Wang Yang dug his ear. "Ding Yu, I've heard of this name. I heard that he has a good relationship with Wang's third brother. It seems that there was a lot of noise in the capital. Xia Yang and Zhong Yun even started with him. But Ding Yu's job is, no one seems to be able to say it clearly!"

Because it involves his own brother, Wang Yang also said all the things that he could think of, but what about these things? It's all hearsay. It's still because of their high status. It's really hard for ordinary people to say one or two or three of them. They really can't.

Listening to his son's introduction, Su Yuan was also very strange. He was able to bring out 230 million yuan at a time. I'm afraid that no one can do this. But his son took all of them out at once. He felt a little scared, even a little bit afraid.

"Mom, do you want me to go to Wang Laosan?" Although Wang Jianguo is much older than Wang Yang in terms of age, the difference in family status between them has led to the fact that we are not people at the same level. Money is not as important as we think. We all know that.

"Don't let the outside world know anything about your family. What about your brother? His identity is quite special. It's hard to say whether there will be any other problems and conditions in exposing his relationship with the Wang family at this time! " Su Yuan was able to understand the difficulties of his father-in-law and his mother-in-law at this time. Why was he not embarrassed?

Wang Yang thought for a while, "then I'll get in touch with him, it should be OK! The question is, does my brother know what's going on at home? What does he think of home? " Su Yuan hesitated for a moment, "I don't agree, but I don't object. What is the reason? Your grandfather and grandmother don't know very well. There are still your grandfather Sheng in the family who have contacted with them, that is, the three of them!"

"No, no objection? What does that mean? " Wang Yang feels that there are so many do not understand, is it difficult for his brother to have no other ideas about the family? Why do you feel so unrealistic? To know that other people know their own identity, they are turning to lean on their own body.

And his brother? What is the cause of such an attitude after knowing his identity? Wang Yang really felt that he did not quite understand, so he also looked at his mother, hoping to get a clear answer, but the result was quite disappointing.

When he sent his mother back, the old man and the old lady were sitting in the room. The health care doctor had just finished the examination and was making some instructions. The problems were not very big. Basically, they were all kept normal. It is quite good for such elderly people to have such a situation.

"Have you seen it?" After seeing the health care doctor away, Su Yuan also sat down on one side of the room. "Yes, I took a furtive look from afar, but he just showed up at the door. It seems that the delivery man is coming. I don't know how to do it. How unhygienic is delivery? What do you think? "

This word has some meaning of complaining about Ding Yu's adoptive father and mother. When he arrived, he didn't cook. He even bought takeout. Wang Yang, who was sitting on the side, also laughed. His mother seemed to have something to eat! However, Wang Yang is not generally interested in his brother. He really wants to understand.

Despite Wang Jianguo's warm invitation, Ding Yu didn't answer the invitation in the evening, because someone had already found himself, a member of the military, and the person who had sent out the invitation to himself was also his captain sun Jun. he didn't tell himself what happened in advance, but the implication was very obvious.

Not long after dinner, the two kids seem to be a little sleepy and yawn. Fortunately, they have already taken a bath before. Otherwise, it is not easy to deal with it now. It is almost as long as we look at the time. Although there is still a long time to go to sleep for normal people, the children are children after all.

After talking to his parents, Ding Yu went out. The car at the door was waiting there. Looking at Sun Jun sitting in the car, Ding Yu also slightly nodded his head, which was a greeting. Sun Jun also looked at Ding Yu, smiling, and the expression on his face was slightly relaxed.

"So, are you going to spend the six months in China?"

Ding Yu nodded, "almost! We have already signed an agreement with the hospital. In addition, we have reached a certain bottleneck period and need certain accumulation. However, the domestic environment is relatively good. At least, the number of patients is quite large! This is an advantage! " Anyway, there was nothing else, so Ding Yu explained it in person.

After a few laps in the street, Ding Yu took him to a relatively private place. Looking at the national emblem above his head, Ding Yu also watched for a long time. He used to be one of them, but he was one of them. Now he has retired.

The waiting time in the empty room was not very long. Then someone came in with relatively heavy steps. Ding Yu had been standing there. After seeing the visitor, he also looked at him for a period of time. The visitors also looked at Ding Yu. Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere of the room was slightly heavy.However, people didn't let the atmosphere dull for too long. "Hello Ding Yu, I'm glad to see you here!" Ding Yu immediately stretched out his hand, "Hello!" In addition, Ding Yu has no other words.

"Sit down, please." The visitor immediately took a bottle of mineral water and placed it in front of Ding Yu. "Sorry, the conditions here are relatively simple, so please forgive me!" Ding Yu was not dissatisfied with anything. He nodded his head slightly, then sat there and asked himself to come. It would not be so simple to drink mineral water.

"In that case, let's start! Let me introduce myself. My name is Feng Shaochuan. " After looking at Ding Yu's facial expression, this one also continued to say, "I am mainly responsible for investigating the things you retired at the beginning. You may or may not be clear about it. At the beginning, you were a versatile talent secretly trained by the army. People like you are not allowed to leave the army!"

Ding Yu slightly turned his head. It was obvious that he didn't quite understand this. Feng Shaochuan also explained that, "in the special forces, the division of labor of each person can be said to be quite clear, but you are one of the other types. You have something to do with everyone. At the beginning, it was also an experiment!"

"I don't know much about it!" Ding Yu's answer can be said to be quite cautious. For such a situation, he did not really understand it very well. At the beginning, he felt that he was more special in the team, but what was the special reason? No one explained this question to himself, and he did not mean to inquire.

After all, when I was in the army belongs to a secret unit, I need to obey the order, as for the personal will? Basically, it can't be. Feng Shaochuan looks at Ding Yu and expresses his appreciation for Ding Yu's caution. He has achieved the present achievements, but he still has no pride and publicity. It's interesting!

"Did you know anything about your special situation in the beginning?"

Ding Yu thought for a while, "time has passed too long, almost all have forgotten. Now I am studying medicine. Reading books and doing surgery every day take up too much space in my head!" In the answer to the relevant questions, Ding Yu still adheres to the cautious style in the past, and evades what should be said or should not be said.

In the other room, two old men with glittering shoulders also looked at each other. "This little guy is not so cautious and careful. He still keeps such a mentality. It's really not easy. No wonder he has achieved such success."

However, he is not aware of his own goals, but also has some unique characteristics? From this point of view, there are still some successes in this experiment, but there are also many failures! "

"Ding Yu has achieved success, but judging from the effect of his integration into society, he still feels that there are some bad things. I don't know whether it is because of excessive mental pressure. According to the reports I have received, Ding Yu's performance is slightly abnormal. At least an ordinary person should not be like this. What do you think?"

"There are some problems, but now he holds the special immunity granted by the British side in his hand. This is really important for China. We have tried it several times. The British side completely closed its eyes on it. Of course, it also has a considerable relationship with Ding Yu's own power."

What about Ding Yu's own power? Up to now, it is still not as well understood as expected. This involves some core issues of Ding Yu, but at this point, Ding Yu is very cautious, "do you think this is a good way? What's more, can Ding Yu accept it? "

"Who knows, just look at his reaction."

However, Feng Shaochuan in the room felt more or less depressed, and the chat with Ding Yu was not as pleasant as imagined. You should know that Ding Yu also came from the military side. He should be more forthright in his character, but what about his feelings? It's not like this at all. Ding Yu is very slippery.

This is only a few years old! How can Ding Yu become like this? Anyway, I talked to him, and the content was very wide, but what about the actual situation? It's very empty, even Feng Shaochuan deliberately extended some questions, but Ding Yu cleverly avoided it, and would not answer them positively.

The result is that Feng Shaochuan feels a little depressed. He is seldom out of such inferiority in such a positive conversation. However, after careful consideration, it seems to be normal. Ding Yu's training is completely different. Torture and inducement are quite common for him, which is not worth mentioning.

Although he has been separated from the army for many years, Ding Yu has not changed much and still maintains his fine style in the army. From this point of view, Ding Yu is still desirable. Of course, it is not easy to judge the final result. At least, it is not a matter for him to make a decision at will."Nice talking to you!" Then Feng Shaochuan also stood up and shook hands with Ding Yu. The actual conversation was somewhat empty and boring, but there should be some demeanor. This is a must, there is no way.

Not long after Feng Shaochuan went out, someone came in again. Then Ding Yu also stood up. Ding Yu didn't know the Venus on his shoulder. Ding Yu just looked at his hair for a while. It was very interesting. His short hair was like a steel wire, standing upright.

Moreover, seeing this person's facial expression, he was very resolute. After seeing Ding Yu, he also made a salute, which was also regarded as a certain respect to Ding Yu. Ding Yu stood there, very straight and said, "I'm upright. I'm glad to meet you. Ding Yu, please sit down!"

"Ding Yu, you used to be a soldier who came out of the army, and now the military needs your help. I think we have a certain understanding in the contact between each other. My words are direct, please forgive me!"

Sitting on the sofa, Ding Yu leaned back and put his hands in his chest. From this sitting posture, it was absolutely unqualified, but it was also a manifestation of Ding Yu's attitude. Two old people standing in another room laughed at Ding Yu's appearance.

Ding Yu shows his attitude with his own posture. When he can help, he will never refuse. However, if there are some other problems involved and he can't do anything about it, it's better not to force himself into an embarrassing situation. In that case, it's also a kind of harm to the relationship between each other.

Is Geng Zhi understood? It doesn't matter, at least it's not as important as you think. Looking at Ding Yu's sitting posture, Geng Zhi is a little angry, so he also frowns and knocks the table twice with his hands, "Ding Yu, you should know that you are trained from the army!"

"I didn't forget it!" Ding Yu said with a smile, "but I have retired. My file should clearly indicate these problems and conditions. I am a doctor now, and I also serve the society. The direction of contribution may be so different, but the results are almost the same, isn't it?"

It is obvious that Ding Yu's saying so has some sophistry meaning, but on this issue, it's really not very good to say anything. Is it difficult to deny that Ding Yu's achievements in medicine are false? I really can't say that. If I mention it like this, it will destroy the atmosphere of the conversation.

"Well! Let's talk about cooperation. " Geng Zhi also has some straightforward remarks, which seems to be too straightforward. Although Ding Yu is also a straight tempered man, he seems to be lack of preparation for such a situation. Is it time to start talking about conditions now? Why didn't you prepare yourself at all?

"Talk about cooperation?" Ding Yu then also laughed, "cooperation means that each other has needs. My hands have what you need, but the problem is that your hands don't have too many things I need. I don't even know what I need now. This problem is clearer than everyone's heart, isn't it?"

"You're not very happy!" Just as he was speaking, there was a sound at the door. Then he saw two old men coming in. When he saw the two old men, Ding Yu stood up with a helpless expression, but his eyes revealed a little cunning, which was very different.

"It's not that the boy is unhappy, but that the boy is a little too clever!" The two old men who came in looked at Ding Yu and said with a smile, "OK, don't stand. You also think when we two old guys will come out! Now that we're out, are you satisfied? "

"I don't dare. I just feel that the negotiation should be fair. If it's not fair, neither of us will be very satisfied, but not satisfied? That is to say, it has caused all kinds of differences. It's better not to talk with each other at the beginning. In that way, it will be good for everyone. Don't make love or be cruel

"Evasion, sophistry!" One of the elders also said with a smile, "but it's not unreasonable at all. What's the worry you're talking about? On the other hand, none of us want to face such a situation. This is certain! "

"It's very troublesome to reach an agreement with the military. I used to be a soldier, so I am very clear about it. I need to keep a certain vigilance on it. Please forgive me for my frankness. This is my most real idea." Ding Yu is not polite at all. He shows his attitude directly.

"Ding Yu, sometimes being too smart is not a good thing. You should understand it!"

"It's because I understand so well that I'm worried about this aspect." Ding Yu is not polite to say. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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