But from the performance of grandson, he is very cooperative with the action of the family!

The degree of cooperation even makes Wang Pu and the old lady feel a little unconvinced. Is this still the grandson of his family? How could he be so clever? Is there something wrong with your head?

You should know that the family has been well prepared, but did not think that grandson there is no action! You can do whatever you want! It doesn't matter! As long as you are happy!

But it is also because of this, Wang Pu and the old lady are so uncertain! What does grandson want?

Grandson did not respond to this matter, it is too strange! Strange people some can not accept, how can he be so insipid? At least clean up the people who run the summer and winter camps, right? That's what makes sense!

Because what they did was a kind of betrayal to Ding Yu, but Ding Yu didn't have any expression here! There is no action, not to mention the consortium here in charge of this matter of personnel, now the heart is also extremely worried!

Don't they know what's going on? Yes, of course!

But at that time, I was dizzy. Of course, a considerable number of people wanted to be opportunistic!

What's more, up to now, Ding Yu still has no response. Does this mean that Ding Yu is under pressure from the Wang family and the Su family, so there is no way out? Hard to say! But anyway! Now everything is too much to stop! But behind the calming down, this kind of dull pressure makes people a little restless!

Even Wang Pu and the old lady feel the heavy pressure behind this, which is a bit unbearable!

And this pressure comes from the direction of their grandson! When he doesn't speak, it feels more frightening than talking. At least when he speaks, everyone knows what he is thinking. But if he doesn't speak, who knows what he is thinking? And who knows what he's preparing for behind this?

What is involved in this is not a matter of self-interest!

However, when they saw these children, especially Ding Yun, Wang Pu and the old lady rubbed their eyes, and even took the initiative to look at the attendant beside them. There was no daze!

Ding Yun's small face is bulging again, very angry, but in the eyes of Wang Pu and the old lady, her great granddaughter is really not lovely in general! At this point, she is quite different from her father!

For this, the old lady's expression is not just rubbing Ding Yun's head so simple!

And such action is to let Ding Chang and Wang Xiaogang two people have a little taste, this is not intentional?

Several children left after supper because there were still some things to do! They also need to visit uncle Liu!

But Wang Pu and the old lady looked at the children who left, and looked at each other!

"What do you think the boss will do? For such a long time, I have given quite a lot of feedback, and this feedback is expected. But what does it seem to hide behind the feeling of home? "

The old lady shook her head. "I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. If I let you know, I'll let you know. But if I don't want to let you know, I can't find out. I thought when he would start to rebel against him, but now there is still no action. I didn't think of him It will be so calm! "

"Expected things, but there are so many deviations!" Wang Pu snorted, "but at this point, I think you can rest assured that he will never give up on those people. As for his character, is it you don't know or I don't know, but now is not the right time."

The old lady is also very clear about this. In terms of her grandson's character of being vindictive, these people betrayed him naked. Under such circumstances, it's strange that the boss will spare them! Even if the Wang family and the Su family want to stop it, it is impossible! Because it can't be stopped!

To be exact, when they make quite a choice, they are doomed to their fate! No one has forced you to make such a choice, have you? It's just the choice you made yourself, so no matter what the consequences, you can't have too much resentment!

"How long do you think the boss will stay like this? What's more, will there be any action in other aspects? "

"It's hard to say, with the first and second time, there will be countless times. This is a certain thing. Although we all don't know what happened, the matter on the Maoxiong side has not been solved. Moreover, the eldest is still in the wheelchair. Everyone is speculating. After the speculation, there must be some trial!"

Several children visited Taoist priest Liu, and then returned to the quadrangle. The next day, they separated and separated, and the speed was slightly faster. After meeting again, they went to Taixi? From the above time, it is a little bit hasty, and I don't know if it is because of Ding Yu's urging behind!But it doesn't look like this! Because as far as I know, Ding Yu has been playing with his two nephews these days. It's so idle that people can't understand it!

But after such a long time, things over there have come to an end! The great emperor personally called Ding Yu. For such a long time, Ding Yu has been maintaining considerable restraint, which is a very difficult thing!

It's not that Ding Yu is a irascible person, but Ding Yu has suffered such a big blow. Under such circumstances, Ding Yu can still keep quite calm, which is not an easy thing in itself!

But for the emperor, the scope of the things he needs to investigate and deal with is really too large! Absolutely not in a moment and a half can complete, now can complete these, for him, is already exhausted! However, the effect is still very obvious, and even the effect on the whole interior is immeasurable!

"My business has been arranged on the whole! It may take quite a while to finish! " The emperor's voice is a little tired, there is no way to do things, there are so many internal problems, we must take tough measures, but it also involves many other aspects of the problem, this period of time, I can say that I have no leisure!

"I can understand that in my personal opinion, the time is still a little bit too hasty! My injury is not much better now, it needs quite a period of time to adjust, if I can, I can wait until after the Chinese new year, finally have such idle time, can not be so wasted! Isn't it? "

"Ha ha, your mind seems a little too good! But as far as I know, it doesn't seem like that! "

In the face of the emperor's taunt, Ding Yu gently laughed, "how normal it is! I don't mean that I can't see it. I step back, they go further. I step back two steps, they go forward two steps! Yes, of course! The pace of each other may be slightly different, but the general situation is not too much difference! "

"When I have time, I should send you an invitation!"

"Let me stop for a moment! I am still very honest now, honest and honest to stay at home, although there are quite a number of people who expressed a peeping attitude! But how? At least there are no other problems! "

"I see! I hope you can recover soon

"If you have time, I would like to invite you to my manor. Although the place may not be large, the scenery is unique! It's impossible to accompany you to hunt. After all, our country has clear regulations on this, but there should not be too many problems with you when you go hunting. " Ding Yu also sent out his invitation at this time!

After thinking for a while, the emperor said, "I'm very interested."

He didn't dare to say that directly! Because in his position, there are too many times can not be autonomous! It's one time to be a good friend with Ding Yu, but when it comes to another level, it's another thing! Can't wait to take it for granted, but I'm really interested in it!

When he put down the phone, Ding Yu closed his eyes, as if he was resting, but he seemed to be thinking about something. No one can say clearly what Ding Yu is thinking now! What's more, there are no other people around Ding Yu. After all, Ding Yu is in the study now! And this place is not accessible to ordinary people!

When waiting for the mobile phone to ring, Ding Yu just seemed to be startled. She lifted her eyelids and took a look at the mobile phone on the desktop, but she just looked at it, without any attention! Look at this meaning, Ding Yu is intentional!

The phone has been ringing, but Ding Yu seems not to have heard it at all! Is it not intentional to annoy the caller? You didn't do that?! After three minutes of ringing, the phone finally stopped!

Anyway, I just won't take it. What can you do?

And Ding Yu closed his eyes again, as if the external things had nothing to do with him. As for the previous telephone ringing, it was just a small adjustment for him! More of this is not much, less of this a lot, to a certain extent, is chicken ribs, tasteless food, it is a pity to abandon!

Su Quan knocked on his head, the phone did not get through, this is in his own expectations, and from the news that he got, his nephew is on purpose!

Although Yang Chen is there with his nephew, it is absolutely impossible to let Yang Chen rush in front of him at this time. After all, Yang Chen stayed in Ding Yu's place to study, not to be a Wuzai there! But I really want to know what they talked about during the call!

But his nephew did not give any face! I don't mean to answer my phone!

Although a little angry, but Su Yuan is not said that can not understand, after all, such a thing? It's not the first time! Especially at this time, as for other means? Are you kidding? Do you really think Ding Yu is a vegetarian, or do you think the emperor is a vegetarian?However, this matter is really more important for Suquan. If you know something about it, you can have a good layout here! But what about his nephew? How to say it's good? It seems to be a bit too much to say that he can't focus on the overall situation! But it seems that his too much personality seems to be quite inappropriate!

In the evening, Luo Xuan arrived at the villa side, some of them came suddenly, and some of them were in a hurry!

When they saw Luo Xuan, both Qu he and Yang Chen were surprised. They didn't expect Luo Xuan to come here. You know, Luo Xuan's position in the farm is very special. It's not enough to say that he is a high-level official. Now, he has come here?

"Here I am, sir!"

Seeing Ding Yu sitting on the wheelchair, Luo Xuan's eyes couldn't help narrowing! The eyes are a little sharp!

"You haven't eaten yet? Is it here or outside? " Ding Yu really has no other meaning! It's the same whether you eat at home or outside! How about eating here? Maybe a little bit restrained, eating out? Talk between each other may need a little attention!

"Sir, may I have to change it?"

"You The expression on Ding Yu's face immediately loosened! "All right, I'll book a place first!"

The place that Ding Yu settled down is not particularly high-end. The small county town does not mean that there is no high-end place, but there are. The meeting between Ding Yu and Luo Xuan is not business oriented, so it does not need to be too formal. It is not necessary for Ding Yu or Luo Xuan to meet!

Ding Yu's dress is very casual, and Luo Xuan's dress is a little business, there is no way to do it, because when he came over, he brought two sets of clothes, except for the formal dress, that's it! What's more, it seems that there is no time to go shopping at this time!

"From where?"

"One of the previous talks, and then I went to a plane!" On the table, Ding Yu and Luo Xuan were alone. Luo Xuan poured a glass of water to Ding Yu. "It's still easier, but there's no airport here. If there's an airport, the speed may be faster!"

"Hey, it's not up to you and me to decide, and it's not so appropriate to build an airport here. The place is a little bit small!" Ding Yu motioned to Luo Xuan, "do you know the specific situation?"

"Well! I already know it! " Luo Xuan's expression is somewhat cruel!

"It's OK to know that!" Ding Yu seems not so concerned about this! "In recent years, the development of the farm is still very good, along with the development of the entire consortium is also quite good!"

Luo Xuan solemnly nodded his head, things do not need direct explanation, there is no need!

People in charge of the summer camp have had quite a lot of problems. Even because of the development of the past two years, people from farms and consortia have had quite a lot of problems. The consortium is a little better. At least Luo Xuan is not required to be in charge of it. However, the people in charge of the farm and summer camp absolutely need Luo Xuan to be in charge of it. This is also the reason why Ding Yu seeks him here!

"No matter which department, cooperate with each other and deal with one another! I don't care what their origins are. Since they have made their own choice, they must pay for this choice! "

"I see!" Luo Xuan did not have any refusal, and even vaguely felt his excitement. There are always people who can't bear the devil in their heart, or quite a number of people have chosen to take an inch. Now they need to bear such a price! And from the current situation, this price is absolutely not affordable for ordinary people!

"I'll go back all night at night!"

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Ding Yu asked with some doubts, "the dumplings are already in the pot! The problem is what to eat! It doesn't matter a little earlier or later! Since some people want us to respond a little bit, we can't let them down too much, can we? "

Luo Xuan came to Ding Yu's side of the news, for the capital, is not so secret!

Even Wang Pu and the old lady, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan knew the specific situation at the first time!

The boss called Luo Xuan in the past. They all knew Luo Xuan's identity clearly. He occupied a very important position in the farm system, and he was pulled up by Ding Yu! At this time, I suddenly went to see Ding Yu. There was no reason for that. How could it be possible?

What's more, as far as they know, the great emperor of Maoxiong has made contact with his boss. At such a delicate moment, the boss immediately has a certain action. Does it mean that the matter of Mao bear has come to an end, and Ding Yu is ready to start the next step? It's hard to say!

But it's hard to say, it doesn't mean there's no speculation at all! Maybe the boss is going to do it!

If Ding Yu is ready to make some moves, who is the best target? It certainly won't be outside forces, so the farm is the best target. Ding Yu must be dissatisfied with the previous moves of the Wang family and the Su family! But he did not have any words, so now there is such a chance! What would Ding Yu do?Why is time so clever? This is really a few people do not understand!

It can only be chance, otherwise how to say?

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