"Hey, why did our eldest brother get so many people's attention? I've been thinking about this problem, but there are always some people who can't understand it?! Especially this thing! What are you thinking about? " What about Su Yuan about his son? To say that care is really concerned, but there are too many incomprehensible!

"People who have conflicts with the boss! It's understandable that the shot is aimed at the boss, but quite a lot of people don't have any conflicts with the boss, and what about the boss? The way we take is contrary to what we don't say, and there is no conflict of interest between each other. In such a situation, we are tit for tat! What is it about? "

Looking at his wife, Wang Changlin sipped his lips!

"If you want to see this thing, you need to study the history of the eldest brother. After the eldest brother came out, his killing nature became very serious. I think you should also be aware that in the early years, God blocked the killing God! Buddha block kill Buddha! Too cruel and merciless! run amuck! That is to say, in recent years, I have a little bit of convergence in my mind! "

Su Yuan thought about it for a while, as if it was really like this! However, Su Yuan also knows that his eldest son is definitely not so simple as self-cultivation. There must be other reasons in this, but he can't understand this!

Why does this happen? What is the reason? It can't happen out of thin air, can it?

"There is a reason why the eldest son has restrained his mind! And why was he so murderous in the early days? Is it because of the experience? Or other reasons? "

Wang Changlin snorted, "with a sharp weapon, you can kill yourself! Boss is a typical one! I don't know when he suddenly began to restrain himself, but judging from his age, it's a great leap forward to be able to make this step. I don't know whether it's something he wants to understand, but there is absolutely no communication with him in this aspect at home! "

It's not that I don't want to, but I don't have any chance and opportunity at all!

Can there be no such idea at home? Of course, there are. If you can teach Ding Yu the child's equivalent, for Wang Pu or Wang Changlin, this is a grandfather and father, who has done a little bit of responsibility!

But Ding Yu didn't give any chance at all! On this issue, Wang Pu may be a little better, after all, it is still so poor! But Wang Changlin can be said to be particularly disappointed with this! Who could have thought that he didn't indulge in it!

To know that quite a lot of people, once lost, even can not wake up! But what about his eldest son? The use of means is called flexibility! Now he doesn't even do it! But the pressure he had formed in his early years made everyone feel so scared. Even if he knew that Ding Yu might not be able to do it, no one would try again!

Ding Yu doesn't do it, but there are some possibilities. As long as he is still alive, it is frightening! To put it bluntly! It's so simple!

Thinking of this, Wang Changlin sighed again!

"This time, it seems that many people are active, but in fact? You can see the threshold of our house! No one came to step on the threshold at all. We are still smart. There will not be too many people falling into the pit this time! "

Su Yuan nodded, "I can figure out this matter, but what kind of conditions will the boss open? What's more, what kind of mystery is there in this matter? The boss opened his mouth! They can't refuse? Is there such a situation? It's a bit of a dream! "

"It's not so clear. The boss's mouth was tight, but now he has taken the initiative to cut off the contact with all aspects. I heard that Yang Chen went to the mountain, and Qu he also came to the capital? The boss transferred both of them away! No one can tell exactly what this is about! "

"Look at this meaning, it should be to let Yang Chen and Qu he have some experience! But what kind of experience is, I'm afraid only Yang Chen and Qu he know! It's really about sparing no effort! "

When he said this, Su Yuan was more or less sour. The boss didn't care about the things at home, but when he treated outsiders, it was so! Elbow out, I don't know what the son is thinking!

"That's a little too much! However, Wang Jianguo went to the boss, which was also a kind of warning! It's just that this kind of warning is of no significance to the boss. The boss will never take it seriously! "

When talking about this, Wang Changlin even couldn't stop laughing!

"I know the relationship between Jianguo and the boss is very good. When he first came to Beijing, Jianguo also helped the boss a lot, and now the boss also helped Jianguo a lot. But now that he suddenly brings Jianguo to the boss, the boss will not be very happy! It will never be aimed at the founding of the people's Republic of China, but against the people behind it! "

Wang Changlin said, "this thing! It's not a big deal. Neither the boss nor Jianguo will pay special attention to it, but I'm interested in the list of the boss now! ""What do you mean?" Su Yuan is quite surprised to see her husband!

"At this time, you should know! I didn't know about the relationship between my father and me, but I didn't know about it for a long time, but I didn't know about his relationship with him for a long time

This word, inside and outside is suffused with sour taste!

Wang Changlin is also very helpless, how can he? It is true that he is a father, but he is a father. In front of his son, there is no outsider to make a word! What can I do? What's more, it's shameful to say such a thing! Think about it, I feel so suffocated in my heart!

"I haven't heard much of it!" Su Yuan couldn't help but be interested!

"Boss, I'm very interested in mechanical and electronic aspects, and I've invested a lot. There's a lot of integration in the dark. But I just know what this situation involves and what it involves. I don't know so much about it! The boss doesn't tell me that the attitude of the above is very serious! "

The reason for this is to warn Su Yuan that you can know about things. It doesn't matter, but there must be a gatekeeper on your mouth, otherwise other situations will easily appear, boss! Obviously, I attach great importance to this matter. If I don't value it, I will never abide by the secret until now!

After all, machinery and electronics are quite different from farms. This is not to say that the seeds have been planted today! You can harvest next year, never so simple! It takes too long!

"How long has it been? Why haven't you heard any news? "

"I don't know!" Wang Changlin shook his head. "I don't know. I'm afraid we can't make it clear either. Chenglin is just a little bit of knowledge. Because quite a lot of things need to be covered up. When there's no way out, the eldest brother disclosed some information to his third uncle, but the exposed ones are just empty shells."

Su Yuan took a breath of cold air!

"Very large, then?"

"It's hard to say. At the beginning of the farm, no one thought that the boss would make such a big noise. When everyone reflected it, it would be too late! The boss always makes plans and moves later, and who is he? If you don't know, you can't guess at all. If he wants to let you know, even if you close your eyes and plug your ears, it doesn't have any effect! "

"What does the boss mean now? He has been exposed on his own initiative! No way Obviously, Su Yuan's thinking is a little bad!

"It's mainly about the list! Boss! He cut down this knife, enough for him to eat a few years, this is for sure! He's always been like this, and how do you feel about it? It has nothing to do with him! "

Su Yuan sipped his mouth and thought about it. It seemed that it was really like this!

The eldest brother took out the list, and the requirements above were absolutely excessive. However, the people who got the list, looking at the contents above, subconsciously felt that this should not be Ding Yu's request, because these things basically did not have much effect on Ding Yu! After all, we still lack a certain understanding of Ding Yu!

At least about the mechanical and electronic industry, Ding Yu does not have any exposed meaning. In this case, how the boss will operate this matter is worth pondering!

"I not only eat meat behind my back, but also drink soup in front of him! Is that too much? "

"Too much or not too much, one thing needs to be explained in advance! The boss's trick is very good! There are not many people who can see through the trick, and there will never be any disclosure. Those who can't see through the trick can only take it for granted! So it's natural for him to eat meat and drink soup! "

Su Yuan's mouth twitched again! I didn't expect that my son would come up with such a hand! If it is not his husband and he mentioned a considerable thing, along with himself are also hoodwinked in the drum!

"If things like this, it's really interesting!"

"Is it interesting that the boss's opponents will never be so laissez faire. They will certainly have countless small moves. When things don't land, everything is nonsense! Now the boss is under a bit of pressure! "

Su Yuan listened to this, but also a burst of depression, this pressure is home can not solve! Some things at home can help, but such things at home is absolutely not enough to reach out, and once you reach out, you will be more and more helpful, and even there will be a situation of helping the poor!

What's more, what I know about the boss is not much! One of the most ready-made examples in front of you is about farms! The farm is placed on the surface, but do you know something about it at home? Don't know at all, at least not much!Everyone knows what is above the surface, but who can see clearly what is under the water? I'm afraid no one can see clearly except the boss! There are also mechanical and electronic aspects, how many years of layout of the boss, and what situation has developed, the family is not clear!

At most, it is to know some conditions, but these so-called conditions are just superficial!

"Judging from the current situation, quite a number of people know the situation, so they don't jump into the pit. However, some people have no way to know the situation, because they can only jump into it helplessly. I'm not wrong to say so." Su Yuan said everything in his head! "That's why they didn't come to the door!"

"Well! Almost! Looking for it doesn't have much effect. The boss doesn't need to start at all. He has a sharp weapon, but he doesn't even need to wink at this time! "

Su Yuan can understand the meaning of the words. Standing in the position of the boss, even the equivalent things don't need the boss to do, or even need him to show any attitude. He just needs a look. I believe that many people will rush forward!

"I feel that the boss is more and more difficult to understand!"

At the same time, there are some pride! Anyway? That son was born by himself!

Ding Yu came back to the villa alone and sat in his study. At this time, neither the third generation nor Taylor would come to disturb them. The matter had nothing to do with them. They could not make trouble for themselves!

Even if they have some problems, they will not find Ding Yu at this time! The first thing to do is to be a man. If you even need to be taught by others! Then don't come out!

The next day, when Ding Yu reappeared in the meeting room, the third generation and Taylor immediately stood up, and the people behind them also followed. There was no way. The third generation and Taylor both showed respect for Ding Yu. What happened to them? You know, they are subordinates of the third and Taylor at this time!

"Sir Two people with one voice looked at a sentence! After Ding Yu has settled down, the third and Taylor can sit down again, and the people behind are the same!

"I haven't seen you in these two days! Isn't the scenery good here? "

"To enjoy a time, do not have a taste, the scenery is unique, and the people here are very simple!" The third said, is some polite words, "especially the delicious food here, after tasting, linger on! What's more, the special clams here are quite different! It's the only one in the world

A little flattery, of course, there are other things in this discourse!

After saying that he could have five minutes, he closed his smile and took out a text, "Sir, this is the list submitted. Please have a look at it!"

After that, Ding Yu took a look at the text and found that there were not too many differences. At most, there were some mistakes in some small sections. Ding Yu did not make too many changes. There was no need! Then Ding Yu closed the text and nodded at the third and Taylor!

Seeing Ding Yu's action, the middle-aged people sitting next to Taylor's heart sank slightly, but did not expect Ding Yu to be so decisive! Actually did not make any change, also did not show toe Gao Qi ang, very insipid accepted!

This makes him feel so uncomfortable, because in the judgment, Ding Yu will not be very satisfied, and even deliberately points out some of the problems and conditions, but Ding Yu did not do so!

Ding Yu didn't do anything here, which means that we don't have any chance to play freely, that is to say, it's impossible to open a little breakthrough! Ding Yu did not give such a chance at all!

The speed of the negotiation was very fast. After the negotiation, Ding Yu took a look at the third generation and Taylor and said, "come to my place for tea later!"

Ding Yu didn't let the two of them go to their own place to drink tea at the beginning. For them, some of them are not suitable. They must have some things to deal with! For example, the one next to him, although his identity is not so clear, but he has vaguely felt his taste!

The distance between the farm and the villa is not far away. Dingyu's tea time is not long. The third generation and Taylor come together!

They've done quite a lot! The matter has nothing to do with them, because at most they were placed in the front of the brand!

What's more, they don't know about the list. Even at the beginning of the meeting, they know that the list has been sent. However, it doesn't matter to them! If you don't show them, it's just to get rid of the suspicion!

It's nothing to do with this! But will feel so some irritability!

Seeing Taylor and the third emperor, Ding Yu made an invitation to clean up. After they sat down, they poured tea!"How about the perception?" Ding Yu has the tone of a man who has come to smell the third generation and Taylor!

"I thought I could consult you for two more days, but obviously, some people are very dissatisfied with it!"

Speaking of this, the third and Taylor are so hot! Some people can't see their progress in Ding Yu's side! We are too scared of Ding Yu's teaching methods! In the absence of quite a way to deal with, can block a count as a!

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