There is wine on the table, but no matter who wants to move it, no matter who it is, no one will have too much pollution on it if there is no need! Especially when we need to calm down now!

Ding Yu has a big appetite. The third generation and Taylor don't want to let them. For them, it's a rare delicacy!

The material selection is absolutely exquisite, the practice is unique, coupled with the environment and other aspects of the reason, eating food even feel very comfortable!

"Sir, I believe it will be very popular!" This is not a compliment!

"It's a very difficult thing. First of all, there are too few things! There are quite limitations. Another problem is that the way we eat seems simple, but it is too difficult to be so fast and accurate! What's more, it's not suitable for some countries in Europe and America! "

Right, too! If from the perspective of food culture, China can absolutely abuse other countries out of the sky!

It doesn't matter what kind of rooster's meal everyone admires, but how to say it? The style comparison is miscellaneous, the material selection is also more exquisite, but how to say? The things on the surface will never get too much welcome!

It's not to say that there is no substance, but most people don't understand it!

Just like the Chinese food culture, there are not many people who know it, so it is not warm and not hot now. If you want to really understand the Chinese food culture, you need to have a good understanding of the Chinese culture. This is the essence and essence!

"What was the result of closing in the afternoon?"

The third emperor shook his head. "It's crumbling. If I didn't add something temporarily, I doubt if I would faint at that time? Even I deliberately collected some materials. I doubt what I learned when I was a child. Many things I should know, because they are in my mind! But... "

Some words three times also don't know how to express! Maybe it's too much shame!

"It can't be applied specifically! However, as time goes on, it will gradually show up. When you are old, you will also have such a feeling. Everyone's understanding is different. If you have time, go to see philosophy, I think it is a good choice, and I think it may have a considerable effect on you! "

Then Ding Yu looked at Taylor! "You don't seem so happy!"

Am I happy? What happened in the afternoon? Tyler felt his head ache as soon as he thought about it!

"Sir, why is this so?" Tyler is very depressed, he caught fish in the afternoon, but how to say? A lot of time are hanging up, not fishing, this is still quite different!

"You can't calm down now. That's the most important reason."

"But, sir, I am very calm." Tyler is very unconvinced, arguing!

"Try again later. The sky is still on. You can feel it in the evening."

After eating, resting for a little time, and then a group of people came to the side of the river again, compared with the daytime, now hear the sound of river flow more loud! Ding Yu found several fishing rods again!

Looking at the dark river, there is no light at all. In this case, fishing? Are you kidding? But Ding Yu hung the bait under the hook, and then the old God sat on the wheelchair!

Taylor looked twice, and then it was the same. He couldn't see anything. Although he was quite adapted, Taylor closed his eyes, and Ding Yu's side was the same. But it didn't take long for Ding Yu to suddenly lift his fishing rod! When I get it back, I look at the fish on the hook. I'm a little silly!

I don't believe it. I picked up my fishing rod and found that the earthworm on my hook had already disappeared! I don't know when it happened. Anyway, I don't have any feeling!

"What is the reason?" The third generation inquired in a low voice! "I know I don't have the talent for this, but isn't it unreasonable? Sir, I believe you are extraordinary, but I believe you are still a man, not a god

"You haven't learned these things. If you mention them, some of them are too fantastic! But for Taylor, everything she's doing now is basically turning around between life and death. If you don't give her a little pressure, you can't feel calm! Or the more dangerous it is, the calmer she is! "

The third thought for a while and nodded his head slightly, as if it was really like this!

Ding Yu extended his hand back, and Qu he handed something over. Ding Yu inserted the weapon horizontally in front of Taylor. The knife was shining and pointed at Taylor. Taylor's pupil was enlarged in an instant! Then the whole person's breath became stable, and the third generation could not feel it, while Qu he standing behind felt it at the first time!

Seeing the third generation who wanted to speak, Ding Yu directly raised his hand to stop him. Without two minutes, Tyler gently lifted the fishing rod in his hand, and then a small fish appeared in front of everyone! The third generation felt that his worldly view was suddenly broken! And it's still a kind of tiny!What kind of situation did this really make up? I can't understand it at all!

"How do you feel?" Looking at Tyler who threw the fish back again, Ding Yu asked in a low voice!

"It feels good!" Tyler is still looking back at what he felt! "Feeling in a moment, the whole person is like sitting on a mirror, all of which is presented in front of him, but still can not see the water in the distance, but there is a vague feeling. When it comes up, the fish also follow up!"

"It is not so in place, but there has been considerable progress. It is a good thing, and it is not a good thing!" Waved his hand! "First, I don't know what is bad, because you are now feeling, or take the way you started most. Can this road be able to reach the end, I don't know, maybe?! But from your present qualifications and circumstances, there is almost no possibility. On the other hand, if you make a considerable adjustment now, can you finally reach the peak, no one knows, but there are considerable opportunities to stay your own inheritance! "

Dingyu didn't mention Taylor to make this choice. He was a man and not a God. Besides, he was not willing to do what he called a choice for others. "If there is nothing, go back to rest! If you want to stay on the farm, you can be free, don't disturb others. If you go back to the hotel, you will! "

Put your hand, Dingyu left first! And the third and Taylor are left in the place, there is not too much action! Obviously, both people are also in the thinking process. It is difficult to deal with them for a moment and a half!

Ding Lin and Zhao Shuying came back a little late, and they might drink a little bit more! As for the two little guys, they didn't make a fuss, and they looked like they were touched, and they didn't know how to provoke their grandma! Ding Yu is a little bit of a laugh!

"What's the food like?" Ding Yu is idle to ask a word!

"But grandma likes it! But also scolded two words, said you can not come to the matter, but the children are put out! What do you want? " Ding Ding in the next fan fan fire, then Zhao Shuying to take a slap!

Looking at two men with a slightly different expression, Cao Zhen dragged them to wash them the first time! If you stay, who knows if the river will flood in a while? Two things!

But the two children wash, dry their hair, and they don't have to lie down for too long! They have been running out of their energy and strength all day long! Lie on the bed and fall asleep! As for whether the river will be sent out at night? I don't know. It's very likely!

The next morning, Dingyu accompanied his father, as for the two children did not get up!

"By the way! Your friend? Why didn't you see them? "

Dingyu felt the big head of the little lazy, "they should still be in the process of awakening! Yesterday, they talked to them, they also came with a considerable purpose, but fortunately, they can resist considerable pressure, so there are no other problems! "

"So sure?" Dinglin looked at his son with a smile!

"I can't say that I have absolute assurance. The qualification of that girl is very good. If there were other reasons, she might have taken Wang An's position, but it is a pity! But it's good to come! " Then Ding Yu looked at his father, "Dad, how did you suddenly have interest?"

"It's not that I'm interested in it! How old am I! This is not the previous time the hospital said to me that they are going to donate a batch of medical materials. I heard that they are still preparing to donate some things to the education mouth? I feel so confused about this, and I don't know what it is! You are also very upset about it! "

Dingyu suddenly smiled here, "is that the reason? The third and Taylor did not mention anything to me! But it is also not matter, reasonable acceptance on line! Anyway, whether it is medical treatment or education, it is for the people on our land. "

"I'll be relieved to say that!" But Dinglin didn't finish his words. "Boss, why do they send these things, I have a slight estimate of the value of those things is not low, what is important is that they can't buy them at home, so there are so many exaggerations!" Dinglin is very clear, there is no free pie on the sky!

"I taught them two days, this is tuition. They come to visit the door. They always need to send some gifts. Otherwise, the door will not come in!" Ding Yu's face is very confident!

Dinglin looked at his son and shook his head with a smile, "you! that 's ok! I know about it! "

In the morning, Dingyu stayed with two nephews to go to the farm. Two little guys felt the heat in the shed. What was called sweat, their faces were white for a long time! Still in the door rest for quite a long time, this just slowed down!

Under the circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to go out of the shed immediately. The temperature difference between inside and outside is too big, which will cause the child's body to bear, and Ding Yu is still very concerned about this aspect! But the two little guys at the door immediately ate the juicy water! The previous annoyance seems to be a moment all dissipated!As for the matter that their uncle cheated them into the greenhouse, it seems that they have forgotten it! But Ding Ding Ding, who knew the news, expressed the most serious dissatisfaction with this, but only roared a few voices! It depends on the situation, that is to pretend. Now the elder brother with the children, how carefree he is! Is it necessary to bring two troublemakers and troublemakers with you? Don't be kidding!

Cao Zhen is helpless for his wife, but he is still at ease with his big brother! Big brother with the children, it seems to be a free range, but in fact, to the children instill a very good way! I even have some doubts, if the elder brother really has the idea of this aspect, it is still very good to be a teacher!

As for the third and Taylor, they did not show up because they attended the donation work of the hospital and the school respectively!

Of course, this is also a signal from the outside world! We didn't come here for free, nor did we say that we didn't do anything. On the contrary, we did! The donation now is the best result!

Is Ding Yu short of money? Are you kidding? This guy's inside information may not be as rich as imagined, but its cash flow is definitely beyond imagination! As for why! You can't even enter the door to worship Buddha. What Buddha do you worship?

It's not right! Ding Yu is not a Buddhist, because he inherits Taoist things, but the truth is such a truth!

The outside world is very satisfied with this situation, especially the performance of the three and Taylor! Let everyone's eyes shine!

Can anyone else do this? Are you kidding? When the time comes, Ding Yu doesn't need to do it. Other people may throw it out of the door directly! Ding Yu is where you can go if you want?

Now hospitals and education do not refuse to donate, what does it mean? Naturally, there is no need to say more about it!

It can be seen that Ding Yu does not attach great importance to the third generation and Taylor! Otherwise, it will never be the scene like this!

We should know that in the previous two days, the third generation and Taylor were able to travel with Ding Yu, and together with Ding Yu, they also had a banquet. Although there are few people who come to Ding Yu's villa, they can make Ding Yu treat them warmly. The number of people is definitely not so many!

During the whole morning, the third generation and Taylor both participated in the activity! But that is to show one side, as for the other time, someone will do it on behalf of them, and they don't have any interest in it!

"Tyler, do you think the gentleman did it on purpose?" Sitting in the room and looking at the scenery outside the window, the construction of the city can only be said to be average! Not too many tall buildings! But there's something special about it!

"I don't think so!" Taylor tried to calm himself down, but it was very difficult to do it! Always feel a bit unable to raise their own strength!

"Sir, I don't think much of these things. Everyone knows about it!"

"Yes! Mr. Zhang doesn't value this at all. We all know what we want to do. But the dominant power is not in our hands at all. Do you think that the guys outside had already prepared for this before they came here and deliberately let us come over! Because we can't refuse at all

Tyler nodded. "Whatever the reason for coming here, we'll just do the right thing! It has nothing to do with right or wrong! If we don't do anything, it's not a betrayal to the forces behind us, but it's not easy to explain! We can't refuse such a thing at all, and they have also paid a considerable amount of conditions! "

The answer is very calm, without any complaints, can not play any role, OK?

The third emperor nodded, "I don't have much opinions and thoughts about this, but I have some understanding now. Is it because we have a good relationship with Mr. Zhang that we are allowed to come here? Until now, I can see that we are a little bit too fast! Move someone else's cheese! This is the fundamental reason

"Have you been influenced by your husband?"

"It's not entirely influenced by Mr. Zhang. I don't deny that there are quite a few reasons, but from the actual situation, we have risen a little faster, and the problems troubling the family have been solved! Therefore, other aspects of the situation have been created. If we do not pay attention to these conditions, there will be a lot of problems. "

Tyler looked at the third generation carefully. "It's not like you I know, but it's what I expected."

"People? It will change! When I came this time, I had thought about what kind of situation I would encounter after meeting my husband! I never thought it would be like this. It's true that the relationship between the family and the husband is good, but this is a golden expression on the face

The expression on Taylor's face is quite loose! "It's a little self belittling, but I think the gentleman should show it to the outside world! We are already in it! Sir, I don't want us to have too big a problem! Because we are not Mr. target! What do you mean? ""We are not the target of Mr. Zhang. We can only say that some things are mixed together! Whatever your purpose, we've got enough! People? What I fear most is too greedy

Two people looked at each other, it is obvious that there is an agreement on this issue! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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