"Call back the daughter-in-law of Changlin! I said something was going to discuss with her, and then let Sheng Hai go to talk to the second grader about the related matters. The two people said separately, what do you think? " After the old man and the old lady discussed, he also made the decision in this respect. Now it is appropriate to talk about this aspect with the people in the family at this time.

There was no room for relaxation at the original time, but now it is different. Wang Yang came to Beijing with his mother. There was nothing in his family. Moreover, it would be better to contact with the Olympic Games in a close way. As for Su Yuan, there was no idea that much.

And in the home of Wang Changlin looked at the Sheng Hai Sheng uncle, some can not touch the feeling of the mind, what is this meaning? Call his wife to the capital city, and then let uncle Sheng come to his side. What happened in the family? Front end time brother-in-law actually has some problems, but I heard that has been solved? Is there any follow-up?

When I was hesitant, Sheng Hai nodded to wangchanglin, and then he was also asked to prepare for his own. Obviously, there was something important to tell myself. Otherwise, it would never be so required. Uncle Sheng had worked in his home for so many years, and all the people in his family respected him very much.

Wang Changlin did not ask why, and then arranged the meeting place in his study. The study was not very large. Sometimes Wang Changlin handled some documents in the study, so he asked to be comfortable and quiet. Then Sheng Hai also showed Wang Changlin a little, and let him sit on the chair.

Then he opened his briefcase, which was filled with documents and photos. Wang Changlin was so confused. However, when Uncle Sheng Haisheng put the photos in front of him, Wang Changlin also stood up in a hurry. The face of the whole person also suddenly rose red, and his expression was also so small.

"Sit down, calm down!" Sheng Hai is also comforting to say, after the photos are set, Sheng Hai also explains that, "elder sister once met on the road, you may also know the news in this regard! You may also know the news, but there has been no news for a long time. "

Wang Changlin nodded, "I heard Su Yuan said this thing, at that time I thought it was a familiar face, such a situation is normal, but did not expect to be true, at the beginning, it seems that there was a lot of strength in the home, but there was no effect?"

"He went abroad at that time, so we didn't find it, after all, the world was too big!" Sheng Hai also took a sip of tea. "Later, my elder sister went to the hospital to see an old subordinate, which was Qu Lao, and I met it. I went to investigate myself later, and compared it with many institutions, without any problems! It's exactly the same. "

"Where is the child now? How is his life? " Wang Changlin can't be too anxious! The child was still in the infancy lost, in the early years, he never gave up looking, and then did not give up. But his thoughts on this aspect have been extinguished, but he did not expect that more than 20 years later, his son suddenly came out.

"It was adopted by a family in the county-level city in northern China. The living conditions were OK. The foster father was a doctor and the foster mother was a teacher. He cultivated his children very well. However, he suffered some difficulties in high school. His family paid a great price to make him go to the army. Later, there were some problems and conditions in the military. After retirement, he learned medical treatment. Now, he is a doctor A very famous doctor is a small name in the industry! "

Sheng Hai also briefly introduced Dingyu's situation. "Although elder sister knew the situation of the child very early, what about other considerations? It's not open! " When it comes to this, Sheng Hai hesitated. "There are many problems and situations involved in it! For the time being, it's just for you to know. "

As the father of the child, Wang Changlin also opened his eyes. He could feel it from Uncle Sheng Haisheng's mouth. It must be serious behind this. Otherwise, he would not say that. Moreover, even her needs such a long layout because of her understanding of her mother. There must be problems in it.

The only thing I don't know is what kind of problem he has involved. Wang Changlin feels anxious in his heart. "I can't tell you about this problem now, but there was something wrong with my family in the past. I'm afraid you know that Su Yuan was also in Beijing at that time!"

"It's about this kid?" Wang Changlin knew the matter, and he suddenly remembered it. It seemed that he borrowed 230 million from other places. "It's the child who took the hand?"

Sheng Hai nodded, "yes, there were many difficulties in the family at that time. If we had other help, there would be all kinds of situations. This is what I don't want to see in my family. So the elder sister also called the child. This is the general situation!"

Wang Changlin was also slightly surprised. It was 230 million. This figure seems to be a little big. Although he said he was in this position, his money and wealth far exceeded the number, but the problem was that the money of the country did not have any relationship with himself. So it was surprising to hear his son take the money out."Isn't he a doctor? How can you come up with such a large sum of money? "

"I don't know much about this problem. The military may know something about it!" Sheng Hai also made a hint in this respect. Wang Changlin was stunned after listening to it. It is obvious that he has understood the problems and conditions inside. "But what level is involved? There may be other situations in this one!"

At the same time, in the capital, the old lady also told her daughter-in-law about this situation. When she saw the photo of Ding Yu, Su Yuan could not control her emotions. Her tears simply couldn't stop flowing down. She had encountered such scenes in her dream countless times, but she really didn't expect that there would be such a day.

"Mom, what about the others? Why isn't he here? "

After hearing this, the old lady was also silent for a while. "Now you are in the capital, but you are not suitable to see him now. Because of the Olympic Games, he has taken over his adoptive father and adoptive mother. I have seen this child several times. His feelings with his adoptive father and mother are very special. If you contact him rashly, you are likely to be rebellious."

Su Yuan felt a little puzzled. He was his own son. Why did he go to see his son and have such or such problems, "Mom, how could it be like this?"

"It may have something to do with his experience. I'm not so clear about this. The investigation is not very detailed. It is widely said that he has a certain relationship with the military, but whether there is such an aspect, no one knows!" The old lady also slowly said this aspect of the problem.

After hearing this, Su Yuan also controlled her tears, but before she could speak, she heard the old lady continue to say, "what about this child? In terms of emotion, I'm not good at it. I've talked to him about this, but I'm not sure what he thinks in his heart. It's very troublesome! "

"The child does not want to come back?" Su Yuan also tentatively said that this problem was so incredible to her, how could it be like this? This is simply impossible! No matter how good other people's home is, it's not your own home! Does this child really not understand?

The old lady shook her head. "I'm afraid you and the waiter can only ask about this question. Your father and I will ask about something that is not suitable or even quite abrupt. However, I still need to say that you are not suitable to see him now. After all, there are many opportunities to see him in the future. At least for the past six months, he will be in China Inside

Su Yuan didn't sleep in the whole night. He was holding a picture of Ding Yu in his hand. He had been waiting for dawn to fall asleep, but soon he woke up and said, "Mom, how did your eyes swell?" Wang Yang wakes up early and sleeps in here. He just finds himself uncomfortable.

But what about mother? It seems that some of them are in low spirits. Is there a situation? Otherwise, how could mother be like this? Su Yuan took a look and shook his head. "Nothing happened. By the way, where did you go last night? I didn't see you all night."

"How many friends did you meet?" Wang Yang didn't mean to hide anything. Su Yuan nodded and didn't mean to ask in detail. This also made Wang Yang feel a little strange. If something really happened at home, his mother would definitely warn him and restrain his behavior, but the problem is that his mother didn't say anything.

Looking at the grandfather and grandmother who came, Wang Yang was also in a hurry to stand up. The old man and the old lady looked at their daughter-in-law's appearance and did not say anything. It was very normal, so they also sat down to prepare for breakfast. At this moment, Wang Yang was more curious. His mother was already like this. How could the reaction of his grandfather and grandmother be indifferent?

After dinner, I heard grandma say, "Su Yuan! You should have a good discussion with the second child about this matter. Wang Yang and his brother and sister should also know that everyone is a family. It is not a bad thing to find a suitable opportunity to have a good talk with them! But don't spread it out. "

Wang Yang, after his grandfather and grandmother left, also leaned on his mother's side. "Mom, what's the matter? My grandfather and grandma's faces are so serious! What's more, your eyes are black. You didn't sleep well last night, right? It's not about my dad, is it? You've just been separated for a day

"Dead child, what are you talking about?" Su Yuan also photographed his son for a while, but then he also remembered something, "you prepare a car, a lower profile car, you drive, go out with me!" This saying can't be refused. Wang Yang has nothing to do anyway, so he nods.

Under the guidance of his mother, Wang Yang also drove to a Hutong, "Mom, are you looking for someone?" Su Yuan slightly waved his hand. What about his son? In the middle of this quadrangle, my mother-in-law gave her information last night, which was very clear, but separated by a wall, I couldn't see each other.After waiting for the whole morning, Wang Yang had already slept in the driver's seat, which was a bit boring. However, in front of his mother, he could not say anything. However, the rest last night was also very good, so this sleep did not last too long.

What's more, as the time approaches noon, I really feel a little hungry. Just as I'm ready to speak, the gate of the courtyard in the distance is suddenly opened. Wang Yang blinks his eyes and looks at it. He doesn't care much about it, but he finds his mother lying on the window directly.

When Ding Yu came out, he noticed the car parked at the entrance of the Hutong. After a glance, he didn't pay much attention to it. Soon, the people who delivered the food also came. Ding Yu took the things in, immediately paid for it, and then closed the door. Neither of his parents wanted to go out to eat. Their minds are now focused on their two children.

Moreover, in the hot summer, Ding Yu didn't have much intention to go out. It was better to read two books at home at that time. As for the hospital? Ding Yu has already said hello. When he has time, he will go to the hospital to learn some information and get familiar with colleagues, but he will not start working immediately.

Wang Yang didn't ask his mother what he meant. If his mother wanted to tell himself, he would certainly say it. If his mother didn't tell him, it would be meaningless to ask. What's more, what's the meaning of his grandfather and grandmother? It seems that I have the right to know about this matter, but I don't know what it is.

"Did you see the young man just now?" Wang Yang nodded. Of course he saw it. "He's your brother! My brother. "

Ah? Wang Yang jumped to his feet, and then he exclaimed, covering his head. The car was a little broken, so there were not many protective measures on the roof. His head was directly installed on the roof, and there was really a little pain.

But then Wang Yang also remembered something. He seemed to have a brother. His grandfather and grandmother talked about this problem, but only occasionally. What was the matter? There was no deep taboo about this matter in the family. Anyway, he and his sister could not inquire about it.

Even when my sister was asked about this, she was beaten by her parents in doubles. At that time, her mother cried very sad. She was still very impressed. Today, hearing her mother say so, Wang Yang rubbed his head and then twisted his neck. Then she was too impulsive, which led to the neck being twisted.

"Go back first!" Then he leaned his body against the seat and took a close look at his son. He was satisfied and had no other extravagance. On the way back, Wang Yang also tried to say, "Mom, when is the matter? Do you have other opinions and ideas at home?"

"The incident your brother lost at the beginning involves a lot of problems. Even now, some people still don't want to lift the veil of this matter. What is the truth of the matter? I'm afraid it has been buried for a long time." Su Yuan also said coldly, "what about your brother? Is there something special about identity? "

"I seem to have heard of that courtyard. It seems that someone has inquired about it before. It has already exceeded 100 million yuan, and it still has a price but no market!" After listening to Su Yuan, he also looked at his son with dissatisfaction, "don't mention money from time to time. It's enough to spend money. Don't be too greedy!"

But what about the son? Now we are young, and we are not very resistant in some aspects. This is understandable, but we need to establish some views on this aspect, which is very necessary. "Your uncle had an accident and had a very big business. At that time, your grandmother mentioned it to your brother!"

Wang Yang stepped on the gas pedal. Fortunately, there were not many people and the reaction was a little quick. However, Su Yuan in the back did not take precautions in this respect. His body also tilted forward heavily, and his forehead was almost installed on the back of the chair in front of him.

"What are you doing Su Yuan was also reproachful. Wang Yang was also nervous and looked at his mother. After seeing that he was ok, he said cautiously, "I was scared. Many people also asked me about this aspect. They said that our family took 200 million things to settle my uncle's affairs. This is true?"

"Your brother took $230 million to his family. A large part of it was used to deal with your uncle's affairs. What about the rest? A large part of it is also used to make up for the deficit in the family! " Su Yuan knew something about this. He didn't have any income at home. His father-in-law was very strict in this aspect.

Wang Yang's eyes are so bright, "Mom, in this way, my sister and I can ask for money from my brother later?" Su Yuan also gave Su Yuan a vicious stare. Wang Yang also laughed with his own cheek, "brother's wealth is so behind him, but it seems that he has never heard of his name in the capital city!""Ding Yu!"

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