Su Quan personally called Yang Chen and inquired about the specific situation! But that is to ask about the situation, as for other aspects of the matter, there is no need to explore the meaning!

Sending Yang Chen to Ding Yu is to let him learn, not to act as a weasel. It's too overkill! This is definitely not what the Department expected, and judging from the growth of Yang Chen, it is quite good! Has a very big improvement!

It's no exaggeration to say that Yang Chen's experience in Ding Yu's side may be something that 90% of people will never experience in their lifetime! Since there is no experience, then there is no experience! You have no experience, in the event of things do not know how to deal with! That's for sure!

Put down the phone, Yang Chen immediately went to find Ding Yu to report!

"Sir, I've been called by the authorities to inquire about the situation of the three and Taylor, but it doesn't mean anything else at all!" Yang Chen said it all! There's nothing to hide!

Ding Yu nodded, indicating that he knew!

"It seems that they still have considerable expectations for you! That's good! From the present situation, you have experienced quite a lot, and you should be given something to practice your hand! " Ding Yu can't always let him follow by his side. Although he has quite a lot of experience, the experience is practical, not visible! It's not what you say!

"Director, isn't it?! I'm still disabled now

"Don't talk! Not much use! " Ding Yu snorted, "go to find the mountain. I have already made an account of it. I can grasp the size of it. After all, it is quite different from the situation in China."

Without letting Yang Chen leave, Ding Yu immediately called Qu he over, "Qu he, you go to the capital city and follow the arrangement of the housekeeper. There are quite a few things he needs to deal with. Other people are not so suitable. Come here!"

"Yes! Sir Qu he doesn't understand what happened, but since Mr. Zhang has explained it, he can deal with it by himself! Don't show too much doubt!

When the third and Taylor came again, Ding Yu was really alone! There is quite security around, but they are a little bit far away from the location!

"Sir The third is very respectful, and Taylor? Barely able to do this, but can feel that she is not as calm as imagined, as if she is deliberately suppressing their emotions! Always do not know how to vent out!

Call for security and let him take Tyler away! As for the third generation, he stood beside Ding Yu!

"They should be more satisfied with you?"

"Naturally, I'm satisfied. The relationship between the family and you is quite good. Now we have received a lot of donations from hospitals and education! From the point of view of quite a few people, if we collect all these materials, it means that we have done a good job, at least we haven't been sent out! This is the best way to start! "

Ding Yu said with a smile, "third generation, if you are me, how do you think you should deal with it?"

"Are you really going to let me speak, sir? In my personal opinion, this is your own business. I dare not presume to speculate, and speculation has no effect and effect. The attitude of the family is to remain neutral and will not have any conflict with you. Great, we give up considerable interests, that's all! They can't kill us directly! We have done what we should do! Put the problem down to us, huh

The last word, a good expression of the attitude of the three generations, who do not eat vegetarian!

We have met Mr. Ding Yuding and even expressed our sincerity. What kind of decisions Mr. Ding will make in the future has nothing to do with our family, and we can't interfere with Mr. Ding at all!

If anyone takes advantage of this, they will face the counterattack from the old Peyton family! That's for sure!

If we don't do things, or there are some problems and conditions, this is our problem, but we did! There are no problems and conditions, you also deliberately look for trouble, ha ha!

Ding Yu nodded, "Taylor left so reassuringly, which means that you have reached an agreement, or that you, the master of the household, have already made self affirmation. There should be no problem for me to understand this way?"

"No! We don't want to and will not stand opposite to you, sir! There are contradictions. This is a positive thing, but this contradiction is not the root of our mutual confrontation. I believe we will seek common ground while reserving differences! "

"How many more days can you resist?" Ding Yu is very abrupt to ask out?!

"I don't know. There should be no problem in two or three days! What's more, I'm a front runner, I can't understand your idea at all! If we can understand your ideas and even make you change your attention, then the whole family will not be like this! In your words, sir, we are in heaven nowDing Yu is laughing. The third generation is flighty in appearance, but in fact? It's rather rigid, and quite serious!

"Come with me!"

Hearing Ding Yu's words, the third generation went to the position behind Ding Yu, pushed Ding Yu's wheelchair, and came to Ding Yu's villa. After entering the door, Ding Yu pointed to the box beside him, "put all the pieces on your body in it!"

The third generation was stunned, but then walked into the guest room without any hesitation. It didn't take long to walk out again. Even the people who followed in were still the personal security of the third generation. Ding Yu had no intention to care about this!

The new 30, changed a suit! It's very clean! Of course, it is more refreshing! Two people passed through the security door, Ding Yu with three generations together came to the study! There is not much difference between the study and the imagination of the third generation! Things are not as many as you can imagine. From the furnishings inside, it seems that there is nothing solemn or magnificent! It's simple!

Maybe the only thing that makes people feel special is the model and specimen!

"Second row, third line! Take out some books inside and have a look! There are some thoughts I wrote on it

Ding Yu said in a low voice, "other people have not seen it can understand, even as a joke, many people can enter the study, but these children? They may be more interested in my words, but at their age, they can't understand the content! I hope we can have something that resonates with each other! "

Instead of going straight to the bookshelf, he stood in front of Ding Yu! It is very respectful to salute Ding Yu, or before this, they also made their family specific gestures and gestures to show respect for Ding Yu!

After Ding Yu nodded, Ding Yu left! There are not so many things in the study. Many of them are written by themselves! As for the other contents, if the third generation had read it, it would not matter to Ding Yu, and there would not be too much loss, but it will definitely take the third generation to the wrong side! That's for sure!

Almost all day long, Sanshi stayed in the study, and even the bathroom didn't mean to go. Now he is wholeheartedly looking at Ding Yu's book and trying to reach the ideological resonance with Ding Yu! Even if it can not reach the so-called resonance, also hope to be able to catch up with Ding Yu's footsteps!

Is Ding Yu's words reasonable? This is another question! Standing from different angles, the way to understand the problem is naturally different, and the results are even more diverse, just as Ding Yu said before! How can you be regarded as having learned the same skill? To be able to tell and express well, so that others can understand, is to learn!

Dinner is Ding Yu and Taylor two people, Taylor's spirit is so a little depressed! Having a look at Ding Yu, he immediately looks at the personal security of the third generation. What's the situation? What about the third generation? Why didn't you follow?

The security guard shakes his head helplessly. He knows what the third generation has done, but he can't say this. He just looks in the direction of Ding Yu. Taylor looks at Ding Yu! Ding Yu picked up the chopsticks in his hand!

"Eat first?! I don't know when I can come out! Maybe at night, maybe tomorrow morning, maybe later, if he's hungry or thirsty, or he doesn't feel fit! You'll wake up! This guy's quality is pretty good! I hope he can understand something! "

Hearing this, Taylor's eyes lit up! "Sir?"

But Ding Yu waved his hand, "his identity is extremely inappropriate! I mean he has a lot of thinking. Maybe he can think about different things. I hope he can be like your grandfather! For me personally, he is an old fox, and he is almost the same as an old bastard. To a certain extent, I admire him very much

"Sir, if he hears you say so, he will be very happy!"

"But I'm not so happy!" Ding Yu snorted, "if you change places, it's hard for me to make such a decision! We should know that even now, the relationship between us can only be said to be fair. If we really talk about it, there are still some contradictions between us! "

"Sir, it's not your style to be such a small bellied chicken!" Tyler was a little embarrassed about this!

I already know what the third generation is going to do! I really didn't think that the third generation should have such an opportunity! You should know that these belong to Ding Yu's children, or those who are taught by Ding Yu's side! This time, the third generation really encountered his own fortune!

"I'm a man who will report my revenge!" Ding Yu didn't cover up his emotions at all, and his words meant something! "It has nothing to do with you. What I said is clear and clear?"

"Understand!" Taylor's answer was very happy, when he came, he had already made the estimation in this respect, so there was no accident in the slightest that such a result appeared! "Sir, in such a matter, the family can only stand in a neutral position, not that we don't want to stand on your side, but we really can't do it!"Do not need to do other explanations, because things are very clear and clear!

"If you want to, you can find a room for yourself. I don't know when I will come out! If I don't want to, I don't have so much attention! "

Then Ding Yu left here! Tyler gently breathed a breath and talked to his husband. He was still under a lot of pressure! Some words seem to be joking, but they tell us the problem. Mr. Zhang has collected quite a lot of things, which is just to give his family considerable face! That's it! It's not about anything else!

If even such a thing, I and the third generation are not clear, ha ha!

When Ding Yu got up in the morning, he looked at Taylor and the third generation who had been waiting outside for a long time. However, he did not pay much attention to it. Then he went to exercise with his father! Holding the little lazy ones, a little at ease!

The third and Taylor stood outside, the expression on their faces was not a bit lost, even slightly excited!

"Won't you go and have a rest?" Taylor seems to be very concerned!

The third generation is very dissatisfied with looking at Taylor, "you mean it, don't you?" Obviously, he expressed the most serious dissatisfaction with Tyler's words. Didn't he go there and see some things? Are you so?

The sour taste in the words is too obvious! There are even so many choking people!

"You haven't had a rest all night, and you are slightly excited. I think if you can calm down a little now, it's definitely a good choice!" Tyler narrowed his eyes and his face was solemn!

"I don't think the gentleman will care about that! But what you said is good. Now it is time to sort out my thoughts. Now I am a little bit unable to calm down. Is there any resonance in my mind? I don't know, because under the current situation, I am a little unclear! But one thing I'm sure I've snatched quite a lot from it! Deeply engraved in my mind

Tyler snorted. He was so angry that he couldn't control the expression on his face! If you can, I really want to lay down the third generation, and then let him taste the taste of fist!

But I also know that the third generation has such an opportunity, but I still have no clue about my own affairs. As for entering the study? It won't do much! After all, their own direction is completely different from that of the third generation!

When Ding Lin and Ding Yu come back, Ding Lin takes a deliberate look and raises his arm as a greeting! Let them wait for a while and have dinner together! Then with a little lazy, they go back together first!

"Go to the farm and have a shower. I don't know who you are showing this to?"

Ding Yu is very dissatisfied with a hum! Then I left in a wheelchair! But the third and Taylor did not have any embarrassment! For them, the most normal thing! Don't say that! Even if Ding Yu slapped them two times, they were absolutely smiling! There won't be any action!

"The meal has been eaten! What should I do! Don't stand in the way of the scenery here

Ding Yu was expelled directly! There's no point in asking King III and Taylor to stay!

When they returned to their residence, they opened the communication facilities and contacted old Peyton for the first time!

"Look at your mood, it seems a little excited!" Old Peyton's dress is a little cool! After breaking away from the family affairs, he has not let himself go too far now! But also has the quite individuality!

"I don't have much. I can't do the things mentioned by my husband now. It's a little difficult to choose!"

Tyler's a little choked, and after he's spoken, he's on one side!

But the expression of the third generation is a little more serious, "my situation is slightly different. I went to my husband's study and stayed in it for more than 12 hours. My husband showed me a lot of things, and I also had a good understanding."

Old Peyton's spirit can't help but shake! I've heard about Taylor, but I don't know so much about it!

But the situation of the third generation was really beyond his expectation. He could go to Ding Yu's study! This thing is a little big, I need to think about it carefully!

"I didn't expect it to be like this? I don't think you expected it, did you? "

"I didn't expect it, but under the circumstances, I had no other choice!"

Obviously, the third generation still has a quite fixed position for himself! No complacency because of the current situation!

"Ding Yu took you to the study, but he made quite a choice!" Old Peyton had thought about it! "It's obvious that he doesn't mean to let you get involved in it! In this case, don't be too greedy! Ding Yu is such a guy! Hi! It's still very smart. It's a pity! There is no second chance like this! "The purpose of the family's letting the three and Taylor pass is quite clear. It is to let them explore the way. From the current situation, the effect is very good! Without losing the chain, he even got the attention of Ding Yu!

Of course, Ding Yu's attention, which involves other issues!

To put it more bluntly, it is to tell the old Peyton family, and even the forces behind them, that although there is a considerable contradiction between them, there is no problem! But some things can be involved, but some things, not you can be involved!

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