Even when he saw Ding Yu, Wang Jianguo was still at a loss. What was the situation? I had a meeting in the office before! But immediately sat in front of Ding Yu? What is this? Magic?

When I came, no one told me what the situation was. I didn't even ask people! Anyway, I was like a piece of goods sent over, waiting to receive!

Ding Yu looked at it with disgust! "Third brother, I don't know if you came here at the right time! But you come a little fast

Wang Jianguo, a little disillusioned, sat down beside Ding Yu and looked at the furnishings on the table. He took up the mineral water and took out his cigarette. Ding Yu frowned slightly. The third brother deliberately took the cigarette out of his pocket and threw it to Wang Jianguo!

I doubt that if I don't do anything, the third brother may do something unexpected next!

"So? You've already prepared for it Wang Jianguo asked in a low voice after the cigarette was put out! "And what is the situation? I don't know anything now! Was there a meeting before? I'll take it straight away! At least let me explain it. I don't know. I thought something was wrong with me

For Wang Jianguo's bitter eyes, Ding Yu gave a rare smile, "there are people who can't sit in the capital! On the one hand? They are more interested in the list. They are very anxious. This is understandable. What's more, I am in such a state now, so I deliberately send you here. As for another aspect? Hope to do some public relations work through you

"Don't you talk about it?" Wang Jianguo swearing and swearing!

Ding Yu shook his head and ignored Wang Jianguo's meaning. "Things are still under discussion, so what will eventually happen is still unknown. Third brother, how did you come here? It doesn't matter, but don't have any other actions after you come! Accidents happen easily! Don't eat dumplings! Fall into the pot again

Wang Jianguo nodded at Ding Yu, because he already knew the meaning of Ding Yu's words!

"Understand, understand, but how to solve this problem? You need a reason anyway? " Looking at Ding Yu's face, Wang Jianguo was helpless. "I don't need to know anything, it doesn't matter, but I believe there should be quite a lot of people coming to the door, me? It's just the beginning

"At least from the present situation, everything is OK!"

Ding Yu didn't care about it. He took a sip of his thermos cup!

"You've come a little bit faster! And I have other guests here. It's not so convenient for you now! So you go to the farm! "

Why did Ding Yu arrange Wang Jianguo to the farm? The reason is that he didn't want Wang Jianguo to be involved in too many things. Knowing too much would not do him any good, although he has come now! But it doesn't mean he's in the pit now! This is two times! Can not be confused to look at!

"Brother Yu, be careful! If you can send me over, it means that you can send other people. Take your time

"No big deal!" Ding Yu is very indifferent to say! "When things get to this point, it's good to move forward slowly! As for other things, it is not so important! However, if you are pulled over, things will appear to be so difficult to do. I really doubt that those people behind are thinking about something now! Ha ha

When Cao Zhen and Ding Ding Ding came back, Wang Jianguo had already been sent away!

Ding Yu accompanied them to the hot spring! It's mainly Ding Yu who wants to relieve himself. But Ding Yu is alone. In the process, Cao Zhen comes around with a big scarf!

"Big brother!" Ding Yu opened his eyes, took a look, and then closed them again!

Cao Zhen had time to look at his elder brother carefully, but he noticed it! Big brother's figure is really enviable! I still don't want to find myself guilty!

"What? Where are your two sons? "

"Don't mention it! The previous time to play that called a happy, I now have so many doubts! Do children like to play with water? They had a good time before! I don't know where the interest comes from, but I'm too tired to climb today! So I've been sleeping before! Ding Ding Ding is going to take care of it

Ding Yu took a breath and poured a cup of tea for Cao Zhen!

"Big brother, I think you are a little tired!"

"It's a little bit too much, nothing else!" Ding Yu drank the tea, leisurely and contentedly, but he never meant to open his eyes. "I don't have anything on my side! You can take good care of Ding Ding Ding and the two children! "

"Big brother! I don't know how to comfort you and say you are free and easy, but I feel you are too miserable! At least in terms of life, I can't describe how you put up with it! ""Just enjoy it Ding Yu opened his eyes and wiped the sweat on his forehead with a towel! "Everyone's pursuit is different. I'm not so interested in those messy things. I have a little interest in playing and writing, and I feel good about it!"

"Big brother, I am also interested in this, but my own big brother, how can I say that?" Cao Zhen can't help shaking his head, he also likes to play, but with his big brother is completely different types! At least in his own opinion, Ding Yu is not even the so-called ticket! It's weird!

"Since it's hard to describe, don't describe it! I really want to talk to you about something. Anyway, you are very idle. If you have time, you will go to the countryside together with your father's four families. I think you and Ding Ding Ding are really easy to do something when they are idle for two days! "

Cao Zhen slightly a Leng!

"Big brother, Ding Ding and I have nothing to do, and the two children have no problem! But is that right? "

"It's not a big deal. It's a little bit lively in the past two days. Mom and dad are quiet people! Under such circumstances, you and Ding Ding Ding can take care of it! "

"I see!" Cao Zhen bubble for a while, then left!

And the next day, Ding Yu didn't go to the farm. Instead, Wang Jianguo came to Ding Yu's side again, pushing Ding Yu on the wheelchair. They were walking in the park! To be exact, it is a newly built park. There are more trees and a lot of small animals in it! Especially squirrels, even ran in front of Ding Yu!

"It's rare to see such scenes now! However, the protection of animals and plants in recent years has been very good. Walking in the city may not see too much. If you come to the countryside, it will be different! In a few more months, there may be more! "

"It's a little bit better. After we have a good understanding of the environment, we have also carefully protected it!"

Ding Yu is not complacent about this, feeding a few squirrels, Ding Yu is relying on his wheelchair!

"How about it? I should have answered a lot of calls last night

"Don't mention it! Last night, even my father, I went to work! I didn't have any rest in the first half of the night, and I still need to sort it out in the latter half of the night. I don't even know what happened. Anyway, it seems to be a little confused now. " Wang Jianguo couldn't stop shaking his head!

Ding Yu looked at Wang Jianguo and said, "it's OK. At least there are no other problems and problems on the body."

"Stop it! okay? I'm still in good health! " Wang Jianguo is not satisfied with this!

"Everyone wants to know what's written in your list, and someone has sent me a lot of lists, hoping to be able to join it. Anyway, if you don't add these to it, you will be a heinous person!"

Ding Yu hums and smiles, but still reaches out his hand. Wang Jianguo hands the list in his pocket to Ding Yu!

After two eyes, Ding Yu immediately returned to Wang Jianguo! "It's a little too beautiful! I even have some doubts about whether there is something wrong with their heads! What's more, this seems to be my personal matter, and they have nothing to do with it. Now I'm all over the place? What do you want? "

"They have other plans. This is to put you on the fire. At that time, it's not appropriate for you to agree, because it's impossible, but it's not appropriate to refuse! After all, such an opportunity is not easy to come, who will not give up easily! If you really give up, you will be reviled by many people who don't know the truth! "

"Is it?" Since Wang Yu has never known that Wang Yu has never been able to aim at Wang Jianguo, one of them is not too good to let everyone down

"Brother! You are my brother! " Wang Jianguo knew from Ding Yu's words that Ding Yu was so angry now! What kind of consequences will he have when he is angry? No one dares to make this prediction! No matter who is involved in this matter, the end is absolutely wonderful! That's for sure!

"I already know something about it!"

"You're really not so clean and neat as usual! Anyway, it's not something I can interfere with. How to do it? At most, I'm acting as a middleman. However, it seems that I've seen some amazing situations! "

"I've told you before! On this side of the farm, we still need to be steady! If anything happens, I won't be responsible for it! Two of them are extremely invincible targets. In any case, all the forces of the Wang family are put together, and there is not enough of a little finger! Take your time

"Yes! I have also opened my eyes. However, brother Yu, pay more attention to me. I don't have too many problems. But the situation in the capital is more complicated. It can't be said clearly in one sentence or two. Do I know you? It has always been hard and soft, raw and cold, but it still needs to be considered! ""Who knows?" Ding Yu couldn't help sighing, and then called his hand nearby. A little squirrel hopped to Ding Yu's front position. He was very interested in the food in Ding Yu's hand!

The capital still knows something about it. Otherwise, Wang Jianguo won't pass by. But this thing? It's a little bit hasty, and the speed of progress is a little bit faster!

Now even if you want to deal with it! It's more difficult to do!

Time is too short, and Ding Yu has been in his hometown for such a long time, quietly. Under such circumstances, to provoke Ding Yu is definitely not a very good choice!

What's more, after the Maoxiong incident, Ding Yu didn't have much movement and movement. What about the farm and the summer camp? At most, even if it is Ding Yu's own problem, even if we want to intervene, we can't use our strength!

Even simple constraints can't be done, and the problems can be solved internally by other people's farms. In such a case, even if there are other ideas, what can we do? If you don't obey the rules, Ding Yu will give you such a hand in turn. Who can stand it?

So now Ding Yu's list of things, quite a number of people are taboo Mo Shen! But there is no way, some things do not mean that you can refuse if you want to! How could it be?

However, after Wang Jianguo passed, the effect was not obvious at all, and he was even sent to the farm by Ding Yu!

Is it not clear what it means? Now Ding Yu doesn't have much time and energy to pay attention to these, because he has quite a lot of things to deal with. What about some things? Don't embarrass yourself when you don't know what you're doing!

Of course, if you don't have a good face, then I'm sorry! Who is Ding Yu? I believe we all know something about it!

Let alone Ding Yu's hand? It seems that there are some weak, but it is a good deterrent to some aspects of the people! Why does this happen? From the surface, it seems that it is Ding Yu's reason. But from the actual situation, is Ding Yu a fool? Do you want to seize the handle of Ding Yu? How could it be!

From the past experience, Ding Yu can't help communicating with his third uncle on such a problem! In other words, to a certain extent, this matter has become a foregone conclusion!

Some people can't understand, but it doesn't mean everyone can't understand!

Some people just want to jump into the fire pit, and no one can stop them. Don't dissuade them at this time! To prevent others from dragging themselves in, this is what matters! Really if that happens, then don't blame me for my cruel hand! Drag you to my hand to cut you down, and also to kick you into the pit!

So don't look at some people operating now, but Ding Yu really didn't feel any pressure! That is to say, fortunately, I passed through with my third uncle. Otherwise, I would not have been able to carry it. Are you kidding me? After all, the top in front, if the back home was stolen! What's that called?

I have rectified the farm, but it doesn't mean there are no other people! If there are any problems and conditions behind him, the impact on Ding Yu may not be as great as imagined, but for the country, such an opportunity is just a once in a blue moon!

After all, some things are hard to get by formal means! Now Ding Yu opens such condition, the opportunity is really too good! And there is no need for the country behind Ding Yu to come forward. Everything has nothing to do with the country. It's just Ding Yu's personal behavior!

In this case, why not support it? Can't we support it on the surface, but can't we support it in the dark?

Wang Jianguo does not understand, he still knows some, Ding Yu has given him a lot of hints! But some things he can not be too independent! After all, it's necessary to make a look!

After all, if you don't put a little bait in the trap, there won't be too many people smelling the fragrance stepping in! May not be able to hunt any big prey, but better than nothing! Right? It's better than nothing!

After leaving Ding Yu's side, Wang Jianguo reported quite a situation. Ding Yu had read the list, but he didn't make any statement. What's more, he was here. The situation was a little bit special. Some things were not what he wanted to do. It was just such a thing!

If you don't believe it, come and have a look. You will never have any objection. As for Ding Yu's consideration and arrangement, I can't help you! Their personal relationship with Ding Yu is very good, but it will not affect Ding Yu! This point is still very clear in Wang Jianguo's heart!

When the news was sent back to the capital, there were really five flavors in everyone's heart. Why?

Ding Yu's attitude is quite an illustration of the problem! I don't care what kind of personnel you send here. It has nothing to do with me. I've read the list! What do you want? Just draw a line! If you want to, just wait for me. If you don't want to, come and have a try!I Ding Yu other may not be able to do, but let you know what is called flowers, why so red still can do!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan did not pay special attention to this matter, and now there are not too many people to come to the door! Whether they dare not, or there are other situations, I am afraid that only their own heart is the most clear!

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