The quality of the drink does not have much influence on Ding Yu! Don't care at all!

But for Wang Jianguo, we can also see that Ding Yu is really happy, and the pressure on his mind is too great! right now? Mental state has changed significantly!

Have seen Ding Yu's strength, but who knows what kind of pressure Ding Yu is carrying!

Together with Ding Yu's adoptive father and mother, the children and apprentices in the family, and even the younger sister's family, all of them have been expelled! You know, this is still Ding Yu's hometown! He needs to do this, but what kind of situation is behind this!

It was only after he came that he felt what kind of pressure it was. But what about Ding Yu? Always in the top position! This kind of pressure and fear is not even their own way to imagine!

I'm afraid I'll be down if I change myself! You know, Ding Yu can't bear it! Not to mention oneself!

Although this is not on the battlefield! But everything is closely related! Do you know that Ding Yu is still in a wheelchair? The recovery of this injury is still not much better? He has never doubted whether Ding Yu is making a mystery. At least in such a matter, Ding Yu will not cheat himself!

The situation of Yang Chen and Qu he is not unknown. His father is retired! But we can still find out the situation! As for the feather elder brother son's situation not to mention! Think about it all feel scared!

The security inside the house is almost gone! What kind of pain can lead to such a result? I don't want to know why. So now Ding Yu can have a drink, which shows that he is really relieved!

"Have a drink with you!"

"I dare not drink too much!" Ding Yu still meets Wang Jianguo. Wang Jianguo drinks up in one gulp. However, he pours wine for himself and does not pour wine for Ding Yu. Ding Yu has already said that! Can't drink enough, today is already quite give face!

"How are you? If you can't, go to the capital to have a look. Although you are a doctor, how can you say that? It's not a bad thing to check and check! " For this matter, Wang Jianguo is still very concerned!

"Checked! It takes quite a while to recuperate! But now it is much better, at least no previous pain! Of course, it has something to do with the mood. I'm in a better mood now, so I can see it in other aspects too! "

"I don't want to talk much about comfort! But I still hope you can stand up, eat big pieces of meat, drink big

The dinner time for two people is a little long, and the things on the table are swept clean, basically there is not much left! Ding Yu's personal habits! It can be said to be thrifty, or Ding Yu is a bit stingy! But for Ding Yu, it doesn't matter!

From Ding Yu to leave, Wang Jianguo went back to take a bath, turn off the mobile phone, and lie down directly! I drank a little too much tonight! I'm a little bit confused. What's the reason? Outsiders don't know that. Anyway, Ding Yu won't leak any words. Wang Jianguo naturally doesn't need to worry about it!

However, the clamor of the capital will not stop. There is no breakthrough from Ding Yu. Can't we find the so-called breakthrough from other places? What's more, the negotiation is two-sided. There is another party in this matter, and judging from the current situation, the other party is quite cooperative!

They revealed the list as soon as possible! After all, it involves a lot of inside information. We will definitely deliver the things within a month. There is no problem. Ding Yu will never give you any handle on this issue. But if there is any problem on your own side, it has nothing to do with us, right?

Are you harboring evil? Not really!

What's more, his heart was dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to face Ding Yu directly. He had to think about it! That is to say, when we play the so-called edge ball, we don't know that this matter needs to be kept secret! When talking with you Ding Yu, you Ding Yu did not mention this aspect!

For such a small trick, Ding Yu at most is a smile! Not so much on the heart!

The leakage of the list is certain. Sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. I can't swallow the breath there, so I make a stumbling block. This is what I expected! However, this matter is not much to do with myself now, just look at the arrangement of the third uncle! Now I think he should be the most headache!

Wang Changlin and Su Yuan soon got to know the news. Although they are still involved in their eldest son, the matter is completely reversed. It really makes Wang Changlin and Su Yuan feel a little out of touch!

"Lao Wang, I feel something is wrong! Originally it was aimed at our eldest brother, but now I can't hear any news about him. Everyone's attention seems to be attracted by the things in the list! I've seen it! Also heard that people mentioned that the things inside are sold in these years! At least for our country! "Wang Changlin said, "did you do it? According to my guess, it should be to put the target on the boss. After all, the boss made this thing, but who is the boss! Ghost spirit, ghost spirit! Let's not say whether he will be cheated or not, the above can not let the boss carry too much! So the next thing is basically natural! "

"Take the initiative to carry the pot for the boss. Did you think of it?"

Wang Changlin looked at his wife, she said this, a little strange! Or she's a little jealous now!

"Some things still need to be done. The boss is not only doing it for himself! Now, looking back, he was at the end of his tether! The team has trained him. Without the melting pot of the army, how could he have performed like this today? So it's right to do something for the country! "

Su Yuan was very dissatisfied with a hum, "and my son should be killed in front of life?"

"That's too much! Standing in his position, we need to do this. It is because there are countless such people behind, that our country is strong today, and we will not be bullied! This is a complementary thing, the country is strong! Only by taking good care of all the people

"What you're saying is true! I can't tell you! " Su Yuancai will not continue to argue about these, there is no significance! He also argued, "but the boss still needs to stay there? Who knows what happened to his body? I heard about it! You still need a wheelchair now? Don't you feel any pain at all, as a father? "

"This is not a matter of heartache or heartache. To a certain extent, it is a matter of principle! What's more, let him stay there now to better protect him. At least under such circumstances, no other disaster can be caused! Really, if it comes out! What's his physical condition now? Who knows what will happen? "

"Can't you take care of your body when you go back to the courtyard?" Su Yuan snorted, "I see! Or some people feel guilty, so will do so! I'm not my own son anyway. I don't feel sad! "

"Bullshit!" Wang Changlin eyes a stare, "say what?"

Su Yuan side past his own body, he also knew that the previous speech was a little too much, but let himself ask for mercy, absolutely impossible thing! Don't even think about it!

However, when Shangnan and Wang Li came, they were looking at the two people who were angry, but they were still a little unclear. So, looking at this situation, it is obvious that what happened! How old is this? How could this happen?

The couple looked at each other, and then a person was responsible for one! Can't let them just watch!

"Dad! You drink water Shangnan entered the study with his own Mount Tai! Give yourself a glass of water to Mount Tai!

"When did you come back? I haven't heard from Wang Li! "

"Just back!" Shangnan sat down at his father-in-law's side. "It's mainly about work. The work below is fairly good. The new work has already been arranged and may come back!"

Shangnan didn't say anything to death! When you don't have a stable position, you'll put your words out. It's not in line with Shangnan's character, and it will make people outside feel less stable!

"I know that your performance in the next few years is very good, both in terms of work ability and wind evaluation." For his son-in-law, Wang Changlin is still very satisfied, "the general arrangement, I also know! The next work may be very hard! "

"Dad! What's the big deal of working hard? It's not unheard of to work in the field! I feel that when I am down here, I contact with the common people and communicate with them. They still sympathize with the truth and sometimes open up the matter! They will return with the greatest tolerance and understanding

"Grassroots work is not easy to do, and it's not easy for you to enjoy it. However, with such a communication and understanding, it shows that you have gone to work during this period, which is very good! This time suddenly you are transferred back, but also in your ability! I hope you can do more! "

"Dad, I will work hard!" After taking a look at his own Mount Tai, Shangnan asked tentatively, "Dad, Wang Li and I just came back. It seems that my mother's side is not very happy. Is there something wrong? If Wang Li and I can go away and do it, we'd better leave it to the two of us!"

Hi! Wang Changlin sighed, "it has nothing to do with the two of you. When talking about your elder brother, he argued for two words." After that, Wang Changlin took a look at his son-in-law and said thoughtfully, "you must have heard quite a lot, and you know something about it?"

"Well! I heard quite a lot when I came back, but they were all rumors

Wang Changlin is not dissatisfied with his son-in-law's prudence, and is even very happy! "Your mother-in-law loves your brother-in-law, I am a father? What can I say? Some things can't be explained clearly, especially when it comes to family! ""Dad! I heard that big brother's health doesn't seem very good? " Shangnan asked tentatively!

"Well! There's something wrong. I'm injured. I need a wheelchair now. I'm afraid it's hard to recover for a moment and a half! " When saying this, Wang Changlin's mood is slightly depressed! "But I heard that the problem is not very big. I should have been able to get over it years ago."

"Dad, there should be nothing wrong with my brother. If there is something wrong, I will call you!"

They can only be so comforting, otherwise how to do? I've heard quite a lot of things. It's true or false. I can't say that there's no reason and reason! However, it's more possible for me to have sex with me! At this point, I really can't say anything!

And Wang Li over there looked at her mother, a little want to suppress her smile, but there are so some can not control themselves!

Su Yuan looked at her daughter and was angry that she didn't fight. Then she slapped Wang Li! I make you laugh, I let you hide! I can't beat your father, I can't beat your brother, I can't beat you!

"Mom, take a break! Take a break While comforting her mother, Wang Li folded her smile! Even deliberately coughed a few times, "it's not a big deal, isn't it angry with my dad? What a normal thing, it's over with a step back! "

"What? Is this a step back? Hum After Su Yuan sat down, he felt his anger dissipated a lot. "What are you doing here? What's the matter? There is no rice at home! Still no noodles! I'm an old woman, eating and drinking? I owe you this old lady? "

"Is Shangnan back? Two of us come to see you and my dad! We don't know how to be polite

Hum! Su Yuan glanced, a little disdainful! "You are heartless! Can you still remember this? What about the kids? Why didn't they follow? What are you doing here? "

"They have something to do. They can come here later. Shangnan and I are here first!" Then, under Wang Li's cajoling, Su Yuan also made a lot of complaints, while Wang Li said, "Mom, it's not interesting to get involved in the big brother's affairs at home. If we don't mix in, the family will be very good and the elder brother will be happy. If we get involved in it, the elder brother will not be happy, and you and my father will not be happy. Why should we? Isn't it? "

"Are you itchy?" Su Yuan's eyebrows suddenly stood up, "do you believe it or not, I'll let you know what flowers are and why they are so red?"

"Mom, don't do it. I'm just telling the truth! What's the situation there, do you know at home? Do you understand? It can be said that they don't know anything at all. Under such circumstances, is the family cooperating with the elder brother or obstructing the elder brother? What should I do if something happens? When the time has not yet waited for elder brother to have the movement and the reaction, we pour is first from disorderly position! Do you think that's the truth? "

Looking at her daughter, Su Yuan looked at her with hatred. She said that there was no problem with her body. But she said this from Wang Li's mouth. Why did she feel so upset? This little cotton padded jacket is absolutely black hearted! Wear the upper part of the body is also a kind of air leakage!

"I heard that Shangnan has been transferred back?"

"Yes! It's been a long time to go out! I heard that the performance of the job is very good. Now I'm transferred back to work. I don't ask much about work! It's not that you don't care, it's unnecessary! "

"Heartless and heartless!"

With a sigh, Su Yuan looked at her daughter, "your elder brother didn't contact you there?" Looking at her daughter shaking her head, Su Yuan frowned again, "should have heard quite a bit of news?"

Wang Li nodded, "I've heard quite a lot of news. I've heard a lot of good things! However, it's just that I heard a little noise. As for what is involved, it's not so clear. I don't know much about the situation. What's more, there must be some involvement behind the bustle. So don't join in the fun! "

"You are clever! Know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages! " Obviously, Su Yuan said this, but also expressed his dissatisfaction!

"Mom, things can't be said like that!" Wang Licai didn't have so many scruples. "Originally, I didn't study this major and profession, and my family Shangnan didn't know that much about it, regardless of whether it had something to do with elder brother. Now it's time to be less contaminated and feel that there is no harm in it!"

"Yes! You all run back one by one! I'm a fool to rush forward, I'm a fool

Su Yuan then stood up and looked at her mother's appearance. Wang Li knew that her words were a little too much! But the thing is like this, even oneself can see clearly! Why can't Mother understand? Or is there anything you don't know?

Wang Li feels a little confused about this! Peep at his mother, found that she went to the kitchen, but also quietly followed the past! "Mom, are you still angry? Don't be angry! I've always been open-minded! ""Angry! If I had been angry with you, I would have been a frog now! " Su Yuancai was too lazy to be angry with his daughter, although he said that he had already given birth to a child! But there are some things she still don't understand!

I don't want to explain to her. I'm really too lazy to explain! Such a simple thing is not clear, what can I expect from her! So it's better not to say anything, at least to stop! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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