When leaving from home, Shangnan and Ding Ding are two people! As for the two children, they are sleeping! So they were kept for fear that they would catch a cold! Of course, Wang Changlin and Su Yuan said so, but how did it happen! We are very clear and understand this!

"Shangnan, do you think we will be like this in the future?" Wang Li looked out of the window at night and suddenly asked!

Shangnan, who was driving, was a little distracted. "How could you suddenly ask about this? You are not such a character, suddenly sad up! I feel a little strange! "

"My mother is very unhappy today. Anyway, when it comes to big brother, there are always some problems!"

Shangnan found a parking space. "Anyway, the two children are not here. Let's go to the cafe and have a seat there." A little petty bourgeoisie, but for husband and wife, it is really a romantic sentiment!

"In fact, I have really thought about this matter of elder brother. I can also think about quite a lot of things. Where is brother? Out of the consideration of the family and the consortia, we must do some cutting, but what about our mother? On this question! " Speaking of this, Shangnan pauses and looks at his wife!

Wang Li certainly can understand, although she does not want to admit this! But this is the fact!

But things can be said clearly, but can feelings really be cut?

"Big brother's situation is too special! He was supposed to be the eldest son and grandson of his family. Even when he was named at the beginning, it had a certain implication. Moreover, he was the union of the Wang family and the Su family, and he carried the expectations of the Zheng family! Such identity, but so lost! What kind of situation can we imagine? "

Looking at her husband, Wang Li suddenly shook her head!

"I can't bear any children's problems if it's me," he said Thinking of her two sons, Wang Li sighed again! At this point, I can't understand my mother, because I have no such experience! Of course, I never have such expectations!

"I can't bear it! I don't think how many people can afford it! " Shangnan Qi ran said!

"So my mother always feels that she owes big brother very much, and the family can have the present situation, the elder brother has played a vital role, if there is no elder brother, now, even if it is not gone, but it can only be a survival!"

"Improper wording!"

"It's just the truth. There's nothing I'm sorry about." Wang Li is as straightforward as ever! "The elder brother really has nothing to say about the family. No matter you, I, Wang Yang, or Xiaobao, etc., have been taken care of by the elder brother. This is a fact that can't be denied! What do you say? "

"I don't think anyone will deny this. It's not money making! It doesn't matter whether we are promoted or not. What is important is that our abilities and values are reflected. This is too important! " Shangnan looks further and talks more tactfully!

"Well, that's what you say! I'm not so good at it Wang Li took a sip of coffee, the taste is more general, not comparable to the home, but how does the coffee come from home? Wang Li still knows, basically is oneself from big brother there search!

Big brother has this kind of hobby. He can't let him enjoy it alone, can he? Share it for him!

Looking at his wife, Shangnan is helpless! Elder brother has never said anything at all on this point, and his mother is also careless. No matter what is the good thing in quadrangle? It's almost done! And what about these things? Either to the hospital, or to get their own home!

Of course, the things inside the house are basically some food. At this point, you can absolutely rest assured of your wife!

Fortunately, there is a big housekeeper in the courtyard. Otherwise, the courtyard will be empty now. The rats will cry when they see it. It's all the things they said!

"But really speaking, big brother is really good to us, and we always have some dissatisfaction! Hi! Shangnan, do you think I am a rice worm When she said this, Wang Li even felt so elated!

In this regard, Shangnan feels very speechless!

My wife's face! Let yourself say something is good! But in front of outsiders? She really is not like this, only in the face of big brother, has always been a kind of no skin no face! No matter what the elder brother says, and no matter what other people ask, anyway, that is my elder brother, and it is my brother. How can you give me?

"You are a happy rice worm!" Shangnan said with tears and laughter! It's mom! Why are you still like a child?

"But from another angle! I think elder brother is a little too bitter! We're all enjoying ourselves! But that's because big brother has borne all our sufferings

"I don't know much about this. I talk to my elder brother, but I feel a little serious about him. Seeing his face, I feel a little nervous. I don't know whether other people have the same feeling. Anyway, I always feel a little bit in front of my elder brother! I can't tell you what it feels like! ""Stop talking about you! Wang Yang and Xiao Bao are the same, that's me! Anyway, I have no skin and no face! Big brother can't give me any help Then Wang Li also puffed her mouth, "but the elder brother's character is very good. Anyway, I haven't seen him lose his temper at home, but his personality is relieved. If you know more, you will find that he is a normal person! Good contact! "

Shangnan's mouth is a little crooked, big brother is very easy to contact? How does this sound so weird?

"But elder brother, it's a little hard. What's the matter? I really don't know! "

"It's hard to say!" Wang Li couldn't help shaking her head on this issue. "Really, apart from eating a little bit, big brother doesn't have much pursuit of other things. Don't look at the courtyard, it's this and that, but there's not much that can make big brother mention it!"

"I heard that there are many treasures in the courtyard. I don't mean anything else. If you don't like it, why do you collect so many? And as far as I know, you're quite empty! "

"Hey, I just understand this now. Big brother is not so interested in these things. It's not that big brother really doesn't have any appreciation ability. It's not related to this! The most important thing in Siheyuan is the small pharmacy! But in the big brother's eyes, that is used to cure the disease and save people. Originally, the study is also the most important, but now? To a certain extent, the effect is too low! "

For the study of this matter, Shangnan or know some, but he really is not good to evaluate what!

"As you know, elder brother likes quietness, and he has no interest in the noise. Therefore, the quadrangle often closes the door to thank guests, but it doesn't mean that the elder brother really has no friends. Relatively speaking, it is not the most appropriate to give some gifts and human exchanges, but it is absolutely the most appropriate!"

Shangnan nodded, "got it!"

"The reason why I say big brother is a little bitter, actually, standing in the position of big brother, he doesn't need to be so miserable as he is now. To put it worse, big brother really needs to have this meaning. Even if it is to make a color, I think there will be groups of people behind the buttocks! What do you say? "

"You said that, let me feel a bit toothache, but also feel some shame!" Shangnan glared at his wife fiercely, but he really had no way to deny anything, because the elder brother's situation is like this!

It's true that there are a lot of people around the elder brother, and the power of security is beyond imagination. But if the elder brother really has this kind of thing, I believe it has already spread to the public's ears. After all, the elder brother still has more enemies and enemies, but in related aspects, he is extremely conservative! I've never heard about this!

To say that he had a little too poor, really is not a random mention! It's the real one!

"What do you mean by big brother?" Shangnan is very puzzled!

"I don't know! You know, I was thinking about my two children going to the big brother's side! But now I don't have the thought of this aspect at all! At least in these years I have no such plan! They can take part in activities or other things, but we'll have to wait for the big brother to go there! "

"This isn't much like you?" Shangnan jokingly said!

"That's because I didn't understand before. Looking at the children at home, Wang An and Tong Tong, Ding Yun and Ding Chang, including Xiao Gang and little girl. The little girl is not counted. One of those children is regarded as one. I am really jealous, envious and hateful. I also expect my children to be like this! But now I don't have the thought of this aspect at all! I don't know if the children at home can carry it, but I really don't want to! I hope children can have a healthy! Happy childhood, not like their children! Anyway, I can't bear to look directly at me as an aunt

"I think it's good. It's good!"

"It's a good fart!" Wang Li is very dissatisfied with a glance, even below also kicked a foot! "Don't even think about it! Not at all. I protested and resented it unilaterally. I didn't understand it before, so I had a considerable expectation. But now that I know something about it, I can't have any more problems! "

Shangnan's eyebrows also wrinkled up, "is it really so painful? I think the situation of several children is very good. I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I heard a lot of relevant news, especially about the winter camp and summer camp. The children who participated in the camp have made great changes! I think this is very good! The two children of our family also joined us

"Winter camp and summer camp are more like a kind of preview in advance, so that they can adapt to it for a while. However, as far as I know, the education of these children in the family is not of the same type. It is not to say that the elder brother's broomstick is mainly used for other children. Even if the army is not completely destroyed, I think there will be dead bodies everywhere!""That's a bit of a joke!"

"No, I'm not joking, it's the reality!" Wang Li said it seriously! "You! I still don't understand some of the problems and conditions. What the children in the eldest brother's family learn is too terrible. When you and I enter the society, we can't catch up with them. Now, although there are world and social changes, the essential things will not change! That's why I don't want two kids to touch me! "

"No! Is big brother crazy? Can the child bear it? " Shangnan's expression suddenly became serious!

"In any case, there are one child in the eldest brother's family. Now the problem is not so big. Of course, Wang An and Tong Tong Tong belong to a special type. However, judging from the current situation, if other children go to the elder brother's, they will not keep up with this rhythm, and will be directly dragged to death!"

Shangnan licked his lips, which was a bit too terrible!

"A little can understand, but there are so many can not understand!"

"Yes! Can understand some, but many still can't understand! " Wang Li sighed, "I don't know what my elder brother is thinking about. Anyway, I feel a little different from normal people. I even feel that he doesn't attach so much importance to foreign objects, and his pursuit is a little different from that of others."

"Maybe this is one of the reasons why big brother is different?"

Shangnan added a summary. In fact, Shangnan also admired his brother-in-law, which was from the heart and heart! Now talking with Wang Li, my understanding of big brother is deepened!

"Speaking of this time, dad and mom have different opinions, big brother?"

"If you don't say it, it's better. If you say it, it makes people feel anxious."

Waving her hand, Wang Li obviously does not want to continue to talk about this topic! "It depends on the development of the situation?! Anyway, judging from the current situation, things seem to have nothing to do with big brother. Although we have heard quite a lot of rumors, it doesn't have much effect! I don't know if there is any big brother involved in this? "

"Why do you say that?" Shangnan was very suspicious and asked!

"I don't know. It's just a feeling. In any case, as far as I know, this matter was caused by big brother, but there was no big brother in the follow-up. Can we see that there is a problem in this? No one is blind, but this fire can't burn the elder brother's body all the time, which is quite interesting

Hearing Wang Li say so, Shangnan also has a considerable interest, "but this thing is really not good! It's not easy to say. Who knows? But big brother is not involved now, but also very good, now the capital side? It's not like the wind and the wind, but if the big brother is involved! It's really hard to say! "

"So it is!" Wang Li snorted! "But it's also very good. It can make the elder brother calm down and let him not have so much pressure. He always feels that he is carrying all the things on his own body! I can't think of it! "

But Wang Changlin and Su Yuan here, after the adjustment of Shangnan and Wang Li, their emotions have been quite relieved! After seeing the appearance of two grandsons, they are quite comfortable!

"I don't know Xiaogang! What happened to Ding Yun and Ding Chang? "

When mentioning this matter, Wang Changlin was stunned for a moment, "didn't they just video with you yesterday? It seems to be very happy, but this holiday is very busy, there is no leisure at all. When I come back, it will be mid August, right? Come back at that time, it's almost the beginning of school! "

Wang Changlin's heart is not to say that there is no point of view, but he also knows that if he embarks from the so-called overall situation, what kind of results will be, so we still change our thinking!

Don't say, Wang Changlin's words hit Su Yuan a surprise, she is very suspicious of looking at her husband, this is only how long, how? Is the sun really coming out of the west?

"Yes! School is about to start! I don't know what the boss thinks! He is very nice! You can see it all day long. What about us? Not once in a few months! "

Get it! You're right, anyway! Wang Changlin will not continue to argue!

"All right! Don't say it's useless! " Su Yuan pushed her husband. They went out of the room together. They explained to the steward and went to wash immediately! It's no harm to have a rest earlier!

When Ding Yu got up in the morning, he looked at his father and blinked his eyes!

"Dad, what are you doing?" Then he pointed to the soil on his body! "Is this a little exaggerated? You won't go to the mud pond in the morning, will you

Ding Lin carried the two fish in his hand. "This is not the secret recipe your mother told you to catch two fish to make up for, and I don't know where to hear the secret recipe. You've kept it for such a long time, although there's nothing wrong with the inspection! But I need to make up for it in the later stage. I'm still entrusted to get it! "Hi! This matter is noisy, Ding Yu nodded his head, "my mother is also, also use you to run in person, look for someone to run a trip! There is no one in the house

"They did, your mother and I are not so relieved, OK! I've got to go back and clean up. I'll get the two little bunnies up! If you see this live fish, I don't know what it is! "

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