When Ding Yu picked up the teacup, the third generation and Taylor also took the cup together!

Drink it all in one gulp! Ding Yu looks at Taylor again! "In fact, you are really similar to me, both in character and style! Decisively kill! It's just that as time goes on, I think about a little bit more! "

"Sir, this is my pleasure!"

Ding Yu waved his hand! "I can't tell whether it's right or wrong! Standing in our position, it is difficult to define the concept of right and wrong! Is it right or wrong! Maybe in the first moment, what I did was right, but in the back, it was wrong. Maybe after a while, I will find that it is still right! It's not clear at all! "

"Sir, do I need to switch?"

"I don't know! It's up to you! " Ding Yu said in a low voice! "What kind of choice to make is your own problem! No one can interfere, you need to go out of your own way, maybe this road is hard! You can't see any light even at the last moment of your life Speaking of this, Ding Yu pauses for a moment!

"I'll make an analogy! Just talk about myself. We have a saying, it's called carrying a sharp weapon! Kill the heart since! How do you understand it, and how do you understand this sentence? Think about it carefully! "

The third and Taylor are both frowning, this word has no profound meaning, even very straightforward!

"No matter the third generation or Taylor, you are both out of such a situation. I came out earlier than you, so I may have a little more insight! Right or wrong! This question? hear nothing of? But I want you to think about it carefully! Some problems, early understanding is better than a little later! At least a little less suffering! "

Tyler's face was serious. "They're not going to be okay, sir."

This is not a rebuttal, but a statement of the situation she is facing now!

Ding Yu stretched out his fist. "The shock and awe effect of the fist that was beaten out is completely different from that of the recovered fist! The so-called three years do not sing, a blockbuster! I think you all understand this truth! Old Peyton called me. Since he accepted the favor, I would like to say a few more words! "

"Sir, we're a little out of control?" The third generation said thoughtfully!

"A considerable part of this is due to yourself, and another reason is the indulgence of the outside world."

"Sir, why doesn't the family have a point in this respect?" The third generation expressed considerable doubt about this!

"Can you hear me? Especially at this time! the great power is within one 's grasp! I will kill you Ding Yu suddenly laughed, "life experience is such a thing! A good summary is called experience. A bad summary is no different from platitudes! It's like your age, full of drive and blood boiling. Under such circumstances, how can I listen to you? Even if it's me, I can't control myself at that time! "

The third and Taylor know a lot about Ding Yu, even Ding Yu is their benchmark! Listening to Ding Yu's self darkness, some want to laugh at the same time, also began to reflect on their own behavior!

"Sir, you will always be our mentor!"

"That's too much! Learn from me! I hope you can remember my words and learn from me? I welcome it, but don't be like me! Everyone has his own way. If you go on my way, there is no future at all. Even with the children at home, I am also educated like this! "

The third and Taylor fell into deep thinking. Of course, they understood what the word meant!

If it was them, what would they do in Ding Yu's position? More frankly, can they live to this day? It's hard to say! The so-called gentleman will say that those who learn from me will live and those like me will die!

"Sir, can we go our own way?" Tyler is a little suspicious!

"I don't know!" Ding Yu shook his head, "everyone's road is different! Some people's road can see the end at a glance, but some people's road? In this process, some people will give up and some will persevere. The direction we pursue is different! Are you going to let go of your beliefs? "

Lao Gan said, no other doping!

"I said before that you have a sharp weapon! Kill the heart since! This one is really suitable for you! Because what you're doing now is that! It's not good for old Peyton to mention too much, because he needs to step by step, which can't make you disgusted, but at the same time, it can't let you indulge too much, because the welcome from the outside is too bad, it takes time to cultivate a talent! At the same time, it needs a lot of luck. It's not like one falls down and one can be made up immediately. How can it be? The inheritance of your family is not an assembly line! "

"Sir, if your comments are heard at home, they will be fried to a boil.""Hi, old Peyton! He is an old fox, I believe he will be very happy to hear such comments, but he carries too much! As an old man who created a new era, he has a certain historical position in your family! It's not so easy to create a history! Especially when there is a breakthrough! "

It's a little dry. Ding Yu poured the tea again!

"I missed this one time. I don't know when the next meeting will be."

The third and Taylor nodded their heads. At the same time, their hearts were full of hatred. Mr. guard against the outside world is just like guarding against thieves! I'm afraid that what Scripture they took from Ding Yu will have a considerable impact on other aspects!

But give it to the third and Taylor! They really want to be taught here, because they can feel a lot of things about their world outlook! Values and consciousness have a great influence on the whole family! Even beyond imagination!

Or their own lack of ability, or their family power is a little too weak! If we can break through this bottleneck, who dares to say something! That's what I did! If you are not satisfied, shut up!

However, no matter the third generation or Taylor, they dare not say it, at least it can't be said now! As for the future, I don't know? But can we do it? This problem needs to be discussed, but can't we think about it in my heart?

After staying in Ding Yu for nearly two hours, the third generation and Taylor were reluctant to leave, and they left the small county directly. Everything has been done! No more of them! How the next handover, with the third and Taylor also has no relationship, they will not continue to stay!

People around me feel a little disgusting, since we are not willing to, a pat two scattered good!

And Wang Jianguo here is also full of unwilling to see Ding Yu! Sit down after looking at the tea in front of me, a little disgusted! Obviously, I have some opinions and ideas about not inviting him first! But in Ding Yu's opinion, he is intentional!

After Ding Yu has been replaced again, he touches a box of cigarettes from below and hands it to Wang Jianguo!

"It seems that your mood is not so high!" Ding Yu is burning water with charcoal! Everything is self-made, there is no need to borrow people's hands! Even take the initiative to take up a cigarette, to light themselves, but that is to smoke, and then placed in the hand! "At last, there is something about it!"

"Yu elder brother son, how do I feel you seem to be relieved a great breath!"

"Is that nonsense? I'm under a lot of pressure, OK? " Ding Yu did not have a good breath of white one eye, "who knows there will be what kind of measures, I sent the children away! Along with their parents, as well as Cao Zhen and Ding Ding, all four of them left! Leave me alone! What do you think of me! Do you think I'm under pressure? "

"No wonder!" Wang Jianguo took a deep puff of smoke, one mouthful down, half of the root is invisible!

"the capital as like as two peas, and it is just like the ants on the hot pot! In such a situation, I don't even know what to say! " Wang Jianguo sighed deeply, "do you think they just want to die?"

"Hey, there's something you can't say clearly!" Ding Yu snorted, "but look at the present situation, there should be some people falling in! Although there are not too many big fish, but chatting is better than me, isn't it? "

"I said, brother Yu, don't be like people who are OK, OK? I have a headache now

"If you have a headache, don't you eat? No water Then Ding Yu handed the list to Wang Jianguo, "just take a look! I can't take it away. I've already handed it in. How my third uncle will handle this matter is still unknown, but I've told that in a month's time, all the things must be in place! If anyone dares to drag on, don't blame me for disobeying people! "

"I'll cut it off!" Look at the list and the price! Wang Jianguo's eyes stare at how big! Even some of them have to doubt themselves! "What's the total? I look a little dizzy! "

"The problem of money has nothing to do with you. I can still take out the money. It doesn't matter! You sell me to buy, fair exchanges, this matter they also bear a considerable pressure, so pinch their own nose to recognize! But next time there won't be such a good thing! We still need to rely on ourselves

"I know! But I don't understand too much of these things! But there are many things in it, our country is still lacking, after all, it is too late! If we want to develop, we must have more investment, manpower, material resources and financial resources, etc. this can not be completed in one year or two years! And it's always pinching our necks out there! It's too hard! "

Ding Yu smiles, some things can not be explained, at least now know quite a situation to Wang Jianguo does not have any benefit!"Don't look at this list!" Ding Yu warned, "quite a thing, you know, there is no benefit, you are now in this position, is very good! What about the future? Now it's hard to say, and there are some who can't say well. It's the most important thing to do our own work well! "

Wang Jianguo was stunned and then laughed! "You! Let's play charades with me! that 's ok! I'm all yours! But is this the end of the matter? "

"It's just the beginning! However, it has no relationship with you. The list can't be given to you. Now it's not the time to take out the list. I've already sent the list to you! As for how to arrange the above, there is no advantage in asking too much! Anyway, I'll just follow the plan! "

"I see! The appetite has not been so good these two days, kill a sheep in the evening! I suddenly want to drink mutton soup! More appetizers, and this Lamb Soup I please, I use my salary please! As for you and me, I know you are a big belly man. If there are two more people, I really can't afford it. Besides, I will come to drink

Obviously, Wang Jianguo is very happy. The list itself can be regarded as something that has not been read and doesn't matter, but the help for the whole country is absolutely huge! But use the shortest time to shorten the gap with other countries!

Such a thing must be celebrated, and you must treat yourself!

"Whatever you want!" Then Ding Yu also set the list on fire! This thing can't be spread, at least not yet! What's the situation with my third uncle? I don't know now? But I believe the list should have been on the table in front of him!

Middle aged people look at Ding Yu's passing light, but also have some can't bear their own excitement! The country needs development, these things are the best booster, may not see too much effect in a year or two years, but as time goes on, domestic research on these appliances is thorough! So the result is absolutely what we expect!

There is also through these, the domestic can find their own shortcomings, at the same time can deepen the research and understanding of foreign countries! To a certain extent, these things are regarded as the most important weapons of the country, but they are not counted!

Think about how these things come from? It can be said that Ding Yu bought it with his own life! And he's still half disabled and needs a wheelchair! But under such circumstances, Ding Yu is still without any complaints. When thinking about this, the middle-aged people also have quite a sigh in their hearts!

In fact, I don't really want to crush Ding Yu. The road he takes is different from others. Is it really useful to press him? What's more, his temper can really hold down. The reason why he does so now is to protect Ding Yu to a certain extent! Let him not be in danger again!

But even so! There are also quite a number of people have targeted at Ding Yu. What do they really want to do? Is Ding Yu like this! Aren't they satisfied? So what makes them feel satisfied?

Some people! Education is needed! This is definitely not to vent anger on Ding Yu, this bastard! Desperate is really desperate, but too do not cherish their own! Still need to press him for a period of time, let him know the fierce, although the recent performance is good, but who knows when to make what moths, difficult things!

Now things have not been delivered back, but from the message delivered by Ding Yu, it is only a month! It's been a long time to wait! It's no big deal to wait another month!

From this point of view, it should be a happy thing! But Ding Yu is such a bastard! He didn't mention the money, but he had a good idea! This point oneself pour is able to think clearly! Even will give considerable support, after all, Ding Yu did so, not for his own sake!

If Ding Yu is really for his own sake, it will not be the situation like this now! He can do it completely. It's not like now. Although it's not everyone's calling for a fight, quite a lot of people see Ding Yu, and they are so different! Obviously, Ding Yu has paid a lot for the country!

However, although Ding Yu is not to give some sunshine on brilliant, but he really dare not too let go, Wang Lao's home simply can not control him! It seems that he always has some resistance to the Wangs! This problem itself is also a headache!

I can understand Ding Yu's meaning, but this way is a little unacceptable! Talk to your family, right? Always feel a little estrangement, say not close to home? Quite a thing or for the Wang family!

Oh! Think about it, I feel so irritable! You should know that you don't know how many things are waiting for you to deal with every day, but when you look at the list in front of you, you should think of so many things and waste so much time!

In the evening, Ding Yu and Wang Jianguo have dinner together and drink mutton soup!

All the consumption is paid by Wang Jianguo. Looking at the drinks, Ding Yu couldn't help laughing, "I said, third brother, you've gone too far! Is it too stingy to make a fool of such drinks? ""Stop it! In the words of this article, it's a serious little burn! I'm still looking for someone to buy it. I can't buy it at all in ordinary times! "

Ding Yu pointed to Wang Jianguo, and soon Yangtang was sent up! In addition to mutton soup, there are also cumin salt mutton and other dishes! It is said to drink mutton soup, but it can't be just mutton soup! For Ding Yu, if you drink a lot of soup, you will be full of water!

"Yuge'er, the taste is really good, and I don't know if it's because I'm happy. I feel really NIMA fragrant when I eat anything."

"The spirit is comfortable!" Ding Yu raised the glass in his hand. Although he didn't drink much, after such a long time of pressure, Ding Yu was relieved! The mood is also very happy! So I poured myself a cup!

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