Ding Yu didn't mean to meddle in his own affairs. When his mother asked about it, he also looked on. He felt a little bit of this in his heart. That's all. There was no other expression. Ding Ding also glared at his big eyes and took a look at him. The threat was strong.

Ding Yu didn't look at Ding Ding's threat at all. He just didn't want to disturb his father and mother's interest. After dinner, the nanny also called, and the two little guys had already gone to bed. Although they said they had just come back, the work and rest time was still adjusted very well.

Since the two little guys have gone to sleep, there is no need for Dad and mom to follow each other. But even if it is like this, my father and mother also went to visit, mainly because they are not sure where the children live, whether there will be other problems and situations, it's hard to say! Two people are not at ease.

Ding Yu's courtyard is really not small. After seeing it, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying are very satisfied. What about Da Jun and Lin Qian? I've been stunned for a long time. Just like joking, on the ground of the capital, such a place is not too bad to say an inch of land and an inch of gold.

The army was quickly involved in it, but it was not as huge as Lin Qian's reaction. Lin Qian had such a lot of sadness in her heart. When looking for the army, he was a child of the poor people's family. He was hardworking and had a very good personality. But he thought that there was such a big backing behind this?

My mother didn't like the army and thought he was a farmer's child, not worthy of himself. But now, do you think his identity is worthy of others? This problem is really open to discussion. However, judging from the situation of the army these two days, it seems that the relationship between each other has become more intimate, even less estrangement.

For Lin Qian, it was a surprise.

When they came, the two little guys had already gone to bed. The one who was sleeping was called xiangtian. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying also carefully checked the conditions. The conditions here are quite good. Unfortunately, the appliances are all over the daughter's side. Otherwise, I'm afraid the old couple will live there.

"Dad, mom, I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow. The place here is more affluent, better than Ding Ding Ding, and the traffic here is better." Ding Yu understood the feelings of his parents very much, so he also sent out the most sincere invitation. It is much better to say this directly than his parents put forward.

Ding Ding Lengleng hum a, "also did not see here is better than me there to go, Dad, mom, I think or live in my place better!" Brother and sister are also for this problem. It seems that some of them are more serious. Ding Yu looks at his sister and smiles slightly, which is more or less weird.

Looking at his brother's smile, Ding Ding Ding also heavily breathed heavily, "just know to bully me! Hum It's obvious that I've been running all day? I was caught by my brother. What about this problem? Ding Ding still felt some problems and conditions.

Even if the two little guys had been sleeping early, Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying left when it was dark. When they left, they turned around one step at a time, and they were very reluctant to give up. Of course, they didn't give up Ding Yu, but they didn't give up the two little guys. Although there was a nanny, what about Ding Yu? Still feel so a little uneasy! He's just a big boy.

Not long after his father and mother left, someone called Ding Yu's mobile phone. Ding Yu didn't look at it and knew how it happened. Then he opened the door and watched the two old people come in from the outside. Both of them seemed to be excited.

Ding Yu said hello, and then walked in front of the position, led the two old people to the baby room. Looking at the two little guys who were sleeping soundly, the old lady hesitated for a moment, but also reached out and touched it twice. Then her face also showed a knowing smile. The little guy was really quite cute.

If it wasn't for the little guy falling asleep, maybe the old lady would have picked it up. But even if she didn't, the old lady was lying on the side of the children's bed, looking at the two little guys carefully. However, Wang Pu made a sign to Ding Yu, and then they went to another room.

Ding Yu nods to the nanny and asks her to send some tea. He doesn't have much love for tea. When he is abroad, he drinks most of his coffee. What happens after he comes back? Also did not have this aspect preparation, must know faces but the old man, regarding Ding Yu's not prepared, the old man does not have too many reproaches the meaning.

Even if you want to blame, you don't have the confidence or even the courage in this aspect. This child is really different from other children. What about the Wang family? There are not too many ideas and opinions, not afraid of your demand, afraid that you have nothing, this is the most troublesome.

But Ding Yu seems to have nothing to ask for from the Wang family. On the contrary, the Wang family has something to do with Ding Yu. He just took 230 million yuan from Ding Yu's hand. "Have you had a hard time these years?""How are you! A kind of life experience, after experiencing more, for some things are also more open, do not experience the wind and rain, how to see the rainbow? " Ding Yu's words are very indifferent, but at the same time it is also revealed, a little bitter, the old man still felt this.

"I heard you left the army voluntarily."

When the old man suddenly asked this question, Ding Yu was slightly stunned. Then he took a look at the old man and did not answer the question. Although he said that he had been in a high position, some things could be said. What about some things? Let's forget it! We can't disclose some of our problems and conditions in the army.

"It's been a long time, and I've almost forgotten it!" Ding Yu gave a very vague answer. If you can investigate it, it's your own skill, but don't think about it from my mouth. I will never say it. After all, this involves some military affairs.

And what about the relationship between the military and itself? It's not just simple, but there are some cooperation in other aspects behind. These cooperation can not be exposed. After hearing Ding Yu's words, the old man also nodded his head slightly. When

investigated the child's situation earlier, he heard some of the wind in this area. He seemed to have some ties with the military. Now, it is right enough. From his unwillingness to answer his own words, one or two of them can be heard. For himself, this is a very simple thing.

"Will you settle abroad in the future?" It is an acceptable thing for the old man to have contact with the military. He was born in the military and later transferred to politics. But will he be abroad in the future? For the old man, he feels that he has some worries. Is this worry? It's just out of the concern of the elders, and it doesn't mean anything else.

"Run on both ends? It depends on the situation. When I was an exchange student, I signed a certain agreement with the school! " Ding Yu's reply was more cautious. "I talked to the hospital during the day. On the one hand, it was because of fulfilling the agreement, on the other hand, it was to increase some experience with myself."

This thing is more comfortable for the old man. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "what about the mother of the child? I know that this is your own private matter. I, an old man, should not ask. If it is convenient for you, I still want to know some news and information about relevant aspects. At least when your parents ask, I know how to say it! "

"Korean, love is very good, marriage has been considered, but she is so some resistance!" When Ding Xitai comes in, she doesn't want to talk too much.

But the old lady also knows that she can't waste too much time because of the two little guys. Who knows how the old man talks with the child? If there is really any embarrassing situation, I can come out and play a round, but from the situation and situation I see, it seems that it is not bad.

Two people looked at each other, and then the old man also went to the baby room to watch the children, because there was no one around. The old man also stretched out his hands and touched the faces of the two little guys. They were like crystal babies. They even expected to take a bite on the faces of the two little guys. It was so cute.

"Is the old man too serious?" The old lady also said with a smile, what about this child? The old lady was really satisfied with her feelings. In addition to her indifference, everything else was ok, "your grandfather! When I was young, I worked in the military, but later I moved to the local area. This character has been developed and it is difficult to change it! "

"Very kind!" Ding Yu said with a smile, but this smile? "I've heard of some of my grandfather's deeds, even when I was a child, but I never thought that this would be my grandfather." It's more or less flattering.

Of course, the old lady recognized the other meanings of the words, but just a smile, "where's your money? I've solved a lot of problems in my family. What I'm thinking about now is when to disclose this information to your parents, but I still need to ask for your opinions on this matter! "

For a long time, everyone has not talked about this issue, but the old lady thinks that it's time to face some problems. If we don't face them again, it's really too late. At this time, the old lady also pays attention to Ding Yu's expression.

But to my disappointment, the child didn't have much touch and feeling. The old lady sighed, "I have a lot of things on my side. I may be busy at this stage. Let's wait for the situation to stabilize." Ding Yu's words have the feeling of some excuse.

The old lady's eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled, and she replied that she was not very satisfied. If it was the other children in the family, although she had not slapped her face, she could still reprimand her. But what about the child in front of her? I really dare not, or there are so many reluctant.While the elder sister came into the room, Sheng Hai also took some pictures for the two children. The photos were very clear. As for the useful ones or the useless ones, what about Sheng Hai's heart? There are also some exclamations, for the affairs of the sophomore! I don't know what I should say. From now on, it involves a lot.

After coming out from Ding Yu, the spirit of the old man and the old lady is pretty good, but what about the face? It seems that they all have some sad looks. What is the reason? Naturally, we don't need to say more, "the character of this child! It seems a little bit stubborn. This is really not a good thing

"I don't think it's stubborn. It's more difficult to accept emotion." The old lady also said in a low voice, "if he is an ordinary person, do you think this time is not the same?"

This also makes the old man have some exclamations. If the child is an ordinary person, then the situation is absolutely different. But the problem is that the child is not an ordinary person now, which also adds a lot of trouble to persuade him.

After getting on the bus, Shenghai also released the photos taken with the digital camera, and soon attracted the interest of the old man and the old lady. The two people also sat there and began to comment, "Hey, look at the eyes and the corners of the mouth. I think it's the same nature to follow our sophomore!"

"Well, that's it." After all, he was not a person. The old man also had some meaning of being pinched. The old lady was also amused, "Shenghai! Let's develop the photos, but don't let others see them for the time being, let alone the lovely children

The next morning, when Ding Yu was still exercising in the yard, her father and mother came over. Ding Ding Ding seemed to be awake, but she was also familiar with it. She soon found an empty room and continued to sleep on the bed. Now, she didn't even mean to condemn her.

When they came, they were still awake, but what do you mean? It seems to be almost the same. Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying put down their own things, and then they went to guard the two little guys. When Ding Yu was about to exercise, his father and mother had already carried the little guys out.

In the morning, this spirit seems not to be generally lively, "Mom, this hot day, still holding, you are not too hot?" Ding Yu looked at his mother's appearance, but also said with emotion. The little guy didn't seem to have the feeling of this aspect. He nibbled at his grandmother from time to time, which was very intimate.

Zhao Shuying takes a look at Ding Yu. She doesn't care. She still holds her grandson. The courtyard is very big. Although it's Midsummer, what about the courtyard? It's lush and cool. It's not hot at all. It's obvious that someone has cleaned it up. Otherwise, it won't be such a beautiful scene in front of you.

Just before noon, Ding DingCai got up from the bed. She went to bed late last night and got up early in the morning. She didn't drive. Her father didn't know the way, so she needed to direct her own way. Otherwise, she didn't have to sleep in the cage. But she had a beautiful sleep.

Where's the courtyard, brother? The environment was very good. Ding Ding Ding came to the middle of the courtyard and played with her nephew and niece for a while. Her mother was watching the goldfish in the bathtub with them. She didn't know whether it was a goldfish. Anyway, she was such a name. The two little guys were a little excited.

Looking at the old brother reading in the shade over there, Ding Ding Ding also sat down without any politeness, and then the nanny also sent a cup of coffee over, "brother, say something!" Ding Yu took off his eyes. By the way, he put the pen in his hand. He didn't have much rest all morning. It's good to relax his eyes.

"I went to see Lin Qian's parents, that's the mother-in-law of the army. It's the best One word is enough to describe, "Qianqian is very good, at least I think it is very good, but now the conflict in their home seems to be a little serious, Qianqian's work is also affected."

"If you get into trouble, you can handle it yourself!" It's not that Ding Yu is really cold and heartless, but such a thing is really a small matter for Ding Yu and does not need too much attention. "By the way, what is the reason why the mother-in-law of the army disagrees! Is there anything wrong with the army? "

"That mother-in-law dislikes the poor and loves the rich. You also know about the situation of my uncle's family, and the army has never said anything arranged for him at home, so naturally, she is disgusted. Qianqian also has a younger brother, a treasure in the family, and a series of problems! The army asked me for a job

"Oh, so it is. You can think about it yourself. I thought it was a big deal." When he spoke, Ding Yu was ready to put on his eyes again, but then he remembered something, "the army's affairs are easy to solve. What about your affairs? Do you have any letters? "

"Ha ha, it's a nice day today!" Then Ding Ding ran to her little nephew and niece. She didn't want to pay attention to her brother's meaning. She was joking. She didn't want too many people to pay attention to her own affairs.www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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