Tong and Wang Xiaogang didn't get any benefits. As for Wang An? He is the last victim. The furious Ding Yun doesn't care who you are!

Little girl? The situation is a little bit special, so we escaped!

The final one here should be Wang An and Ding Chang! Wang An's eyes are a little black, and Ding Chang is black and blue! Tong Tong and Wang Xiaogang both look at Ding Yun, and they both have some silly eyes. They even dare not have any words when they look at Ding Yun who leads the little girl to leave!

"This is terrible!" The two people almost spoke with one voice!

Ding Chang rubbed his face with ice, "I think it's necessary to complain to my father! How violent

"We still have something to clean up!" Are you kidding? Can't such a thing be done? If let Ding Yun know, then what kind of consequences it will have, the present is the best example!

No one complained, but the problem is that when Ding Yu chatted with the children, he looked at his daughter's hairstyle, which was slightly dull for a period of time, and then coughed gently, "the network seems to be a bit stuck!"

In a word, directly ignited Ding Yun's explosive bag, "Daddy, what do you mean by this?" Ding Yun is about to pinch her waist and look at her father! If two people are now face-to-face, maybe they have started the PK of real people now!

"It's refreshing!" Ding Yu blinked his eyes, "but it's very sharp. I think of your aunt when I see you! Your aunt liked it when she was little, because long hair was too much of a hindrance! Seeing your situation today, I think your aunt should be the most emotional! "

"Hum!" Ding Yun felt that she was not so angry! "They have no vision. It's very troublesome to work in the field. Besides, the weather is a little too hot now! So I thought of this way! What do you think, daddy

"I have personality. I'm not good at cleaning up, but my temper needs to be restrained." Ding Yu has noticed the situation of Wang An and Ding Chang on the screen. It seems that they have been cleaned up a bit!

With a joke, Ding Yu restrained his mood and said, "your vacation has begun! Whatever you want! So don't mention any requirements to me, I have quite a job! "

"Dad, let's be casual, right?"

"Yes For his son's careful thinking, Ding Yu is very clear, "if there is nothing, then hang up! There are other things on my side! " Also did not have too much attention, Ding Yu here hung up the video!

These children at home looked at each other, we discussed, and then went to the capital at the first time!

When Wang Changlin and Su Yuan knew that the children were back, they didn't feel too much weird. The children had already had a holiday! It's not a big deal to come back at this time. No matter what happens at home, it has nothing to do with these children!"What? Do you have other arrangements? " After having dinner with the children, Su Yuan asked casually!

"Well! The elder martial brother and the little girl need to go back, so does Tong Tong. Then there are quite a few things to do when they come back. Then they go to visit their mother. As for the rest, there are other arrangements already! "

Ding Chang is very happy to answer, his grandmother asked such a thing, what is the intention, I do not know, but I did not intend to hide anything, there is no need! So say what you have!

"Where's your father?"

"Dad is a bit like an old man. We didn't see him at all this time, and we didn't know what he was busy about. When we came back earlier, we still chatted through video, but Dad hung up soon!"

Ding Chang scratched his head and looked very distressed!

"You little devil?" Why can't Su Yuan hear that? It's because I can hear that, I'm a little impressed by my grandson. Did he hide it? In my opinion, there is no concealment, but it is precisely because there is no concealment that I feel so difficult to do. Looking at his small face, Su Yuan feels a little unable to help it!

However, Ding Chang was pinched by her grandmother, and she felt a little swollen. Why did everyone bully herself? Besides Ding Yun and Wang Xiaogang, they were more suitable? In this regard, Ding Chang has a bit of bitterness!

After the children had left, Su Yuan looked at her husband and said, "your situation is a little strange tonight! Why didn't you say anything? Is the baby back? Are you not happy? "

"It's not the right time. It's a little strange." Wang Changlin said his heart worry! "I always feel that there seems to be quite a situation behind this, but some of them are not clear about it!"

"Do you think there will be quite a change in the boss?" Su Yuan's heart immediately raised, "it's also true. The medical team and the summer camp have all passed! That didn't come as a surprise to you, but did he send the children back? It seems that this is a very normal thing! What's the problem? "

Looking at his wife's worried appearance, Wang Changlin shook his head, "can't say, just have a kind of very inexplicable feeling! Don't you think it's too natural for them to come back? "

"What on earth do you want to say?" Su Yuan feels a little puzzled. How many children are back? Isn't this good? What's more! It's normal for children to have a holiday! And come back! Although they are young, they are not ignorant! So they have other plans for the summer vacation!

"I don't know, either!" Wang Changlin laughed bitterly, "no one knows what our eldest brother thinks. After meeting with the medical team and the summer camp, the eldest brother did not have any movement. He gave the impression to outsiders. Everything was normal, but what happened behind the normal? Do you think this is the way of our family? "

"It seems that it is not really. The boss is never the master who is afraid of the hard and the soft!" Su Yuan shook his head, "but this time he returned to the capital, the quadrangle guests are not so many!" Some words Su Yuan did not directly say, "then the boss went back! Even go very embarrassed, this is not the style of the boss

"Yes! After the hair bear thing started, the boss's reaction was like a changed person! Too many things with the usual style! Even the sudden contact, it is difficult to say that it is a person

"The boss has other ideas behind his back, which I can understand, but we..."

In the middle, Su Yuan didn't know how to go on! Boss, he always doesn't like the things that are mixed with him at home. To be exact, it is the family that causes him considerable harm. Therefore, he expresses his strong antipathy towards the equivalent things!

This is also one of the reasons why the family keeps a relative balance with him all the time!

Of course, there are also some reasons for this? The consortium behind him is a little too big!

But anyway? The family didn't want to have any disputes with Ding Yu again. Ding Yu could bear it, but for the Wang family and the Su family, they didn't have such a situation!

This is also the reason why Su Yuan has so many worries! If there is any so-called deviation in this case, how to deal with it? I can't think about it at all!

But after considering, Su Yuan was really not good to have any action. First of all, he tried her husband, but he didn't mean to do so. What's more? The people who made this happen are my mother-in-law and brother! What else can you do?

"For now? Will the children be there tomorrow? "

Su Yuan looked at her husband and said, "OK, I get it!" Children's own past is not to say can not, but since said this to themselves, that is to tell themselves, also follow the past!The next day, Su Yuan took the children to visit Wang Pu and the old lady. Wang Pu and the old lady were very happy about the arrival of the children, but at the same time, they had some doubts!

It's a good thing that the kids are here, but what do you say? There's something unusual about it!

When the children came back, Wang Pu and the old lady had already got the news. But as far as they knew, the children seemed to be taking part in the farm activities, but now they stopped and suddenly turned back? There is no problem in this? I'm afraid I don't believe it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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